SERIES de gallina de piel

  • @Primavera:

    Puedo yo también opinar????
    Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Los Soprano, Carnival, Arrested Development, The Shield, Brotherhood.
    Si hiciésemos un festival de series los "tiros" irían por ahí.

    el Mr tiene tiempo libre!!!, jajaja

    The Shield la empecé ayer y tiene muy buena pinta, de la de brotherhood ni idea, tendré que investigar…

  • para frikis que siguen al día-día las series americanas:

  • Pregunta: Hace un mes o dos, en <<insertar aquí el nombre de la cadena en la que emiten Los Soprano, ya que yo no lo recuerdo>>, anunciaban un episodio de los Soprano con música de Mogwai (el "We're no here" en concreto)… ¿ponen Mogwai en la banda sonora de la serie?

  • A mi me ha picado la curiosidad por Deadwood, que no la conocía y me he puesto a bajar los primeros a ver que tal. La de Carnivale me está gustando bastante, aunque eso de que esté inacabada…

  • @1g7k0yta:

    Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Los Soprano, Carnival, Arrested Development, The Shield, Brotherhood.

    Six Feet y Los Soprano, clásicos. Arrested Development es divertidísima, delirante… prohibido perdérsela. El resto ya las tenía clichadas, ahora falta encontrar tiempo...

    Yo ahora estoy viendo Mr. Show, serie de sketches de la HBO de hace 3 o 4 años de lo más recomendable, como un Monty Python a la americana y con el gran David Cross (también en Arrested).

  • Oye macho, ahora en serio: ¿vosotros dormís? Porque si sumo el tiempo de ver series al de encontrar y colgar filtraciones, éste al de escucharlas, y éste al de escuchar discos que no sean filtraciones… me salen unas 30 horas diarias

  • @gRR!!:aee62dfk:

    Oye macho, ahora en serio: ¿vosotros dormís? Porque si sumo el tiempo de ver series al de encontrar y colgar filtraciones, éste al de escucharlas, y éste al de escuchar discos que no sean filtraciones… me salen unas 30 horas diarias

    Ejem… por no hablar de otro tipo de necesidades.....

  • Pues sí, yo desde que frecuento este foro, alucino con los hábitos de algunos. Ya me sorprende tanto tiempo para escuchar novedades musicales, pues imagínate tres temporadas de 8 series en medio año, más lecturas, más ir al cine un par de veces por semana. ¿De dónde sacáis el tiempo para trabajar, ir al súper, bajar al bar a desayunar, tomar cañas con los amigos, hacer partidillos de furgol, verlos, hacer lavadoras, tenderlas, sacar el perro, los que tenéis pareja pasar un tiempo con ella…? Joder, para mí el foro ya me quita demasiado tiempo...
    Reflexionemos hermanos.

  • Pues fácil:

    Mientras bajas al super a comprar paseas al perro, miras las series por la psp y escuchas las últimas novedades discográficas en el ipod, todo esto acompañado por tu pareja y justo antes de tender la ropa (eschando otro disco claro). Ah!, lo del partidillo de futbol pues cuando estás en el banquillo acabas el que habías dejado a medias cuando ibas al super.

  • @12vqvx1d:

    Oye macho, ahora en serio: ¿vosotros dormís? Porque si sumo el tiempo de ver series al de encontrar y colgar filtraciones, éste al de escucharlas, y éste al de escuchar discos que no sean filtraciones… me salen unas 30 horas diarias

    Que conste en acta que únicamente me limito a copiar enlaces de filtraciones que creo que pueden resultar interesantes, yo sólo escucho (y bajo) un pequeño porcentaje. Filtraciones es una ONG alttruista

  • @gRR!!:3vnfwogj:

    Pregunta: Hace un mes o dos, en <<insertar aquí el nombre de la cadena en la que emiten Los Soprano, ya que yo no lo recuerdo>>, anunciaban un episodio de los Soprano con música de Mogwai (el "We're no here" en concreto)… ¿ponen Mogwai en la banda sonora de la serie?

    Que yo recuerde no,probablemente lo hayan elegido en la Sexta para hacer el anuncio.

  • El de Lost:

    Los subtítulos, os los buscais. Perdón eh, pero es que llego tarde para variar! Buenos días, por cierto y es viernes, no lo olvideis! Deu!

  • No edito porqué no me deja el puto foro, que a mi me sigue funcionando con la polla, porqué me desloguea cuando le place. J.W. , a ver si sacamos lo mejor! Tú puedes!

