Filtraciones '13

  • @koan:30vxar8q:

    se ha caido el de david b. Algún alma caritativa?

  • @koan:23ick4gu:

    se ha caido el de david b. Algún alma caritativa?

    Si alguien lo desea en FLAC, aquí paso unos enlaces

  • Los Coronas "Adiós Sancho"


    surf-rock torero-fronterizo

  • Boris - Präparat

  • ya se puede escuchar en streaming el nuevo album de negro. buenisimo!!!

    negro / formación del espíritu nacional (la castanya, 2013)

    ► listen


    Negro es el proyecto en solitario de Fernando Junquera, con residencia en Valencia y una gran actividad musical a lo largo de los últimos 10 años, donde se le ha podido ver en grupos como Balano, Sachicha y Estrategia Lo Capto! y más recientemente en proyectos de improvisación como La Orquesta del Caballo Ganador.

    Formación del Espíritu Nacional ha sido grabado por Pablo Perió —bajista de los grandes Betunizer— en su estudio Sountess y masterizado por Victor Garcia en Ultramarinos Mastering. Un disco donde Fernando nos guía por este mundo a base de punteos y pasajes que construye únicamente con su guitarra eléctrica enchufada a un amplificador. Canciones instrumentales, algunas con sonidos de ambiente recogidos en la calle y con títulos que nos hacen soñar y también, porqué no, ver la cruda realidad. Si de alguna cosa estamos seguros es de que el 2013 será Negro.

  • @baifo:vlywdh4c:


    waxahatchee / cerulean salt (don giovanni, 2013)

    ▼ download


    On her second full-length record as Waxahatchee, former P.S. Eliot singer Katie Crutchfield’s compelling hyper-personal poetry is continuously crushing. Cerulean Salt follows last January’s American Weekend - - a collection of minimal acoustic-guitar pop written and recorded in a week at her family’s Birmingham home.

    On this new record, Crutchfield’s songs continue to be marked by her sharp, hooky songwriting; her striking voice and lyrics that simultaneously seem hyper-personal yet relentlessly relatable, teetering between endearingly nostaglic and depressingly dark. But whereas before the thematic focus of her songcraft was on break ups and passive-aggressive crushing, this record reflects on her family and Alabama upbringing. And whereas American Weekend was mostly just Crutchfield and her guitar, Cerulean Salt is occassionally amped up, with a full band and higher-fi production.

    At times, Cerulean Salt creeps closer to the sound of PS Eliot: moody, 90s-inspired rock backed by Keith Spencer and Swearin’ guitarist Kyle Gilbridge on drums and bass. The full band means fleshed-out fuzzy lead guitars on “Coast to Coast”, its poppy hook almost masking its dark lyrics. Big distorted guitars and deep steady drums mark songs like “Misery over Dispute” and “Waiting”.

    ESPECTACULAR. Gracias!!
    Para los amantes de la Cat Power del "Moon Pix" hacia atrás

    Buen disco, también tiene muchos toques a la olvidada (pero grande) Liz Phair, incluso las más guitarreras suenan a Breeders/Veruca Salt/Throwing Muses.

  • este fijo que se la pone dura a skuta, que los propuso para la cosa esa del psvsforo. os acordais? que risas!

    blanche blanche blanche / wooden ball (nna tapes, 2013)

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    Sarah Smith and Zach Phillips, better known as Blanche Blanche Blanche, live by the element of risk. This becomes clear upon listening to their latest full-length record “Wooden Ball”, where the unpredictability reaches palpable levels. These prolific young masters of harmony from Brattleboro, Vermont have spent the last couple years recording and releasing nearly 10 full-length records worth of brilliant and confounding musical quicksand. Describing it in words can be difficult, but make no mistake that these songs are both highly calculated, and drenched in paradox. Manic keyboard lines are pounded out with hyper chops, running circles around octopus basslines. Each progression is seemingly different from the last, showing a simultaneous reverence and destruction of the tonal study. Percussion pads are guided by ruthless polyphony at an intense, hummingbird-paced tempo, with lines and melodies colliding at every junction, clashing and crashing, like the most fluid and elegant car wreck you’ve never seen. The cutting, topical lyrics and deadpan, bare-bones vocal delivery are wholly original, while undoubtedly fueled by the eternal flame of the “punk” spirit and DIY ethics. Most importantly, at the heart of the all the technicality, lies the warmth of the human element. “Wooden Ball”, like most BBB, was lovingly recorded to four-track tape, so you can tangibly feel the intention of these spirited musicians. This taps into what seems to be an emerging Vermont-style, evident in other locals artists like Ryan Power, Son Of Salami, Chris Weisman, or Happy Jawbone Family Band – raw, no-rules songwriting, unattached to genre or principal. The revenge of the “small town” feel, where rock and roll is in the eye of the beholder. There must be something in the syrup…

  • @Pelukini:1hmc1ci7:

    Tony Molina - Dissed And Dismissed
    Punk Rock 90's, Fuzz & Riffs, GbV, a tema por minuto ... -come-back

    ep! interesa! link????

