SERIES de gallina de piel

  • Los Simpson hace años que apestan, deberían haber acabado hace varias temporadas (y la sobresaturación de Antena 3 no ayuda nada).

  • Vengo a recomendar esta serie me bajé todos los capítulos y estoy en la fase "que pena que pocos me quedan por ver ya" Para conseguirlos en VO subtitulada teneis que poner en el buscador del emule "Monty Python's Flying Circus subtitulado en castellano"
    Más de treinta años y la mayoría no han envejecido nada, intentalo hacer con los sketches de Cruz y Raya.

  • mucho me temo que los sketches de Cruz Y Raya envejecen a la hora de ser emitidos, pero debo ser yo, pero creo que ultimamente hasta me he reido con alguno.
    La serie de los Python es genial…si señor.

  • "Y hablando de Greg House… nadie se acuerda de este personaje? "

    Sí, el padre de Stuart Little

    House mola, y Perdidos nunca lo vi pero me van a pasar todos los capítulos habidos y por haber en DVD en breve. A ver a ver…

  • @Ashes:


    Santa-Barbar una tonteria que no seacabara nunca.

    ¿¿¿Siguen haciendo Santa Barbara????

    no lo se,puede ser

  • @nevaeh:1d7pexnd:

    Pues yo estoy muy enganchado a House. Por fin una serie "de hospitales" sin centenares de errores por episodio, y con una trama más que digna.

    me ocurre lo mismo, es la segunda serie que mas enganchada me tiene despues de six feet under; en general las series de hospitales son bastante cutres; por cierto, por que no dejan de programar hospital central? como puede ser que tenga tanta audiencia? este país es ultramacarra

  • @cosmoclaritan:zn8y34co:

    ; en general las series de hospitales son bastante cutres;

    ¿Tú crees? ¡REPOSICIÓN YA!

  • Que buena era esa serie y que recuerdos me trae me atrevería a de decir que el único caso de una serie que supera la película que la origina y eso que aquella no era mala.

  • Ríete, pero: Nunca he visto la peli del Altman(Debo hacerlo cuanto antes mejor), era demasiado pequeño para recordar la serie con claridad, pero sí que me acuerdo del loco aquel que se travestía para que lo excluyeran y los grandes actores(Casi todos de Broadway) que allí se daban cita empezando el gran Alan Alda. Quiero la reposición o si no la buscaré cuando llegue a Barna como un descosido.

  • Mira yo tampoco la habia visto y buscando la serie en emule di con la peli con ilusión me la bajé pero me decepcionó un poco , echaba de menos a los actores a los que estaba acostumbrado.

  • @Harry_Powell:2a0jc5cj:

    Quien no se descojone con esta serie, tiene asegurada una cerveza por mi parte en el Forum. Bajadla y opinad, que este topic está muy muerto.

    • Moss aún vive con su madre, quién le viste, le corta el pelo y le compra la ropa. Es muy inteligente, aracnofóbico y tiene las habilidades sociales de un asesino en serie. Lo más cerca que ha estado de una mujer es de Lara Croft. Lucha por comunicarse con alguien sin tener que usar un teclado.

    • Roy es la cara sonriente del departamento de I.T. (tecnologías de la información). Su personalidad puntiaguda le hace permanecer lejos de la gente normal. Es el rey del sótano (donde se encuentra el departamento de I.T.). Ama los cómics, la comida rápida, los videojuegos y lanzar argumentos al azar con su mejor amigo, Moss.

    • Jen no sabe nada sobre I.T., ella sólo consiguió el trabajo porque tiene una larga experiencia usando el ratón, haciendo click, doble click… Es la jefa de Roy y Moss en el sótano.

    Sólo para geeks. Divertidísima. No digo más.

    Aquí los enlaces, subts. y más info:

    Acabo de ver el segundo episodio de la serie, y es genial, totalmente absurda y estúpida, pero tronchante, me he reido un buen rato. Ahora pondré a bajar más episodios.