    En fin, Lost; Parece que sigune contando cosillas, pero bueno, que no mata tampoco. Lo peor de todo, es que me temo un final patata asada cada vez que veo un nuevo capítulo.
    Por cierto, viendo este séptimo episodio, creo entender el fichaje del Darren Requiem. Qué de imagenes pajoleras a ritmo bacalaero que nos espera, la virgen. Sigo esperando que la Kate se anime y nos enseñe de una puta vez las peras.O en su defecto que haya un frontal completo del Hurley, que anda que no molaría.

    Hostias, casi se me olvida otra vez. Me bajé Dexter, Alex y Missy y si que mola sí. El final no me acabó de convencer, pero el rollo con el asesino y el personaje de Laguerta están muy bien. Además, Dexter mola. Bajaosla todos y miradla. Espero que no hagan segunda temporada y se olviden del puto zapato.

  • @XAVIXAVI:3rp6mra3:

    O en su defecto que haya un frontal completo del Hurley, que anda que no molaría.

    JUR JUR…

  • Ya te digo, qué puta mierda de capítulo con los flashbacks de la panoli esa y la puta operación, el peor de toda la serie con diferencia. Si no fuera por la prometedora escena del tratamiento ludovico dejaría de ver este peñazo.

  • Es que las series del tipo Lost, Prison Break etc deberían durar un año, o dos a lo sumo, porque cuando empiezan a rizar el rizo pierde bastante interés. Yo esta última época de Perdidos me ha dejado un poco frío. A mi como mínimo toda la trama que están llevando ahora me aburre un poco.

    Tengo terror de la segunda temporada de Heroes, con lo bien que va hasta ahora, espero que no se pierdan en tonterias.

  • @alexkidd:1912srsx:

    por cierto… el mequetrefe del ben se folló a la francesa? qué le vio?

    yo creo que no, lo que le han hecho creer que es hija de ben

  • @Pelukini:2kkzub12:


    por cierto… el mequetrefe del ben se folló a la francesa? qué le vio?

    yo creo que no, lo que le han hecho creer que es hija de ben

    Es obvio… la robarón a la francesita y le hicierón creer que es la hija del Ben... pero no lo es...
    A mi me gustó bastante el capitulo aunque no sea el mejor porque se aprenden cosas sobre los “otros” a traves de la historia de la Juliet.

  • @XAVIXAVI:18h2ayt3:

    Sigo esperando que la Kate se anime y nos enseñe de una puta vez las peras…

    …venga dedicada para tí Lilly ,solo le faltan las orejitas,oyes...

    …más aquí ... -lost.html

    ...yo ya no sé que creer de esta série..però es que por màs que diga que estos capítulos son un rollo igualmente espero a que llegue el jueves para bajarmelos ..yo los saco de aquí


    ..y he aquí una paródia del capitulo final protagonizado por los própios actores arodia

    ..en blanco porqué hay SPOILERS
    ..parrafada de la nueva tempprada de LOST

    (entrevista con Doc Jensen y reportaje)

    For the past week, dozens of you have sent me e-mails asking the same two urgent questions. To paraphrase, those questions go something like this:

    "I've heard that ABC has been sending out screeners of the next episode of Lost, 'Not In Portland.' Did you get one? And have you seen it?!"

    And my answers are Yes. And Yes.

    Actually, it's "HELL yes!"

    I've watched "Not In Portland" THREE TIMES now. Usually in cases where I've been lucky enough to get this kind of sneak peek, I would devote this space a review and a series of cryptic teases. For a number of reasons, I'm going to refrain from the review. Passing critical judgments on TV shows is technically not my department here at EW. That said, let the fact that I've watched the episode three times in less than 24 hours tell you something.

    But I will gladly offer you four fantastic teases:

    1. The first line in the episode is "Hello," and it is uttered by one of the most menacing and mysterious characters in the Lost verse.

    2. If you want to get a head start on the homework you'll be doing after watching the episode, investigate the following: Edmund Burke, A Clockwork Orange, and A Brief History of Time.

    3. For the second straight episode, there is a fleeting yet conspicuous reference to the name "Jacob." This time, the context is decidedly religious.

    4. According to recent statements by the producers, and per the timeline that's been suggested in the show, the events that are currently transpiring in Lost are taking place in late November 2004, possibly very early December 2004. At the end of "Not In Portland," a character reveals the exact amount of time that he/she has been on the island. When you do the math, you will get an Estimated Date that comes suspiciously close to the exact date of an infamous, real-world catastrophe. Coincidence?

    Anyway. Something to whet your appetite. Mere crumbs, I know. If you want meatier teases, I'm sure you can go to other websites and find looser lips. But I would encourage you to be patient. The episode is worth the wait, and worth discovering for yourself.


