
  • Me alegro q hayas vuelto al final Bodeiro

    Joder, eso q sean los patatas hyperproducidos de The Killers los q versionen a Joy Division en el biopic de Curtis me duele en el fondo del alma... Ya podrían habérselo pedido al cantante de Interpol y no al I wanna be Bono o Brandon Flowers (su nombre es real?).

  • @XAVIXAVI:2jbaebp4:

    Bodeiro, coño….Bueno en fin, perdón, no quería ofenderte...


    … tranquilos que no estoy enfadado con nadie, ni con xavi, con nadie mismo

  • @Chucho:3jgv290h:

    Me alegro q hayas vuelto al final Bodeiro

    Joder, eso q sean los patatas hyperproducidos de The Killers los q versionen a Joy Division en el biopic de Curtis me duele en el fondo del alma... Ya podrían habérselo pedido al cantante de Interpol y no al I wanna be Bono o Brandon Flowers (su nombre es real?).

    Es una mala noticia la verdad. De todas formas habrá que escucharla.
    Mejor The Killers que otras cosas, tienen algún tema q no está mal.

  • nuevo de BLONDE REDHEAD
    Blonde Redhead han anunciado los detalles de su nuevo álbum de estudio. La nueva entrega de Kazu Makino, Amedeo Pace y Simone Pac se titula 23, y ha sido grabada en los estudios Magic Shop de Nueva York. Los diez temas que incluirá son:

    "The Dress"
    "Spring and by Summer Fall"
    "Top Ranking"
    "My Impure Hair"

  • Dedicado a Marniello, aunque ya debe estar al día supongo…

    _Callahan, como la madre que lo parió

    Cantaba Bob Dylan que mientras alguien está ocupado en morir otro está ocupado en nacer. Es verdad. Aunque a veces resulta que es más de uno quien está ocupado en decir adiós a este mundo. Nos enteramos del fallecimiento de uno de los fundadores de Flying Burrito Brothers, el prodigio de la steel guitar “Sneak” Pete Kleinow, a los 72 años de edad, ocurrido la semana pasada, el mismo día que Bill Callahan hizo público que Smog ha muerto para siempre. Porque a partir de ahora Callahan sólo va a hacerse llamar Bill Callahan, ¡qué para algo es el nombre que le puso su madre! No sabemos si esto habrá sido idea de su novia, Joanna Newsom. Lo que sí sabemos es que para el 17 de abril está previsto que salga a la venta el próximo disco de Callahan, que se titulará “Woke On A Whale Heart” y que entre sus colaboradores figuran Neil Michael Hagerty (Pussy Galore, Royal Trux) y la vocalista de gospel Deani Pugh-Flemmings. Tiene buena pinta.

    El Lorito.net_

  • Thanx, trinxo. No, no sabía lo del nuevo disco. Lo que le hace idóneo para el PS'07, con su novia, compartiendo escenario, por separado o como le plazca al bueno de Bill.

  • ufff…. creo que me voy a empezar a tocar...

    _Kevin Shields: MBV Will "100%" Make Another Album

    If the NME says it, it must be true. Kevin Shields has revealed to the British music tabloid that he intends to record another full-length with My Bloody Valentine. It would be the shoegaze overlords' first album since 1991's classic Loveless.
    "I do feel that I will make another great record," Shields told the publication. "We are 100% going to make another My Bloody Valentine record unless we die or something." Of course, given his recent remix and solo work for Sofia Copolla films and Go! Team singles, Shields has a lot to prove, but there's no question the album would be one of the most highly anticipated releases of… whatever year it comes out.

    As for when such an album might materialize, no potential release date was given. (Actually, the answer was, "I don't know," so let's just take this with a grain of salt altogether.) But Shields did have this to say in an interview with Magnet Magazine:

    "A lot of people say the reason My Bloody Valentine didn't make another record is because we couldn't. That's mostly true, but not because we couldn't make another record, but because I never could be bothered to make another record unless I was excited by it. And just by fate or whatever, that never happened... I'd feel really bad if I didn't make another record. Like, 'Shit, people only got the first two chapters, but the last bit is the best bit.'"

