Filtraciones '07

  • @last:


    Dirty Projectors - Rise Above


    bienn! premio a la mejor filtración del mes!

    uff descargado este, no tengo estomago para escuchar esto a estas horas….probando con okervil river, entra un poquito mejor, voy por el cuarto tema, no esta mal, luego pruebo con vic chesnut a ver que tal,de todo lo que habeis colgado ¿hay algo asi rollo the new pornograpers (hace falta mas informacion como se dijo hace un tiempo por aqui)?, es lo que mas me ha enganchado en lo que llevamos de 2007, ¿me estaré volviendo popera?

  • @Suarezmanlanz:uopbdp19:

    Dirty Projectors - Rise Above


    Discazo. Habrá algún grupo de los que vienen al tanned que no sea apetecible???

  • @ForSilence:2eyp119y:



    Dirty Projectors - Rise Above


    bienn! premio a la mejor filtración del mes!

    uff descargado este, no tengo estomago para escuchar esto a estas horas….probando con okervil river, entra un poquito mejor, voy por el cuarto tema, no esta mal, luego pruebo con vic chesnut a ver que tal,de todo lo que habeis colgado ¿hay algo asi rollo the new pornograpers (hace falta mas informacion como se dijo hace un tiempo por aqui)?, es lo que mas me ha enganchado en lo que llevamos de 2007, ¿me estaré volviendo popera?

    mientras no te hagas sinnamonera no pasa nada!

  • El nuevo de The New Pornographers mola mucho, ni popera ni nada.

    Y el de Richard Hawley que? nadie lo ha encontrado?

  • Nah, popera y sin salida. El Challengers es un discazo, pero cuidado. Empiezas disfrutando con los New Pornographers y acabas siendo feliz.

  • Motoro Faam - … and Water Cycles - 2007
    Genre: Electronic / Style: Modern Classical, IDM, Experimental, Ambien


    MOTORO FAAM son un trío de jóvenes japoneses de formación clásica, y eso se nota en su particular estilo que une magníficamente la electrónica con violín y piano. Su terreno está próximo a Max Richter, Murcof, Donnato Wharton… Nos ofrecen toques melódicos junto a extraños sonidos, dentro de un contexto de música electrónica emocional.

    nuevo trabajo de motoro faam, que después de la buena acogida de fragments + llega con este nuevo trabajo conceptual, bla bla bla, nada que lo recomiendo a la gente que le guste el género, a mi me ha gustado mucho, sobretodo para escuchas horizontales

  • enesima escucha del de vic chesnutt y sigo pensando que es de lo mejor de este año. Por poner pegas el efecto en la voz omnipresente me recuerda a las producciones de phill collins y se hace pesado. Aun poniendose pejilguero es la ostia.

    voy a por los dirty proyectors

  • @Pekh:gcghi7hd:

    El nuevo de The New Pornographers mola mucho, ni popera ni nada.

    Y el de Richard Hawley que? nadie lo ha encontrado?

    yo he oido parte en la radio y está muy bien… a ver si se filtra

  • @galleta:jqzew8j2:

    Silver Daggers - New High And Ord (Load, 2007)

    muy bueno. Me encanta.


  • Magik Markers - BOSS (2007)

    1. Axis Mundi
    2. Body Rot
    3. Last of the Lemach Line
    4. Empty Bottles
    5. Taste
    6. Four/The Ballad of Harry Angstrom
    7. Pat Garrett
    8. Bad Dream/Hartford's Beat Suite
    9. Circle

    Elisa Ambrogio: Lead Guitar, Vocals
    Pete Nolan: Drums, Guitar, Piano, Electronics, Vocals

    Lee Ranaldo: Guitar on 1,2,6 and Glokenspiel, 4
    All music and lyrics by Magik Markers, except Lee's glokenspiel part, that was totally his!

