Filtraciones '07

  • Tras tres escuchas…infinitamente mejor que Remembranza.

  • Harry, te has olvidado de colgar el de Josh Ritter

    Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquest of Josh Ritter

    Marniello me va a matar, pero no tengo tiempo de hacer una breve reseña sobre Josh Ritter y su trayectoria musical. A mi su anterior disco me gusto menos que Hello Starling, que tenía algunos hitazos, pero es un americano interesante.

  • gracias por el de Murcof, Pelukini

    me pongo con él en breve

  • @Suarezmanlanz:qqgomlxb:

    Tras tres escuchas…infinitamente mejor que Remembranza.

    moejr que Remembranza? joder, me tengo que poner con este disco pero que ya mismo!!

  • Calexico - Tool Box

    Paul Weller & Graham Coxon - This Old Town (Single) [EMI / Regal Singles Club, 2007]

    01 Paul Weller & Graham Coxon - This Old Town
    02 Graham Coxon - Each New Morning
    03 Paul Weller - Black River


    "This Old Town" is a Coxon/Weller collaboration.
    "Each New Morning" is a Graham Coxon composition, "Black River" was written by Paul Weller.
    All tracks were produced by the duo, and engineered by Charles Rees.
    Drumming on "This Old Town" courtesy of Zak Starkey.

  • Han borrado el de Calexico, a ver si podéis poner otro link que hay ganas de este nuevo de instrumentales, que se echabana faltar en el último.

  • @HIROMI:1whwoluh:

    Han borrado el de Calexico, a ver si podéis poner otro link que hay ganas de este nuevo de instrumentales, que se echabana faltar en el último.

    yo lo bajé ayer y es curioso, pero otro link que he encontrado también está dado de baja

    prueba con el buscador de uploads

  • @HIROMI:1rjk8hac:

    Han borrado el de Calexico, a ver si podéis poner otro link que hay ganas de este nuevo de instrumentales, que se echabana faltar en el último.

    a mi me ha dado tiempo de bajarlo, ahora te lo subo al megaupload!

  • @Pelukini:2o4hddjr:


    Han borrado el de Calexico, a ver si podéis poner otro link que hay ganas de este nuevo de instrumentales, que se echabana faltar en el último.

    a mi me ha dado tiempo de bajarlo, ahora te lo subo al megaupload!

    EDIT: Subido ya!

  • No se si alguien lo ha colgado, pero por si acaso:

    Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War (2007)

  • Songs Of Green Pheasant - Gyllyng Street

    3 disco de este artista que tanto me gusta y hace tiempo que lo estoy pidiendo, a ver si algún tanned tin cae… este disco pierde un poco el toque lo-fi de los primeros discos, sobretodo del 1, y con ello un poco la gracia... si... con una producción mucho más cuidada y más variado... supongo que para llegar a un público más amplio o nose...

    lo que sí recomiendo a la gente que le guste mínimamente este disco, que intente conseguir su debut Songs of green Pheasant, es una maravilla!!

    os dejo con un pequeño texto sobre el debut : via


    En 2005 veía la luz Songs Of Green Pheasant el debut homónimo del proyecto unipersonal de Duncan Sumpner un joven de 30 años, profesor de escuela primaria, natural de Oughtibridge, Sheffield que hace más de cuatro años se encerró en su cocina para grabar con un modesto equipo analógico de cuatro pistas las canciones que entonces llegaban a ver la luz.

    El camino no fue fácil, cuatro años hace que a las oficinas de Fat Cat llegó una de tantas maquetas. Pocos datos acompañaban aquel envío, no había remite, sólo un matasellos; la música hablaba. La búsqueda se reveló ardua y laboriosa tarea. Los responsables de Fat Cat trataron sin éxito durante casi dos años de contactar con el creador de aquello que les parecía pura magia sonora: canciones suspendidas fuera del tiempo, voces y ambientes mesmerizantes;, fragilidad y hechizo en cada uno de los temas de un álbum que llegaba sin referencias previas a ocupar un merecido lugar entre los discos más especiales que los más atentos pudieron escuchar ese año.