    Earlier in the season, I put forth a theory that suggested that ABC's Lost and NBC's Heroes take place in the same world. I thought it was a pretty inspired notion. However, reader Chris P. argues otherwise:

    Look, if you want to start a blog about Heroes, then do it. But this is supposed to be about a show called LOST. Besides, you dolt, Heroes is an NBC series and ABC would never want to help the struggling NBC put a show together. ? I like The Sopranos but if I was responsible for writing Lost theories, I wouldn't try to grasp at similarities between the two shows because that would be ridiculous. No one will want to read your stupid theories if they continue to be centered on completely impossible and utterly silly ideas — like a connection between Lost and Heroes that involves the Dharma Initiative putting something in the water. I mean come on … put a little time and thought and effort into this thing or step aside and let someone else do it.

    Dear Chris: Ummmm... I love you, too?


    By contrast, here's Shannon Geier, who reads the same crazy theories that Chris P. reads and walks away with a different kind of feeling for yours truly:

    I have never wanted a man so much in my entire life! You rock my world! Lost is the greatest show & watching you deconstruct it ... OH MY GOD!!!

    Wow. If only my Lost theories could get a reaction like that from my wife. Anyway, Shannon actually has a question — and I actually have an answer:

    Do you think the guy in the insane asylum who originally gave Hurley the numbers will reappear at some time? And do you think that the little details from season 1 will be addressed before the show ends its run? With all the big questions, it seems unlikely that the little, tiny questions will be addressed, but I'm just curious on your opinion.

    Dear Shannon: I think by the time the show ends, you'll get the satisfaction you seek. Which is not to say that I think EVERY little mystery will be explicitly addressed. But I think many of them will, and those that aren't will be addressed via the implications of other answers. Here's something I can tell you: Remember in the pilot, when Rose heard The Monster roar, and we heard her say that she thought that it sounded weirdly familiar? Well, I recently asked exec producer Damon Lindelof about this, and he promised that one day, Rose's comment will be explained. This is all to say that I do think the producers are faithful to the implicit promise in all their mysteries, which is this: There is an answer. As for Hurley's old Numbers-bequeathing buddy making a return visit, I think it's more than possible; clearly, there's more to Leonard's story than we've been told. (I'm wondering if there's a way Lost can fill in that kind of back story blank via other means, like a comic book series, or some online Webisodes. Something more accessible and entertaining than last summer's The Lost Experience, which I'm told WON'T be making a return appearance during the next summer/fall hiatus.) [Thank God]


    Comes from reader Wayne Franklin, a guy after my own quasi-intellectual, spiritually murky heart. Your eyes might be tempted to glaze over, but let me say this: having seen "Not In Portand," I can tell you that this guy may be on to something. My explanation follows Wayne's letter:

    There are clearly multiple religious/mythical influences on the writers. And most often these influences will manifest themselves in names. I think those names can point us to some conclusions about the future of Lost:

    Penelope Widmore — clearly a reference to Desmond's Odyssean quest and a promise that Desmond will, after much suffering, reunite with his love. [hadn't thought about it that way…interesting...]

    John Locke and David Hume — Hume furthered the empiricism of Locke to the natural end of skepticism, going so far to suggest that all causal relationships are nothing more than perception. Perhaps Desmond's system failure incident didn't bring the plane down after all. But his perceptions have led us all to perceive the same. [lol philosophy]

    Bringing us back around to the religious question you brought up. The skeletons in the cave were called Adam and Eve — maybe the original Others? As you mentioned, Kate and Sawyer are living out the curse of Genesis. If you carry your theory out to its natural conclusion, an innocent will need to be sacrificed to redeem those cursed by the fall.

    Now, some folks might immediately jump to the conclusion that the innocent in question would be Aaron or Sun's unborn baby. I suggest a different theory — Jack. To paraphrase the "Lost Connections" segment of the Season 2 DVD, it all goes back to one man. That man is Jack Shepard. Now, Jack is no sinless savior. But think about the name. And his father is Christian Shepard.

    THEORY: Ultimately, Jack the Shepard will lead his flock to safety, but only through sacrificing himself to the broken world of the island.

    Dear Wayne: Dude, you're wayyyy smart. And I think you're totally into something. Make that THREE somethings. 1) I'm told that during February sweeps, we're going to learn more about Desmond and Penelope that could lend your musings on a connection to Greek myths even more credence. 2) I have a funny feeling that we're going to be learning some secrets about The Hatch in the coming months that might challenge this whole "The Button caused the plane to crash story put forth in the second season's finale. _3) In light of the choice Jack makes in the final moments of "Not In Portland," I would say that Jack certainly seems well on his way to embracing the role of sacrificial lamb.