  • a ver fr#, si el pelukas no ha dejado enlace de descarga es porque no lo tiene. si tanto te interesa el disco, por que no pagas por el? sale a 5 miseros euros al cambio. o eso no entra dentro de tus opciones?

  • @mi:

    blanche blanche blanche / wooden ball (nna tapes, 2013)

    Wooo gracias!

  • Pete Swanson / Punk Authority [2013]

  • omar rodríguez-lopez / ¿sólo extraño? (rodriguez-lopez, 2013)

    ▼ download

  • jojojo grande manel! tremendo escenon!

    me estoy bajando el abraxas. alguien lo quiere?

    black pus / all my relations (thrill jockey, 2013)

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    Black Pus is Brian Chippendale, who rose to prominence as the drummer of noise rock titans Lightning Bolt and Mindflayer. The first Black Pus CD-R was self released in early 2006, and was a collection of ferocious free jazz, multi-tracked on Chippendale’s cassette four-track. Enamored of the control of recording solo, Chippendale followed with more CD-Rs, and began playing live under the Black Pus moniker. He refined the Black Pus sound over numerous self-released CDs and 2011’s Primordial Pus on Load Records, replacing the saxophone with a drum-mounted oscillator and experimenting with pop structures. The oscillator creates gigantic bass tones that are then fed through a series of pedals. Over the course of the past several years Chippendale has been hand-picked by Bjo?rk and The Flaming Lips as a collaborator, and recruited by Andrew W.K. for Lee “Scratch” Perry’s 2008 album Repentance.
    All My Relations is constant forward motion and audible physicality. Chippendale’s furious drumming style is ever present and instantly recognizable, but the pop element, which Chippendale explored in more contained ways on earlier Black Pus releases, is more fully integrated. Tracks like “1000 Years” and “Hear No Evil” bear a snarl and a smile, the sound of wild abandon that is both aggressive and inviting. Chippendale creates maximalist music out of the simple elements of drums, vocals, and an oscillator triggered by the kick drum, looping and repeating phrases and rhythms in a way that can only be called meditative. The album closes with “A Better Man,” an almost ten minute epic that expertly alternates between the minimal pulse of the kick drum and oscillator and some of the most voracious and unrestrained drumming on the album.

  • Cayucas – Bigfoot (2013)


    Cayucas will release their debut album Bigfoot on 30 April, via Secretly Canadian. As Cayucas, band leader Zach Yudin has created a sound steeped in his sunny California roots, each track a perfectly crafted pop zinger. His catchy, addictive melodies are buoyed by syncopated rhythms and a breezy chorus of vocals. Built in layers and with exquisite atmospheric detail – the hiss of a needle in the groove, steel drum reverb, ambient party noise – Cayucas fixes to a place and time filled with the warmth of nostalgia and the joy of youth.
    Cayucas: Pronounced “ky-yook-us”, it’s the (slightly misspelled) name of a sleepy little seaside town in San Luis Obispo County, California. That town, Cayucos, has hardly changed in the last 50 years, a far cry from the gentrified tourist traps parading showily down the nearby coastline. In the early 1960s, the surfing craze hit. There was one bar around which local kids congregated back then, the site of helpless crushes and fights and games of pool, a place whose jukebox soundtracked innumerable teenage years as breezy summers rolled into mild winters and back around again. The bar has since disappeared, but as Zach Yudin, who named his band after the town, will tell you, the place still holds on tight to its propensity for dreamy, lazy, bonfire-lit nights worth getting moony-eyed about.
    Cayucas’ debut album bears little resemblance to the sound of modern California that’s been so omnipresent over the past few years: mentions of weed, lolling around on the beach and musical references to Dick Dale are conspicuously absent. Instead, Bigfoot possesses flirty rhythmic sensibilities both snappy and sparkling, a rosy, near-tropical warmth, and a loose and conversational feel that position you right in the line of Yudin’s wry gaze.

  • @moldy:2hc8mcat:

    Cayucas – Bigfoot (2013)

    Rapidgator quiere que me baje un EXE. ¿Han cambiado su sistema y ahora te piden que instales alguna mierda de aplicación tipo softonic?

    edit: a la segunda ya ha ido bien

  • Con eso me lo vendiste Haddock! Había ignorado este disco de Waxahatchee hasta ahora, a pesar de las recomendaciones, pero esos dos (o tres) primeros discos de la Phair son una maravilla. Gracias también a Baifo.




    Para los amantes de la Cat Power del "Moon Pix" hacia atrás

    Buen disco, también tiene muchos toques a la olvidada (pero grande) Liz Phair, incluso las más guitarreras suenan a Breeders/Veruca Salt/Throwing Muses.

  • Suede – Bloodsports (2013)