  • @Harry_Powell:2ydobq7p:

    ..Yo estoy tan acostumbrado al ver series y pelis americanas que hasta puedo seguir los diálogos de un par de gangstas de Harlem o de dos rednecks de Texas. Eso si, del inglés UK no entiendo nada, me cuesta horrores comprender ese acento tan cerrado…

    ..a mí también se me dá mejor el americano que el britànico

    ...pongo un spoiler de Lost en blanco

    According to the Hollywood Reporter, Cynthia Watros, who plays Hurley's love interest, Libby, has been cast in a CBS comedy pilot, calling into severe question her chances of making it out of Lost's second season alive.

    Watros has signed on to star opposite Love Monkey's Tom Cavanagh in the sitcom My Ex-Life, centering on a divorced couple turned best buds who are sharing custody of their children. The show is aiming for a slot on CBS' fall schedule, which will be announced next month.

    In what appears to be attempt to minimize revealing Lost plot points, the Reporter notes that Watros has committed to be a guest star and not a regular on the show. However, with her character being one of the two divorced parents in My Ex-Life, it seems that the guest star line is just a smoke screen.

    Per usual, Lost producers aren't talking. They've already killed one regular this season–Shannon ( Maggie Grace) was mistakenly gunned down by Ana-Lucia ( Michelle Rodriguez)--but with tension mounting between the so-called Lostaways and the Others, it would be surprising if there wasn't at least one more grave to be dug on the island.

    Watros is one of three full-time cast members to have joined Lost this season, along with Rodriguez and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko). The three were among the "Tailies," those who were in the rear of the plane and survived on the other side of the island.

    Fans, for one, have long been speculating on who would be the next Tailie to go, with early rumor-mongering centering on Rodriguez as the marked woman. Rodriguez and Watros were both arrested on DUI charges last year. Watros copped a plea and lost her license, but Rodriguez, who faces potentially more serious legal trouble because she's on probation in another case, decided to fight the rap and is set to go to trial next week. Tabloid reports have suggested that Rodriguez is a disruptive force on the set, and her character has never endeared herself to Lost's die-hard fans after killing Shannon.

    But producers sought to quell predictions of Ana-Lucia's demise--or at least create a misdirection--saying that her personal life would not affect her tenure on the show.

    Further suggesting that Watros may be, well, lost forever, is the industry precedent of offing stars who land pilot gigs on other networks.

    The most notable would be Drea de Matteo, who, despite proclamations to the contrary, met her demise on The Sopranos shortly after signing on to Joey. More recently, 24's Dennis Haysbert (President Palmer) announced last year he had joined the CBS drama The Unit. By the end of this season's first episode, President Palmer was dead.

    Lost ends its second season with a special two-hour finale May 24. In the meantime, pray for Libby.

    fuente: yahoo! news

    …y ahora una cosa que no tiene nada que ver però me ha echo gràcia...cómo contar hasta 12 en inglés (aunque yo me la sé mejor en castellano ) ...

  • He empezado a ver una serie que no recuerdo como se llama ahora mismo. Solo he visto dos capitulos. no se si aqui la echan por el digital o por la tele normal. es la triste historia de dos hermanos. Uno de ellos esta en la carcel por un crimen que supuestamente no ha cometido. El otro, mas joven, un pimpollo con cara de loca muy guapeton, decide cometer un crimen, ir a la carcel y, gracias a que lleva tatuado por su esplendoroso cuerpo las instalaciones de la carcel, sacar a su hermano querido de ella. Los dos primeros no estan mal.

    Madam green, esfuerzos debo hacer para no leer nada de lost! Y tu aquí, cual diablesa, tentandome. Solo cuatro capitulos…en el ultimo que vi aparecio el Michael. Por cierto, Henry Gale es desde ya y junto a Ethan el miedo en persona.