    A reader named ''pablopk'' reminds us of the following: [refer back to 4]

    Here's one upon which to chew. The events of the island took place in the fall of 2004. The Indian Ocean tsunami occurred in the early winter of 2004. While we have long presumed that the castaways are on one of the many small islands that pepper the Pacific Ocean, is it possible that they are more off-course than we suspect? Could that historical event recur within this fictive context?

    Dear pablopk: This seems to be the fashionable speculation of the moment. Recently, the producers have said that something BIG is going to happen this year that will help further establish a historical or perhaps geographical context for Lost. The tsunami of 2004 seems to be a likely candidate, although I can tell you that that catastrophe isn't the "infamous, real-world catastrophe" I spoke of in my "Not In Portland" teases. But here's a question to debate. Lost certainly explores a great many deep, meaningful themes — but does it have enough weight to use something as tragic as the tsunami as a plot point? Or would doing so actually underscore and enhance the relevancy of the show?


    Here's my favorite fan letter of the week. A free Doc Jensen theory to the first person who can tell me what the heck reader Emiliana is talking about:

    amo vcs ["sic"] …mto mto... ["sic"] por favor apressem logo essa terceira temporada q nao aquento mais esperar…bjao ["sic"]?

    Dear Emiliana: I have no idea what you asked me, but I'm guessing the answer is? "Purgatory."


    Doc Jensen

    Five Things You Need to Know About Lost's Return

    by Shawna Malcolm

    Remember? Kate and Sawyer got down to business in the fish-biscuit cage. Big Bad Ben promised to let Dr. Jack leave the island in exchange for some lifesaving surgery. But Jack rediscovered his spine and threatened to let the smug Other die unless Kate was allowed to do what she does best: run. It's been nearly three months since we've gotten Lost. But starting this Wednesday, ABC's eternally trippy hit returns with fresh episodes every! single! week! through May (at the new hour of 10 pm/ET). Here's a sneak peek at what you'll be buzzing about on Thursday mornings. (Stop reading now if spoilers aren't your thing. Seriously.)

    1. The Sawyer/Kate/Jack love triangle isn't over yet. Kate seemingly chose the charismatic con man over the honorable doc when she hooked up with Sawyer in the Nov. 8 fall finale, a move that pleased both fans and Sawyer himself (Josh Holloway). "I love working with Evie [Evangeline Lilly]," Holloway says. "She's such a little warrior. She was like, 'Throw me up against the bars! Do it again!'" He may not get the chance, because the Feb. 7 episode makes it clear that Kate still harbors feelings for Jack as she and Sawyer try to escape the Others. But escape they will. With Kate gone, Jack will grow closer to fellow physician Juliet. In the Feb. 21 episode, he'll also get some flashback passion from guest star Bai Ling, a mysterious woman with a connection to the good doc's bad-boy tattoos. Nevertheless, says executive producer Carlton Cuse, the bond between Kate and Jack "is kind of the ultimate relationship." [ugh who cares]

    2. The Others aren't going anywhere. While some fans have lamented the airtime given to those shady Others since the start of Season 3, producers remain staunchly committed to exploring Lost's new world. In fact, the Feb. 7 premiere focuses on the inscrutable Juliet, the book-club-presiding, let-Ben-die-pleading Other played by Elizabeth Mitchell. Flashbacks reveal Juliet's past, including a sick sister and a decidedly low self-esteem, thanks to a decidedly no-good ex-husband. "Even though Juliet's brilliant, she couldn't see herself that way," Mitchell reveals. "Her identity was tied to the man she was married to, and she wasn't able to be strong on her own." Producers also hint that upcoming episodes will revisit the Others' Wisteria Lane-esque compound. Teases cocreator Damon Lindelof, "Where is that place we saw the Others?" Beats us. But we can reveal that Creepy Eyepatch Guy — who appeared on the Others' TV monitors — will be back. As will villainous Ethan, who died in Season 1: He pops up in Juliet's flashbacks in a way that sheds light on his interest in Claire's baby.

