Filtraciones '09

  • @Trinxo:10k5nmlm:

    La tristeza???? no me digas que ha soltado a la elfa????


    Creo que la elfa le ha soltado a el…

    Está mucho más melancolico otra vez (thank god!!), muy bonito. Si quieres, puedo dejarte el link para las canciones que ha tocado para la BBC.

  • @laser-beam:1jaoixef:

    Creo que la elfa le ha soltado a el…

    pero el guapo de la pareja era él.
    Callahan despierta mi lado gayer.

  • vaya jitazos el de los PET SHOP BOYS; re-diosssss!!!!

  • Uy… si Tethor también tiene lado gayer, el año que viene celebramos el día del Orguyo Gay en el PS... Yo me lo imaginaba tan macho... ay! vaya chasco!!

  • No me suena haber visto esto por aquí…

    Future Of The Left - Last night I saved her from vampires ['09 - 4AD]

    Debut para 4AD del nuevo grupo de Andy Falkous (Mclusky), tras la fusión de este sello con Too Pure (o absorción, no lo sé). Se trata de un directo (bastante guarrete como no podía ser de otra manera) de 19 canciones donde lo más interesante está en las cuatro canciones nuevas que estrenan. A la espera de la continuación del magnífico "Curses", un pasatiempo entretenido. Me sorprende que no se hayan acordado de ellos para esta edición del Primavera Sound.


    Future of the Left's first release for 4AD has just been announced by the band and it's going to be a live album but with a slight twist.

    Entitled Last Night I Saved Her From Vampires, it was recorded at two recent live shows - Cardiff Clwb Ifor Bach on 13th August and London Water Rats on 20th August. It not only features tracks from feted debut album Curses but also four new ones - 'Drink Nike', 'Distant Jabs At A Soul', 'V.D.F.A' and 'Cloak The Dagger' (the latter two having been a regular fixture of the band's live set throughout this summer).

    4AD will formally release the album on CD and download early next year.

  • @Kiototar:1y5p7snd:

    Uy… si Tethor también tiene lado gayer, el año que viene celebramos el día del Orguyo Gay en el PS... Yo me lo imaginaba tan macho... ay! vaya chasco!!

    Es que Callahan es mucho Callahan por muy macho que sea uno, jajaja.

    Por cierto, hoy me puse en el ipod el nuevo de Mastodon que filtró el tito Zack. Iba en el ferrocata cuando empezó a sonar el track 3 y los ojos se me salieron de sus órbitas. Eso sonaba a Stratovnarius, Rhapsody o Helloween, de poco no se me crepa el pelo. Cuando empezó el track 4 pude respirar tranquilo (era el "Never gonna give you up" de Rick Astley). Algún damnificado más? (igual benanbrueno…)

    Zacarías, no nos la des con queso!!!

  • acuerdate que tu lo pillaste tarde, el primer enlace estaba bien, ahora te lo subo

    si los helloween son cojonudos hombre, seguro que te flipan, no nos mientas

  • Mentiría si te dijera que no tengo alguno de sus LPs originales, jajaja.

    Pero lo colgaste a mala folla o que, gañán?

  • no, no, no soy tan sofisticado, me la colaron por lo que se ve, pero he comprobado que el mio está correcto, eso si a 128 kilopondios.

    el keeper of the seven keys recuerdo tenerlo yo en LP original, ni idea de donde coño estará ahora, por suerte

  • Kai Hansen tiene para un testimonio chanante (y dos). Si me lo cuelgas te estaré muy agradecido, Zack.

  • alehop, ahora si:

  • ya se que hay un hilo de electrónica pero estoy tan alucinado con este disco que tenia que ponerlo aqui, para que lo escuche el mayor número de gente, que a la electrónica no todo el mundo se mete.

    Henrik Schwarz, Ame & Dixon - The Grandfather Paradox (2009)

    dos cedeses. el segundo (unmixed) con este tracklist que creo que ya lo dice todo

    1. Conrad Schnitzler - Elektrocon 11
    2. Steve Reich & Pat Metheny - Electric Counterpoint - Fast (Movement 3)
    3. Liquid Liquid - Lock Groove (Out)
    4. To Rococo Rot - Testfeld
    5. Patrick Moraz - Metamorphoses 1st Movement (Live)
    6. Young Marble Giants - N.i.t.a
    7. Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eleven… The Day After Yesterday Pt.1
    8. Arthur Russell - Make 1, 2
    9. John Carpenter - The President Is Gone
    10. Robert Hood - Minus
    11. Raymond Scott - Bass-Line Generator
    12. Pyrolator - November Muhlheim
    13. Cymande - For Baby Oh
    14. Can - Sunday Jam

    el primero probablemnte la sesión más fina y con más matices que he escuchado en años. impresionantes el señor Schwarz y sus compadres.

  • @laser-beam:22on28fo:


    La tristeza???? no me digas que ha soltado a la elfa????


    Creo que la elfa le ha soltado a el…

    Está mucho más melancolico otra vez (thank god!!), muy bonito. Si quieres, puedo dejarte el link para las canciones que ha tocado para la BBC.

    Se agradecería. Yo también lo prefiero depresivo…

    ... y a la elfa libre.

  • Peter Von Poehl - May Day


    For the traveller without a homeland or a fixed identity, music can provide sweet consolation offering the chance to adopt a country based not in geography but the imagination, a self-created world. On Peter von Poehl s first album, Going to Where the Tea Trees Are, the Swedish traveller who for many years has split his life between Malm Berlin and Paris, conjured up the vague sense of discomfort that can accompany this nomadic life one spent floating between different landscapes
    languages and cultures. The album saw him create a universe all his own, a silky universe weaved with the help of the golden threads of melody, delicate sonic textures, and finely embroidered orchestral motifs embroidered. Going to was a cosy cocoon, a home-sweet-home in which this eternal foreigner, a songwriter without a musical family (neither folk nor pop nor rock) finally found a way to feel at home. The whole album was centred on virtually the same theme, he remembers, so much so that that directed all the musical choices the melodies the arrangements, the general atmosphere. It was a very private record, one I made at my own speed in my corner, without really taking into account what was going on in the outside world. The record allowed me to deal with all the questions I had
    about my identity, which no longer seem so critical today.

