Soy más modern@ que tú - Moda y tendencias

  • si queréis reconocer me , en general tengo t shirt de lunares

  • Señoritas,

    Ayer se iniciaba el plazo de votaciones. Esta claro que el primer premio es para Xavixavi, impagable.

    Quedan segundo y tercer premio. O ustedes votan o bien repartiré el resto de premios entre aquell@s que me encuentre por el Fòrum.

    Como dice mi buen partenaire de PS, Jose Manuel, no hay nada como repartir felicidad.

  • Gracias a este post, hacer la maleta se ha convertido en un puto suplicio. Y no me queda tiempo de ir de compras! He decidido que el sabado me pondré mi pijama de mickei mouse, el viernes mi petogayer de cuero y el jueves mis bermudas del lidl.

    Votar? SI guanya Catalunya, NO guanya el PP. No puedo votar;El estatut me puede.

    Voy a reciclar la basura.

  • Dejaos de modelitos superfashion y sed prácticos. Al Fòrum hay que ir vestidos de safari, que se ha descubierto una gran diversidad biológica por la zona.

    Razón Una avaria descobreix l'exòtica fauna d'un llac de Diagonal Mar

    Un cartell diu que està prohibit deixar anar animals, però això no ha evitat que els estanys del parc barceloní de Diagonal Mar hagin acumulat en menys de dos anys de vida una fauna que ja la vodrien molts rius. Hi ha tortugues de Florida, centenars de peixos d'origen asiàtic, crancs americans i granotes. Evidentment, cap hi va arribar per pròpia iniciativa.

    Aquesta exòtica fauna ha quedat al descobert arran d'una avaria -una canonada subterrània es va rebentar divendres passat- que ha obligat a buidar el més gran dels estanys del parc, el que està situat al costat del carrer de Llull. Els ànecs, les oques i els cignes que l'ajuntament hi havia alliberat de forma controlada van ser traslladats a un estany superior, però la sorpresa va arribar després: hi havia tants peixos (carpes blanques i carpins), que alguns es van haver de portar a un aquari de Premià. Destacaven així mateix diversos ànecs collverds sense l'anella municipal de reconeixement, és a dir, totalment silvestres. I hi havia també 30 o 40 tortugues de Florida i bastantes granotes.

    Ahir al matí, entre les restes del fang acumulat al fons, agonitzaven diversos crancs de riu americans. "Sabíem que la gent es desfà de les tortugues quan són molestes, quan creixen massa, però els crancs han sigut una sorpresa", explica Artur Degollada, de l'empresa ambiental Ecoima, contractada per l'ajuntament per a l'alliberament i el control dels ànecs urbans (…)

    Yo hace años enterré una tortuga en un parque.

    Perdón por el of topic (tenía que ponerlo).

  • …juas ! de pequeños mis hermanos y yo llegamos a tener màs de 20 renacuajos que luego se combirtieron en màs de 20 ranitas mini ranitas que comían hormigas y minimoscas del vino,no las abandonamos ,vivieros lo que tenían que vivir y no se reproducieron

    ...podemos optar por el look Kim Gordon

    Queen of the scene
    At 53, Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth is still the ultimate rock and grunge icon. No wonder Marc Jacobs has made her his muse, says Bethan Cole

    "You’re remarkably calm,” says the guy from the record label. “There’s been quite a few awestruck people here today.” Awestruck is probably about right. The woman I’m here to meet is Kim Gordon, rock icon and godmother of cool.

    As the bassist and co-vocalist of Sonic Youth, the New York art-rock outfit formed in 1981, Gordon is part of one of the most influential bands on the planet. But she’s much more besides. Model for Calvin Klein. Actress in Gus Van Sant’s dreamlike film Last Days (she played a sympathetic record-company executive). The woman who introduced Spike Jonze to Sofia Coppola and discovered Kurt Cobain. In the 1990s, she even had her own fashion range, X-Girl, a sister label to the Beastie Boys’s X-Large. Now, at 53, she’s the new muse for Marc Jacobs, whose born-again grunge look for this autumn is heavily influenced by her glamorously downbeat aesthetic.

    Gordon is a 21st-century polymath and a walking, talking inspiration. She is emerging as a refreshing antidote to the vacuous lollipop girls — Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton and the like — who have come to dominate American pop culture. Just as Sonic Youth’s brand of dissonant rock has never been damaged by mainstream success, so Gordon herself has always skirted the margins of commercialism, happily doing her own thing. She did the whole grunge-goddess thing long before Courtney Love was even invented. It’s this independence of spirit that is winning her respect among the MP-She generation (the name given to the growing ranks of new female rock fans), and the reason the band’s first album, Sonic Youth, has just been re-released for a new audience. Sonic Youth T-shirts are one of the few bits of rock fashion memorabilia you don’t have to wear ironically.

    As she picks at dim sum in the foyer of a coolly corporate London hotel, Gordon looks like Sofia Coppola’s older sister, or YSL muse Betty Catroux: feline eyes rimmed with grey eyeliner, dirty-blonde hair in an irregular bob, petrol-blue mac, saggy grey cotton top, T-bar dance shoes, Marc Jacobs white patent quilted handbag. At an age when most women are sinking happily into late middle age and elasticated pants, she is clearly still rocking out. I wonder what keeps her feeling young and relevant. “Topshop!” she laughs. You have to say it, she looks amazing for her age — no Botox, no fillers, no face lift, no dermatologist on speed dial. “I don’t make that much money,” she says. “I just hope my good bones will take me through.”

