Filtraciones '13

  • Colin Stetson – New History Warfare Vol. 3 – To See More Light ( Constellation, 2013)


    Saxophone genius and Bon Iver touring member Colin Stetson has revealed more details concerning the third and final installment in his New Warfare series. New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light will be released on April 30th through Constellation. The 11-track effort was recorded live in single takes and mixed by Ben Frost, an Australian composer who worked previously with Stetson on his album Judges. ….

    01. And In Truth
    02. Hunted
    03. High Above A Grey Green Sea
    04. In Mirrors
    05. Brute
    06. Among The Sef (Righteous II)
    07. Who The Waves Are Roaring For (Hunted II)
    08. To See More Light
    09. What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?
    10. This Bed Of Shattered Bone
    11. Part Of Me Apart From You

  • muchas gracias reh saw, pero a ese enlace le falta la última (la del video).

    la que da título al disco la tocó aquí en Madrid cuando vino hace unos meses y es una pasada, por cierto.

  • wolf eyes / no answer: lower floors (de stijl, 2013)

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    Today, Wolf Eyes are pleased to announce their return with a European tour (U.S. dates to follow) and a new record, No Answer : Lower Floors. Wolf Eyes are also returning to longtime friend-base and Interzone of outsider art, De Stijl Records, with whom the band worked on No Face Lives, their collaboration with Smegma, and the loner blues cerebration unit Stare Case’s Lose Today.

    The No Answer : Lower Floors material covers all bases: tough to toughest to tangled, all done in the Wolves’ least convoluted smooth-style simple-yet-tangled rhythms. The vocals, delays, primitive electronics, woodwinds and raw guitar of newest member James Baljo create a new destroyed space to crawl through. No Answer was recorded and mixed at the Michigan Underground Group’s gambling/clubhouse/art space, with the usually 2D-flat quality of the drums and electronics given creeping new brightness-life within the hollow echo acoustics of the sacred space’s cinder prisons. No Answer : Lower Floors shares a natural feel with previous Wolf Eyes efforts but goes much further in detailing their underworld of odd melodies and mangled harmonics. Within their system-based economic compositions, there remains zero room for wasted space. The whole record is less internal misery and more colorful, if of a “could be life on Mars” zone more than rainbows and daisies.

    No Answer : Lower Floors features former members Aaron Dilloway and Mike Connelly, and thus is a family homecoming of sorts. More important, it’s the dawn of a new Wolf Eyes era. As the desconstructed skull mangled on the cover states: It’s RNR from a waste world of 2001244 A.D.

  • gracias, vaya remesa.

    no se si el de how to destroy angels se colgó, por si no:

  • como me caeis bien, os acabo de subir un par de novedades patrias que lo petan. ya sabeis que hacer si os molan. no hagais llorar a tito bicor.

    za! / wanananai (gandula/discorporate, 2013)

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    Two people in front of your eyes, yet a transoceanic, futuristically primitive orchestra in your ears. Spazzfrica Ehd & Papa duPau, the duet from Barcelona known as ZA!, keep on their Post Worldmusic conquest with their best album so far. WANANANAI…

    tokyo sex destruction / sagittarius (bcore, 2013)

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    “Sagittarius” está destinado a ser uno de los discos más importantes en la carrera de Tokyo Sex Destruction. 10 años después del mítico “Le Red Soul Communitté”, su primer disco, y casi 4 de “The Neighbourhood”, los de Vilanova han conseguido por fin aunar la energía desbocada de sus primeros pasos y la madurez conseguida tras años de girar por todo el mundo: Estados Unidos, Francia, Canadá, Alemania, Rusia… dejando a su paso un reguero de zapatos rotos y gargantas al rojo vivo.
    Atorrante y sensual, en “Sagittarius” podemos ver como campan a sus anchas todas las influencias que han hecho de Tokyo Sex Destruction uno de los grupos más importantes de la escena: percusiones latinas, desarrollos psicodélicos, estribillos de soul alucinado, rock and roll escuela MC5 / Stooges y hipismo pandillero. Toda la santísima trinidad del rock 60’s y 70’s hecha disco.

  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito (Deluxe)

  • @bruce_billis:2jkvqf6q:

    za! / wanananai (gandula/discorporate, 2013)

    ¡Qué de fruta madre! Precisamente me pasaba por aquí pensando en a ver si algún alma caritativa lo había puesta. ¡Muchas gracias! Muchas ganas de que esta gente se vuelva a pasar por Madrid.

  • Caveman - Caveman (2013)

  • M83 - Oblivion Soundtrack

    Balago - Darder

  • Vuelve mi loca favorita. A la carga…

    Scout Niblett - It´s Up To Emma

  • …y la de todos. Gracias Toxinho.

  • Deerhunter - Monomonomeinia

  • Yeah!!!!!!! vaya día llevamos….

  • @-Toxinho-:2yw80y9y:

    Vuelve mi loca favorita. A la carga…

    Scout Niblett - It´s Up To Emma

    se la está pegando con el ojopocho de radiojete?

  • @galleta:9zb6b1rz:


    Vuelve mi loca favorita. A la carga…

    Scout Niblett - It´s Up To Emma

    se la está pegando con el ojopocho de radiojete?

    Él la besa sin cerrar los ojos. Esto va a acabar mal.

  • ¿Alguien saber si "The Leap Year", el nuevo disco de Furguson, ya corre por ahí? Me gustaría pegarle un bocado para decidir si me compro la entrada + vinilo para su concierto en Barcelona en mayo : )

    ¡Gracias i visca el Barça!

  • ¡Visca!

  • Moltes gràcies!

  • Iron & Wine – Ghost On Ghost (2013)