
  • @Amazing:

    Ruta directa: Girona (Barcelona) - The Factory (Manchester)

    dirás The Haçienda… y cerró ahí por el '99

  • too much 24 hour party people!!!!

  • En Pitchfork preguntan a Kaplan su concierto favorito del año y comenta a los Boredoms en el Primavera Sound, wooho.

    Aunque lo más importante, su videojuego preferido es el Arkanoid. ROCK ON!

  • @Dub:

    En Pitchfork preguntan a Kaplan su concierto favorito del año y comenta a los Boredoms en el Primavera Sound, wooho.

    Pues a Kaplan le pregunté en ese preciso concierto: "Are they for real or are they just taking the piss?". A lo que él contestó: "A bit of both"

  • @38vwi5fl:

    Dinosaur Jr. ready brand new album
    But is it a one off?

    The original line-up of Dinosaur Jr. are to release their first album of new material since 1989.

    However, bassist Lou Barlow, formerly of Sebadoh and The Folk Implosion, believes it will be a one off.

    Recorded at guitarist J Mascis' home studio in Amherst, Massachusetts, the currently untitled album is due for a spring 2007 release.

    Speaking to Billboard, Barlow said: "We spent the better part of two years touring together, so we might as well make a record together.

    "We probably won't do anything else, but then again, we'll see."

    Tracks mooted for the new album include 'By The Fire', 'This Is All I Came To Do', 'Back To Your Heart' and 'Stop'.

    The reformed group are also set to release a live DVD on May 8 2007, consisting of material from the band's reunion shows.

  • No sé si alguien lo habrá comentado…

    Rufus Wainwright, Scott Walker and Brian Eno are amongst the artists who have contributed songs to a morbid album.

    _As the name suggests, ‘Plague Songs’ is based on the ten biblical plagues – with each of the ten songs chronologically representing each of the afflictions.

    Other artists appearing on the collection include Imogen Heap, Stephin Merritt, The Tiger Lillies and Laurie Anderson.

    All the songs were originally commissioned by a British Arts Organisation called Artangel which will be performing the songs in Kent later this month.

    Now the tracks have been collated for this collection which is released through 4AD on October 2 via CD and digital download.

    Scott Walker said of his contribution ‘Darkness’: “In order to avoid purely passive reception, memory kicked in with an elemental lesson from schooldays that the filament of the very first light bulb was a threat of carbonised cotton.

    “It then led to other disparate paths like slavery, corporate reach, etcetera.”

    The track listing, and their respective plagues, is as follows:

    ‘Blood’ – Klashnekoff (The Plague of Blood)
    ‘Relate The Tale’ – King Creosote (The Plague of Frogs)
    ‘The Meaning of Lice’ – Stephin Merritt (The Plague of Lice)
    ‘Flies’ – Brian Eno and Robert Wyatt (The Plague of Flies)
    ‘The Fifth Plague’ – Laurie Anderson (The Death of Livestock)
    ‘Boils’ – Cody Chesnutt (The Plague of Boils)
    ‘Hailstones’ – The Tiger Lillies (The Plague of Hail)
    ‘Glittering Cloud’ – Imogen Heap (The Plague of Locusts)
    ‘Darkness’ – Scott Walker (The Plague of Locusts)
    ‘Katonah’ – Rufus Wainwright (The Death of The Firstborn)_

    Y yo que creía que eran siete… De lo que se entera una.

  • Más dinosaur jr, no deja de ser una gran noticia, no seamos agoreros, aparte de una excusa para traerlos otra vez (como si hicieran falta excusas)
    fdo: un coprófilo

  • hombre, el concierto del PS2006 estuvo muy bien, pero yo prefiero que vengan otros grupos grandes antes que que repitan estos

  • otros que se reunen…

    _Classic Sebadoh Lineup Reunites

    Sebadoh is back! And it's not the lame late-90s version either.

    Lou Barlow, who has been touring with a reconstituted Dinosaur Jr. for over a year (and they have some news of their own, but more on that later), announced on his website recently that his other influential group has reformed in its classic lineup: Barlow, Eric Gaffney, and Jason Loewenstein.

    Barlow writes, "Sebadoh Classic will be touring this spring 2/25/07 → 4/07. Sebadoh Classic = Gaffney-era… III → Bubble and Scrape. Eric, Jason, and I will be heading out together..." That's about all Barlow lets on, but those dates are just specific enough for us to buy it. However, he immediately goes on to say, "then the new Dinosaur album will be out... and then... and then... we'll see..."

    That's right, there will also be a new Dinosaur Jr. album. It's "almost done", and the band are planning to release it in "Spring '07," though a label and specific release date have yet to be decided. According to a recent report from, the record is awaiting a title, and guitarist J. Mascis, whose Amherst, Massachusetts home studio served as the base of recording, is finishing guitar and vocal parts at the moment.

    In a interview, Barlow described the new songs as "simpler", but also said, "Dinosaur is something where the sound just propels us. It's an energy source unto itself. The minute we started playing together, it was like, 'Oh, there it is.'"

    Potential song titles include "By the Fire", "This Is All I Came to Do", "Back to Your Heart", and "Stop". Barlow mentions on his website that he wrote two tunes for the record. Dinosaur Jr. plan to tour again after the release of the new album.

