Filtraciones '07
Benjamin Biolay - Trash Yeye ( en 2 partes )
ya los han borrado **
El de Benjamin Biolay se encuentra con facilidad en el emule lphant o sucedaneos, lo digo por si le quereis ahorrar el tiempo de subirlo a Pelukini.
La continuación del increíble Corduroy Road ya está aquí:
Goldmund - Two Point Discrimination
No los conocía y me estoy derritiendo con el jodido disco.
Piel de Gallina!
Creo que todavía no se había posteado, así que aprovechando su inminente gira, el nuevo de Devastations:
DEVASTATIONS** // Yes, U (2007) ```
Gracias a dios esta semana no tendré que hacer cola en rapidshare. Se agradece por que el ritmo de las últimas semanas era imposible de seguir. De lo nuevo le tengo muchas ganas al de Goldmund y viendo vuestros comentarios será lo primero que me baje.
De momento dejaremos seguir la calma. Saludetes y gracias por las aportaciones
el nuevo de Damon and Naomi - Within These Walls, se ha filtrado?
el de Octopus Project y el de Jimmy Eat World tienen que estar al caer…
Gracias Breed por el Devastations
Goldmund - Two Point Discrimination
No los conocía y me estoy derritiendo con el jodido disco.
Piel de Gallina!
Goldmund es uno de los alias de Keith Kenniff, compositor de Massachussets que publica en Type y que en los dos últimos años se ha sacado de la manga dos discazos como son el Corduroy Road y el Eingya, este último en el 2006 bajo el pseudónimo de Helios. Ambos de obligada escucha.
Por cierto, que la portada del Eingya es de las más bonitas que se han hecho en los últimos años. La edición en vinilo es impresionante:
el nuevo de Damon and Naomi - Within These Walls, se ha filtrado?
el de Octopus Project y el de Jimmy Eat World tienen que estar al caer…
Para cuándo!!!
Supersilent- 8 (2007)
@175ez73g:Helge Sten, Ståle Storløkken, Arve Henriksen and Jarle Vespestad celebrate 10 years as a groundbreaking quartet with their first studio album in almost 5 years. Their music lives in a no-man's-land between the genres, somewhere between rock, electronica, jazz and modern composition. Yes, we say composition because when listening it´s not far fetched to think it could have been, although everything here is improvised, as it has always been with Supersilent. With ”8” they have yet again re-invented themselves, exploring more abstract and mysterious pathways and ending up even further away from traditional categories.
The album is produced by Deathprod and mastered by US mastering guru Bob Katz.
Goldmund - Two Point Discrimination
No los conocía y me estoy derritiendo con el jodido disco.
Piel de Gallina!
Goldmund es uno de los alias de Keith Kenniff, compositor de Massachussets que publica en Type y que en los dos últimos años se ha sacado de la manga dos discazos como son el Corduroy Road y el Eingya, este último en el 2006 bajo el pseudónimo de Helios. Ambos de obligada escucha.
Por cierto, que la portada del Eingya es de las más bonitas que se han hecho en los últimos años. La edición en vinilo es impresionante:
Yo lo tengo en mi casita y suena igual de bien si lo pones a 45rpm
Por lo general las portadas de Type son impresionantes.
pensaba que no me iba a molar, pero una sola escucha y me ha flipado bastante.
Wolves in the throne room "Two hunters"
No controlo para nada el black metal y tal y musicalmente no me motiva mucho, pero me lo bajé al leer que eran como una versión oscura de GY!BE, y para mi más o menos da bastante en el clavo. Tengo que escucharlo más pero vamos, tras una escucha compartida a todo volúmen con el vecino (compartir es vivir, dicen), me he quedado bastante prendado.
Ahora a escuchar el primero a ver que tal.