  • jue, el Metro de Madrid plagado de carteles de "Lost segunda temporada", qué ganas

  • Hoy me he acordado de esto. No sabía si meterlo aquí o en el Museo Kitsch.

    Jamás entendí al Chavo del 8. Porqué dos tipos con una edad se vestían de tarados, se ponían tan feos y hacían gracias tan deprimentes. De hecho me entraba una angustia considerable con la serie, esos tonos de color tan pasados, ese vestuario tan lúgubre, esa calle digna de ponerse a llorar…

  • Yo tampoco lo entiendo. Cuántas tardes de verano merendaba viendo esto… y cómo me reía. Y cuantos desayunos antes del cole viendo al Chapulín.

  • al hilo de series de hospitales que comentabais por ahí, mi favorita: "Grey's anatomy"

  • @XAVIXAVI:1ecjn9yr:

    Madam green, esfuerzos debo hacer para no leer nada de lost! Y tu aquí, cual diablesa, tentandome. Solo cuatro capitulos…en el ultimo que vi aparecio el Michael. Por cierto, Henry Gale es desde ya y junto a Ethan el miedo en persona.

    juas! ...
    henry Gale?!?…però no pongas spoilers,chico! que aquí hay gente que aún no sabe que hay en la escotilla

    jue, el Metro de Madrid plagado de carteles de "Lost segunda temporada", qué ganas

    …el de Barcelona también ...aunque yo más que la segunda lo que estoy esperando però YA és la TERCERA TEMPORADA

  • Spoilers de Lost:

    La cosa se pone emocionante ahora con las muertes de Ana Lucía y la rubia… Aunque me da a mi que se las han cargado porque las actrices respectivas fueron pilladas en plena cogorza creando disturbios y una de las dos irá a la cárcel durante un tiempo

  • May 7th, 2006 04:13 am

    "Director J.J. Abrams and writer Damon Lindelof talk "Lost," M:i:3 and Star Wars"

    J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof – the director and writer behind "Lost" -- talk to the official Lucasfilm site about their mutal love for Star Wars, parallels between "Lost" and the Force, and Abrams work with CGI gurus at Industrial Light & Magic on Mission Impossible 3.

    Quote from the article:

    "What was so involving to me as a kid (and is the reason I still watch the movies over and over and over) is the complex mythology of the Star Wars universe -- the heroes, the villains, the quests -- but most importantly, the characters," Lindelof explains. "Therefore, we always approach 'Lost' through the prism of the people instead of the island. After all, no one's ever really blown up the Death Star, but we can all relate to how it feels to be Luke in that moment because we've been with him for the whole movie."

    "I don't know how many times in developing stories I have referenced the archetypes of Star Wars," Abrams says. "As a fan of Joseph Campbell and the use of myth in storytelling, you could argue that it is a classic paradigm but it is the common language among all of us because we are all so familiar with the Star Wars canon. It's hard to remember breaking a story for an episode of a show whether it was 'Lost,' 'Alias' or even 'Felicity' and not feel like there was some way to reference the love triangle you felt in Episode IV or the struggle of good and evil that you have seen in all six of the films."

    Read the full 4-page article here


    Spoilers de Lost:
    La cosa se pone emocionante ahora con las muertes de Ana Lucía y la rubia… Aunque me da a mi que se las han cargado porque las actrices respectivas fueron pilladas en plena cogorza creando disturbios y una de las dos irá a la cárcel durante un tiempo

