El horror, hijo…el horror

  • Aléjate de la tentación Jarvis, aléjate de ella!!!! No vayas a la luz!!!

    Qué les habrá cogido ahora a todos estos con Eurovisión, ya se podrían olvidar un rato y dedicarse a sacar buenos discos (sobretodo Mozz, que el de Jarvis me parece bastante decente).

  • @Pekh:neq7ikgb:

    Aléjate de la tentación Jarvis, aléjate de ella!!!! No vayas a la luz!!!

    que se aleje de donde quiera, pero que venga al PS, coñe!!!

  • @Maurici:12ad4yiu:

    Se rumorea que Rainbow y Black Sabbath con DIO en Barcelona para junio/julio. Me da mucho miedo.
    Si tiene que ser un buen bolo vale, pero si hay que tumbar el mito, no sé yo.

    Uy que bueno, el enanito mísitico. El bolo será horripilante, seguro pero se pueden echar unas risas que no tienen precio.

  • Cirujanos al borde de un ataque de nervios…

    _Arranca el pene del paciente que operaba y lo corta en cachitos por un ataque de nervios

    -El paciente recibirá 30.900 euros para una operación de reconstrucción, y 154.000 por daños y perjuicios.
    -El médico deberá afrontar el segundo pago.
    -Se volvió loco en la sala de operaciones porque había cortado por error el conducto urinario.

    Naum Ciomu, un cirujano rumano, ha perdido su licencia médica y tendrá que pagar 154.000 euros después de protagonizar un incidente insólito y aterrador.

    El médico sufrió un ataque de nervios en plena intervención quirúrgica, lo que le llevó a amputar el pene del paciente que operaba, según publica la página británica de Metro.

    Ciomu llegó incluso a trocear el miembro sobre la mesa de operaciones ante los ojos atónitos del resto de personal que se encontraba en la sala.

    El paciente afectado, Nelu Radonescu, de 36 años, se había sometido a esta intervención para corregir una malformación testicular.

    Indemnizado por el centro y por el médico

    Ahora Radonescu recibirá 30.900 euros para pagar una operación que reconstruirá sus genitales utilizando tejido del brazo, además de otros 154.000 por daños y perjuicios.

    Los costes médicos serán afrontados por el seguro del hospital, ubicado en Bucarest, pero será el propio cirujano el que asuma el segundo pago, los 154.000 euros, algo que ha sido muy criticado por el resto de médicos.

    Éstos sostienen que el caso sienta un peligroso 'precedente', y defienden que Ciomu había cortado primero por error el conducto urinario del paciente, lo que le provocó el ataque de ira._

  • @Trinxo:2ehdznvu:

    Naum Ciomu, un cirujano rumano…

    La próxima vez que el Mr nos suelte un S…. L...... I....... N...... T..... con tanta intriga, mentamos al bueno de Naum Ciomu y listo.

  • _Britney Spears vomita sobre su nuevo novio
    La 'Reina del Pop' continúa haciendo de las suyas y saliendo por discotecas hasta altas horas de la madrugada

    Lo que comenzó como una noche más de diversión para la estrella del pop Britney Spears, acabó nada bien para ella y su nuevo galán, el modelo Isaac Cohen.

    La pareja inició la noche en el club The Abbey, para continuar en el antro llamado Teddy’s. Al salir de este último lugar, Britney no se pudo controlar y terminó vomitando en el coche, encima de su nuevo enamorado. Cohen fue fotografiado dentro del vehículo con la mano toda sucia de vómito, mientras Spears chupaba una piruleta para probablemente quitarse el mal sabor de boca.

    También hace unos días se dio a conocer que el nuevo novio de la cantante Britney Spears, Isaac Cohen, ya está gozando de sus quince minutos de fama. El modelo tuvo que borrar su página de MySpace por causa de las miles de solicitudes de nuevos contactos que recibía diariamente. Conocido con el nick de Eyezikz, él se describía en el perfil virtual como un californiano de 25 años, y cuyo libro favorito era la Biblia._

  • Una pregunta sobre la Britni Spirs: ¿cuando vomitó encima de su novio llevaba bragas?

