Only For You, Valderrama's Friend… ¡Rush!

  • Atención porque, esta vez, ¡no me los pierdo! Si hay que europear, se europea y punto.


    Alex Lifeson Interview Regarding New Album: On Monday Alex Lifeson spoke with Canada's Rock Station about the new album. Alex states the band came to LA on Monday 1/15 to mix album and should be done by the end of the month. The album took only 30 days to record, the shortest time they have taken to record an album since A Farewell To Kings. Andrew MacNaughtan has been video taping the entire project, with the possibility of including a making of dvd. The band plans on launching a North American tour on June 12th or 13th, running through the end of the year, to be followed by dates in Europe and South America. When asked about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Lerxst states "I couldn't care less, look who's up for induction, its a joke". To hear the entire 15 minute interview, click on "Rock Interviews" at - Jan. 19, 2007

    Sigo leyendo y…


    RUMOR - New Album Working title: "Snakes And Arrows": Although nothing has been announced officially, there are rumors that the new album's working title is "Snakes And Arrows" or "Snakes And Ladders". Interviews with Neil Peart have stated that religion in America will be the primary lyrical topic. This explaination of "Snakes and Arrows" sheds a bit of light on the revelance of such a title…

    ¿Basado en un juego de niños llamado Chutes And Ladders?

    Y no sigo porque, me emociono…

    Agencia Efe:

    ¡Ah! Y todo esto, gracias a que me tropecé con ésta página:

  • Atención porque, esta vez, ¡no me los pierdo! Si hay que europear, se europea y punto.


    Alex Lifeson Interview Regarding New Album: On Monday Alex Lifeson spoke with Canada's Rock Station about the new album. Alex states the band came to LA on Monday 1/15 to mix album and should be done by the end of the month. The album took only 30 days to record, the shortest time they have taken to record an album since A Farewell To Kings. Andrew MacNaughtan has been video taping the entire project, with the possibility of including a making of dvd. The band plans on launching a North American tour on June 12th or 13th, running through the end of the year, to be followed by dates in Europe and South America. When asked about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Lerxst states "I couldn't care less, look who's up for induction, its a joke". To hear the entire 15 minute interview, click on "Rock Interviews" at - Jan. 19, 2007

    Sigo leyendo y…


    RUMOR - New Album Working title: "Snakes And Arrows": Although nothing has been announced officially, there are rumors that the new album's working title is "Snakes And Arrows" or "Snakes And Ladders". Interviews with Neil Peart have stated that religion in America will be the primary lyrical topic. This explaination of "Snakes and Arrows" sheds a bit of light on the revelance of such a title…

    ¿Basado en un juego de niños llamado Chutes And Ladders?

    Y no sigo porque, me emociono…

    Agencia Efe:

    ¡Ah! Y todo esto, gracias a que me tropecé con ésta página:

  • Pues si es Only for whoever, mejor le mandas un privado y santaspascuas. Digo yo.

  • Pues chico, no me dá la gana. Siempre aparecerá alguien al que también le motive la noticia pero, como no lo sé -y tampoco es un grupo que por aquí cuente con muchos adeptos-, se lo dedico especialmente a Valde porque sé que los adora. Si mal no recuerdo ni me falla la memoria…

    Además, a ver si a estas alturas no puedo iniciar un tópic con el nombre que me apetezca. Habráse visto…

    P.S.: Mola la notita que han añadido. ¡Bra! ¡Vo! De todos modos, se lee un poco "embolicá", ¿no?

  • Marnielo, tienes razón. La próxima noticia que me llegue de Rush, se la enviaré vía privado. Más de 70 lecturas, y ni una sola alegría…

    En fin, la tormenta sigue y me apetece escuchar algunos truenos ruidosos…