Filtraciones '13
Catholic Spray - Earth Slime ... ZGlive.rar
pass: Y tres tetas
El disco no se lo que durará, pero el link no ha durado nada….¿alguien tiene otro?...
Este en teoría está activo:
El disco no se lo que durará, pero el link no ha durado nada….¿alguien tiene otro?...
Este en teoría está activo:
¿El disco de los Strokes es en serio o es una broma?
Podría ser piadoso y ahorraros el suplicio, pero creo que si yo fui capaz de resistir 39 minutos y 55 segundos vosotros también podréis.
Aprovecho para agradecer a todos los que se toman la molestia de colgar cosillas. Gracias por hacerme más llevadoro el día a día laboral
Yo cuando he llegado al sentido homenaje a Fher con hache intercalada y sus Manás he tenido que arrancarme los cascos de la oreja. Tres canciones, que no está nada mal. Lo malo es que la he escuchado un minuto y algo y se me ha quedado grabada en la puta cabeza. Es un hit, de eso no hay duda.
Wavves – Afraid of Heights (2013)
wire / change becomes us (pink flag, 2013)
We can now reveal part of the reason for the low number of performances in 2012 was to facilitate the recording of the next Wire album, "Change Becomes Us", now being readied for release on March 25, 2013. "Change Becomes Us" began as an exploration of unrecorded material originally written in 1979–80. Some of this material had only ever existed as quickly prepared sketches for one-off performance; however, subjected to the rigour of a Wire working process of both touring and studio, it evolved organically into what we think is a fascinating hybrid. Liberated from its historic roots, it simply took off! "Really fresh!" is the common quote of the few who've heard it!
Mudhoney – Vanishing Point (2013)
ostias, gracias moldy. Esto ha sido llegar y besar el santo.
uno para jackster con amor, y otro par que no he visto por aquí y me han molado mucho:
The Black Angels - Indigo Meadow ```[]( @wlm1wkdy: > _The Black Angels’ most revelatory collection thus far, Indigo Meadow marks the Austin, Texas-based band’s fourth full-length release, following 2010’s acclaimed Phosphene Dream. Once again The Black Angels prove themselves the undisputed avatars of contemporary psychedelic rock, simultaneously exalting the genre’s kaleidoscopic past as they thrust it further into the future. Now a four-piece – ably supported behind the board by producer/mixer John Congleton (David Byrne & St. Vincent, Explosions In The Sky, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah) – the band have brought new focus to their wide-ranging songcraft, the righteous riffs and dogmatic drones gaining increased power as they fuel a more expansive emotional terrain._ **William Tyler - _Impossible Truth_**
@wlm1wkdy: > _Impossible Truth is William Tyler's debut album on Merge Records. Rooted in apocalyptic expectation and bittersweet nostalgia, Tyler describes the record as “my ’70s singer-songwriter record; it just doesn’t have any words." 2010’s Behold the Spirit, William Tyler’s first album under his own name, was celebrated by Pitchfork as “the most vital, energized album by an American solo guitarist in a decade or more” and established him as a critical favorite. Impossible Truth will challenge your ideas of what an instrumental guitar record can and should be. As his friend and tour mate M.C. Taylor from Hiss Golden Messenger puts it, “William will worry a phrase—some tangled chordal wormhole—until you are certain it’s all that exists. He’ll take you over the stiles, he’ll love you up and down, and then he’ll make you cry for the world and what we’ve done to it._" **Purling Hiss - _Water On Mars_**
@wlm1wkdy: > _Water On Mars is Purling Hiss's first recording outside the fuzzy confines of Mike Polizze's inner rock utopia, where the first three albums and EP were constructed in solitude with a home-recording setup. Over the past couple years, Polizze's been working with a band and fine-tuning new songwriting ideas while playing shows all over the place. Now there is a center to the Hiss maelstrom, with Polizze's guitars slugging, sizzling and spiraling their way around the rhythm throb, singing disaffected in shifts both aggro and slack (and around to the back) through the course of a song, with production highlighting the schiz by buffing the raw power into a streamlined blast. If that doesn't rattle your caveman brain, nothing will!_
Vaya trio , Alias.
Muchas gracias
Y además en zippyshare, esas valen doble.
El de los Prling Hiss me tiene loco des de enero. Uff entre mi top 25 de lo va de 2013.
Y están por aquí en mayo
Joder, gracias Alias. Voy a echarle un tiento. A ver si estreno mi chupa vaquera de los black angels en el PS!!
No, tio, traéte la del escorpión. En serio.
Algún alma caritativa tiene otro enlace para el de mudhoney? El rapidgator del demonio pide que te instales un exe, mil gracias.
Edito, ya tengo uno y por si a alguien le interesa```
Acabo de probar el enlace de rapidgator y no me hace descargar ningún exe.
A los que os pasa eso (no es la primera vez que lo leo en este foro) es porque no dais con la tecla correcta.
Hasta ahora no había tenido ningún problema con rapidgator, pero últimamente ya me ha pasado unas cuantas veces, igual han cambiado algo en la página y no me he percatado, gracias.