
  • una pena el adiós (no se sabe si definitivo) de las SLEATER-KINNEY

    al menos, tuvimos ocasión de verlas en el pasado PS, un lujo, sí señor

  • @RX456:

    NOTICIÓN: MANGUM VUELVE ... um_Returns

    Más ruidosos, experimentales, más largas, totalmente diferentes al aeroplano, pero la cosa promete muchísimo! This is the year!


    Es verdad, tiene muchos puntos de caer en el ATP, aunque siendo un freak de tal grado vete a saber, a lo mejor toca en algún festival Folk o algo así.

    Si tocan en Londres es para ir a verlos fijo, corriendo el riesgo de ver a Mangum solo pegando gritos rollo primal scream como dice que hace ahora.

    Cuando vuelva a casa investigo por e6townhall, y de paso me miro noticias de Circulatory System y de Olivia Tremor Control, a ver qué se sabe de ellos

  • @RX456:


    vaya, hasta ahora que lo he visto escrito así en grande pensaba que era Jeff Magnum, como la pipa

    qué poca atención al leer

  • El adiós de Sleater-Kinney ha sido anunciado como definitivo. Os pego el comunicado del grupo que ha enviado Houston Party hoy mismo y ha sido también publicado tal cual en la sección noticas de esta web:

    Las Sleater-Kinney dicen adiós. El trío femenino de la ciudad de Olympia (Estados Unidos) lo anunció ayer en un comunicado. Esta formación ha sido en los últimos años una firme candidata, y no provoca rubor decirlo, a “mejor banda de rock del mundo”. Así ha sido calificada por, entre otros, la revista “Times”, la website Pichtofk Media o el periodista y escritor Greil Marcus. Su último disco, “The Woods” (Sub Pop-Houston Party), fue elegido uno de los más destacados de 2005 en medios nacionales y extranjeros. Su actuación en la última edición del festival Estrella Damm Primavera Sound ha acaparado elogios generales, convirtiéndolas en unas de las triunfadoras de la cita barcelonesa.

    “Después de once años como banda, Sleater-Kinney hemos decidido realizar una interrupción indefinida. Los conciertos de este verano serán los últimos que daremos. Por ahora, no tenemos planes para futuras giras ni grabaciones.

    Nos sentimos afortunadas por haber tenido el apoyo de mucha gente maravillosa durante estos años. Queremos dar las gracias a todos con los que hemos trabajado, a quienes han escrito palabras agradables sobre nosotras, a los que han tocado con nosotras y a quienes nos han inspirado.

    Pero sobre todo queremos hacer llegar nuestra gratitud a nuestros asombrosos seguidores. Vosotros habéis sido parte de nuestra historia desde el principio. No podríamos haber hecho nuestra música sin vuestro entusiasmo, pasión y lealtad. Sois vosotros quienes habéis hecho que todo este viaje haya merecido la pena”.

    Estas fechas serán vuestras últimas oportunidades para ver a la banda.

    29 de julio – Mellwood Arts Center, Louisville (Kentucky, USA)
    31 de julio – Starlight Ballroom, Filadelfia (Pennsylvania, USA)
    01 de agosto – 930 Club, Washington DC (USA)
    02 de agosto – Webster Hall, New York City (New York, USA)
    04 de agosto – Lollapalooza -Grant Park-, (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

  • un poco justo para escaparme a los USA, pero aun és posible. ….

  • @RX456:

    NOTICIÓN: MANGUM VUELVE ... um_Returns

    Más ruidosos, experimentales, más largas, totalmente diferentes al aeroplano, pero la cosa promete muchísimo! This is the year!

    Robert Schneider, fundador de Elephant 6 y amigo personal de Mangum, ha confirmado que la noticia es falsa. Así que nada, circulen aquí no hay nada que ver.

  • @alrom:320z9286:


    NOTICIÓN: MANGUM VUELVE ... um_Returns

    Más ruidosos, experimentales, más largas, totalmente diferentes al aeroplano, pero la cosa promete muchísimo! This is the year!

