Filtraciones '07

  • filtradores del foro!!! jajaja, alguien sabe lo que pasa con el Digital Shades Vol. 1 de M83, es k no entiendo como no está en ningún sitio, o a lo mejor soy yo que no lo encuentro, es que el otro día hicieron la presentación on-line del disco y pensaba que alguien lo rippearia… xo veo que no, a lo mejor todo el mundo penso lo mismo

  • @pulpo:tox7b7ev:

    Me estoy poniendo al día poco a poco, pero el de Sandro Perri está de puts. Clase mundial.

    el anterior está genial. Lo dejo aquí:

    Sandro Perri - Plays Polmo Polpo (Constellation, 2006)

  • Ya que esto parece que está un poco aburrido hoy vamos a darle un poco de movimiento. No se si la gente está dormida después de vacaciones o que, pero por fin se ha filtrado este disco

    Devendra Banhartt - Smokey Rolls Down thunder Canyon

    Ala, a entretenerse

  • amigo Josexiu, el de Sandro que has colgao tiene pasword, seria tan amable de proporcionarlo?

  • Suerte que mañana es mi último día de curro (por fin vacaciones) porque a este paso me van echar tanto bajar cosas… muchas gracias. Voy a bajarme el de devendra a ver qué tal...
    me he bajado los de Sandro perri, uno de ellso me ha gusto (creo que es el que no es el european tour) pero el otro me cuesta un poquito mas, aquí en la oficina hay demasiado ruido y me cuesta captarlo... a ver si puedo pasarmelo un día de estos en el ipod y lo escucho en calma... (o hago callar a todos mic compañeros)

  • @-Toxinho-:3j9a0gxu:

    Devendra Banhartt - Smokey Rolls Down thunder Canyon

    Ala, a entretenerse

    Ya lo hago, ya. Es completamente anacrónico pero muy divertido. Me encanta.

  • @Trinxo:2vmraqv4:

    amigo Josexiu, el de Sandro que has colgao tiene pasword, seria tan amable de proporcionarlo?


  • Me estoy haciendo un lío con el cd de Beirut. Dijistéis que el tracklist estaba mal, he buscado en internet y el orden es el mismo. Pero escucho las canciones y pillo palabras al vuelo que coinciden con títulos de otras canciones.

    Y ese sería básicamente mi problema más gordo ahora mismo. A parte de estudiar para los exámenes de septiembre que me consumen como una vela a punto de pasar a mejor vida.

    ¿Alguien me podría decir la relación entre las canciones que se colgaron aquí y sus nombres reales? Si no, no pasa nada. Seguiré escuchándolo como si nada. A mí me gusta bastante, por no decir mucho. No echo de menos el Gulag, la verdad; este está a un gran nivel.

  • @Trinxo:bp2hysaf:

    amigo Josexiu, el de Sandro que has colgao tiene pasword, seria tan amable de proporcionarlo?

    EDITO: soy demasiado secuencial, contesté antes de leer las siguientes entradas … Gracias, pulpo

    ups, lo siento. Debe de ser el siguiente: majorbonobo (es el nombre del blog de donde lo he cogido)

  • Buf, sois unos desgraciaos, me vais a tener haciendo cola en rapidshare todo el fin de semana. Dejo alguna cosita friki dedicada a Trinxo, tú dale caña a la cerda Tóxica

    Sunroof! - Panzer Division Lou Reed [VHF 2007]


