el que está saltando bodeiro, cual va a ser.
Ahhh con la guitarra, llamasle gato, vale, vale
Mientras aquí nos pajeamos con chorradas, la musica popular española avanza a pasos agigantados:
El musical de Anna Frank tren de los sueños - Linda y preciosa
Mientras aquí nos pajeamos con chorradas, la musica popular española avanza a pasos agigantados:
El musical de Anna Frank tren de los sueños - Linda y preciosa mí esto deja patente la situación cultural española, que no es otra que una gran tragedia nacional, o mejor dicho una gran tragicomedia, donde todos reímos mientras criamos amebas a nuestro alrededor y vamos matando la verdadera cultura (libre, emancipdora, positiva) por otra cosa que no tiene nada que ver.
Lo peor de esta clase de vídeos son los comentarios que deja la gente, porque ahí uno se da realmente cuenta del calado que tiene este tipo de propuestas y que no se trata de ningún chiste.
Aquí un par de muestras de qué piensa el público de los clones esos de andy&lucas:_las letras del nuevo disco son una pura realidad. canciones sencillas pero que llegan porque son historias que vemos todos en nuestras vidas o en la de la gente que nos rodean.
enhorabuena chicos!
_Y esto juro por lo más sagrado que lo copio y pego tal cual:
_soOiS loOs meehoOreeH!!!!!! Q soOiS teeLa d uapoOh!!!! vaaLeiis MushoO & noO exeeii KueeNtaa a stoOs deSgraaCiiaoOs Q diiSeen Q soOiis 1 coOpiia D anDy&luCas..maaS QiisiieRaan elloOs teNee eL aarTee Q teNeeii voOsoOtroOs!! ngaaH a SeeguiiD aSiin eeH!! beZiikoOz!!
By: Laa.NiiniiaTaah.D.SeeviiLlaa
_No hay vuelta atrás. Las generaciones que vienen ya han perdido la batalla. O llega una guerra, o España culturalmente se hunde.
Mientras aquí nos pajeamos con chorradas, la musica popular española avanza a pasos agigantados:
El musical de Anna Frank tren de los sueños - Linda y preciosa mí esto deja patente la situación cultural española, que no es otra que una gran tragedia nacional, o mejor dicho una gran tragicomedia, donde todos reímos mientras criamos amebas a nuestro alrededor y vamos matando la verdadera cultura (libre, emancipdora, positiva) por otra cosa que no tiene nada que ver.
Lo peor de esta clase de vídeos son los comentarios que deja la gente, porque ahí uno se da realmente cuenta del calado que tiene este tipo de propuestas y que no se trata de ningún chiste.
Aquí un par de muestras de qué piensa el público de los clones esos de andy&lucas:_las letras del nuevo disco son una pura realidad. canciones sencillas pero que llegan porque son historias que vemos todos en nuestras vidas o en la de la gente que nos rodean.
enhorabuena chicos!
_Y esto juro por lo más sagrado que lo copio y pego tal cual:
_soOiS loOs meehoOreeH!!!!!! Q soOiS teeLa d uapoOh!!!! vaaLeiis MushoO & noO exeeii KueeNtaa a stoOs deSgraaCiiaoOs Q diiSeen Q soOiis 1 coOpiia D anDy&luCas..maaS QiisiieRaan elloOs teNee eL aarTee Q teNeeii voOsoOtroOs!! ngaaH a SeeguiiD aSiin eeH!! beZiikoOz!!
By: Laa.NiiniiaTaah.D.SeeviiLlaa
_No hay vuelta atrás. Las generaciones que vienen ya han perdido la batalla. O llega una guerra, o España culturalmente se hunde.
Gallo, intenté buscar la letra de la canción para hacer la coña y porque no les entiendo cuando cantan. Encontré esto:
y ahora esta tan linda y preciosa
tiene 15 primaveras es wapa y tan hermosa
presumida,solo kiere enamorarse
pa los niños es una diosay no se, no se, nose, ke la veo una niña y a laa ve una mujer y se le ve ,se le ve, se le ve
la inocencia en su karita y cuerpecito de mujer (2)Enviada por: la_paya_mala Corregida [SIC!!] por: IzAbE!!* |
Si fuera por estos tres aún estaríamos en la escena de 2001 con la mona rompiendo el hueso. Una vergüenza sin duda ... re=related ... re=related
El tercero en liza...