    Robert Schneider, fundador de Elephant 6 y amigo personal de Mangum, ha confirmado que la noticia es falsa. Así que nada, circulen aquí no hay nada que ver.

    Casi que es peor, que Schneider a contactado con el propio Mangum y éste ha dicho que tururú. Pedazo de Hoax. También corre por ahí que Malkmus quiere que Pavement vuelvan para hacer un par de shows, vete tu a saber.

    Rumsas, estamos hablando del mismo tipo, el de Olivia Tremor Control y Neutral Milk Hotel. Lo único es que es Mangum y no Magnum.

  • Biopic de JEFF BUCKLEY en marcha. Tras él, se encuentra su propia madre:

  • @RX456:

    Damon Albarn va a encarar un nuevo proyecto paralelo (y ya van 3) junto a Paul Simonon de los Clash
    Ya podría concentrar todas sus energías en un único proyecto, porque lo que hace con Blur y Gorillaz ahora mismo... ... encia=7199

    ui, ui, ui … suena mal ....

  • Me acaban de decir q Sibyl Vane se separan?
    Pero no encuentro ninguna info al respecto.

  • Las entradas para el concierto de Depeche Mode en Granada está agotadas.
    Solo qudan para los conciertos en Torrevieja y en Donosti.

  • espero que no sea tan esporadico como parece, de todos modos és un notición:

    Eighties indie legends Throwing Muses have reformed for three shows.

    The band, currently consisting of Kristin Hersh, drummer David Narcizo and Bernard Georges on bass, are set to play the Innipukinn Festival in Reykjavik, Iceland on August 5.

    They will follow this festival appearance with two dates in the US.

    The dates are:

    Cambridge The Middle East (August 11)
    New York Bowery Ballroom (12)

    The band formed in Boston in 1983 and released a string of albums throughout the Eighties and Nineties, the most acclaimed being 1991's 'The Real Ramona'. They carried on as a a three-piece when guitarist Tanya Donelly quit to form Belly in 1992, and split after releasing the album 'Limbo' in 1996.

    They have reformed sporadically to perform live since then, and even got round to releasing a self-titled comeback album in 2003, which featured backing vocals from Donnelly.

    Meanwhile, Muses leader Hersh will play the following solo dates:

    Seattle The Crocodile (July 25)
    Portland Berbati's Pan (26)

  • @Maurici:32nlt1et:

    Me acaban de decir q Sibyl Vane se separan?
    Pero no encuentro ninguna info al respecto.

    pero si están grabanado ya el nuevo, ¿no?

    su fotolog lo actualizan casi todos los días y no dicen nada al respecto

  • Esto si que es un puto noticion:

    Big Black to Play Touch and Go Anniversary Show

    Better start lifting weights now, because Big Black are back! Well, for a little while, at least.

    Steve Albini's legendary noise-punk band will appear on stage for the first time in almost two decades this September at Touch and Go's 25th Anniversary Celebration. According to the label, it's "just a couple songs, but who cares how many they play?" Yes, exactly. (I really hope they do "Kerosene" and "Jordan, Minnesota", personally.)

  • ..

  • Bueno, por lo menos hay esperanza. No espero menos del Primavera que les de un toque…

  • …un anuncio francés ha utilizado como banda sonora el "Anyone Else But You" de los Moldy Peaches... recuerda ligeramente a otro... ... %20peaches ( està cortado...) ... %20peaches (los Moldy Peaches el 30-V-03..y yo me los perdí en el Primaveraaaaa-buaaaaaa!!!!!!!! ) menos les he podido conocer ... sólo me falta Jack Dishel con el que espero poder hablar cuando venga cómo Only Son teloneando a Regina y Strictly Beats ...
    ...por cierto que Kimya ya tiene una cacho barrigota que...

  • Tori Amos Rarities release
    A Piano: The Collection to be released September 26

    Presented in deluxe packaging that resembles a piano’s keyboard, this set will be released by Rhino Records on September 26, 2006, at will be available at regular retail outlets and at the Rhino Records website for a suggested price of $74.98.