    Latest in the ongoing exploration of the ur-drone, from Matthew Bower's (Skullflower, Total, Hototogisu, etc.) softer side. But it's all relative, and while much of Sunroof!'s output is delicate and pretty, or gossamer and transcendental, this might be the hardest, heaviest, most intense release to date. The parts are the same, lengthy streaks of soaring feedback, effulgent bursts of glimmering heart of the sun guitar glow, huge billowing sheets of cymbal sizzle, all woven into super lush expanse of blossoming sound, the parts all just feel more intense, like they're burning up, constantly on the edge of bursting into flames and crumbling into ash, the opening track even has drums, a pounding caveman plod, that gives the track a sort of doom metal / free jazz / bliss out vibe if you can imagine such a thing. The opener and the third track, are part of a larger nearly 40 minute piece, with the second half swinging wildly from explosive skree, to warm muted drift, everything wreathed in thick swaths of grinding feedback and thick prickly fuzz.
    The brief second track is the most caustic of the bunch, there are melodies in there, but you have to slither through a dense wall of sonic brambles to get to them, a roiling white hot Merzbowian blow out, draped over a hidden layer of soft shimmering beauty, crumbling beneath the weight of the massive pummel above.
    The final track, the awesomely titled "Stairways And Terraces Descending One Beyond Another In A Stupefying State Of Exhaustion" is another corrosive landscape of amp shredding sound, an orchestra of guitar torture wrangled into subtly beautiful shapes, so subtle in fact that most folks won't stick around long enough to discover them, but as with most 'noise' music, and we're beginning to think this is more of a noise record than a drone record, one is rewarded for diving in head first, none of this dipping a toe in, or listening to a few minutes, you have to be fully submerged to appreciate the dense world of sound that while strangely beautiful, is constantly holding you under, as you struggle and gasp for breath.
    This is Sunroof!'s Metal Machine Music, sure to be misunderstood, and maligned, but for most of us, this is simply a gloriously terrifying blast of beautiful noise…


    V/A - Frannce Compilation [Ruralfaune/La belle dame sans merci 2007]**


    Calling a compilation 'an ode to France' isn't exactly the best way to sell it to a British audience I'd think. Thank goodness then that I can forget our differences for a while to dig into this magnifique collection of free folk, psychedelic, noise and drone music because it's really rather fantastic (damn them!). Spanning three cds and just about as epic in scope as Digitalis's genre defining 'Gold Leaf Branches' we get freaky tracks from scene legends Volcano the Bear, Fursaxa, Silvester Anfang, The North Sea, Tom Carter, Ashtray Navigations, Uton and Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood sitting cosily next door to contributions from lesser known acts such as Heavy Winged, Ajilvsga, 9majik9 and the awesomely monikered The Sh*tty Listener. It's a haphazard and occasionally jarring collection, but there's enough here to truly lose yourself in a consistently shocking and always intriguing area of the burgeoning freeform music scene. Recommended.

    Este para josexiu, por la conexión Phil Everum:

    Adrian Orange & Her Band - S/T (2007)


    Rogue West African prison-funk from Adrian Orange and his rambling pack of peyote-laced thieves. These are outlaw anthems of life on the margins; Favella-core Latin American punk-hymns to Qaddafi and the insurgency. Machine gun stabs of sex and danger, love and death, life on the highway and lust in the jungles.
    This self-titled release could be considered Adrian Orange's first ‘deliberate’ album. After touring the country in 2006 with a massive band in two vans (including children and horn players and official dancers) and inventing a new kind of music and living, the band re-materialized in Dub Narcotic Studio in February 2007. This - the finest group of groove-wailing, wave tearing musicians Orange could find - descended on Olympia in droves from Portland and Anacortes. The studio is an amazing collection of equipment from an era when recordings were made "live", everything happening on the spot, which was perfect for this new kind of tidal wave. It’s the perfect combination of beautiful accident and deliberate symphony. The end vibe: upbeat and dancy with a hint of lost hippy in a bi-mart parking lot. This will probably be the last cohesive album of songs by this artist. It is in the process of vanishing in to the all, the beautiful unknown; where obscurely we-will-lay, willie, like lillys or be gulls, indefinitely. So get in, get out.

    Por cierto, otra pelicula de Lindsay Anderson tiene también el musical nombre de This Sporting Life. Si es que…

  • thanks por el de Sunroof! k me gusta bastante lo que hace este tipo, el Bliss me gusto mucho, pero no lo controlo demasiado la verdad, algun otro disco de alta recomendación de este tipo?

  • los Sunroof esos tienen pinta de hacer unas canciones de amor la mar de monas…

    Al toxicómano no le meto caña, solo es que le va la marcha.

  • Puf! Pues como para seguirle la pista, acaba de editar otro LP -Spitting Gold Zebras- en Bottrop-boy y es de los que se los sacan como churros, yo he llegado por las conexiones con Vibracathedral Orchestra y no lo tengo muy dominado, prueba con el Silver Bear Mist. A ver si puedo encontrarlo.