Richard Knerr, 82, años muerto el día 18 de enero - USA - Inventor del Frisbee y el Hula Hoop
Richard Knerr, 82, años muerto el día 18 de enero - USA - Inventor del Frisbee y el Hula Hoop
menudo diseño de web
que la maten los mosquitos y que no vuelva, por dios
…..bueno,bueno,bueno...primero de todo esta foto va para Pulpo
…con todo el cariño,eh? que echo de menos tu antiguo avatar
...luego tenéis que poner este youtube porqué los siguientes posts seràn de animalitos y se tiene que ver mientras se escucha la sintonía de "El Hombre Y La Tierra" (mover un poco el cursor hasta el minuto 1+-)
ahí van :
...y ...como me gustan los animalitos azules.... <3 <3 <3
Antarctic ice fish
The Blue Footed Booby
cassowary (Casuarius casuarius)
The Cobalt Blue Tarantula ... e/s320x240
…perdonàd que estàn el "pitinglish"...bastante trabajo lleba ya passar de html al bbcode..
Freaky Creatures with Human Faces and Features
Samurai Beetle
This beetle from Japan is doubly interesting in that it shows a different face depending on which direction it's viewed from. Look from behind and you're reminded of a bearded sage. From the front, the image is even more remarkable - a samurai's face, right down to the distinctive traditional hairstyle!
Of course, evolution didn't set out to give the beetle markings that resemble a human face - after all, the beetle was probably around long before human beings were. Many creatures - and insects especially - have evolved complex and elaborate recognition patterns that are intended to ward off predators. Often these patterns include contrasting eye spots… then our imaginative minds do the rest by using other features around the eye-spots to approximate a human face. Tis colorful Japanese beetle is a prime example! (human-faced beetle via Asahi)Death's Head Hawk Moth
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti"
Look familiar? No? C'mon, "Silence of the Lambs"? Yep, that's it - the image of the aptly named Death's Head Hawk Moth over Jodie Foster's precious lips on the movie poster is a uniquely disturbing image.Once again, nature has devised a fear-inducing pattern to deter bigger critters from making a meal of this moth. The more effective the pattern, the more moths survive to beget the next generation. Given enough time (time being nature's greatest tool), the moths will sport scarier and scarier faces on their backs. My next question is, why do WE find the Death's Head Hawk Moth so disturbing? Anyone hungry? (human-faced moth via Skull A Day)
Heike Crab
Here's lookin' at you, squid!
These curious crabs are found in Japan, near where one of the greatest sea battles of Japanese history occurred. In the year 1185, the forces of the warring Heike and Genji clans fought the Battle of Dannoura. The Heike were defeated, dozens of their ships were sunk and hundreds of heavily armored warriors lost their lives in the unforgiving sea.People who found these distinctive little crabs on the shore reasoned that they embodied the souls of the lost Heike soldiers. As you can see, the markings and protuberances on the backs of the crabs look astonishingly like classic samurai faces!
The late Carl Sagan suggested that humans have had a significant effect on both the look and the prevalence of these human-faced crabs. Sagan theorizes that local fisherman threw back the most prominently human-featured crabs, thus skewing natural selection towards that exact attribute. An early form of selective breeding, perhaps? (human-faced crab via Kirainet)
Human-faced Carp
Ornamental carp, also known as "koi", are bred in both Japan and Korea for collectors. These koi, though, look like they were bred on the Island of Doctor Moreau! I wonder if Monty Python know about these weird human-faced fish when they were creating the famous fish tank scene from their classic film,"The Meaning of Life"?The human-faced carp are definitely products of selective breeding by humans. Generations of fish were bred to emphasive their "human" features, most notably their forward-facing eyes. These features would likely be a disadvantage in the wild - but then, these particular fish aren't going anywhere near the wild anytime soon.
The so-called "Human Face Fish" are hybrids of common carp and leather carp. The fish rather large - about 32 inches long - and it's said that their heads have begun to take on a more human look as time goes by! When will it end? You sure you want these guys in your garden pond, giving you dirty looks every time you walk by?