    Produced by Lee Ranaldo

  • @hempror:qw9p7ham:


    Parece que el de Vic Chesnutt está al caer… para los impacientes dejo un tema, Glossolalia:

    En breve el disco

    Oh my god!!! TEMAZOOOOOOOO !!! Si el resto del disco es así me muero!! Que grande Vic Chesnutt con el sonido de A silver Mount zion… todo un sueño!!!
    Piel de gallina!!

    despues de oir el disco un par de veces,y comprobar,efectivamente, el discazo que se ha sacado el señor vic,el tema que mas me gusta sin desmerecer el glossolalia o el debriefing (que decia pelukini) es everything i say

  • Bueno, aquí vamos por si interesa:

    Grouper - Tried b/w Everyone in Turn (Type, 2007)

    In a short space of time, Portland-based Liz Harris has become the name on the lips of the underground music world having captured hearts worldwide with her distinct blend of noise, ambience and a dream-pop sensibility. She submerges her songs in a shimmering haze of hiss, looping chorals and decomposed guitar feedback, but somewhere in there you can hear the ghosts of My Bloody Valentine or possibly Slowdive. This latest 7” takes her sound one step further still; ‘Tried’ is one of the most overtly dense pieces Harris has produced to date, but flip over to ‘Everyone in Turn’ and you are treated to simply vocals and piano, a piece of music which has to be one of the most affecting Grouper tracks to date. Sounding like a lost track from beneath a 1950s pier somewhere this affirms the reason why we’re all so obsessed with Liz Harris’ unique productions – they just sound like nothing else on earth.

    Absolutely enthralling seven inch, much like all of Liz Harris' work. Enjoy!


    Visitations - s/t [Time-Lag 2007]


    Well, here you have it. Maine's cosmic mystery trio captured in vinyl for eternity, just for you… while everyone & their mother seems to have some sort of bedroom folk/psych project going these days, you'd be hard pressed to find another unit as pure in spirit & process as these here bodies/buddies. One of those rare vortexes of creation existing totally apart from all hype, pressure or pretense; in other words, timeless. Always balanced on that fine and beautiful line between cosmic joke & aching depth. A simple & unadorned unfurling of strummed & fingered instruments, heartaching female vocals, woodland creatures, earthy male vocals, contrasting half-written & totally spontaneous songs, twisting lyrics, haunted melancholy, lysergic joy, and a heavy dose of spooked New England lore. In a way, the recording scene itself is an almost perfect parallel to the sounds & vibes captured here: three shadowy figures laugh & sing around a dim campfire. No one's slept in days. They're nestled amidst ancient stone buildings, creeping foliage and mounds of exotic flowers. The sun is setting over the mountains. But it's all frozen in time. The clouds aren't moving. And that campfire, it's a microphone, isn't it? And all those flowers: plastic. The stone: paint. Is it all fake? Well, it is an ancient stone church. And those three really are making some very sweet sounds. In fact, it's almost hyper-real. Almost impossibly so... is that reel-to-reel rolling? Yes, it sure is.


    MV + EE with the Golden Road - Gettin' Gone

    Believe it. Psych-folkies Matt Valentine and Erika Elder, perhaps better known by their initials, MV & EE (or MV/EE, if you will), return less than a year after their last longplayer– Green Blues-- with yet another record on Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace imprint. Who do they think they are, Wooden Wand?

    Gettin' Gone gets here October 9 and finds MV & EE in cahoots with the Golden Road, not to be confused with the Bummer Road, their backers on Green Blues. Wait, maybe they really are Wooden Wand.

    The Golden Road comprises J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr.) and John Moloney on drums, Willie Lane on guitar, Samara Lubelski and Ron Schneiderman on bass, Doc Dunn on pedal steel, resonator, bass, drums, and vocals, and Luisa Reichenheim on harmonium. Oh, and also, a dog named Zuma, who allegedly played bells on the record.