    Lo digo por su afición documentada fotograficamente de ir fresquita por los sitios.

  • _Eduardo Bautista, entre las diez personalidades más influyentes del sector musical según 'Billboard'


    Eduardo Bautista, presidente del Consejo de Dirección de la Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE), ha sido distinguido por la revista 'Billboard' como una de las "diez personalidades más influyentes del sector musical a nivel mundial". El próximo 23 de enero, en el marco del festival de música Midem, de Cannes (Francia), será nombrado 'MIDEM Master', en un homenaje organizado por primera vez por esta publicación.

    Cerca de 10.000 profesionales internacionales
    de la música reunidos en Cannes han distinguido a Bautista y a otras nueve personalidades: Andy Allen, presidente de Alternative Distribution Alliance (Estados Unidos); Ichiro Asatsuma, presidente de Music Publishers Assn. de Japón (Japón); Jean-Paul Baudecroux, presidente de NRJ Group (Francia); Frank Falvo, vicepresidente de Shock Entertainment Group (Australia); Bernie Finkelstein, presidente de True North Records (Canadá); Michael Haentjes, consejero delegado de Edel Music (Alemania); Song Ke, consejero delegado de Taihe Rye Music (China); Steve Lewis, fundador de Stage Three Music (Reino Unido), y Ralph Peer II, presidente de Peermusic (Estados Unidos).

    Según Tamara Conniff, editora ejecutiva y asociada de 'Billboard', "los diez 'MIDEM Masters' representan a los ejecutivos de mayor calibre de todos los sectores de la industria de la música, excelentes profesionales que han alcanzado un increíble éxito mundial"._

  • @poppie:251ndtt7:


    Aléjate de la tentación Jarvis, aléjate de ella!!!! No vayas a la luz!!!

    que se aleje de donde quiera, pero que venga al PS, coñe!!!

    AQUI LA HAS DADO !!!!!

  • @Trinxo:2b8yet4d:

    _Britney Spears vomita sobre su nuevo novio
    La 'Reina del Pop' continúa haciendo de las suyas y saliendo por discotecas hasta altas horas de la madrugada

    Lo "mejor" del asunto es que el novio asegura que la potada que le perleaba por el rostro y las manos era crema de cacahuete que llevaba en el bolsillo (????) para justificar a la Brihni.

    Ya habéis visto a las tres gracias de la postmodernidad? Spears, Lohan y Hilton.

    http://galleryoftheabsurd.typepad.com/1 ... ndsay.html_

  • hey Day…¿todavia jazzeas?

  • @30segundossobreTokyo:kbqt9und:

    hey Day…¿todavia jazzeas?

    Fíjate, estos días me estoy documentando sobre este buen hombre: Pharoah Sanders.

    Qué opinión te merece? Sus cameos free jazz con Coltrane y en solitario, y su rollo desatado me parece muy vital, pero también he escuchado cosas (quizá tenga varias etapas como todo gran músico de jazz que se precie tiene) en que me parece anodino, para el ascensor de un centro de ejecutivos o una película porno de luminosidad saturada y rubiazas siliconadas.

    Además, me han dejado este libro que degusto con placer aunque la terminología y el etiquetaje me supera por momentos.

    Pero bueno, en general mi dispersión habitual me impide concentrarme en una sola cosa y el jazz me lo tomo a pequeñas dosis.

  • Mi opinión sobre el viejo Sanders no puede ser mejor, sobre todo en su época Impulse. Pillate el Karma o el Thembi, o sus cosillas con Alice Coltrane.
    Precisamente hoy he ido al super y, junto a otras cosillas, he pillado esto (todavia no os he oido):

    art blakey & jazz messengers - 's make it

    art blakey & jazz messengers - indestructible

    ray brown - jazz cello

    j.j.johnson - j.j.'s broadway

  • ..aquí se trata de postear horrores ,però bueno….ya lo dije una vez y lo repito de nuevo Jonny Hates JAzz

    The Cure V.s. lily Allen,
    The Cure V.s busta rhymes,
    The Cure V.s eminem
    The Cure V.s No Dubt
    The Cure V.s Bangles
    y The Cure V.s otros horrores!!!!