    3. You'll see more of the characters you love — and miss. Wondering what's up with Hurley, Sayid, Claire and Locke? They'll all get the flashback treatment by the end of March. Hurley's episode delves into his complicated relationship with his father, played by Cheech Marin, whom Cuse worked with on Nash Bridges. Locke's flashback episode could reveal how he wound up in that wheelchair, while Sayid's is "one that will be enormously satisfying," Cuse says, "because it is a heavy answer-mode episode." Adds Lindelof, "Sayid is asking all the questions that [fans] want answered."_

    4. Speaking of answers, the producers feel your pain. They've heard the criticism that the show isn't solving enough mysteries. They know many viewers are starting to lose faith that there's a well-thought-out master plan. But they're hopeful that a consistent run of episodes will help alleviate those concerns. "You'll still be like, 'I wish I got even more out of this episode,'" Lindelof says. "But you'll only have to wait a week to see another one." Producers now view splitting up the season as "a negative" and expect that ABC will run Season 4 straight through, as Fox does with 24. What's more, they're currently in discussions with the network to determine an end point for the show, both for their own creative satisfaction and to assure fans that there will be a resolution. "Having an end point is the right thing," Cuse says, likening the move to J.K. Rowling's announcement that the Harry Potter saga would be wrapped up in seven books. "And we want to announce an end point before the show's lost its relevance, at which point no one will care what the end point is."

    5. The body count will get higher. In the Feb. 14 episode, the seemingly psychic Desmond will tell a major character to prepare for the Grim Reaper. (We won't reveal who, but we will say it's not Jack, despite Internet rumors that he's on his way out.) There's also speculation that newcomer Paulo, played by Rodrigo Santoro, may not live to see Season 4, thanks to a cover story Santoro did for the Brazilian Rolling Stone in which he discussed upcoming film commitments in his native country. Producers won't comment, except to say that Paulo and fellow maligned newbie Nikki (Kiele Sanchez) will play a pivotal part in a late-March installment. Says Lindelof, "By the end of that episode, it'll be crystal clear as to what Nikki and Paulo's future on the island will be."__

  • @Primavera:

    Puedo yo también opinar????
    Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Los Soprano, Carnival, Arrested Development, The Shield, Brotherhood.
    Si hiciésemos un festival de series los "tiros" irían por ahí.

    …pues si el Primavera fuera de séries yo también iría encantada ,ya que por ejemplo : ME GUSTÒ MUCHO "SIX FEET UNDER", me han hablado mucho de DEADWOOD però no he tenido aún la oportunidad de verla, he oído hablar también de Carnival y Arrested Development però hasta ahora tampoco las he visto y no tengo ni idea de qué série és Shield però si està en la línea PS seguro que me gustaría

    ..musicalmente en el PS me pasa lo mismo ,hay grupos que me encantan otros que no tanto y otros que ni idéa però...

    'Lost' loses footage in airport blunder

    Film from ABC's hit show "Lost" was ruined when security employees at the Honolulu International Airport accidentally X-rayed the canisters despite warnings labels asking them not to.

    The show's crew had to reshoot the scenes because there were no copies.

    "This is the first time anything like this has happened," said state Film Commissioner Donne Dawson, adding that steps have been taken to prevent a repeat of the incident.

    The loss will not affect the broadcast schedule for the popular show, according to co-executive producer Jean Higgins.

    Higgins declined to say how much the gaffe cost ABC.

    "That's proprietary information between us and the insurance company," she said. "We've already reshot. We are still on schedule."

    Having to reshoot film is a monumental issue, said Anne Misawa, a local film producer and instructor at the University of Hawai'i Academy for Creative Media. A reshoot involves paying added costs for actors and venues.

    For a commercial, those costs could easily top $100,000, and for a big-budget production such as "Lost," a reshoot could be more expensive. "You have to redo everything related to the production of the damaged dailies," Misawa said.

    "Lost" reportedly spends $1.5 million to $2 million or more per episode with about 200 full- and part-time workers. Normally it takes about eight days to shoot an episode of "Lost." So if one day's worth of film was destroyed, the cost could be close to $200,000.

    A commercial for Bank of Hawaii also was accidentally X-rayed and ruined on the same day the "Lost" film was X-rayed.

    The incidents occurred when the film canisters were mistakenly mixed with passenger luggage and then sent through an X-ray machine. The canisters were left unattended at X-ray machines along with other non-film cargo. The film apparently was then thrown in with piles of passenger luggage without regard for the warning labels indicating not to X-ray the sensitive contents within.

    According to an informational Web site run by the film office, the mistake occurred following a new Transportation Security Administration cargo security directive that requires that all small cargo packages traveling on passenger planes be screened by air carriers via an explosive detection system or explosive trace detection system.

    Explosive trace detection testing involves TSA agents swiping items with cotton pads then testing the pads in a machine that detects explosive residue. That test would not destroy film.

    Film shot in Hawai'i typically is sent to the Mainland for processing.

    The state film office said it has worked with TSA and United Airlines to put a new process in place that will prevent future accidents.

    "The issue has been addressed, and they have procedures in place to make sure it doesn't happen again," said Dawson, the state film commissioner. ... 90360.html

    alerta! hay SPOILERS