Filtraciones '07

  • GRAILS (2007) "Burning off impurities"

  • que bien
    el anterior de grails era buenisimo, a ver que tal es este.
    gracias poppie!

  • @poppie:34xjkget:

    GRAILS (2007) "Burning off impurities"


  • pues el de GRIALS, que yo andaba detrás hace semanas, no lo había encontrado en ninguna página de estas de megaupload, ni rapidshare ni nada de nada… y por lo visto, llevaba varios días ya rondando por el soulseek, así que lo he subido yo

  • TV On The Radio // _Live At Amoeba Music EP [Amoeba Music, 2007]
    **Manic Street Preachers** (6-track promo) // _Send Away The Tigers_

    Y **Wilco**, al parecer sacado del CD, y no del ripeo web:

  • Gracias !

    Edit : vaya, para el de Wilco me sale este mensaje
    "# Download-session expired. Direct-links last a few minutes for free users."

  • Amiina - Kurr (2007) 

  • Lo de siempre, no tengo internet, blablabla, no puedo comprobar la veracidad de los links, blablabla….

    Wilco - Sky Blue Sky [2007/MP3/224 (VBR)]

    Por lo visto es un ripeo del cd, lo que todo el mundo estaba escuchando era una grabación rancia de un streaming con sonido asqueroso.



    TV on the Radio - Live At Amoeba Music


    Track List
    1. Blues From Down Here 5:43
    2. Wolf Like Me 5:15
    3. Province 5:09
    4. Wash The Day 7:51

    Franz Ferdinand - Hallam Foe Dandelion Blow



    The Book of Knots - Traineater (anti-2007)



    This might be something: Guests include Carla Bozulich, Megan Reilly, Jon Langford, David Thomas, Mike Watt, and Tom Waits

    lucky soul - the great unwanted

    Timbaland Presents Shock Value (solo album from Timbaland ft Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake, Dr. Dre, Missy Elliott, 50 Cent, Fall Out Boy, Elton John, M.I.A. and many others!!!!!)



  • @pulpo:3o3k2nky:

    Amiina - Kurr (2007) 

    Gracias octópodo

  • ECHOBOY (2007) "Electric soul psymphonie"

  • No se si estarán puestos porque no estoy seguro de estar utilizando bien la búsqueda, pero ahí quedan:

    65daysofstatic - The Destruction of Small Ideas


    Kathy Diamond - Miss Diamond To You


  • gracias sobre todo por 65days… pero ponlo en la opción Code, mejor

  • ¿así verdad?

  • @catapum:1onmjcht:

    ¿así verdad?

    sí, así… ya los he quitado yo también de la cita de mi mensaje

    y de paso...

    KOSHEEN (2007) "Damage"

  • Lo que no se bien es para que sirven la opción de code. ¿Es para que los webhostings no vean redireccionamientos desde este foro?, normalmente me invento teorías sobre lo que no se cómo funciona… ^__^

  • World's End Girlfriend - Hurtbreak Wonderland (2007)

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:gpl4uvmj:

    World's End Girlfriend - Hurtbreak Wonderland (2007)


    joder k semana, el nuevo de grails muy grande, a mí personalmente me gusta más que el 1, y el nuevo de 65days que lo estoy escuchando ahora mismo y la verdad que pinta muy bien, después me pondre con este a ver k tal, lo estaba buscando y no tenía suerte...

  • alguien puede subir el de 65daysofstatic a un sitio que no sea la mierda de sendit ese que siempre me da problemas

  • Bueno, dejo por aquí este disco del año pasado. No se si se puede o sólo vale para filtraciones antes de las publicaciones de los discos. En todo caso, creo que el objetivo sería el mismo: dar a conocer un buen disco que ha pasado sin pena ni gloria por España (ni siquiera se si está editado/distribuido aquí).

    Corrina Repp - The Absent And The Distant (2006)

    A voice this warm, this intimate, this emotive is a rare occurrence. Few singers ever possess the strength and beauty that comes so naturally to Corrina Repp. A gifted vocalist Corrina is also an innovative guitarist whose atmospheric playing is a perfect foil for her gorgeous singing. She is so confident of her talent she can choose to open her new album, “The Absent and the Distant” with an instrumental “Song for a Sinking Ship.” However her true calling is quickly established on “Afloat” and “Let Us Lie Underneath the Night,” two numbers that showcase her all of her multiple talents, her voice, her playing and her insightful lyrics. Adam Selzer of Norfolk and Western recorded the album with drums by Rachel Blumberg (M. Ward, Decemberists). Joe Haege from 31 Knots produced several tracks.

    Corrina's first musical love was folk and its strains are still resonant in the minimalism and honesty of her compositions. This lead to an interest in the jazz vocalist of the 20's and 30's, some legendary like Edith Piaf and some not as well known, like big band singer Helen Forrest and “the Jazz Age Sweetheart,” Ruth Etting. Later Corrina discovered more modern music and found kindred spirits in groups like Yo La Tengo, Smog and Low but singer songwriters were where her deepest interest lay. Richard Buckner, Neil Young and Shannon Wright are some who mean the most to her.

    A childhood spent moving around the country following the her father’s corporate transfers, Hawaii, Virginia, Indiana, Missouri etc may have prepared her for the gypsy life of a musician. Settling in the Pacific Northwest she entered the shaky world of the independent music. Many divergent partime jobs were tried; Record store clerk, delivery driver and even selling band merch online. That merch job was primarily with local heroes, The Decemberists who championed her to some other locals, Hush Records, and three albums followed along with a tour opening for The Decemberists.

    There were also opening shows for M. Ward, Vic Chestnut, Cat Power and Lou Barlow but it was when Corrina recently played with Mark Kozelek that a connection was made leading to the release of “The Absent and The Distant.” Corrina felt she had seen someone who shared her belief that a larger audience could accept her self-expressed “quiet music.”

    Kozelek felt the same way. In fact he decided to release this album on his own Caldo Verde label on which he had previously only put out his own albums:

    “Her voice is beautiful and has a very sedative effect, as well as her guitar style, which reminds me of Jimi Hendrix's slower playing. She played in front of a large audience in Seattle, and I was impressed with how the room quieted down during her set. I don't think anyone there had heard her before. Signing an artist is something that hasn't interested me in the past, but I immediately jumped at this opportunity. She may be the only artist I'll ever sign.”

    Corrina Repp is a special case. A true natural talent with an authority and power that comes from possessing an instrument that is as unique as her voice. She has made a record that is special. This is music that you can bury yourself in. It can warm you and keep you safe. It can keep you afloat, if you let it. (Caldo Verde)

  • @smiling:2lan5hi8:

    alguien puede subir el de 65daysofstatic a un sitio que no sea la mierda de sendit ese que siempre me da problemas

    Usa esto:

    Introduce la URL de sendspace en el cuadro de formulario, pulsa "begin browsing" y te dejará. Asegúrate que la casilla "Remove client-side scripting (i.e JavaScript)" está desactivada, a pesar de las limitaciones si no eres americano es un buen webhosting.