    Chicago Underground Trio - Chronicle


    The Chicago Underground Duo/Trio/Quartet has two stable members : Rob Mazurek on cornet and Chad Taylor on percussion. Jeff Parker played guitar in previous configurations and Noel Kupersmith was the regular bass-player, but for this trio he is replaced by Jason Ajemian. This is not what you would call a real trumpet/bass/drums trio, because each musician has an assortment of additional instruments, from the very simple such as a bamboo flute, an mbira or a Chinese cymbal to the more complex electronics, computer of moogerfooerpedals. The album is the chronicle of a transformation in six steps : Initiation, Resistance, Power, Crisis, Transformation and Transcendence. And the music evolves along those steps. "Initiation" is a bass solo, on "Resistance" the percussion starts bringing counterweight to the bass, first with light percussion, then marimba, then electronics until the bass stops, followed by the percussion and only the electronics remain. "Power" begins with light arco bass, marimba and light percussion, rolling on to menacing drumming, first without apparent rhythm, then very rhythmically, with a hard pulsing bass adding power to the playing, offering a solid foundation for the muted cornet sounds of Mazurek, now light and sensitive, then chasing hard, evolving into a quiet bluesy melody, which in terms of trumpet style holds the middle between Lester Bowie and Don Cherry, moving on to light percussion again, an almost-lullaby like melody so fragile and joyful it sounds, soon to die in an electronic chaotic drone of about five minutes, and then you think "that's it, we've had it", but no, out of this chaos emerges a lightly dancing melody of trumpet, arco bass and mbira, the real finale of a track which lasts close to half an hour. And it goes on like that for the rest of the album. The band takes its time to discover the music, to transform it, to think of new angles, but the overall structure is essential, this is free improv along fixed paths. This is avant-garde jazz or experimental jazz, but then with soul. And you can hear this soul at best in the last piece "Transcendence", that unleashes all power with a manic repetitive rhythm, with Mazurek's cornet creating wonderful melodies above this hypnotic drone of bass and drums. This music is probably not to everyone's taste, but the way this band explores new musical avenues is really fantastic to hear and highly commendable. Mazurek suprised us earlier this year with his great album with The Exploding Star Orchestra, but this one is equally brilliant.

    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -


    Thurston Moore - Black Weeds/White Death c40 CS [Meudiademorte 2007]


    New solo album from Thurston that dovetails beautifully with the feathers of feedback drone that dominated Flipped-Out Bride. This one starts with the same kind of phantom electricity before dovetailing into railroads of gloriously overloaded guitar, all cut into chunks of singing fuzz. Some absolutely wild playing here that touches on Haino's form circa The Book Of Eternity Set Aflame.

    Mañana más

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:md42hcbr:

    Mañana más

    Calentando motores….


  • andtheworldsmileswithyou haber si sakas el White Rainbow - Prison of Eternal Now (Kranky 2007) k se que esta por allí, pero no doy con el…

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:78pgsc53:

    Mañana más

    Ya lo dije antes, el Mentor Tormentor de Earlimart, que se publica este mes y no encuentro la maldita filtración. Si no es mucho pedir…

  • buen material, andtheworldsmileswithyou. Gracias

    y mejor nick: "no somos como ellos"

  • @Pelukini:226ni6xi:

    andtheworldsmileswithyou haber si sakas el White Rainbow - Prison of Eternal Now (Kranky 2007) k se que esta por allí, pero no doy con el…

    Si, ayer lo encontré pero habían retirado el enlace y lo tuve que borrar.

    Aquí lo tienes:

    A los demás saluditos y bueno… si veo pasar sus discos los pillo y los pongo

  • venga hempror pa ti…

    Hrsta - Ghosts Will Come and Fill Our Eyes

    y este va a gustar x aki…

    Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Cortedala [Secretly Canadian, 2007]
    features Jens friendlies Frida Hyvönen and El Perro del Mar

  • Gracias por estos dos, el de Hrsta lo llevaba esperando desde ayer y el de Jens Lekman si que no me lo esperaba

  • Una vez mas, gracias Pelu.

    Ya tengo nuevo material para todo el fin de semana.