    El trabajo de campo dio sus frutos y la discográfica de Brighton dio finalmente con el paradero del hombre que había grabado, durante tres meses del verano de 2002, de una forma doméstica, en la cocina de su casa, en un sencilla grabadora de casete de cuatro pistas (haciendo uso de guitarras eléctricas, acústica de 12 cuerdas, bajo, caja de ritmos, percusiones varias y algunos efectos, y unas fantásticas armonías vocales) aquella colección de preciosas e intimistas, frágiles e intrigantes canciones que gracias a la –más que pobablemente fruto de las limitaciones técnicas de los medios utilizados para la grabación- continua presencia de <em>reverb</em> suenen ambientales y profundas, etéreas y densas, lejanas y cálidas al tiempo, serenas, ligeras.

  • por si no lo habéis subido ya, lo nuevo del rapero COMMON

    COMMON (2007) "Finding forever"

  • Skeletons and the Kings of all Cities - Lucas (Ghostly International, 2007)

    otro sobrenombre más para el proyecto de Matt Mehlan, originalmente Skeletons a secas -bajo el que sacó el fenomenal Life and the Afterbirth-.

    esta filtración la he escuchado antes de postearla: su pop excéntrico ha ampliado la paleta de influencias con percusiones tribales y elementos de free-jazz, creando un sonido más complejo y denso sin que se resienta su imaginación a raudales. Altamente recomendado.

  • gracias por el de Common, poppie

  • Muchas gracias, me bajo unos cuantos de esta semana. En un ratito vuelvo y pongo algo

    Excepter - Streams 01


    Brooklyn's Excepter (which counts OM's Dan Hougland as one of its members) are one of those rare bands whose ability to consistently confound gets more intensely engaging with each and every release. And though they've crafted a handful of great, diverse records over the past few years that have traced paths straight through the heart of dance beats, noise gristle, and industrial thump each with equally dis-associative aplomb, they've been the most effective in live settings. Imbuing each performance with an almost ritualistic purpose and a harrowing presence, Excepter don't play songs or pieces as much as they do pure moods, using an array of synths and drum machines to create an unparalleled experience that can hardly be confined to any reductive comparisons.

    All throughout their tenure, the band has issued documents of their live efforts as free MP3 streams on their website. Streams 01 functions almost like a "best of" compilation for these takes, presenting two discs worth of sessions edited and sequenced by band acolyte Robert Girardin. Capturing bits and pieces of the band from almost every stage of their evolution, this set also works as a pretty great introduction for the uninitiated. Though tracks like the pulsing "Stairwells" and manically propulsive "Silence (Except Her)" are almost skeletal when compared to the cuts found on KA and Throne, they share a common reliance on off-kilter rhythms that fold back on themselves, giving the vocals and electronics a dangerously unbalanced set of legs on which to stand. Other pieces, like queasy electro bounce of "Who's There 2" or the grimy, sweat-soaked pull of "Self Destruction," deal in extremities of both beat and tone that few can capably match. A defiant step away from the almost song-oriented Alternation that emerged last year on 5RC, Streams 01 is a relentlessly fascinating look at the inner workings of the savviest consciousness shredding electronic improv ensembles out there, and one you'd be wise to pick up on post haste. [MC]

    Boris with Merzbow - Walrus/Groon 12"**


    One side of this formidable slab of wax is devoted to a psychedelic noise rock rendition of 'I am The Walrus', which remains remarkably faithful to the original despite the extra added layers of crackling electronics and its slowed-down, heavier tempo (which is only befitting metal behemoths of Boris' ilk). It's a genuinely great version of the song, and Boris certainly uphold their end of the bargain, turning out a nostalgic, fuzz-laden rendition of the Lennon and McCartney classic. Merzbow waves his magic wand over the mix and coats the whole track in a biting web of noise, which succeeds in integrating with all the analogue guitar fuzz yet adds an extra edge to the recording. Over on the other side, the Merzbow influence is in full effect, rampaging all over Boris' instruments like a particularly rapacious virus, devouring all in its path. Somewhere in the midst of all this din, you can hear drum fills flailing around, drowning in the boundless distortion coming from Akita's burned-out circuitry.

    Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood - Preying in Circles [Root Strata 2007]


    ..everything we loved about these ramshackle noiseniks is still in full effect, but if anything, they sound better than ever, more polished, a bit weirder, the sound a lot more lush, but without losing any of their stumbling charm. Much of the record sound like it would have been just as at home in the Finnish forest, with it's slow motion Dead C kitchen sink clatter percussion, crackle and hiss production and detuned guitar strum, but the record is rife with distinctly Brotherhood moments, like the strangely tranquil wash of softly strummed angelic strings, slightly out of tune and warbling hypnotically in the first track, or the dueling alien FX and duck call drones of track two, the hushed falsetto vocals on track six, or the wild tribal free for all, with dense drumming and fluttering flute that finishes off the disc. Elsewhere it's lots of sonic elements we can't seem to get enough of, No Neck like jams stumbling drunkenly through shadowy glades, long shimmering stretches of whirring drones and muted melody, strange chimes and splattery abstract percussion, snippets of female vocals floating on swirling swells of gentle guitar thrum, dreamy twang flecked folk, moaning strings and swirls of low end rumble, and wide open expanses of slow burning dark ambience, shifting and drifting beneath delicate sonic glimmers and glistening layers of buzz and hiss.

    Tom Carter & Christian Kiefer - A Rather Solemn Promise [Great Pop Supplement 2007]


    A nine track limited, hand screen printed, edition CD (500) from the Charalambides head honcho and collaborator. Avant-pysch/folk type meanderings of the free and out there…Guitars, banjos, mandolins. Instrumental music of quite some beauty that has the space to breathe, feeling uncluttered, considered and extremely stoned by the campfire.

    RV PAINTINGS 'Trinity Rivers'


    Edition of 500

    01: River One (11:37)
    02: Mad River (13:35)
    03: River Two (16:16)

    New nature jams from the Northern California peace crew. Brian Pyle (one half of the core Starving Weirdos duo) his brother Jon, and their bro Spencer traverse the twilight moon as RV Paintings. 'Trinity Rivers' is a suite of three nocturnal jams, way heavy on the hypnotic vibe. Wine glasses, holographic guitar circles and skittery drum lines unite to form a fantasy world- but not in color - all black and white with smears of metallic sliver. Eno circa 'On Land' with Ellen Fullman's Long String Instrument after a midnight swim on the ocean. This is by far one of the most beautiful and totally dark audio documents out of the Weirdos camp.

    Buf, me ha salido un menú de digestión pesada. A ver si puedo traer algo más ligerito antes del domingo

  • Esto es más digerible:

    Klima - "Klima" 2007

  • a ver si alguien encuentra esta filtración:

    M83 - Digital Shades Vol.1 (out sept 2007)…

    es que hace una semana justo con un colega, estábamos hablando de que había sido de M83 y de que ganas de verlos bla bla bla...

    y al cabo de unos días me encuentro con esto: ... _de_M83-1/

  • Boredoms – 77 Boadrum (live)


    On July 7th, 2007, thousands of New Yorkers witnessed the much anticipated Boredoms collaboration with a 77-member drum circle, 77 Boadrum. This is the finest bootleg recording of the historic event that has surfaced yet. The piece begins with the sharp dissonance of 77 ride cymbals clamoring to life. After roughly two minutes of the deafening introduction, the Boredoms pound their floor toms on the one-beat of a 4/4 rhythm; The pounds slowly make their way around the spiral to drummer number 77, as he was the last to mash his cymbals. A more intricate beat follows, as the durmmers get a sense of the sound as a whole. The piece begins to take off, as Eye adds vocals: heavily reverbed shouts and calls with some synths and odd tones thrown in here and there. 77 Boadrum is truly fasinating to experience, especially since the drummers came from a diverse group of bands and musicians who have drawn influence and inspiration from the Boredoms throughout the group’s 20-year career. Noteworthy performers included Hugo Burnham of Gang of Four, Tim Dewit and Lizzi Bougatsos of Gang Gang Dance, Andrew W.K., David Grubbs, Hart Mingus of Negative Approach, Matthias Schulz of Holy Fuck.

  • No sé si alguien ha puesto ya el completo de Animal Collective, por si acaso lo dejo….

  • Toma! Gracias por el de los Boredoms Pelukini, quién estuviera allí!