"The deep woe inside black metal is about fear that we can never return to the mythic, pastoral world that we crave on a deep subconscious level"
Grim and purifying black metal from the forests of cascadia! The second full-length release (first on SLR) from this powerful trio. An incredible amount of depth, power and conviction along with mature song-writing and incredible musicianship give them their own undeniably unique sound. The groups willingness to experiment with unconventional methods of recording and collaborate with avant-garde musicians sets them apart from the mundane normalcy that plagues many Black Metal bands albums as of late. "Two Hunters" was recorded on tape, at London Bridge and Aleph Studio by Randall Dunn (Earth, sunn 0)))/Boris, Kinski) in the Pacific Northwest.. The process of the recording was very organic with very minimal use of any digital effects or manipulation. Jessica Kinney (previous collaborations with Eyvind Kang and Asva) provides beautifully dark vocals on "Cleansing" and "I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots." Comes packaged in a 5" mini-gatefold thick cardboard jacket. Be sure to see them on tour in the USA in October 2007. ... iseman.rar
Por cierto, que la portada del Eingya es de las más bonitas que se han hecho en los últimos años. La edición en vinilo es impresionante:
esta portada es mi fondo de pantalla! preciosa
Por cierto, que la portada del Eingya es de las más bonitas que se han hecho en los últimos años. La edición en vinilo es impresionante:
La verdad es que tienes toda la razón. El dibujante se llama Matthew Woodson y en su página tiene toda una galería de ilustraciones tremendamente alucinantes. Os recomiendo un paseo por ella.
Early Songs - Wind Wound
"Early Songs" easily snaps up the award for the most effortlessly beautiful, life-affirming album we've heard this week and is one of the most delightful musical discoveries you'll make this year. David Scott (for he is Early Songs) is a guitarist by trade (steel strung acoustic, to be exact) and on 'Wind Wound' (shockingly the man's debut) he integrates found sounds, piano, field recordings and windswept percussion to create a deep and weighty collection of tracks that you'll find impossible not to fall in love with. Opening on a high we're treated to 'Turn and Face Me', one of those tracks that sounds intimately familiar the first time its played - through the simplest of means it embeds itself in your psyche and the more you play it the more you become drawn into its intoxicating charm. Other highlights include the gauzy shimmer of 'Far Away is Scotland' which builds Scott's achingly beautiful guitar melodies over field recordings and distant piano. There are no shortage of albums like this at the moment, just last week we were treated to James Blackshaw's sublime 'The Cloud of Unknowing' and a couple of weeks ago we had the latest from Saddleback (also on Preservation) but for some reason 'Wind Wound' (I'm still not sure how to pronounce that, great title though) has left more of an impression on me than anything else of its kind. There is a sincerity and honest simplicity in Scott's compositions, and while they are expertly produced, they don't seem to be overdone or glossy - instead they share the same beauty I would attribute to Sufjan Stevens or his contemporaries, well crafted but without losing any of the magic that comes with gifted songwriting, that beating heart. "Wind Wound" is just one of those albums you can't argue with - it's just too lovely. ```
La verdad es que tienes toda la razón. El dibujante se llama Matthew Woodson y en su página tiene toda una galería de ilustraciones tremendamente alucinantes. Os recomiendo un paseo por ella.
Es este mismo de la portada de Skallander que filtró andtheworldsmilestoyou, no?
Realmente son preciosas. Gracias por el descubrimiento.
La verdad es que tienes toda la razón. El dibujante se llama Matthew Woodson y en su página tiene toda una galería de ilustraciones tremendamente alucinantes. Os recomiendo un paseo por ella.
Es este mismo de la portada de Skallander que filtró andtheworldsmilestoyou, no?