    Peter von Poehl s exile blues has been cured thanks to his music, which has built him a roof under which he has been able to cultivate a well-adjusted sensibility. Not that he s become a homebody his constant touring over the past few years has seen him regularly leave his lair but he has understood that it s only good to hide away if you then allow yourself the freedom to escape at a moment s notice to (re)discover the world. May Day embodies the jubilation of a man who, while discovering the edges of his own universe, has not been afraid to throw open the windows of his inspiration. May Day is a constant, voluptuous back-and-forth between the desire for an interior world and that of projecting oneself out into the exterior. You feel it immediately with Parliament a song whipped up by a wildly beating rhythm section and horns played with gusto. All von Poehl s virtues are on show: his classically elegant sense of melody, his ideally dosed melanges of instruments, his unique vocal touch, and his intensely personal way of mixing together words and sound. Yet the process through which all this is revealed is different, quite simply because a breath of fresh air has blown through Peter von Poehl s music, which has become less hermetically sealed.

    The whole album is moved by new vibrations, which increase the songs intensity, even if they’ve once again been made by hand. Just like Going to Where
    the Tea Trees Are, the majority of May Day was put together in the middle of the Swedish countryside in Christoffer Lundquist s marvellous studio. (A
    longtime friend and collaborator, Lundquist is once again credited as co-producer.) The arrangements on May Day are bursting with discoveries you just know
    were spontaneous, specific moments that grew organically out of the sessions. The tight groove of Carrier Pigeon, the irresistible pop whirlpool of Moonshot Falls, the rough blueprints of Dust in Heaven and Near the End of the World or the knowing layering of instruments in the knock-out Elisabeth all share the same sense of discovery and the same taste for play, which stretch across all the parts of von Poehl s unclassifiable songwriting. Utterly resistant to gratuitous stylistic devices from the arrangements to the style, the rhythms to the lyrics everything on May Day is there to benefit a musicality free of harmful gimmicks.

  • Soltad el bueno del Callahan de una vez cabronazos!!

  • @Zackchill:14m7pw1d:

    alehop, ahora si:

    ninguna broma el nuevo de los Mastodon..

    Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs (2009)


    Amesoeurs was a French post-punk/black metal band formed in 2004 by guitarist/singer Neige of Alcest and Peste Noire fame and bassist/singer Audrey Sylvain. Later, drummer Winterhalter (also in Peste Noire) and guitarist Fursy Teyssier were added to the mix. In 2007 they released the EP Ruines Humaines, followed by the full-length album Amesoeurs in March 2009. After the release of the full-length, Amesoeurs split up due to personal tensions and conflicting ideas regarding the band's future.


    Les Claypool - Of Fungi And Foe (2009)

    joder qué ganas de verlos en el PS09

    Fucked Up - The Singles Collection


    The Unfinished Sympathy - Avida Dollars (2009)

  • Este creo que lo había pedido la madre ácida y por lo visto en las colaboraciones tiene buena pinta. A ver que tal al escucharlo que todavía no he podido.

    Pink Mountaintops - Outside Love


    "Outside Love" is the third album by Pink Mountaintops, AKA Stephen McBean, who has slowly emerged as a distinctive voice and a very special contributor to the North American songbook. A veteran of the Vancouver/Victoria punk rock scene, McBean is best known for his contributions to acclaimed rock band Black Mountain, as principal songwriter, guitarist and co-vocalist.

    The ten songs on "Outside Love" are about or influenced by weddings in Montreal, winter, Pink Floyd's The Final Cut, Christmas albums, that one Exile song and that one Echo and the Bunnymen song, the Bermuda Triangle, being depressed in the sunshine, people who haven't made out yet but will in the future, The Everly Brothers, clowns in the ceilings, and bedrooms where skinheads used to live.

    Friends and family who contributed to or appear on "Outside Love", in no particular order, include Sophie Trudeau (A Silver Mt. Zion, Godspeed You! Black Emperor), Ted Bois (Destroyer), Jesse Sykes (Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, sunnO)))), Phil Wandscher (Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, Whiskeytown), Josh Stevenson (Jackie O Motherfucker), Ashley Webber (The Organ, Bonnie Prince Billy), Amber Webber (Black Mountain, Lightning Dust), Matthew Camirand (Black Mountain, Blood Meridian), Joshua Wells (Black Mountain, Lightning Dust), Keith Parry (Superconductor, the Gay), and Tolan McNeil (Caroline Mark).

    Recorded at multiple studios, "Outside Love" was mixed at Elmwood Studios by John Congleton (Modest Mouse, Black Mountain, Explosions In The Sky, The Mountain Goats).

  • @tethor:2g5dis3g:

    vaya machada que decían los del Marca (y lo digo yo que la última vez que vinieron a Barcelona en concierto al espacio vomistar los fui a ver…).

    Penúltima. La última fue al Sant Jordi a una cosa llamada Asics Festival junto a, atención, Dover, Mikel Erentxun, Hombres G y Paulina Rubio, entre otros.

  • amigos filtradores… busco los discos de Cirkus (Lay low y medicine) pero solo encuentro archivos con password y no consigo los passwords..

    alguien me puede hachar un cable please?

  • Steph te dejo por aquí el Lay Low
    ```Pass: [](