Filtraciones '09

  • ufff que susto!!!
    lo de burial ha sido una falsa alarma… (es que son...!)

  • escuchando lo de BELMEZ y me dan unas ganar de ponerme a dormirrr…

  • Kreng - L'Autopsie Phénoménale De Dieu (Miasmah, 2009)


    Dark Ambient, Cinematic, Neo Classical, Experimental

  • @Pelukini:1p5gkjgo:

    Disco majo majo que va a sonar bastante en casa, habían sacado algún split en el sello bachelor y ahora se desvirgan con su primer largo en Hozac, fuzz pop, bubblegum, 60's style , garage rock, hits instantaneos… a los que les gustan estas cosillas a bajar ya. Y ahora esperar el de Box Elders... ñam ñam

    Smith Westerns - Smith Westerns (Hozac)

    Mola! Por aquí ya ha sonado un par de veces seguidas.

  • Coalesce – Ox


    Avant-Hardcore vets Coalesce have announced the completion of their first full-length endeavor since 1998. Ox is 14 songs totalling about 35 minutes. They recorded the album at Blacklodge Studios with Ed Rose, a mainstay in the Coalesce sonic composition.

  • dd/mm/yyyy – Black Square

    Hasta ahora hacían post punk a lo it's not not, pero todavía no lo he escuchado, pero otros dicen esto:


    “DD/MM/YYYY are a Canadian experimental indie band from Toronto, Ontario. They are known for their abstract music, which involves the use of unconventional instruments and combinations thereof, steadily changing time signatures and rotating member roles.

    The nature of DD/MM/YYYY’s music is explained as: a mess of spastic, specially challenged art rock with jagged, diamondback guitars, ’80s video game synthesizers, and drums that roll with all the punches of the discordant dreamy vocals”

    editado para que se vea la imagen

  • míticos Coalesce, el tio que estaba en las primeras filas en Zu se lo pasará bien hoy

  • el de coalesce hace un par de semanas que lo tengo pero con lo nenazas y lo cassetteras que estáis hechas preferí guardármelo en el zurrón.

    manel: el tio era yo ;)

  • no sé por qué ya me lo golía.
    amos a ver qué tal el disco

  • No se guarde usted estas cosas por favor.

  • @manel:twta0ea1:

    míticos Coalesce, el tio que estaba en las primeras filas en Zu se lo pasará bien hoy

    a mí se me ha caído una lagrimilla al verlo

  • @-Toxinho-:247p3zzt:

    Ohbijou - Beacons


    The overall mood and feel is folk-flecked (banjos and accordions appear, and strings are fairly ubiquitous) and pastoral. There is a marked lyrical focus on the seasons - particularly Winter, which is evoked in several songs ("Winter brings / Peculiar things" from Cannon March; "Winter sleeps in trees" from Eloise And The Bones).

    Another trope is the moon, which features in a poetic lyrical extract from We Lovers: "The moon falls in lines of silver / Reflected light on the still water / Bring me life in a million colours / Bring me love like no other". Another arresting lyric is Thunderlove's "I shout "timber" 'cos / I am lumber falling down". Both are typical of much else on the album in their juxtaposition of nature with a slightly wistful emotional mood.

    Quite charming as a lot of this is, the pacing of the album does ebb and flow. Tracks like Black Ice, Cliff Jumps (which follows it in the running order), Make It Gold and We Lovers don't have strong enough melodies or striking enough instrumentation to make them memorable, unlike those that are most successful (Intro To Season, Cannon March with its grand piano introduction, Eloise And The Bones and the stand-out Thunderlove, where the stately string interjections lend drama at key points). At such weaker points something a little more than the - albeit wonderful - vocal is needed to keep things moving along.

    This, then, is music as an appealing, extremely easy-on-the-ear warm aural bath. Not one to challenge or confront the listener, despite the occasional "mild peril" lyrical themes (which don't ever actually end up sounding too perilous), it can be added to the treasured and valuable ranks of albums into which listeners can immerse and lose themselves for a while.

    Flojitos del foro, esto puede interesaros mucho, jajaja.

    My dear friend, moitas graciñas!!! Este grupo es una pasada. A ver que me hacen en el EOTR… Toxi, no te apuntas?

  • @25zif1po:

    Carusella is from Israel and they fit somewhat outside of the music that we usually post here. They bridge the gap between garage-indie and noise rock, but bring something heavier that defies that troublesome "indie" tag. The record starts off establishing the band's pummeling presence, before Tamar Aphek (vox, gits) chimes in, bringing a lighter feel to the atmosphere. Her voice wavers a bit at parts, noticeably untrained, but in a charming way. Aphek's vocal tracks are the more melodic and catchier of the few peppered throughout the record, which was most likely a deciding factor in their decision to front "Star Quality" at the head of their promotional push. Guy Schechter's (vox, skins) vocal tracks are typically the heavier tracks on the album, with more off-kilter moments that slip into something akin to Unsane or Helmet. Carusella is, without a doubt, another band you should keep an eye on in the next few upcoming years.

  • @Stereo:j0ipuq2k:

    Son Volt - American Central Dust (2009)

    Tocate los eggs, yo pensando que esto no estaba filtrado aún y desde abril que este culé lo tiene posteado.

    Pongo uno nuevo por si hay algún@ empanad@ como la nen@:


  • @Pelukini:2zyasz27:


    Ufff, a ver este que tal, mira que me gustan Flipper, pero un disco nuevo de ellos despues de tanto tiempo me da un poco de miedo…

    Gracias por colgarlo.

  • Este creo que puede interesarle a alguien, después de un primer disco bastante bueno.

    Chris Garneau - El Radio

  • Tiny Vipers - Life on Earth

  • City Center: City Center (2009)
    Proyecto en solitario de Fred Thomas, lider de Saturday looks good to me.

  • Esta ya un poco colgado esto.