    Better than Loveless? Kev, we know it's the British press and everything, but holy crap, dude, what are you saying? But look, on the off chance it never happens, we'll always have the past:_

    Fuente: Pitchfork…

  • @Marniello:swgjdt60:

    Thanx, trinxo. No, no sabía lo del nuevo disco. Lo que le hace idóneo para el PS'07, con su novia, compartiendo escenario, por separado o como le plazca al bueno de Bill.

    Asi se presentaron ya en septiembre de 2005, el con la banda y ella al pianito….no estaria nada mal que vinieran al PS.
    Por otro lado, lo de My Bloody Valentine

  • la novia de Bill Callahan es Joanna Newsom ¿no?

    vale sí, colleja para mí que lo ponía en el mensaje de Trinxo

  • @jackster:82w6ppbb:


    Thanx, trinxo. No, no sabía lo del nuevo disco. Lo que le hace idóneo para el PS'07, con su novia, compartiendo escenario, por separado o como le plazca al bueno de Bill.

    Asi se presentaron ya en septiembre de 2005, el con la banda y ella al pianito….no estaria nada mal que vinieran al PS.
    Por otro lado, lo de My Bloody Valentine

    Ya, ya, si los ví. Ahora sólo espero que hagan otra actuación intercambiándose los papeles de líder e instrumentista. Aunque no sé como puede quedar Ys en directo, me da un poco de miedo.

  • @Marniello:er78e0td:

    Ya, ya, si los ví. Ahora sólo espero que hagan otra actuación intercambiándose los papeles de líder e instrumentista. Aunque no sé como puede quedar Ys en directo, me da un poco de miedo.

    yo tengo el mismo miedo que tu al Ys en directo, pero mira, he releido mi cronica de Smog y me han entrado unas ganas tremendas de volver a ver al bueno de Bill, te la pongo para que rememores tu también aquel concierto (aunque supongo que tu les viste en Barna)

    Smog. Moby Dick Club. 24 Septiembre 2005

    Bill Callahan es de esos personajes misteriosos que deja traslucir su pequeño universo personal a través de deliciosas perlas sonoras. En esta ocasión esta afirmación se hizo más patente que nunca puesto que tan sólo vino acompañado por un percusionista y por la exquisita Joanna Newsom al piano. El pequeño retraso con el que comenzó el concierto no impidió que la gente que llenaba en algo más de media entrada la sala se impacientara y cuando apareció el trío, la comunión con ellos empezó a tomar forma.
    SMOG, o sea, Bill Callahan, presentaba su reciente trabajo ‘A river ain’t too much love’ y realmente eso es lo que hizo, ya que nos obsequió con la práctica totalidad del repertorio del disco, que siendo más introspectivo que el anterior ‘Supper’ se prestaba al formato de banda que disfrutamos los asistentes al Moby Dick. De todas formas, entre tanto tema nuevo como “Palimpsest”, la emocionante “Rock Bottom Riser” y la susurrante “In The Pines”, había tiempo para intercalar joyas del estilo “I Was a Stranger” o “Red Blood Bird” de una de sus obras cumbre, “Red Apple Falls”.
    Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, pudimos asistir a un concierto en el que el público guardó un respetuoso silencio durante las canciones, una costumbre que se había perdido, pero que demostraba que el que se encontraba allí presente sabía a lo que había ido.
    Callahan fue parco en palabras, tan sólo respondió a un “We love you, Bill” con un jocoso, “Por ahí debe haber algún borracho”. Pero la austeridad en la comunicación con el público se transformó en emoción en cada una de las canciones que salían de su garganta. El aroma a alcohol impregnó la sala con “Drinking At The Dam” y nos embriagó como no logra hacer ninguna bebida espirituosa. Fue una hora de celebración musical que nos dejó a todos con ganas de mucho más por lo que tras la insistencia de peticiones, los músicos salieron de nuevo a escena para regalarnos un único bis, eso sí, menudo bis, nada más y nada menos que “Bathysphere” del lejano trabajo ‘Wild Love’ que este año cumple diez años en las tiendas y que provocó el aplauso unánime de los allí presentes. Es de esas canciones que te transporta a otros lugares, aquellos en los que la felicidad es absoluta y en los que tus preocupaciones dejan de tener sentido porque la armonía con todo lo que te rodea es perfecta. En estos días es cuando uno agradece la existencia de la música y las emociones que provoca. Pocas cosas en el mundo pueden compararse, quizás únicamente las personas. Seguiremos investigando.

    Joder, que le traigan.....