    Produced by Tori, the career-spanning collection highlights selections from her studio albums as well as b-sides and songs that debuted on Tales of a Librarian. Featuring numerous unreleased songs, the box set contains a total of 86 tracks that combine well-known studio versions with rare alternative mixes, including several songs Tori remixed for this project. A PIANO: THE COLLECTION also offers a revealing and extensive track-by-track commentary penned by Tori, who discusses the inspiration behind the songs and albums and explains why they were chosen for this box set.

    The compilation’s first disc includes an extended version of Tori’s 1992 debut, Little Earthquakes. The classic album has been augmented not only with a different song sequence and alternate mixes but it also features it’s four original b-sides “Upside Down,” “Take To The Sky (Russia),” “Sweet Dreams” and an alternate mix of “Flying Dutchman,” as well as the previously unreleased, unedited single version of “Crucify.”

    Spotlighting music recorded between 1994 and 1996, the second disc includes songs from Under the Pink and Boys for Pele. The 18 tracks blend original and remixed versions of albums cuts with the b-side “Honey” and “Professional Widow” performed live. Also included is “Take Me With You,” an unreleased song intended for Little Earthquakes. “At the time I just couldn’t finish it,” Tori writes in the liner notes. “When we found it, there were no lyrics to speak of, just music. So you’ll have something partly recorded in 1990 but with a vocal recorded in 2006…”

    The third disc also includes songs associated with Boys for Pele plus 1999’s To Venus and Back and Tales of a Librarian: A Tori Amos Collection. The 15 songs feature original and remixed versions of album tracks as well as “Hey Jupiter” (Dakota Version) and “Professional Widow” (Armand’s Star Trunk Funkin’ Mix). Also featured is “Walk To Dublin (Sucker Reprise),” an unreleased track from the Pele sessions.

    From the Choirgirl Hotel (1998), Scarlet’s Walk (2002) and The Beekeeper (2005) are the focus of the fourth disc, which contains 15 songs including original and remixed versions of album tracks. Also featured is the unheard intro for “Marys Of The Sea” from The Beekeeper as well as four previously unreleased songs “Not David Bowie,” “Zero Point,” “Ode To My Clothes” and “Dolphin Song.” In the liner notes, Tori writes: “Some songs seem to have a timeline for when they want to be finished and put out to the world. At the time when we were working on ‘Dolphin Song,’ I had all kinds of ideas for her development after the basic tracking had been done. Instead she got set aside for a while. But once we started to go through the tape library we put ‘Dolphin’ up on the faders again, and I realized we didn’t need to record anything else; it was finished.”

    The final disc features 22 tracks spotlighting Tori’s impressive list of renowned b-sides and includes the exclusive digital release “Merman” from 1999. For what could be the most intriguing addition to the collection, Tori invites listeners into her artistic process with a medley of demos for the songs, “Fire-Eater’s Wife/Beauty Queen,” “Playboy Mommy” and “A Sorta Fairytale.” Amos explains in the liner notes: “I’m usually pretty reticent to expose the musical development process…The demo medley was a choice I made so that other songwriters can feel an affinity with the idea that songwriters have to push themselves and not just accept the first incarnation that you are presented with. Each of these three songs are presented here in their completed form somewhere within the box set so you can see conception to development.”

    The track listing for A PIANO: THE COLLECTION is as follows:

    • = previously unreleased
      Disc 1
      1. “Leather” (Alternate Mix)
      2. “Precious Things” (Alternate Mix)
      3. “Silent All These Years”
      4. “Upside Down”
      5. “Crucify” (Unedited Single Version)*
      6. “Happy Phantom”
      7. “Me And A Gun”
      8. “Flying Dutchman” (Alternate Mix)
      9. “Girl”
      10. “Winter”
      11. “Take To The Sky (Russia)”
      12. “Tear In Your Hand”
      13. “China”
      14. “Sweet Dreams”
      15. “Mother” (Alternate Mix)
      16. “Little Earthquakes”