    …si...esto ya se viene diciendo desde que pasó

    ..por cierto que en el pròximo capítulo nos quedaremos así

    …màs spoilers sobre el tema de Lost

    Ausiello: Was it always your intention to use Ana Lucia as a one-season character?
    Damon Lindelof: A lot of this is going to sound like spin, so all we can give you is our word that this is exactly what happened. Around late February of last year, we started throwing our respective lines in the water to find the leader of the tail section, who we knew was going to be a Latina woman and who would be conceived as a romantic foil for Jack. We wanted her to be in her mid-thirties and be a detective from the LAPD. So we started putting out feelers unofficially because we wanted her to show up in the penultimate episode of last year. That way, when we started our plan for Season 2, it wouldn't feel like we had pulled her out of our asses. So, right around that time…
    Carlton Cuse: I got a call from Michelle's agent saying, "Would you guys be interested in Michelle Rodriguez? But she's really only interested in being on the show for a year."
    Damon: So we basically said, "A year is not necessarily ideal for us, but let's bring in Michelle and have the meeting." And she came in and met with Carlton and I and then, in the last 15 minutes, J.J. [Abrams] happened to be across the way doing some Alias stuff and he came over and sat down with her and we just hung out with her and chatted. It turned out that she worked in Hawaii on Blue Crush and knew a lot of people down there. But she made it very clear in that meeting that she's sort of a nomadic spirit and she did not want to commit to doing any more than [one season]. She wanted to do one kickass arc, as she described it, and we basically started to wrap our brains around her energy and say, "Yeah, we'll bring you on the show and then we'll kill you off at the end of the year." And she was totally cool with it and we were totally cool with it, and we parted ways and talked amongst ourselves. Obviously, the network and the studio normally don't want to get into a situation where they're not making multiyear deals, but we assured them that this was in fact the plan, and that even if Michelle was a rocking sensation on the show, we were going to stick to the plan. So they signed off on it and made the deal accordingly.

    Ausiello: And then the DUI…
    Carlton: Then she got this DUI and Damon and I looked at each other and we were like, "Oh, great. Everybody is going to think we're killing her off because she got a DUI." But there really wasn't anything we could do about that. I mean, the story was set. We had made plans. With Lost, we think it out well ahead of when we actually shoot it. We thought about altering our plan, but [this] was in fact what was best for the show. The fact that she got a DUI would come and go and what would live on would be the show, and our plan was still the best plan for the character. Ironically, we actually thought about changing it the other way around once [the DUI] happened, but it really was the best story. We wanted to tell the best story.
    Damon: And obviously that decision was further mitigated by the fact that Libby is shot at the same time as Ana Lucia. Basically then we said, "Oh, s–t. Both Michelle and Cynthia were busted the same night for DUI and we've got this story point coming up where they essentially both get shot at the same time, so it's going to look like this is the Lost producers attempt to say, 'Don't drive drunk!'" But as Carlton says, all it created in us was [the thought that], "Maybe we shouldn't do the plan now, 'cause people are going to think this is a reaction to [the DUIs], as opposed to this [plan] existing prior to that event."
    Carlton: As you'll see, everything that happens for the rest of the season all sort of falls from this event. And we're not doing ourselves or the fans of the show or the show itself any service by altering those plans because of Michelle's extracurricular activities.
    Damon: Not to mention that we didn't even know if that option would be available to us. We were still functioning under the auspices of that meeting, which was Michelle saying, "I want to do a year and then move on."

    Ausiello: Did you meet with Michelle to make sure everyone was still on the same page?
    Damon: Michelle happened to be [in Los Angeles] and she came by to see us. We basically said to her, "So we’re going to stay on course." And at that point, Michelle was kinda like, "Hey, I'm living in Hawaii…." She might have been able to wrap her brain around [staying] a little bit longer on the show, but she did not say, "I want to stay on the show!" She was basically like, "Yeah. That's a good plan."
    Carlton: And once we told her what was happening, she was incredibly supportive. She thought it was sort of a kickass way to go, and she got very on board with the idea of how she was going to be exiting the show.

    Ausiello: Aside from why the plane crashed, what other questions will be answered in these last four episodes?
    Carlton Cuse: Well, obviously, the resolution of the Michael-Walt story. We're going to answer the question of where Michael has been and resolve the story of him and Walt. That's been hanging over us since the finale of last year.
    Damon Lindelof: By the way, we want to preface all of these answers by saying that we feel we are giving definitive answers to some of these mysteries, but often times it blows up in our faces because fans don't feel like we entirely answered that mystery.