  • Nueva banda de Perry Farrell (ex-jane's addiction)

  • miedo me da lo de MBV !!!!!!

  • @soft:

    miedo me da lo de MBV !!!!!!

    es uno de mis grupos preferidos… joder esta gente si que tenía canciones chulas

  • Ya lo he dejado en el hilo de slint… pero quizas este sea mejor sitio para esto:

  • ¿A que no había otro día para anunciar el Proyecto Demo de este año?


    El plazo de recepción de maquetas quedará abierto el martes día 16 de enero y se cerrará el 9 de febrero.

    La final tendrá lugar el próximo jueves 29 de marzo y se celebrará en la sala Joy Eslava con Ms. John Soda como artista invitado.

  • Adam Green ya està grabando su próximo cd y estas navidades "visitó" a James brown cuando le trajeron al Apollo

    Jan 16 2007 08:34
    Subject A New Years Message
    Body: Happy new years amigos

    I started recording a new album last week... we've done 7 songs I
    hope u likee
    Been DJ'ing at heathers bar with Turner Cody on monday nights
    its on 13th between A and B come if you want that's tonight
    playing the Monster Mash at midnight

    The holidays were painless... we had a christmas tree and all that
    As you know James Brown died on christmas

    I was thinking about it so much that I went to visit his body at the
    apollo theater. The wait on the line was 5 hours... But time passed
    quickly as everyone was very chill

    they had his body laid out on the stage
    and Reverand Al was standing next to the casket
    Which was sort of distracting

    I said some words to his body

    I can't recommend him enough... His live at the apollo album from 1962
    is absolutely the greatest
    In his lifetime he was blessed with boundless energy and a throat of
    which allowed him to shred his voice night after night

    If you look at his discography on you'll find that he released
    over 80 albums in his lifetime and as many as 4 or 5 a year. In fact he
    over thirty albums in his first ten years recording.

    His moniker as the hardest working man in showbusiness is certainly deserved
    and he has been an inspiration to me since I started playing with the moldy

    By the way I'm doing a free concert at the sidewalk cafe on Feb. 18th
    I think its gonna be solo acoustic

    I hope you this finds you well
    and here's to another album

    Kimya Dawson anuncia que en Junio/Julio estaràn el Uk y Europa !!!!
    Con Panda (su hija) y Angelo ,su marido

    Jan 16 2007 07:19
    Subject shows and a sneaky goblin
    Body: saturday january 20th

    me and angelo will be in europe/uk in june and july with panda!!!

    Su myspace

    Alice Coltrane, 69; performer, composer of jazz and New Age music; spiritual leader

    Alice Coltrane, the jazz performer and composer who was inextricably linked with the adventurous musical improvisations of her late husband, legendary saxophonist John Coltrane, has died. She was 69.

    Coltrane died Friday at West Hills Hospital and Medical Center in West Hills, according to an announcement from the family's publicist. She had been in frail health for some time and died of respiratory failure.

    Though known to many for her contributions to jazz and early New Age music, Coltrane, a convert to Hinduism, was also a significant spiritual leader and founded the Vedantic Center, a spiritual commune now located in Agoura Hills. A guru of growing repute, she also served as the swami of the San Fernando Valley's first Hindu temple, in Chatsworth.

    For much of the last nearly 40 years, she was also the keeper of her husband's musical legacy, managing his archive and estate. Her husband, one of the pivotal figures in the history of jazz, died of liver disease July 17, 1967, at the age of 40.

    A pianist and organist, Alice Coltrane was noted for her astral compositions and for bringing the harp onto the jazz bandstand. Her last performances came in the fall, when she participated in an abbreviated tour that included stops in New York and San Francisco, playing with her saxophonist son, Ravi.

    She was born Alice McLeod in Detroit on Aug. 27, 1937, into a family with deep musical roots. Anna, her mother, sang and played piano in the Baptist church choir. Alice's half brother Ernie Farrow was a bassist who played professionally with groups led by saxophonist Yusef Lateef and vibes player Terry Gibbs.

    Alice began her musical education at age 7, learning classical piano. Her early musical career included performances in church groups as well as in top-flight jazz ensembles led by Lateef, guitarist Kenny Burrell and saxophonist Lucky Thompson.

    After studying jazz piano briefly in Paris, she moved to New York and joined Gibbs' quartet.