    Disc 2
    1. “Cornflake Girl”
    2. “Honey”
    3. “Take Me With You”*
    4. “Baker Baker” (Alternate Mix)
    5. “The Waitress” (Alternate Mix)
    6. “Pretty Good Year”
    7. “God”
    8. “Cloud On My Tongue”
    9. “Past The Mission” (Alternate Mix)
    10. “Bells For Her”
    11. “Yes, Anastasia” (Alternate Mix)
    12. “Blood Roses”
    13. “Mr. Zebra”
    14. “Caught A Lite Sneeze” (Alternate Mix)
    15. “Professional Widow” (Merry Widow Version – Live)
    16. “Beauty Queen/Horses”
    17. “Father Lucifer”
    18. “Marianne”

    Disc 3
    1. “Walk To Dublin” (Sucker Reprise)*
    2. “Hey Jupiter” (Dakota Version)
    3. “Professional Widow” (Armand’s Star Trunk Funkin’ Mix)
    4. “Putting The Damage On”
    5. “Bliss” (Remixed Version)
    6. “Suede”
    7. “Glory Of The 80’s”
    8. “1000 Oceans”
    9. “Concertina” (Single Remix Version)
    10. “Lust”
    11. “Datura”
    12. “Sugar” (Live from sound check)
    13. “The Waitress” (Live)
    14. “Snow Cherries From France”
    15. “Doughnut Song” (Remixed Version)

    Disc 4
    1. “A Sorta Fairytale”
    2. “Not David Bowie”*
    3. “Amber Waves”
    4. “Iieee” (Remixed Version)
    5. “Playboy Mommy” (Remixed Version)
    6. “The Beekeeper”
    7. “Jackie’s Strength”
    8. “Zero Point”*
    9. “Sweet The Sting”
    10. “Ode To My Clothes”*
    11. “Spark”
    12. “Intro Jam”* and “Marys Of The Sea”
    13. “Cruel” (Remixed Version)
    14. “Dolphin Song”*
    15. “Gold Dust”

    Disc 5
    1. “The Pool”
    2. “Never Seen Blue”
    3. “Daisy Dead Petals”
    4. “Beulah Land”
    5. “Sugar”
    6. “Cooling”
    7. “Bachelorette”
    8. “Black Swan”
    9. “Mary” (Tales Version)
    10. “Peeping Tommi”*
    11. “Toodles Mr. Jim”
    Demo Medley:
    12. “Fire-Eater’s Wife/Beauty Queen” (Demo)*
    13. “Playboy Mommy” (Demo)*
    14. “A Sorta Fairytale” (Demo)*
    15. “This Old Man”
    16. “Purple People”
    17. “Here. In My Head”
    18. “Hungarian Wedding Song”
    19. “Merman”
    20. “Sister Janet”
    21. “Home On The Range” (Cherokee Edition)
    22. “Frog On My Toe”

    Postal Service News!

    Here's great news for fans of indie-electro act the Postal Service: There's a brand-new album in the works.

    That's according to Postal Service/ Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard, who filled MTV News in on all the details backstage at last weekend's Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee (see "Radiohead Marathon, Beck Puppet Show, Partial Phish Jam Mix It Up At Bonnaroo").

    "We're slowly starting. We're crawling right now, and whether that crawl turns into a walk remains to be seen," Gibbard said. "But we'll know more towards the end of the year. I've just been touring so much and trying to find time to make it happen and make our schedules line up.

    "The good thing about working with [producer/musician] Jimmy [Tamborello] is it takes him sending me something for me to write lyrics for it. It's not like I'm sitting around going, 'Oh, that would be good for a Postal Service song.' "

    A spokesperson for the Postal Service's label, Sub Pop Records, confirmed that Gibbard and Tamborello have begun work on the follow-up to their breakout 2003 album Give Up. And keeping with tradition, the duo are doing that work while being separated by great distance (Tamborello is based in Los Angeles, and Gibbard has spent almost all of the past year on tour with Death Cab).

    But unlike the sessions for Give Up, in which they'd mail each other finished tunes, hence their name (see "Death Cab Singer Goes Postal With Electronic Side Project"), this time the correspondence is being done via e-mail.