    ..las entradas para los conciertos de los Hombres G estàn a punto de agotarse

    -Madrid, Sala La Riviera, dia 27 de septiembre de 2007

    -Zaragoza, Sala Oasis, dia 28 de septiembre 2007

    -Barcelona, Sala Bikini, dia 29 de septiembre 2007

    ..el "horror" en esta noticia tiene demasiadas "aceptaciones" como para ser definidas aquí…


    Owen and Jason and Adrien and TIGERS OH MY 6:40PM / 17.01.2007

    This is the new, full plot for Wes Anderson's THE DARJEELING LIMITED, slated for this fall.

    Currently, the details of the script are under wraps, but the basic plot of the
    film is that Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman play three brothers
    taking a train ride through India in search of a rare tiger that is believed to
    be the reincarnated form of their recently deceased father. The movie also stars
    Amara Karan, Anjelica Huston, Natalie Portman and Michael Scott Valdez.

    http://bigscreenlittlescreen.net/2006/0 ... ng-limited

    ..ya que Ewan ha decidido no despelotarse màs ..no saldrà ya en drivl ..una web con los prémios para l@s artistas que salen desnudos por los puestos...

    ..gente cómo Halle Berry, Uma Thurman, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leo DiCaprio, Janet Jackson, Jenna Bush, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears,y las gemelas Olsen ya han sido fotografiadas



    ..y ya que nombramos a Ewan ...

    Ewan McGregor is being lined up to play Kurt Cobain in a movie about the late rock legend's life.

    The 'Miss Potter' actor has been chosen for the role by Courtney Love - the widow of the Nirvana frontman, who committed suicide in 1994, aged just 27. A source told the Daily Express newspaper: "A number of actors have been talked about for the role but Ewan has emerged as the number one choice. Despite being 35, he looks young enough to play him."

    Love decided to tell Cobain's story on the big screen after acquiring the rights to 'Heavier Than Heaven' - a biography about the rock star written by Charles Cross. Last week, she confirmed the project was in "an embryonic stage" and was being discussed with several film studios.

    She wrote on fansite moonwashedrose.com: "It has no script and no director attached, but if the movie is made it will of course be an A list and high end film." If the movie gets the go-ahead it will be the first authorised movie about Kurt, his time in Nirvana and his relationship with Courtney.
    http://movienews.virgin.net/Virgin/Life ... es,00.html

    Courtney Love claims she stopped Buzz Osborne from knowingly giving Kurt Cobain a "hot shot", or a lethal injection of heroin. She revealed this while blogging about why she doesn't like Kim Gordon. Both Gordon and Osborne were close friends with Cobain, and to date Gordon is the only one of his friends who has publicly stated she believes he was murdered. Love wrote this on her website yesterday (spelling errors have been corrected):

    "i'm going to be nice to Kim Gordon after she's gone out of her way to appear in a film she knew was nonsense, or to add fuel to the fire by saying someting snarky about Buzz Melvins conspiracy theory (oh is that why i had to bust him giving a hotshot to my husband- black tar filled all the way to the top of the syringe? i grabbed it and threw 3/4 down the sink. this was new pure SF “persian” heroin and he'd have been dead so the nerve of him- esp if you read HTH and see the way Buzz bullied and harangued his buttboy, Kurt, who tried to pay him back and all he got for his trouble was negativity and being told everyday he was a sell out little bitch) in the NME. but i saw her shopping in noho one day and thought we smiled pleasantly at each other- maybe it was a spider fly situation, maybe she feels this need to put on this persona because i embarrassed her in lollapalooza (everyone would leave after my set) but i gave them that slot, demanded they have headlining which afforded them 3-5 million in revenue, and they weren't even nice to me- am i grudgey about Kim Gordon? well i don't wanna see her this morning but i wouldn't really do much but probably avoid her and pray for her happiness so she wasnt so damned miserable if i did"

    She then went on to say "sorry to share about the hotshot, but i saw the look in the guys face as he was slapping the arm"


  • 'Burkini' Covers Muslim Women At Beach
    Australian Designer Wants Women To Integrate

    SYDNEY – A Muslim woman has designed a swimsuit that covers all for Muslim women.