    Ausiello: Will Malcolm David Kelley's growth spurt be addressed when he returns?
    Damon: Did you see him on My Name Is Earl?

    Ausiello: Yeah, he looked about the same.
    Damon: There's no growth spurt.

    Ausiello: But eventually he's going to grow.
    Damon: That's something we'll be dealing with in the third season. But in terms of these four episodes, it wasn't an issue. He looks like the same kid who was abducted off the raft [in May 2005], which was a month ago [in Lost time].

    Ausiello: What about the Dharma Initiative? Will we get more answers?
    Damon: We will learn more about them.
    Carlton: Answers in the sense of more information about it. But we'd have to write a 300-page book to give you all the answers about the Dharma Initiative.
    Damon: And, obviously, as you already mentioned in Ask Ausiello, Desmond is coming back [in the May 24 finale]. And obviously he ran away before we had a chance to sit him down and ask him a lot of questions about his experience in the hatch. He'll shed some more light on his experience on the island in the three years prior to when Locke came down into that hatch.

    Ausiello: Might he have something to do with why the plane went down?
    Damon: I saw that you speculated exactly that in no uncertain terms in Wednesday's Ask Ausiello, and, you know, we're not commenting on it.

    [OMG! Damon Lindelof reads Ask Ausiello!!!!]

    Ausiello: Will the episode titled "?" explain what the… I think you know where I'm going with this....
    Carlton: It would be a fair inference to say the question-mark episode is about finding out what that question mark on that map means.
    Damon: That episode is a great opportunity for us to finally put Locke and Mr. Eko together, sort of a philosophical battle of faith and will that we've been hinting at all season long. [It started] back when Eko gave Locke that film that he brought across in that hollowed-out Bible, [and] this is sort of the next step in their relationship. Just as a side note, the "?" episode was originally going to be the episode that Darren Aronofsky would direct prior to Rachel Weisz's pregnancy. We thought it would be a cool shout-out to him since he made the movie Pi, which was just the symbol for pi.
    Carlton: It ended up being directed by a guy named Deran Sarafian. It was hard to find another Darren to direct the episode, but we managed.

    Ausiello: Will there be any dramatic developments in the Sawyer/Kate/Jack triangle?
    Carlton: I guess it depends what you mean by the word "dramatic." There is more stuff between them, but the focus is not on the romance between those characters. There are bigger fish to fry.

    Ausiello: What about the intended romance with Ana Lucia and Jack? Why did you change your mind about that?
    Carlton: Yes. Sometimes we tell the show what to do and sometimes the show tells us what to do. And as we started to try to work on it, we never really got to a place where it made sense. Those characters were not in a place where we felt it was believable for them to have a romance. We had intentions of doing that, but as we started telling the stories and started writing the scripts, it just didn't feel right to us.

    Ausiello: I thought you guys said we'd find out this season how Locke became paralyzed.
    Damon: I don't remember saying that.
    Carlton: If we did…
    Damon: We apologize. We're not going to comment on whether or not you're going to get that by the end of this year.

    Ausiello: Claire and Charlie have been on the back burner of late. Are they going to come back into play?
    Carlton: They are definitely going to figure back into things. They've been on a break and there's definitely some advancement in their relationship as part of the finale.

    Ausiello: What happened to the army that Jack and Ana Lucia were going to train?
    Damon: Well, obviously, Jack and Ana Lucia had a longer-range goal, which is, "Now we know about the existence of these people, they told us not to cross this line, so let's start preliminarily figuring out how we're going to do that." And that entire plan was wildly sidetracked by Sawyer taking control of all the guns, not to mention Henry Gale's capture. When Henry was captured, that became Jack and Ana Lucia's new focus. So, although the perception might be that we dropped the idea of forming an army, what actually happened was that more significant things replaced the need to develop an army. But that concept is indeed coming back for the finale.