    "As fascinating — and influential — as her later music was, it tended to obscure the fact that she had started out as a solid, bebop-oriented pianist," critic Don Heckman told The Times on Saturday. "I remember hearing, and jamming with, her in the early '60s at photographer W. Eugene Smith's loft in Manhattan. At that time she played with a brisk, rhythmic style immediately reminiscent of Bud Powell.

    "Like a few other people who'd heard her either at the loft or during her early '60s gigs with Terry Gibbs, I kept hoping she'd take at least one more foray into the bebop style she played so well," he said.

    She met her future husband in 1963 while playing an engagement with Gibbs' group at Birdland in New York City.

    "He saw something in her that was beautiful," Gibbs, who has often taken credit for introducing the two, told The Times on Saturday. "They were both very shy in a way. It was beautiful to see them fall in love."

    Gibbs called her "the nicest person I ever worked with. She was a real lady."

    She left Gibbs' band to marry Coltrane and began performing with his band in the mid-1960s, replacing pianist McCoy Tyner. She developed a style noted for its power and freedom and played tour dates with Coltrane's group in San Francisco, New York and Tokyo.

    She would say her husband's musical impact was enormous.

    "John showed me how to play fully," she told interviewer Pauline Rivelli and Robert Levin in comments published in "The Black Giants."

    "In other words, he'd teach me not to stay in one spot and play in one chord pattern. 'Branch out, open up … play your instrument entirely.' … John not only taught me how to explore, but to play thoroughly and completely."

    After his death, she devoted herself to raising their children. Musically, she continued to play within his creative vision, surrounding herself with such like-minded performers as saxophonists Pharoah Sanders and Joe Henderson.

    Early albums under her name, including "A Monastic Trio," and "Ptah the El Daoud," were greeted with critical praise for her compositions and playing. "Ptah the El Daoud" featured her sweeping harp flourishes, a sound not commonly heard in jazz recordings. Her last recording, "Translinear Light," came in 2004. It was her first jazz album in 26 years.

    Through the 1970s, she continued to explore Eastern religions, traveling to India to study with Swami Satchidananda, the founder of the Integral Yoga Institute.

    Upon her return she started a store-front ashram in San Francisco but soon moved it to Woodland Hills in 1975. Located in the Santa Monica Mountains since the early 1980s, the ashram is a 48-acre compound where devotees concentrate on prayer and meditation.

    Known within her religious community by her Sanskrit name, Turiyasangitananda, Coltrane focused for much of the last 25 years on composing and recording devotional music such as Hindu chants, hymns and melodies for meditation. She also wrote books, including "Monumental Ethernal," a kind of spiritual biography, and "Endless Wisdom," which she once told a Times reporter contained hundreds of scriptures divinely revealed to her.

    In 2001 she helped found the John Coltrane Foundation to encourage jazz performances and award scholarships to young musicians.

    In addition to Ravi, she is survived by another son, Oren, who plays guitar and alto sax; a daughter, Michelle, who is a singer; and five grandchildren. Her son John Coltrane Jr. died in an automobile accident in 1982. ... &cset=true

    ..y otro que también se ha ido

    Michael Brecker

  • Madam Green no conozco a Michael Brecker pero sabe igualmente mal. Alice Coltrane menuda mala sorpresa y noticia.

  • _Bright Eyes, o la unión hace la fuerza

    Parece que Conor Oberts ha aprendido la lección. La publicación de dos discos claramente diferenciados en 2005, “I’m Awake, It’s Morning” y “Digital Ash In A Digital Urn”, el primero dando salida a su cara más tradicionalista (sobresalientes duetos con Emmylou Harris incluidos) y el segundo a la más experimental, no acabó de funcionar. Desequilibrio. Uno era bueno, bien bueno, y el otro era frustrante, respectivamente. Sus directos también padecieron esa división entre Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde. Solución: juntar en un solo álbum sus dos facetas y darle una coherencia interna al asunto. Ese es el objetivo de “Cassadaga”, su próximo trabajo, que verá la luz el 9 de abril. Antes, el 6 de marzo, pondrá a la venta un EP de seis temas, donde sólo una canción, “Four Winds”, podrá escucharse después en el citado disco. Los otros cinco cortes -en uno de los cuales colabora M Ward- son las caras B que escenifican el puente musical que ha cruzado para dejar de ser quien era el 2005 y ser quien es en 2007._
