Filtraciones '07
Bueno, bueno he estado toda la semana santa sin conexión y con una ganas de internet… Y mirad lo que me he econtrado nada más meterme:
Bjork - Earth Intruders:
Bastante guay le ha salido la jugada a la esquimala.
esto lo estaba esperando yo… a ver qué tal...
Gracias (a trinxo tambien) porque de momento mi tarde era algo rollo
Serà el día, pero escuchando esta canción sólo me venía en mente la canción esa de la fàbrica de la película bailar en la oscuridad. Bueno he de decir que de momento si me ha gustado es sólo porque la veo más animadita, que tanta tranquilidad a mi me cansaba un poco, para mi, de momento con esto, se merece un voto de confianza para hacer una escucha detenidamente de su proximo lp.
Todo empezó aquí
me dicen que quizá hoy esté lo nuevo de ISLAJA
Uaaalaaa!!! Qué me dices!! Voy a llamar a mi madre y a todos los buenos amigos para que lo sepan
Coño, Islaja, claro. ¿Pero quién cojones son Islaja?
Joder, estáis llegando a un nivel de agonía en este hilo que creo que ya no voy ni a entrar. Esto es un foro de DISCUSIÓN, no un supermercado. Según mi opinión este hilo tiene sentido para colgar avances puntuales de discos esperados por un grueso importante de foreros, de esos que salen tres o cuatro cada mes, no cinco cada día. O esto o bien recomiendaciones de bandas noveles o semidesconocidas que alguien haya descubierto, con almenos un par o tres de líneas sobre por donde van los tiros. En cualquier caso, este frenesí de ctrl+c ctrl+v con estos putos enlaces ignotos que no sé donde sacáis me abruma. Se nota, no?**
islaja - ulual yyy**
Islaja's third album is a journey deeper into the world that
for us is a dream and a fairytale, but to her a realityIslaja as a concept has turned into a star that is expected to
shine with brilliance. But she is something else. The songs
tell us about the decay of our age, its demise and immorality
Its plunge into heartless consumer culture. Islaja herself
does not burn in that same fire. Her fire is an inner fire
Behind her eyes and in her heart you can see and hear her true
charisma. True dedication and utter disrespect for the
artificial authority made by men. Yet she is not the self
destructive Nico or the eccentric Bjork. But a good woman. A
tough one. Her eyes can burn a hole in you. Her songs are
poems and stabbing knives.
alguien puede volver a subir el nuevo de los Planetas que al parecer está bastante bien… gracias
Gran Banda Sonora, como acostumbra… He aquí la última de Tarantino (Death Proof, que por desgracia en España llegará como película por separado, y no como parte de Grindhouse -sesión doble junto a Robert Rodríguez-):
Bueno, bueno he estado toda la semana santa sin conexión y con una ganas de internet… Y mirad lo que me he econtrado nada más meterme:
Bjork - Earth Intruders:
Bastante guay le ha salido la jugada a la esquimala.
a mi también me ha gustado bastante… pero después de la última banda sonora que hizo... creo que no podía hacer nada peor!
Venga, voy a ser el hereje, anda…..
hxxp://, que ustedes lo critiquen bien.
No se si esto se ha colgado ya porque no sigo vuestro ritmo pero no sabia de la existencia de este proyecto y promete:
Original Silence - The First Original Silence
Para lo incultos como yo esto es un nuevo proyecto que incluye en sus filas a los siguientes personajes: Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), Terrie Ex (The Ex), Jim O`Rourke, Mats Gustafsson (The Thing), Paal Nilssen-Love (The Thing, Atomic), Massimo Pupillo (Zu) Promete o no promete?
Trinxo gracias por el descubrimiento. Aún no lo he escuchado entero, de momento me gusta bastante, es muy free, son dos canciones de 16 y 46 minutos respec. Estaría bien que también hicieran conciertos…
Venga, voy a ser el hereje, anda…..
hxxp://, que ustedes lo critiquen bien.
Me lo bajé, lo escuché con atención y mi decisión fue borrarlo del disco duro. Para mi un mal disco sin ninguna canción a destacar (505 me pareció correcta).
Thee, Stranded Horse - Churning Strides
Thee, Stranded Horse is the work of Yann Encre. Some of you may have already encountered Yann's work as Encre in his native France, where Encre's two albums became touchstones for the more inquisitive of their generation.