    Then there is the Dinosaur Jr. DVD, which reports will come out May 8. It was directed by Mascis' brother-in-law, Phillip Virus (rock name alert!), and documents the first half of the band's reunion tour through footage from live shows that took place in New York and Boston, among other places.

    About the DVD, Barlow said, "I haven't seen it, but I'm kind of terrified because I hate live DVDs. Looking at us playing these old songs, that runs a distant second to seeing us when we were really young and fucked up and struggling. Some really shaky, old video-- I'd rather see that. Seeing us older and more confident and paunchier... I mean, we play the songs well, but so what?"

    Dinosaur Jr.'s only currently scheduled show is at the Thurston Moore-curated Nightmare Before Christmas edition of All Tomorrow's Parties in Glastonbury, England. Barlow has one solo show scheduled at Los Angeles' Spaceland on October 22, opening for You Am I._

    Pitchfork dixit

  • @Trinxo:3buy5ndb:

    Barlow writes, "Sebadoh Classic will be touring this spring 2/25/07 → 4/07.

    Mr, hay que luchar para que ese 4/07 se extienda unas semanas más. No, si al final Barlow podría ser sin problemas el Will Johnson de este año…

  • Suben su propio disco a internet, atentos a las declaraciones de la discográfica:

    _AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – Melodic rock darlings ...Trail of Dead shocked fans and non-fans alike this past Tuesday by leaking their newly finished album "So Divided" onto peer-to-peer file sharing networks six weeks before its November 14th release date. The move could signal the beginning of the end of their tumultuous half-decade relationship with Interscope Records.

    Recent posturing by the Texas-based musicians may instigate a shift in the music industry and force major record labels to reconsider how they view the internet and illegal downloading. At least one industry insider feels a wave of band rebellions might sweep the entire industry off its feet within the next year. Internet pundit Timothy Vega made mention of the Trail of Dead leak in an interview with the AP. "Yes, certainly this is going to create a backlash. Smaller struggling bands may view this as an opportunity to escape the shackles of their major label contracts. They wouldn't necessarily have to make it known like Trail of Dead did that they leaked the album, however they could leak it in much the same way to create a buzz. Buzz is how you sell concert tickets and merchandise, because most internet users are fickle enough to latch onto whatever they think is trendy or popular that month just to have something to show off."

    An Interscope Records spokesman had a different view and categorically condemned the premature leak, but declined to do any more than that citing private contractual stipulations that prevent the label from taking further action against the band. "Where are we going to go from here? All we can really do now is go after the people who have downloaded the album. They may think that they're safe because they didn't get it through one of the more well-known channels, well, let me give a wake-up call to all the illegal downloaders out there on the 'internet underground': We're coming for you. BitTorrent and Soulseek users beware. We know who you are."_

  • La notícia anterior es una broma perpetrada por la banda

  • @Breed:j39kkqja:


    Barlow writes, "Sebadoh Classic will be touring this spring 2/25/07 → 4/07.

    Mr, hay que luchar para que ese 4/07 se extienda unas semanas más. No, si al final Barlow podría ser sin problemas el Will Johnson de este año…

    gran noticia!!!

    esta actuación hay que empezar a lucharla ya

    PD: espero que sea fácil, teniendo en cuenta como fué la contratación de the folk implosion en un pasado PS.

  • CORCOBADO en Astro





  • quizá ya se había comentado por estos lares tan up-to-date…

    "La sala KGB fue precintada temporalmente por el Ayuntamiento , como medida cautelar el pasado Viernes 8 de Septiembre, por lo que todos los conciertos programados por Garatge Producciones en esta sala quedan cancelados a la espera del levantamiento de este cierre o de su reubicación. Desde Garatge Prod. pedimos disculpas por las molestias que esta situación pueda ocasionar. Y seguiremos informando de cualquier novedad que se produzca. Garatge Producciones"

  • llegó el día

    GIANT will be out in all continental Europe on November 10th and in January in UK and US!!!
    French release date: october 16th.
    And good news, Giant will be available on vinyl…

    y como no, también corre por la vaca flaca... estamos hablando, claro está, de HERMAN DÜNE

    edit: ostia! que aun falta 1 mes... ... bueno, ahí se queda

  • Por partes. Sebadoh fue un grupazo en su momento. Está bien que vuelvan -como era de esperar tras la reunión de Dinosaur Jr.-, pero no sé hasta que punto, significa lo mismo.

    Si hablamos del señor Lou Barlow en solitario…, no sé que decir. Emoh me encantó, y cuando le ví interpretarlo en Benicàssim, casi me dá un patatús. Y no de la emoción, precisamente. Tal vez, tuvo un mal día. Quizá, el plan "lonesome man" no le vá. A pesar de ello, no niego que me alegraría ver a Barlow junto a sus compañeros de Sebadoh. Pero, no sé, no sé... Casi que prefiero que repita Mascis con Witch.

    Y sobre el nuevo disco de Dinosaur Jr., "mieditis". Casi más, que si Pixies también lo sacaran -que no lo harán por Prescripción Facultativa-. Espero.

  • DVD en directo de Einstuerzende Neubauten…