    In Australia, the beach is part of life. But Muslim women had to trudge through the sand in full-length dresses and robes.

    But designer Aheda Zanetti said she believes her "Burkini" design will help Muslim women integrate further into Australian society.

    A burka is a full-length garment worn by some Muslim women.

    She also said it's also for anyone who wants to show some modesty while on the beach or protect themselves from the rays of the sun.

    The Burkini is made from ultraviolet- and water-protected polyester. Unlike the bikini, it covers the whole body except for the feet, hands and face, allowing Muslim women to swim in public.

    Zanetti said she has sold more than 9,000 Burkinis at $125 to $160.



    Vincent Gallo posa para YSL Homme

    ..si te gusta Vincent Gallo puedes comprar su esperma por 1milión de $


    Price includes all costs related to one attempt at an in-vitro fertilization. (A $50,000 value) If the first attempt at in vitro fertilization is unsuccessful, purchaser of sperm must pay all medical costs related to additional attempts. Mr. Gallo will supply sperm for as many attempts as it takes to complete a successful fertilization and successful delivery. Sperm is 100% guaranteed to be donated by Mr. Gallo who is drug, alcohol and disease free. If the purchaser of the sperm chooses the option of natural insemination, there is an additional charge of $500,000. However, if after being presented detailed photographs of the purchaser, Mr. Gallo may be willing to waive the natural insemination fee and charge only for the sperm itself.

    (màs detalles en el link)


    Singing his — or her? — praises: John Travolta, left, bulks up with a bodysuit to play Edna Turnblad, who leads newcomer Nicole Blonsky as daughter Tracy. Of Travolta's role as a woman, producer Craig Zadan says: "Everyone keeps saying, 'Oh, my God, never in a million years would you know that was John.' "

    Travolta is ~~queen~~ of 'Hairspray'

    http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/new ... view_x.htm

    By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY

    Given Hollywood's recycling addiction, déjà-viewing is more rampant than ever. So USA TODAY issues a challenge to the filmmakers behind seven of 2007's most-anticipated family-friendly sequels and films spun from stage and TV: Tell us what is fresh and different this time around.

    Opens: July 20

    Stars: John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Zac Efron, Christopher Walken

    "I used to always say women had the best parts in American musicals," John Travolta says moments before he wiggles into the plus-size persona of Baltimore hausfrau Edna Turnblad for one last time on the set of Hairspray. "Little did I know."

    From '50s drag-racing to '60s drag. It has been almost 30 years since a 24-year-old Travolta slid into the role of Rydell High stud Danny Zuko in Grease. Now the middle-aged actor is back in tune and bigger than ever, thanks to a padded bodysuit, as a frumpy mama to a tubby teen dance sensation and unlikely civil rights activist, Tracy (effervescent newcomer Nicole Blonsky).

    It's the first movie musical since Dreamgirls to test audience's hunger for toe-tapping entertainment. And New Line Cinema is hoping for a little summer loving when the pop-fizzy $70 million film, about what happens when an all-white American Bandstand-style TV show gets a soul infusion, opens July 20.

    But Travolta won't be the whole show. There is a cast member to attract almost every age group. Baby boomers get Christopher Walken, who has been known to cut a mean rug, as Edna's indulgent hubby, Wilbur, and Grease 2 alumna Michelle Pfeiffer as mommy-not-so-dearest Velma von Tussle. Tweeners, meanwhile, will be a-twitter to see High SchoolMusical sensation Zac Efron as Tracy's beau, Link, and kid-TV queen Amanda Bynes as Tracy's lollipop-licking pal, Penny.

    But nothing quite beats the promise of Travolta in a dress as a surefire tease. "Everyone keeps saying, 'Oh, my God, never in a million years would you know that was John,' " producer Craig Zadan says.

    It's not that the actor, who established himself as a dance-floor icon as disco king Tony Manero in 1977's Saturday Night Fever, has been intentionally avoiding the genre. He came close to signing up for 1985's A Chorus Line and 2004's Phantom of the Opera. But the actor knew he couldn't follow Grease, the biggest-grossing movie musical of all time, with the same old song and dance.