Realmente son preciosas. Gracias por el descubrimiento.
pues sí, me estado mirando las ilustraciones y muy buenas, me ha hecho gracia la fijación que tiene el tipo con los huesitos… tema recurrente en muchas de sus obras
Dejo unas cositas:
Este que ya había puesto unos meses atras pero que acaba de salir y además viene a cuento:
Helios - Ayres ```–------- ** The Skull Defekts - Skkull [Release the Bats 2007]**  @2w7e6gfa: > The Skull Defekts have done it again, wielding their instruments like maces. > > If the first song on the album weren't so patterned, one might think that their CD player was broken. Trading between skips, glitches, and various drones-cut-short, the hidden structures of "Sex Fracture" etch themselves into your eardrums. > > "Carved in Bones" calms down a little, throbbing instead of breaking. The soundtrack of a hospital-like factory that produces crimes against nature, Henrik Rylander, Jean-Louis Huhta, and Joachim Nordwall (this album's cast) drag you down the hallways whether you want to go or not. But as with most horror movie, actually seeing the source of the fear takes all the fright out of t, and you end up seduced by the unique, if twisted, logic of the landscape. > > "Breathing Your Face" seems like the culmination of the manufacturing in "Carved in Bones": a room full of clattering monstrositites. Here the creators' peculiar moterly tenderness shows, keeping every scattered note herded together by the drone of an inventor's pride. Even in the brief moments when insanity threathens to take over, the clatters are slowly reigned in again and brought back into their perverse order. If the song contiued this frenetically for the full 9 minutes and 30 seconds, it might get tiring, but it slowly exhausts itself instead, becoming more of a lullaby for robots. > > The last song, "Six Six for Eyes", resembles "Carved in Bones" but with the sinister level ramped up. If this is the same factory of horrors, it's been emptied of life through a catastrophe caused by something born there. The hallways are dark, lit only by the intermittent red glow of emergency lighting that is timed to an alarm. The previous seduction of possibilities is gone, replaced by their hauntng absences. If those creatures had souls, do their spirits remain? But what harm can a spirit truly do, having no flesh and blood, no will over the material world itself? The greatest damage comes in what fills that void, a soul-sucking, head-splitting terror of the unknown. 9/10
**Various Artists -Anthology of American Folk Music**  @2w7e6gfa: > Originally released in 1952 as a quasi-legal set of three double-LPs and reissued several times since (with varying cover art), The Anthology of American Folk Music could well be the most influential document of the '50s folk revival. Many of the recordings which appeared on it had languished in obscurity for 20 years, and it proved a revelation to a new group of folkies – from Pete Seeger to John Fahey to Bob Dylan -- who covered the songs, tracked down the artists, and made new field recordings to document other strands of folk music. The man that made the Anthology possible was editor and compiler Harry Smith, a man born in Washington but a drifter much of his life, as well as a painter, filmmaker and anthropologist. From his collection of thousands of old 78-rpm records, Smith compiled 84 of his favorite hillbilly, gospel, blues and Cajun performances from the late '20s and early '30s (all originally issued by labels such as Columbia and Victor), and divided each into one of three categories: Ballads, Social Music and Songs. Smith sequenced the three volumes with a great deal of care, placing songs on the Ballads volume in historical order (not to be confused with chronological order) so as to create an LP which traces the folk tradition, beginning with some of the earliest Childe ballads of the British Isles and ending with several story-songs of the early 20th century, which document happenings of special interest to contemporary listeners, like the sinking of the Titanic or the boll-weevil plague. [After being out of print for years, The Anthology of American Folk Music, Vol. 1 was reissued as part of a six-disc box set, containing all three volumes of the Anthology, by Smithsonian-Folkways as a six-disc box set in 1998.] > > The Harry Smith-compiled three-volume Anthology of American Folk Music set was one of the most important records in launching the folk revival. It was not well known, though, that Smith compiled a fourth volume that was unissued. Revenant finally put it out in 2000, and like its three predecessors, it contains classic pre-World War II American country, blues, and folk music, with some gospel and Cajun too. It does differ from the first three volumes in its focus on a slightly later period, with all the tracks culled from the years 1928-1940\. Leadbelly, Robert Johnson, Joe Williams, Bukka White, Memphis Minnie, and John Estes are all major blues artists; the Monroe Brothers, the Carter Family, Uncle Dave Macon, and the Blue Sky Boys all giant country/bluegrass pioneers; and the Hackberry Ramblers are one of the pre-eminent Cajun groups. A few of these songs are archetypes that have burned their way into the American collective musical consciousness: John Estes' "Milk Cow Blues," the Carter Family's "No Depression in Heaven," Joe Williams' "Baby Please Don't Go," and the Monroe Brothers' "Nine Pound Hammer Is Too Heavy." Other less famous performances are quite intriguing, like Sister Clara Hudmon's "Stand By Me" (believed by some to be Bessie Smith recording under a pseudonym) and Jesse James' raw and rollicking piano blues "Southern Casey Jones." At 28 songs spread over two CDs, it's a little shorter than might be expected for a box set, though as compensation, it's enclosed in a pretty incredible 96-page liner-note-sized hardcover book with writing by Dick Spottswood and John Fahey.