    "It's sort of the way we've been forced to do things, because I've been so busy," Gibbard laughed. "But it's basically the same way we've always worked. When I was writing songs for [Death Cab's 2003 LP] Transatlanticism, I was writing songs for Give Up at the same time. Part of what makes the Postal Service so great is that it never means that Death Cab has to be put on the back burner."

    So far, only a pair of songs have gotten the full Postal treatment. But as Gibbard's touring responsibilities begin to wind down — Death Cab will make one more trek across North America in the fall — he pledges he'll be getting down to the process of writing more lyrics. But he's not quite sure where they'll end up, because he's also in the very early stages of writing a new Death Cab record, too.

    "We're going to do one more lap around the country and then go home and work on music. At the end of the year is when this is all going to wrap up, and we can all get back to work," Gibbard said.

    "One thing that [Death Cab] realized when we signed with a major label is that we were going to be doing a lot more work than we ever did before, and we're definitely living up to that end of the bargain," Gibbard added. "Because between the Postal Service and Death Cab for Cutie, I certainly am going to remain busy."



    Black Bags Penning 'Pixies-Esque' Songs

    There isn't, and may never be, any new Pixies music in the offing – but that's not for trying, according to the group's Frank Black.

    Black tells that about six months ago he wrote a batch of new songs for the band "in an attempt to convince one of the Pixies to make a Pixies record again. I can't say who she is," he adds with a laugh, referring, of course, to reticent bassist Kim Deal.

    Ultimately, however, Black says that while he "liked how a few of [the songs] came out," the exercise showed him that his heart wasn't necessarily in it, either.

    "I tried to find my Pixies muse and write a so-called Pixies number," he says, "but they just weren't any good. They sounded a little contrived or something. That's the problem with trying to repeat something you did a long time ago; if you go 'Okay, I'm gonna try to recreate something, tap into some mood I used years ago,' even if it's the same songwriter, it's kind of fakey."

    "What can I say? Sometimes I wish I could just spit out some Pixies-esque songs, but it doesn't really work that way," he continues. "You write the songs and they come out the way they come out. They might sound like the Pixies, but these days mostly … not."

    Black hasn't had any trouble coming up with songs -- there are 27 on the new "Fastman/Raiderman," which arrives tomorrow (June 20) via Back Porch/EMI. After a handful of European Pixies shows next month, Black will hit the road for solo acoustic headlining dates and some opening slots for the Foo Fighters.

    Sonic Youth, currently on tour in support of their new album Rather Ripped, have posted a new video for the song "Incinerate." (Windows Media Player req'd, site says.)

    As mentioned before , Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth will "curate" All Tomorrows Parties in Somerset, England, on Dec. 8, which will feature performances by Iggy & the Stooges, MC5, The Melvins, and incredibly a reunion show by Detroit 80s hardcore band Negative Approach (who're also playing a Touch & Go Records anniversary bash soon), a band I always thought of as the Midwest's Minor Threat or Black Flag.

    Bjork's website's newsletter recently revealed that she too is in the studio working on her next album.

    "Tom Petty Responds To Red Hot Chili Controversy"


    Does "Dani California" sound too much like "Mary Jane's Last Dance"? Tom Petty tells Rolling Stone he doesn't give a shit:

    Have you heard the Red Hot Chili Peppers song "Dani California" yet, because obviously it sounds a lot like "Mary Jane's Last Dance."
    Yes, I have. Everyone everywhere is stopping me. The truth is, I seriously doubt that there is any negative intent there. And a lot of rock & roll songs sound alike. Ask Chuck Berry. The Strokes took "American Girl" [for their song "Last Nite"], and I saw an interview with them where they actually admitted it. That made me laugh out loud. I was like, "OK, good for you." It doesn't bother me.

    There have been news reports that you were going to sue the Chili Peppers.
    If someone took my song note for note and stole it maliciously, then maybe. But I don't believe in lawsuits much. I think there are enough frivolous lawsuits in this country without people fighting over pop songs.

    source: stereogum