    Un saludo
    Ahora me voy a meter el ladrillo este a ver que tal suena y que efectos tiene.


    los Sunroof esos tienen pinta de hacer unas canciones de amor la mar de monas…

    Al toxicómano no le meto caña, solo es que le va la marcha.

    Tu dale que a veces a mi se me escapa y le va la marcha pero mucho

  • pues nada, a continuar poniendo un poquito de hip hop. Un disco que si me interesa y otro que no, pero supongo que eso aquí importa poco.

    El hermanito pequeño de Madlib, Oh No "Dr. No's Oxperiment"

    Produced by Oh No

    1. Heavy
    2. Gladius
    3. Higher
    4. Breakout
    5. Ox Broil
    6. Bouncers
    7. Alarmsss
    8. Banger
    9. No guest list
    10. Land mine
    11. My luck
    12. Cosmos
    13. Exp out the ox
    14. Emergency
    15. Ohhhhhh
    16. Deliveries
    17. Come back
    18. Hot Fire
    19. Action
    20. Ghetto
    21. Fast Gamble
    22. All Over
    23. Mad Piano
    24. Oxcity Sickness
    25. Cassette
    26. down under
    27. Smokey Winds
    28. Slow Down


    Kanye West - Graduation

    1. Kanye West - Good Morning
    2. Kanye West - Champion
    3. Kanye West - Stronger
    4. Kanye West - I Wonder
    5. Kanye West - Good Life (Feat. T-Pain)
    6. Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing
    7. Kanye West - Barry Bonds (Feat. Lil Wayne)
    8. Kanye West - Drunk & Hot Girls (Feat. Mos Def)
    9. Kanye West - Flashing Lights (Feat. Dwele)
    10. Kanye West - Everything I Am
    11. Kanye West - The Glory
    12. Kanye West - Homecoming (Feat. Chris Martin)
    13. Kanye West - Big Brother
    14. Kanye West - Bittersweet Poetry (Feat. John Mayor)
    15. Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing (Remix) (Feat. Young Jeezy)

    hxxp:// ... 07-OSC.rar

    El de Kanye West ni idea si es una promo o no. No me lo he bajado ni me interesa demasiado escucharlo de momento. Quizás caiga mañana o más adelante por aquello de cotillear.

  • Aquí van un par de nuevas filtraciones que andan circulando por ahí.

    Don Nino - Mentors Menteurs

    Charalambides - Likeness

    Despues quería hacer alguna aclaración con respecto al tracklist de Beirut. El correcto sería con la canción número 4 con el título de Guyamas Sonora. El resto de títulos se mueven una canción.
    Por cierto cerda, les voy a comentar algo a los vecinos…

  • Llego de las vacaciones de un total aislamiento musical-emocional y nada más abrir este post ya estoy estressado… Joder no se por donde empezar, a parte de que había dejado cosas pendientes para la vuelta de vacaciones que debería escuchar.
    Una pregunta, alguien ha subido el nuevo de los Two Gallants? le tengo ganas...

    Un saludo a todos.

  • Venia a poner el de Charalambides, vaya sorpresa me he llevado. Gracias Toxi

  • joder con l disco del don nino… ha gustado mucho,las versiones que tienen no estan mal del todo a pesar de que algunas canciones esten un poco manidas ya .....(el kiss de prince,el por que te vas ) disco que no me esperaba de versiones, de hecho no me di cuenta hasta que oi el at night de the cure.........una cancion que da nombre al disco es una version tambien? de ser asi de quien es? .....gran tema!!!

  • Tras el disco de Eric Copeland en solitario:
    Black Dice - Load Blown (Paw Tracks, 2007)**


    "Load Blown" is the fourth album by Brooklyn’s Black Dice. The beats drip and roll, tar-pit voices sing into an oil can, and the guitars crank like calliope. Some tunes crackle and burble like submerged television, others bump and click along like a Summer Jam concert series from another dimension.

    While a noticeable change in tone encompasses "Load Blown" (some tunes veer close to pop songs), this is a work of over-stimulation, a product of frenzied media culture, a sonic sifting of the gratuitous amount of “stuff” out there.

