Filtraciones '08

  • yo el de CAMPING me lo iba a comprar, pero me dejó tan mal sabor de boca el EP anterior que me lo estaba pensando, si le doy una escucha previa y veo que mejora, lo mismo cae y todo…

  • por cierto…

    un radio rip de "The architect", un tema del nuevo de dEUS, que veo que por ahí hay ganas, a falta de pan...

  • Bueno, pues aquí va el link al disco de Camping. Está ripeado a un bitrate de 192. Como novedades más reseñables cabe destacar que cantan en todas las canciones menos en un intervalo de ruido de dos minutos y acortan bastante la duración de las canciones, en relación a los dos discos previos.


  • Aquí se puede ver el vídeo del nuevo single de EXPERIENCE, adelanto de su inminente nuevo "Nous (en) sommes encore là", grabado por Steve Albini en los Electrical Audio de Chicago.

  • @ex-cowboy:349uk9ra:

    Bueno, pues aquí va el link al disco de Camping. Está ripeado a un bitrate de 192. Como novedades más reseñables cabe destacar que cantan en todas las canciones menos en un intervalo de ruido de dos minutos y acortan bastante la duración de las canciones, en relación a los dos discos previos.


    Muchas gracias por subirlo. Tendré que esperar que tengo una cola de 4 Megauploads pendientes.

    En Mediafire y zShare no hay que hacer cola, si alguno sube algo lo mejor sería que lo subiese a uno de esos (o Badongo).

  • @ex-cowboy:3j8czpa5:

    Bueno, pues aquí va el link al disco de Camping. Está ripeado a un bitrate de 192. Como novedades más reseñables cabe destacar que cantan en todas las canciones menos en un intervalo de ruido de dos minutos y acortan bastante la duración de las canciones, en relación a los dos discos previos.


    gracias, a ver qué tal

  • M83 - Couleurs EP

    En formato .m4a


    tau emerald - travellers two (important 2008)


    "Travellers Two is a full length recording from the duo of Tara Burke (Fursaxa) and Sharron Kraus. Togerther Kraus & Burke create an ethereal record of dark-folk magic. Tara Burke and Sharron Kraus were due to travel to Finland together for a week but missed the flight, so instead they decided to spend the week recording together and Travellers Two is the result. The time was spent out in the fields, visiting burial mounds, and then coming back to Sharron's home studio to work. They had played previously together and done some recording but this is the first time an album was conceived."


    **kurt weisman - spiritual sci-fi (important 2008)

    "While Spiritual Sci-Fi is a result of work that Kurt Weisman has been undertaking for the last 10 years it's certainly also worth noting that he's a multi-instrumentalist in the acclaimed folk outfit Feathers. Kurt's stunning musicallity and absolute compositional prowess makes this an extremely compelling and wonderfully musical experimental pop-folk recording. The dense & original arrangement makes recalls the majesty of Van Dyke Parks album Song Cycle.
    Kurt Weisman is a New England composer in his late 20s around whom all the wheels of life seem distinctly sped up (he's known for his extreme falsetto as well as pitching up his voice beyond Beatle and into cartoon)…"

  • Y para los pitchforkadictos que tenían curiosidad (si Toxi, para ti )

    **Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP


    The opening track on Fleet Foxes' debut EP is the perfect introduction to this Seattle band, whose carefully fashioned songs reward more active listening than your typical indie-roots outfit. "Sun Giant" begins with their soft harmonies reverberating in what sounds like a cathedral space. With no accompaniment, their sustained a cappella notes fade slowly, adding gravity to this hymn of contentment: "What a life I lead in the summer/ What a life I lead in the spring." The only other instrument is Skyler Skjelset's mandolin, which enters late in the song playing a delicate theme as singer Robin Pecknold hums quietly.

    The Sun Giant EP– sold on tour and digitally through Sub Pop, with a proper release forthcoming-- contains familiar sounds, but Fleet Foxes make something new and special with them, following their own musical whims as closely as they follow tradition. (Maybe more closely.) These five songs-- modest but never spare, atmospheric but never as an end in itself-- change shape constantly, taking in elements of classic rock, church music, old-timey folk, and soundtrack flourishes. Already mistaken for Southern rock (there's not enough boogie in Nicholas Peterson's drums for that), Fleet Foxes will bear repeated comparisons, both praising and disparaging, to groups like My Morning Jacket and Band of Horses, but those connections are based on superficial similarities like geography or the heavy use of reverb. In fact, Fleet Foxes' touchstones are much more diverse than that-- and not necessarily so contemporary. Until recently, their MySpace page listed Judee Sill, Crosby Stills & Nash, and Fairport Convention as influences, although now it reads "not much of a rock band." That's not especially true. You could also make a case that Fleet Foxes' demonstrative harmonies recall Fleetwood Mac; that their rearrangement and recombination of traditional styles hints at the Band or, more recently, Grizzly Bear; that their short, evocative instrumental phrasing bears similarities to Pinetop Seven.