    Enter Zadan and producing partner Neil Meron, part of the creative team behind the 2002 Oscar best-picture winner Chicago, which helped rekindle Hollywood's affair with the musical. If their experience with Chicago taught them anything, it was that A-list names such as Richard Gere and Catherine Zeta-Jones are an essential ingredient when making the transition from Broadway to screen.

    And Travolta, who had deep regrets about turning down Gere's role of Billy Flynn after seeing Chicago, was the one that they wanted for their Edna. "He's the greatest musical film star that we have for this generation," Meron says.

    Still, it took about a year of convincing before Travolta said yes. The problem wasn't about playing a woman. It was about competing with his twentysomething self.

    "We told him this would be the most unexpected way of returning to musicals," Zadan says. "No one would be able to compare Edna with the characters in Saturday Night Fever and Grease."

    Travolta had some very specific thoughts on how to distinguish his fat lady from the previous men-to-femme incarnations by John Waters muse Divine in the original 1988 film comedy and by gravel-voiced Harvey Fierstein in the 2002 Broadway production.

    "I thought, well, OK, if I really go for it, instead of the joke of being a man in woman's accoutrements, I should put my actor's hat on and just be the best woman you can be," he explains. "As if a woman had been hired in the first place." The only recognizable portions of Travolta that peep out from the foam latex and silicone are his eyes and dimpled chin.

    He has wanted Edna to pack more va-va-voom than in the past. His role models? Such '60s sirens as Sophia Loren and Anita Ekberg.

    Although some blogs were both agog and aghast over the initial images of the cross-dressed actor, co-star Queen Latifah can't get enough of Travolta as a full-figured gal.

    "Oooh, we love that booty," rhapsodizes the Oscar nominee for Chicago, who showcases her bluesy pipes as record-shop owner Motormouth Maybelle. "Every time he comes out in the costume, we've got to rub on the booty a little bit. It's just such a big round rump."

    As Travolta devised his character makeover, the producers, along with director/choreographer Adam Shankman (Bringing Down the House, The Pacifier) and writer Leslie Dixon (Mrs. Doubtfire), devised a blueprint for how to handle what is becoming an increasingly popular scenario: A hit movie is reborn as a smash Broadway musical that then boomerangs back to the big screen with songs attached.

    Their refrain? Less is more. On stage, everything is heightened, from Day-Glo sets to cartoony costumes, to ensure that even the cheap seats catch each gag and double-take. But movies are a much more intimate medium that doesn't need to try so hard. In other words, the beehive hairdos are more Empire State Building than Sears Tower.

    "We basically wanted to de-camp it," Meron says, "to take the exaggeration out of it and find the true heart of Hairspray."

    Other new ingredients in the reformulated Hairspray:

    •TheHigh Schoolhop Probably the savviest hire was the kid who could be the next Travolta: Efron, 19, the fresh-scrubbed star of one of the TV phenoms of the decade, the Disney Channel's High School Musical. Says Zadan, "He's the hottest young star in America."

    Adds Shankman: "Bigger things are waiting for him. He is a real actor, and he gives a real performance in this." And Efron also carries his own tunes — another voice was mixed with his on the High School Musical soundtrack.

    He gladly opted out of the current Musical tour, although he is doing the sequel, to hang with such idols as Travolta and Walken.

    "It keeps you on your toes knowing there is so much firepower in this movie," the California-based actor says, his squeal-inducing floppy brown hair dyed Elvis black and lacquered atop his head. "It's a blessing to be involved in this."

    The director had one peeve about the lad: His Osmond-esque grin. "Something was too Mickey Mouse Club about him. I told him not to smile too broadly." Instead, his Link has a cocky quirk of winking at everyone he meets. "Even Edna," Shankman says.

    The role was tailored to suit Efron's style. "On stage, Link sings a slow ballad, It Takes Two," the actor says. "But they've amped it up and gave me a rock 'n' roll song, Ladies' Choice. He's a rebel who represents a whole new generation slicking back their hair and shaking their hips."

    •The ingénue bop The filmmakers were determined to cast an unknown to follow in the dance steps of Ricki Lake, who has a cameo, along with Waters and Tony winner Marissa Jaret Winokur. Little did they know their perfect Tracy would be found scooping ice cream at a Cold Stone Creamery in Great Neck, N.Y.