Disc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8**Kemialliset Ystävät - Kemialliset Ystävät [Fonal 2007]**  @2w7e6gfa: > Kemialliset Ystävät is an ever changing group of free form pilots who have been sending murky audio clouds from their basement in Tampere, Finland to the people of the world since 1995\. They work in short, spooling instrumentals, building layers of simple repetitive riffs into laminal mudcakes and weaving ghosts of noise songs into huge tunnels of drone. They utilize a wide spectrum of moldy acoustic instruments and almost broken electronics to create their joyful blasts but the recording studio in itself might be their single most important instrument. Kemialliset Ystävät discography includes CDs, vinyl records, cassettes and lathe cuts on Fonal, Fusetron, Beta-Lactam Ring, Lal Lal Lal, Jewelled Antler, Celebrate Psi Phenomenom and other revolutionary labels around the world. Members of Kemialliset Ystävät are involved with other projects such as The Anaksimandros, Avarus, Islaja, Kiila, Es and Päivänsäde.
**Robedoor + Pocahaunted - Hunted Gathering [Digitalis 2007]**  @2w7e6gfa: > There's a savage battle raging in the hallowed streets of Los Angeles, being fought by prehistoric megaliths spewing lava from their mouths. These acid-tongued shamans are interested in one thing and one thing only, and that's to raze this city to the ground. Okay, perhaps it's not so apocalyptic, but hot off the heels of opening for Sonic Youth, dirt worshipers Robedoor and their native sisters Pocahaunted have unleashed an army for the ages with "Hunted Gathering." Drones painted with black holes collapse under their own weight while the archangelic voices of Pocahaunted birth a brand new world of spirit decay. > > "Hunted Gathering" is both a split release and a collaboration. Each band offers up their own malfeasance while collaborating on the epic final eponymous track. The union of these two groups is a natural combination. Two members are married and run the Not Not Fun label together and they share amps and practice space, for example. But there's also something about both that is visceral and raw. Robedoor's subsonic doom is washed down with a smooth chaser of Pocahaunted's reverberating soul sounds. > > Recorded by the inimitable Bobb Bruno at the NNF/Bored Fortress studio space across many moons in 2007 and mastered by Yellow Swans' Pete Swanson, "Hunted Gathering" is an essential feast for fans of doom-infused drones and Stevie Nicks. These hunting & gathering songs from the Eagle Rock air also feature appearances by the aforementioned Bruno as well as Changeling mastermind, Roy Tatum.
Prometo dejar algo más ligerito la próxima vez.
nenes? el nuevo de la tender ya ronda por ahí?
bueno de lo filtrado, me bajé el de eef Barzelay, voy por la 5 y tengo que decir que este hombre me enamora, en Apocaliptic friend lo tengo que decir ya, veremos el resto y las segundas escuchas. (esto iba para "rajemos …." pero con 5 temas escuchados es muy precipitado)