Skull Back Spider
Gee, aren't you glad this li'l critter is just a fraction of an inch long? Even so, you wouldn't want to be fly caught in THIS guy's web… what am I saying, you wouldn't want to be a fly caught in ANY spider's web!
Really now, this bug seriously creeps me out. The bloated abdomen of the sickly white (am I overdoing it?) crab spider bears an uncanny resemblance to a human skull. I don't know what it's called or where it's from, I just don't want to ever see it again - but I will, in my nightmares. (human-faced spider via Spring Creek Forest)
And there you have it, straight from one over-active imagination to another, human-faced creatures... pleasant dreams!
...Sus presento al colega que me llebaré a la rueda de prensa por si el cartel del Primavera no resulta plenamente de mi agrado llama Shoebill
…no és tan duro como parece...miràd que simpàtico luce aquí
Potto (el papà Potto y la hijita Potto)
Insect Camouflage and Mimicry: The Orchid Mantis and the Crab SpiderHymenopus coronatus (Orchid Mantis)
Crab spider
Hymenopus coronatus (Orchid Mantis) is a praying mantis located in Malaysian, Sumatran and Indonesian rain forests. This rare species uses its elegantly-lobed hind legs and pink and white coloration to camouflage itself amongst the native orchid flowers. Their diet consists of small lizards, moths, bees, butterflies and numerous other non-venomous flying insects. Some of their predators include lizards, toads, birds, rodents, bats, shrews and jumping spiders.
Diaea Flower Spiders are foliage and flower dwellers that depend on their camouflage to protect them from birds, and to provide a hiding place from which to ambush incoming honey bees, butterflies, beetles and flies. These creatures are not web-builders, but active hunters, much like the Salticidae jumping spiders.
They are also commonly called "crab spiders" because of their first two sets of legs, which are held out to the side giving them (with their flattened, angular bodies) a crab-like appearance. Also, like crabs, these spiders move sideways and backwards more easily than forwards.…y hablando de arañitas...SIIIIIIIIIII!!! EXISTE LA ARAÑA SMILIE!!!!!
The Hawaiian Happy Face Spider
This is the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider, also known as Theridion grallator. Each of these spiders has a unique pattern; some don't have any of all, but those that do often have markings in the shape of a happy face or clown face. Some posit the designs are to keep birds from eating them, but they're very small and hide during the day, being mostly active at night, so it might not serve an adaptive purpose. The part I like the best is that their markings can change depending on their diet.
http://photography.nationalgeographic.c ... -eggs.html
…a lo mejor a estas alturas por el youtube ya està sonando el "Con las Manos en La Masa"...entonces pues,hablemos de "comida"
Das Moon Snail
The Lewis's Moon Snail is the largest type of moon shell and is named for Meriwether Lewis, who found them at the mouth of the Columbia River during the Lewis and Clark expedition and sent several back home.
The snail is one of the largest found on the west coast and reaches sizes of up to 12cm (4.5 inches). They are carnivorous snails that feed on bivalves by boring holes in the shells of their prey. The bore hole of a moon snail can be recognized by its relatively large size and the neat, beveled edge of the hole.
Moon snails have an impressively large foot that nearly covers their shell and helps them plough through the sand in search of clams.
–----------- ... world.html
…esto ya sé que és súper antiguo però me hacen gràcia estas fotos del livejournal del chris-livfbritinialón!!!
manda webos
…más pulpos ... angina_ads
- ... cts-no-20/
...y yo añado a los Moldy Peaches
..y si,ya sé que el "Anyone Else But You" està inspirado en la canción de War "Low Rider" de su álbum Why Can't We Be Friends?
…y supongo que ahora estarà sonando el "Estudio Estadio" en el youtube..pués ahí van unas fotos no ehas en ningún estudio que seguro que tod@s hemos intendado hacer alguna vez (almenos yo con los lp de los Cure quise hacerlo
..esta última no me gusta tanto …
…Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
…más aquí
…menuda flooder que estoy echa hoy ...ya paro y continuo mañana (o no)
Zapato Velóz
...algunas "celebridades" diseñaron zapatos para una campaña contra el cancer
…màs aquí ... an-cancer/