    Ausiello: For as long as Lost has been on the air, there have been rumors of a Vincent-centric flashback episode. Is that going to happen?
    Damon: One of the inherent problems of doing any kind of Vincent-centric flashback is that, you know, Vincent is a dog. [Laughs] And he was owned by Walt in Australia, which would have been a younger version of Malcolm David Kelley than exists now.
    Carlton: And he's also very unprofessional as an actor so we don't really want to reward him with a flashback.

    Ausiello: What about an episode told from Vincent's POV on the island?
    Damon: We're not entirely closed off to that idea. One of the fake endings for Season 1 that we were floating out there as part of our misinformation campaign was that Vincent's flashback was going to end the season and we were going to see what he saw in the cargo hold of the plane. I think that's where that rumor started.

    Ausiello: The Henry Gale-Wizard of Oz connection — intentional?
    Damon: Wildly intentional. You have a guy who says he landed on the island in a balloon, but in fact he's not that guy. What's so interesting about The Wizard of Oz is that thematically it plays with so many of the same things that we play with on the show. When Dorothy wakes up at the end, it's like, you know, did she ever really leave Kansas? Is Oz a real place? All those things that people talk about concerning Lost.

    Ausiello: Will we ever get a Rousseau flashback?
    Damon: You can expect to see more of Rousseau next year, but the story of the wrecked research vessel… it will be coming at some point but we can't guarantee it'll be in Season 3.

    Ausiello: Will there be a flashback component to every episode next season? Eventually, it would seem, you're going to run out of back stories.
    Carlton: The flashbacks are very central to the concept of the series, and we have no intention of abandoning them as a concept.
    Damon: And we'll be introducing new characters in Season 3, so you'll be getting fresh flashbacks. You'll probably see fewer flashbacks of our original characters as we begin to move toward certain inevitabilities, but, you know....
    Carlton: The flashback where Jack learns how to shave is still enormously compelling to us.
    Damon: And the one where he loses his keys.

    Ausiello: Will we see some of those mysterious background survivors move to the forefront next season?
    Carlton: Yeah, we've been so busy telling other stories that we haven't gotten around to talking that much about some of the other survivors. So yes, you will learn more about some of the other survivors next year.
    Damon: Also, where the new characters come from in Season 3 is going be part of the fun and anticipation over the summer, and hopefully by the end of the finale you'll be getting some sense of who those characters might be.

    Ausiello: Speaking of which, can you give me any hints about the top-secret cliff-hanger that you're referring to by the code name "The Challah"?
    Damon: You're obviously not a Jew.

    Ausiello: How do you pronounce it?
    Damon: Gchh-hallah.
    Carlton: I'm not Jewish and I can say it. You're a good Italian boy.

    Ausiello: And I even practiced right before this interview! OK, can you tell me anything about The Challah?
    Carlton: No.
    Damon: We are not talking about it.
    Carlton: Do you know what The Challah is?

    Ausiello: It's some kind of Jewish bread.
    Damon: Last year we had "The Bagel" and this year we have "The Challah."
    Carlton: We just decided that we're sticking with Jewish bakery products. Next year will probably be "The Matzoh."

    Ausiello: I know you guys, like me, are big Veronica Mars fans, so I'm going to ask this under the heading of, "I hope to God this never happens." But if by some tragedy CW doesn't pick up the show, might Kristen Bell wash ashore next season?
    Carlton: Gosh, she's awesome, but… I don't think Veronica Mars is going to get canceled.
    Damon: As fans of the show, we're really hoping that does not happen.

    …ah! y pulsando aquí hay un hilo de un foro dónde hacen un paralelismo LOST Vs EL MAGO DE OZ que és muy divertido
    ....ah! CUIDADO que contiene SPOILERS