    Blonsky, 18, a 4-foot-10 dynamo who can sing everything from Patsy Cline to opera, beat out a couple thousand hopefuls to nab her dream role.

    "When she walked out her first day on the set," Shankman says, "it was if she had been doing this for 30 years. Like watching a Barbra Streisand being born."

    Ever since seeing Hairspray on Broadway as a 15th birthday gift, Blonsky felt destined to be Tracy.

    "When the girl entered and started singing Good Morning, Baltimore, I nudged my mom and said, 'I could totally do that. That's me,' " says the trained vocalist, who gets to perform a new Marc Shaiman-Scott Wittman tune, I Can Wait.

    In a way, she has lived Tracy's story. "I always wanted to be out there, just singing," she says. "I needed that one shot. All my life, I've never been the thin girl or the tall girl. I've just always been Nikki. And I'm comfortable in my skin."

    Not that Blonsky didn't have to do any homework. The day before she met her movie mom, she watched Grease for the first time after being encouraged to do so by Efron.

    "I was like, 'Oh, my God, I'm going to meet this man tomorrow!' But John instantly made me feel comfortable. He opened his arms and said, 'Come to Mama.' "

    •The director cha-cha When the Broadway version's director, Jack O'Brien, and choreographer Jerry Mitchell dropped out because of other commitments, the producers scrambled to find a replacement.

    Turns out, Shankman, a trained dancer who has choreographed 50 or so movies, was itching to get back to his musical roots and eagerly took on both duties. "Of all the directors we talked to, he was the most passionate," Meron says.

    "This is what I was meant to do," Shankman says. "To be able to use my entire skill set and realize this crazy story with this kind of cast."

    In other words, he says, "I'm not Chris Columbus doing Rent."

    Where Grease and Hairspray diverge for Travolta is in the fact that, unlike 34-year-old Stockard Channing as Rizzo, the younger cast members are all age appropriate.

    "A lot of these kids were brought up on Grease," he says. "So for me to do this movie, I give them a reason to be excited, and they give me the energy back."

    And what has he learned from his time in a woman's shoes — not to mention bra?

    "You get treated differently. You put on a zaftig body, and men just go up to it. They check me out from head to toe and back. When I'm John, I barely get a second look."

    ..y ya que habéis nombrado a las 3 gràcias Liloh,Paris y Brítney ..he aquí unas fotos suyas al azar…

    ..la Liloh

    .. Britt haciendose la mayor de morena y preñada

    le encanta llerse

    ..que quede claro que ella no bebe,sólo toma Red Bull

  • ¿Qué pinta ese 'Glósóli' en la foto de Vincent Gallo para YSL?

  • madam escrebió

    ..gente cómo Halle Berry, Uma Thurman, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leo DiCaprio, Janet Jackson, Jenna Bush, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears,y las gemelas Olsen ya han sido fotografiadas


    estuve mirando la pagina y me parti de la risa que todos están censurados en sus private parts y las gemelas Olsen están censuradas en la boca

    y ya que estamos en el tema… la unica persona en el mundo capaz de se tirar a las gemelas

  • no recuerdo si alguien ha comentado esto, pero….esto SI que es un apreton en Gran Hermano U.K.


  • @plux:ng2glwx7:

    no recuerdo si alguien ha comentado esto, pero….esto SI que es un apreton en Gran Hermano U.K.


    joder, muy muy fuerte

    vaya la cara de los otros al ver el color que tiñe la bañera

  • @poppie:2sxjqz3h:


    no recuerdo si alguien ha comentado esto, pero….esto SI que es un apreton en Gran Hermano U.K.


    joder, muy muy fuerte

    vaya la cara de los otros al ver el color que tiñe la bañera

    Yo sospecho que es un montaje. La última vez que lo vi estuve buscando información por Google sobre el evento y no encontré nada. No se, conociendo a la prensa británica esto debería de haber sido portada de al menos media docena de periódicos. A ver si alguien con más habilidad internáutica encuentra una referencia (inglesa y contrastada) sobre esto.