    The daughter of a sociologist father and a seamstress mother, Gordon attended art college in Santa Monica, Toronto and LA (“I wasn’t a good student”) before moving to New York in 1979. By day, she painted; at night, she went to loft parties in downtown Manhattan and SoHo, and watched bands at seminal rock and punk hang-outs such as the Mudd Club, Danceteria and CBGBs. “Everybody seemed to be making music for the sheer pleasure of it,” she recalls. In those days, Gordon was a brunette with a sharp fringe and large spectacles. She played in the female trio CKM before hooking up with her future bandmate and husband, Thurston Moore. “We met through a mutual friend who we were both making music with,” she says. “She thought we would hit it off.” They did, and, after a few all-night conversations, Sonic Youth was born.

    That was 25 years ago, but Gordon’s style remains undiminished. Are there any rules to dressing as a 50-year-old? “I don’t know,” she admits, in her quietly spoken way. “Whenever I look in those fashion magazines that have sections on what you should wear when you’re 20, 30, 40 and so on, I never really like what they have for the 50-year-olds. I always prefer what they have for the 30-year-olds. I think you have to think about your personality and what you identify with as you get older.”

    She’s remarkably easy-going and humble, this rock chick’s rock chick. I ask her what she thinks that is. “I always think it’s Chrissie Hynde or someone like that,” she says disingenuously. “The perfect rock chick is a contradiction in terms, because part of the appeal of being cool is that you make it look easy. The clothes have to look like you’ve worn them every day on tour for a month. I always want to do the opposite of what you’re meant to. There’s something about wearing a dress on stage that makes me vulnerable. It’s more interesting than wearing black leather and looking all hard — that’s not as risky, somehow.”

    So, what does it take to rebel these days? “I think the reason someone like Chloë Sevigny is singled out as fashion-forward is because a lot of her style isn’t overtly sexy or Hollywood, it’s more to do with gesture. She doesn’t wear her sexuality on her sleeve. Some things might even look conservative and dowdy. She plays on that. Because a lot of the people who look outrageous are actually very conservative underneath.” Like Paris Hilton? “ Yeah, exactly.”

    Gordon is an incisive observer of the bubble-gum world of celebrity. On a recent tour, she gave an ironic shout out to Jordan. She has also penned a song about Mariah Carey’s breakdown, and famously wrote Tunic, a thrashy paean to the anorexic, treacle-voiced Karen Carpenter. “Observing those celebrities is just an idle pastime,” she says. “They’re part of our landscape. We don’t have history in the USA: we have Hollywood, we have pop culture. For us, it’s like looking at nature.”

    At this point, Gordon’s 12-year-old daughter, Coco, strolls into the hotel and slumps on a chair next to us. She has a curtain of honey-blonde hair and her dad’s puppyish facial features. She’s sighing, a picture of ennui, all too familiar with her parents’ itinerant lifestyle — hanging out in hotels, being interviewed, sound-checking gigs. “She’s at the age where she wants to wear one thing and wear it every day,” says Gordon. “She’s definitely a cool kid, the way she dresses. Her and her friends, they really frown on girls who wear their skirts too short — and they’re really down on Lindsay Lohan.”

    Somehow, you expect nothing less. No obvious teen idols for the daughter of the original grunge icon. Just like her mother, she’d rather go her own way.

    Sonic Youth’s new album, Rather Ripped, is out on June 5 (Geffen); Sonic Youth by Sonic Youth (Geffen) is out now


  • ¿53 años ya….......? Uf. Anda que no pasa el tiempo, al menos sigue luciendo muy bien. A estos no hay quien les recuerde la edad.

  • Como alguien bien dijo yeah yeah yeah buen conciert per Karen llevaba el modelito del festival fijo. ¡Madre mía!

  • Atención a la página que he encontrado…

    Si los modernos barceloneses y madrileños ya son lo peor, imagináos los modernos neoyorkinos. Estas fotos las he rescatado de, una página que muestra fotografías de diversas fiestas en nueva york. Algunas muy subidas de tono así que si estáis en el curro cuidao con abrir ese link.

  • Me están entrando unas ganas de irme de fiesta que no veas!!!!

  • Menuda pandilla de depravados; esos me dan que sólo salen de noche ya que por la mañana cuidan de las proles de cocodrilos que pululan por la alcantarillas de "La gran manzana"

  • los mandaba la mina de 6 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde a los memos estos.

  • @30segundossobreTokyo:135pqpve:

    los mandaba la mina de 6 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde a los memos estos.

    A estos los mandas a la mina y se la esnifan Pero vamos, que a mi no me importaría pegarme una juerga con una panda de estos, que os veos la mar de modositos ultimamente

  • ¿es que piensas que eres como ellos?

  • jejejeje para nada 30", pero un despiporre al año no hace daño.

  • 30", el año que viene no te escapas!

  • no puedo decir que me hayas quitado un peso de encima porque me da lo mismo si eres como ellos o no. Haya cada cual…pero si te diria que hay múltiples formas de despiporrarse (como dices) una vez al año (o 154, da igual), pero sin tener que acercarse minimamente a estas babosas.

    Valderrama's: ¿de que?

  • Valderrama: el año que viene pagamos el/la canguro a medias y con lo que ahorremos nos llevamos a 30" de parranda

  • lo teneis claro….

  • Spock: Eppps lo del canguro a medias hecho!!!

    30" : De lagarterana afterpunk!!

  • @30segundossobreTokyo:1sx48y4i:

    ¿es que piensas que eres como ellos?

    Te veo de un ultraconservador 30" que ni te reconozco… Cosas de la edad.