    Black Dice’s current line up comprises Bjorn Copeland (guitar), Aaron Warren (bass) and Eric Copeland (vocals) originally forming during the spring of 1997 in Providence, RI as a loud, chaotic mix of early-eighties-inspired thrash and harsh noise experimentation. At the time, Early shows seldom lasted more than fifteen minutes and were characterized by violent performances where injuries were often sustained by the band and audience alike. Live sets mixed structured songs with improvised sound manipulation and shows differed from night to night.

    In the spring of 1999 the emphasis shifted from conventional song structures to more open-ended sonic investigations. Shows of this era maintained an equally physical presence through the use of high volume levels and an extreme range of frequencies, and violent performance became less frequent. The music bore more resemblance to crude first generation industrial music or contemporary power electronics than straight noise or hardcore.

    In spring of 2004 Black Dice emerged as a tight compositional unit, with little emphasis remaining on improvisation or long-form songs. A near-pop sensibility was embraced, with shorter and catchier tunes bouncing forth. The music currently retains elements of noise and proto-industrial experimentation, while organically suggesting minimal, electronic, hip-hop and psychedelic ideas as well as those of punk, tropicalia, and dub.

    "Load Blown" is a compilation of three 12” vinyl EPs that have been released with special edition posters plus exclusive unreleased tracks. The Manoman 12” was released on DFA records in the summer of 2006. The Roll Up/Drool 12” was released earlier this year by Paw Tracks. The final EP release (released at the same time as the “Load Blown” cd) will be the remaining five tracks not previously released on vinyl.

    The span of time (nearly 18 months of on-again/off-again work) encompassing the composition and recording of the album accounts for a sprawling variety of sounds and songs. Strange and abrasive, yet somehow more familiar, accessible, and celebratory than ever, this is Black Dice at their most palatable yet.

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:b5myntg0:

    Tras el disco de Eric Copeland en solitario:
    Black Dice - Load Blown (Paw Tracks, 2007)**


    "Load Blown" is the fourth album by Brooklyn’s Black Dice. The beats drip and roll, tar-pit voices sing into an oil can, and the guitars crank like calliope. Some tunes crackle and burble like submerged television, others bump and click along like a Summer Jam concert series from another dimension.

    While a noticeable change in tone encompasses "Load Blown" (some tunes veer close to pop songs), this is a work of over-stimulation, a product of frenzied media culture, a sonic sifting of the gratuitous amount of “stuff” out there.

    Black Dice’s current line up comprises Bjorn Copeland (guitar), Aaron Warren (bass) and Eric Copeland (vocals) originally forming during the spring of 1997 in Providence, RI as a loud, chaotic mix of early-eighties-inspired thrash and harsh noise experimentation. At the time, Early shows seldom lasted more than fifteen minutes and were characterized by violent performances where injuries were often sustained by the band and audience alike. Live sets mixed structured songs with improvised sound manipulation and shows differed from night to night.

    In the spring of 1999 the emphasis shifted from conventional song structures to more open-ended sonic investigations. Shows of this era maintained an equally physical presence through the use of high volume levels and an extreme range of frequencies, and violent performance became less frequent. The music bore more resemblance to crude first generation industrial music or contemporary power electronics than straight noise or hardcore.

    In spring of 2004 Black Dice emerged as a tight compositional unit, with little emphasis remaining on improvisation or long-form songs. A near-pop sensibility was embraced, with shorter and catchier tunes bouncing forth. The music currently retains elements of noise and proto-industrial experimentation, while organically suggesting minimal, electronic, hip-hop and psychedelic ideas as well as those of punk, tropicalia, and dub.

    "Load Blown" is a compilation of three 12” vinyl EPs that have been released with special edition posters plus exclusive unreleased tracks. The Manoman 12” was released on DFA records in the summer of 2006. The Roll Up/Drool 12” was released earlier this year by Paw Tracks. The final EP release (released at the same time as the “Load Blown” cd) will be the remaining five tracks not previously released on vinyl.

    The span of time (nearly 18 months of on-again/off-again work) encompassing the composition and recording of the album accounts for a sprawling variety of sounds and songs. Strange and abrasive, yet somehow more familiar, accessible, and celebratory than ever, this is Black Dice at their most palatable yet.

    joder k de puta madre!!!; jajajaja, ya tengo hilo musical para ir a dormir…