    Such comparisons accompany the arrival of most young bands, but Fleet Foxes' songs inhabit a very specific, very rural space that's as much a product of how these songs are assembled as it is of how they sound. Like a novelist writing intricately winding sentences, the band craft hummable melodies that never quite go where you expect, but sound neither manipulated nor directed. After the quiet title track comes "Drops in the River", which builds gradually as the band patiently add instruments-- strange ambient clattering in the background and simple floor toms in place of a drum kit, accentuated with tambourine and a snaky electric guitar. Halfway through the song, Fleet Foxes reach a dramatic peak, and their next move is surprising: The music ebbs momentarily, as if to build anew through a second verse, but then picks up at that same dramatic level. Like the rest of the EP, "Drops in the River" possesses an intriguingly blunt concision, as though Fleet Foxes have no time for the luxury of long, slow crescendos or meandering jams. They focus their arrangements finely, emphasizing Pecknold's rustically impressionistic lyrics as much as their organic and inventive sound.

    "English House" and "Mykonos", the longest and most obviously "rock" songs, comprise the EP's rising action and reveal more of Fleet Foxes' range. The former is a graceful downward rush of guitars and percussion, with a falsetto chorus trimming the music like Christmas lights in the rafters. "Mykonos" doesn't travel as far as its title suggests, but thrives on the tension between Pecknold's wordless vocal intro and the band's intricate harmonies. Of course, it careens off in new directions. "Brother, you don't need to turn me away," Pecknold pleads, bringing the song to a dramatic standstill. Then the band just runs away with the song again.

    The Sun Giant EP ends with Pecknold alone once more, singing "Innocent Son" with only a few brusque strums as accompaniment. With only the sparsest elements, he turns the song into a sort of rough county-road soul, his voice unceremoniously fading out on the final words. This song, and the others here, reinforce the impression that Sun Giant is more than a tour souvenir or a promotional teaser for a proper release. It's a sovereign work: a statement EP, supremely crafted and confident.

  • Venga, para que no se diga dejo el disco que saldrá el 3 de junio. No podía filtrarse el de Grouper, no…

    Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood (Sub Pop, 2008)

  • The Constantines - "Kensington Heights" (2008) Arts & Crafts

  • THE LONG BLONDES (2008) "Couples"

    1. Century
    2. Guilt
    3. Couples
    4. I Liked Boys
    5. Here Comes the Serious Bit
    6. Round the Hairpin
    7. Too Clever By Half
    8. Erin O'Connor
    9. Nostalgia
    10. Going to Hell

    Después de su tan manido y comentado debut, "Someone to drive you home" de 2006, y de pasar por todos los festivales del mundo mundial, el quinteto de Sheffield THE LONG BLONDES edita el próximo mes de abril con Rough Trade su segundo trabajo, diez canciones en su línea de pop-rock pegadizo con un cierto toque mainstream.

  • @-Toxinho-:3cnh77gv:

    Para que os hagis una idea de que va el nuevo disco os dejo una versión a 128 kbps de los Cut Copy
    Cut Copy - In Ghost Colors

    ¿Podría alguien volver a subir el de Cut Copy? El enlace no funciona.

  • edit: pues no llegué a verlo, gracias poppie.

  • @alias:1mk4eo4l:

    The Black Keys Attack & Release

    la anterior vez que lo pusieron hubo toque, cuidadín ... &start=690

  • @Kiototar:25vf7m1u:

    Uno de los grupos que yo pedía para el Primavera Sound…

    GET CAPE. WEAR CAPE. FLY: Searching For The Hows And Whys (2008)

    a alguien mas le ha pasado que las canciones marcan 20 minutos de duracion todas?

  • Sip, bueno a mi me oscilan entre los 0.34 y los 40 minutos pero la mayoria marcan más de 20.

  • Vaya, hoy mismo lo había encargado y ahora me lo encuentro filtrado:

    Pocahaunted - Peyote Road [Woodsist 2008]


    Evolving comes easier to some than others. A lot of the 21st century's chief underground ringbearers are happy mining the same psych-ditch for the same warped ore, tape after tape and day after day. But Eagle Rock, CA's Pocahaunted are too restless (and easily annoyed?) to sit still like that, and so spent all of '07 throwing ever weirder new figures and moods into their amplifier family, and "Peyote Road" shows the motion of their transformation agenda. The A side ritual, "Divine Flesh," stirs hand drums and chimes into a bellydancing blur of voice smoke and rhythm before breaking down into its base elements and slowly reforming. The flip side ("Heroic Doses") documents Pocahaunted's set opening for Thurston Moore on Halloween night in the wasted and highly un-mystical California desert town of Visalia. Bobb Bruno and Britt Brown backed up the ladies' blown-out but melancholy wailing wall with electronic drums and drones, and the recording treads a dim, no-fi path into a bleak and holy void. With tribal-psychedelia collage jacket artwork by owleyes.

  • @-Toxinho-:pzy0igvz:

    Howlin Rain - Magnificent Friend

    Proyecto del cantante de Comets On Fire, del cual no so puedo decir si está bien o no. Así que habrá que escucharlo.

    un discazo retro en plan rock sureño, tremendo, aunque entiendo que para muchos no sea su rollo

  • Va una de Noise Rock

    Indian Jewelry - We Are The Wild Beast

    Creo que os gustará si os gustó el disco de No Age o el último de Liars, aunque esto puede echar a más de uno para atrás a la hora de bajarlo. Por si acaso os dejo su maiespeis: