Filtraciones '08

  • Pedir el disco de Sr Chinarro, Ronroneando es mucho pedir?

    He encontrado un par de links pero ya no funcionan y a lo mejor había alguien por ahí con mas suerte…

  • el anterior de este tipo tenía momentos que me encantaban. folk-pop.

    David Karsten Daniels - Fear of Flying (fat cat, 2008)

  • AIDAN JOHN MOFFAT (2008) "I can hear your heart"

    El que fuera mitad de Arab Strap ahora con nuevo disco pero en solitario. AVISO: rollo spoken word

  • Port-Royal - Flared Up-Remixed (2008)

    remixes de los indietrónicos italianos port-royal. F.S. Blumm, Ulrich Schnauss y Fizzarum (los daba por muertos), entre otros.

    1 Mohn F/R Port-Royal (F.S. Blumm Remix) (2:45)
    2 Jeka (Fizzarum Remix) (5:11)
    3 Spetsnaz (destroyed By Stafraenn Hakon) (6:03)
    4 Karola Bloch (Manual Remix) (8:22)
    5 Jeka (Judith Juillerat Remix) (5:21)
    6 Flares Pt.2 (D_rradio Remix) (6:02)
    7 Flares Tt.3 (Televise Remix) (5:30)
    8 Karola Bloch (Dialect Remix) (7:04)
    9 Spetsnaz (Skyphone Remix) (4:08 )
    10 Flares On The Water (Minamo Remix) (11:20)
    11 Karola Bloch (Opn Remix) (7:54)
    12 Stimmung (Ulrich Schnauss Remix) (5:53)

    primera mitad:```

    segunda mitad:```

  • a pesar de que sus dos discos anteriores me encantan, el nuevo de man man no me ha gustado del todo. demasiado rollo zingaro y toques swing que no me gustan. ahora casi que nombraría antes a kusturica o a bregovic que a tom waits o a captain beefheart. además, lo veo falto de imaginación y demasiado previsible.

  • Hey chema, no es por ser cargoso (bueno, si un poco), pero ya se dijo que es mejor que se pongan los links como códigos, de manera que sean mas difíciles de rastrear.

  • @suitaloon:1okme1q7:

    Hey chema, no es por ser cargoso (bueno, si un poco), pero ya se dijo que es mejor que se pongan los links como códigos, de manera que sean mas difíciles de rastrear.

    lo siento, no estoy al tanto… ¿eso es lo de poner hxxp?

    hay cosas de la informática que se me escapan un poco. yo soy de tener mi abecé de recursos, herramientas, programas y costumbres y de ahí no salir.

  • @chema:


    Hey chema, no es por ser cargoso (bueno, si un poco), pero ya se dijo que es mejor que se pongan los links como códigos, de manera que sean mas difíciles de rastrear.

    lo siento, no estoy al tanto… ¿eso es lo de poner hxxp?

    hay cosas de la informática que se me escapan un poco. yo soy de tener mi abecé de recursos, herramientas, programas y costumbres y de ahí no salir.

    no, meterlo entre los tags [ Code ]:


    (me ha salido un re-code).

  • @tethor:2fi9nsf9:



    Hey chema, no es por ser cargoso (bueno, si un poco), pero ya se dijo que es mejor que se pongan los links como códigos, de manera que sean mas difíciles de rastrear.

    lo siento, no estoy al tanto… ¿eso es lo de poner hxxp?

    hay cosas de la informática que se me escapan un poco. yo soy de tener mi abecé de recursos, herramientas, programas y costumbres y de ahí no salir.

    no, meterlo entre los tags [ Code ]:


    (me ha salido un re-code).

    ¡gracias! ya he aprendido algo nuevo.

  • Un tipo que pensé que acabaría en el Primavera, y, por ahora, no. Solo he escuchado su EP del año pasado, y me pareció como su hermano, pero sin gracia.



  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:nh17a0dx:

    Colin Meloy - Sings Live (Kill Rock Stars, 2008)

    el link de colin meloy ya no funciona. alguien puede volver a subirlo?

  • Por si alguno lo quiere:

    R.E.M. - Accelerate (2008)

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:ppj4dwk2:

    Por si alguno lo quiere:

    R.E.M. - Accelerate (2008)

    Pues el disco esta de puta madre. Sacan un buen disco en 10 años y justo este año no les vere de gira….En fin, al menos "han vuelto".

  • a mi no me ha dicho mucho después de un par de escuchas.

    no es que sea yo muy integrista con ellos, y me hago cargo que llevan mucho en esto y es difícil mantener el tipo, pero les sigo notando muy poco inspirados. en conjunto es más escuchable que el último pero lo único que me parece diferente de los anteriores es que se han dejado de lado la gaseosa y los experimentos y que no hay casi canciones lentas.

  • Four Tet - Ringer (2008)


    Four Tet returns with four tracks of techno (not techno). The Ringer mini album is a 32 minute, four-track excursion into the kind of wide-open spaces you might find if you set out to make techno with an afrobeat/krautrock sensibility.

    Ringer locks together gloriously rich synthesizer arpeggios; 'Wing Body Wing' slips from crisp clusters of disco percussion to Steve Reich polyrhythms; and in between are another two euphoric ripples of sound, 'Ribbons' and 'Swimmer'. These are tracks that make you think of Berlin - Dakar - Detroit - but they could only have been made in London. All four are headphone epics, but are mixed in such a way you know you have to hear them at Plastic People or The End.

    The techno heartbeat comes from Kieran Hebden's regular DJ residences over the last couple of years - but also from his ongoing collaborations with legendary jazz drummer Steve Reid. Whether in the studio or live, Kieran and Steve often click into the kind of deep 4/4 grooves that can depart in any direction with a little adjustment.

    Ringer carries that minimal pulse over into Four Tet, and while Kieran's trademark recuttings of jazz breaks may be less in evidence, his feel for harmony and melody is, as always, unmistakable.

  • ¡buena ahí!

  • Machinefabriek - Mort Aux Vaches (Staalplat, 2008)

    Esta noche subo otro par. Este es el hombre más prolifico del mundo.

  • Este debería ser el disco más sólido de todos los que edite durante el año. La continuación natural de Marijn y Weeler. El archivo tiene los 6 cortes unidos en uno sólo:

    Machinefabriek - Ranonkel (2008)


    In the '2008 Preview' piece published recently on these pages, it was projected that Machinefabriek was likely to release in the vicinity of twenty albums over the course of the year, based on 2007's form. If I've counted correctly, this would be the fifth release by Rutger Zuydervelt to find its way into the Boomkat office so far in 2008, meaning that he's already a quarter of the way towards that figure, and we're barely a month into the year. Ranonkel marks a break in form from the recent output however, avoiding all sense of this being another ephemeral transmission from the Machinefabriek hard drive, and instead sounding like a fully formed bonafide album, a worthy follow-up to the Marijn full-length released on Lampse in 2006. As an introductory statement 'Trouringh' serves as proof that Zuydervelt has well and truly brought his A-game to the table this time around, combining the very best of his microsound work with an explicitly tuneful instrumental element. Fizzing glockenspiel tones light a melodic causeway across a minuscule, infinitely graceful backdrop of high frequency sine tones, crackle and slow chords. It's a real keeper, definitely among the very finest of Zuydervelt's compositions. If you've grown a little sceptical of the Machinefabriek quality control system of late, here's the antidote. A series of more streamlined drones follows, although the overall feel is one of methodical, well thought out composition rather than off-the cuff tonal layering: 'Stofstuktoon' resonates like an orchestra of perpetually sustaining Tibetan prayer bowls, eventually sliding away into near silence populated only by a protracted static hiss. Over the course of 'Ranonkel 1' you'll hear interjections of acoustic guitar flirting with electronic signals, revealing a gradual, unfolding melodic trajectory. After 'Andermans Thuis' has dabbled in slightly more ominous waters, via what sounds like some gentle contact mic recordings, 'Ranonkel 2' offers a palette-cleansing ninety seconds of beautiful sinusoidal stretches, leading into the album's final seventeen minutes: 'Zink'; an immense, panoramic ambient piece featuring Zuydervelt's full armoury of techniques. During its first half you'll hear blurred acousmatic artefacts clashing with submerged string textures, eventually escalating into the kind of heady guitar manipulations and shimmering electronic timbres you might recall from Taylor Deupree's Northern. The finest Machinefabriek outing of 2008 by some margin - you'll be returning to that opening piece in particular again and again. ESSENTIAL PURCHASE.

  • Unwed Sailor - Little Wars (Burnt Toast Vinyl, 2008)

  • El de Unwed Sailor lo estoy escuchando y no me convence mucho :S

    Machinefabriek - Music For Intermittent Movements: Soundtracks For Films By John Price


    2008 gets underway with the irrepressible Rutger Zuydervelt further extending his prodigious discography,
    this time with a collection of sublime soundtrack pieces commissioned by American filmmaker John Price,
    whose works are about to be screened at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. This timely CD issue
    finds Machinefabriek in especially good form, with the opening twelve-minuter 'Camp Series 1' mimicking
    the wonderfully fusty turntable explorations of Phillip Jeck, delving into a pool of deep, thick vinyl crackle
    from some old 78, detuned and blurred beyond all recognition. Its dense, prickly atmosphere sounds as
    you'd imagine Deaf Center were they to be pressed onto wax cylinder. Next, 'The Boy Who Died', while
    composed from similar materials, has a much darker heart and a heavier noise presence with a few
    snatches of melody rising up here and there - we're starting to get into the realms of Deathprod or William
    Basinski. The Basinski influence is similarly apparent on the next piece, a short three minutes of guitar,
    treated with decaying effects reminiscent of the dilapidated pianos on Melancholia. 'Intermittent Movement'
    is a more obviously digital composition, featuring wide-panned percussive fragments and deep, dark bass
    drones. The rubble clears towards the end to reveal a cave-like echo chamber, filled with whirring and
    scraping sound matter. Finally, 'Camp Series 2' takes us back to the beginning of the disc with languid,
    wistful tones firmly in the grip of distortion and decomposition. We have 50 copies only, you know what you
    have to do…