'Churning Strides', his debut album, is a meditative and visionary work, it features Yann accompanying himself on kora or guitar and the luminous sound of his thought processes influenced, perhaps, by his remote Normandy HQ and the moon on the tide.
hxxp:// ```** Mother Mother - Touch Up**  "When Mother Mother overstep their eccentric bounds and get downright kitschy, the results are pretty disastrous" - Pitchfork "Touch Up may just be the best album of 2007, and Mother Mother have set the standard that everyone – Arcade Fire, Stars, Wolf Parade, The New Pornographers, everyone -- will have to try and measure themselves against." - I Heart Music
**Lis Er Stille - Apathobvious [2007]**  LIS ER STILLE // NEW ALBUM // APATHOBVIOUS Lis Er Stille will release their 2nd album “Apathobvious” on April 10th, on their own label Brutal But Sentimental and in cooperation with Playground Music. Like their debut album, “The Construction Of The AmpTrain”, Apathobvious will be a volatile mix of almost every element of rock music, combined with a melt-down of different genres. Through this, Lis Er Stille creates their own unique and contrastive universe. A quite demanding universe one might say, but it is a universe, that in return for the listeners concentration gives a truly unique musical experience. The five members of Lis Er Stille come from a broad specter of musical influences: form classical music through funk over to heavy metal. It is with that diversity as a backbone, that Lis Er Stille creates their music, and which also gives them their special sound. Lis Er Stille is a band that has their very own angle on the creative process of making music. The songs are created on a story, which the band then transforms into music, and not on the basis of a predetermined stencil that describes how a song is best put together. For the reason that the songs are build on stories, they tend to grow longer and more epic, two characteristics which alone are removing Lis Er Stille from the broad mainstream. The band do not take a decision on the length of a specific track. It is, so to speak, the track it self that takes the time it needs to tell its story. Then it is up to the listener to get his or hers own story from the music. This has resulted in an album that we take pride in presenting. So take the time necessary, it is worth it!
Plants - Double Infinity [Paradigms, 2007]
Lis Er Stille - Apathobvious [2007]
Mother Mother - Touch Up
Thee, Stranded Horse - Churning Strides
Haber si se filtra hoy el de los planetas, ripeado del original , que salia hoy a la venta.
lo de poner 2 lineas de texto de info del disco, aun k sea un cut&paste del blog de donde se saca se agradece…
Uff, como me apetece el de Thee Standed Horse, tengo por ahí un single con dos canciones que es una autentica joya. Se vé que el arpa está de moda.
Muchas gracias!
David Karsten Daniels - Sharp Teeth [fat-cat 2007]
All Smiles - Ten Readings Of A Warning
This is Jim Fairchild's debut solo outing following his days in the band Grandaddy. Contributors include Janet Weiss (Sleater Kinney, Quasi), Joe Plummer (Modest Mouse, Black Heart Procession, Magic Magicians), Danny Seim (Lack Thereof, Menomena), and Solon Bixler (Great Northern). Mixed by Brian Deck (Iron And Wine, Modest Mouse) and held together by Fairchild's spare and decisive sounds and a resistance to over-embellish.
Trinxo gracias por el descubrimiento.
Me siento ignorado, ese disco lo puse hace seis días.
@Pelukini:22wo982d:lo de poner 2 lineas de texto de info del disco, aun k sea un cut&paste del blog de donde se saca se agradece…
En el de Mother Mother hay otro comentario que quizás se ha olvidado de pegar:
@22wo982d:"On Touch Up some songs are decent and some are really annoying. “Dirty Town” the album’s opener is a really annoying song and it should have appeared late in the album as a track that you could skip over. Not something that you’re almost forced to listen to at the top of a record. That song is what kills this record because you have to open with a powerful song and it just goes down from there. The Mother Mother sound shares the erratic nature of Deerhoof but without the bright ideas, and brilliant musicianship. I was wrong; this album is for the most part annoying and boring. Vocalists Molly Guldemond and Debra-Jean Creelman’s voices are shrill and the vocal parts seem too over done complimenting boring acoustic guitars. This band sets themselves apart from the normal stream of music but it doesn’t work. It’s not believable that the sound they created flowed out naturally from this band, it sounds fake and very forced striving for something new, but it isn’t real." - Jackson Main - Tangible Sound, Canadian Music Magazine
jejeje, joder con la caratula y todo ahora!!! k bien…
Trinxo gracias por el descubrimiento.
Me siento ignorado, ese disco lo puse hace seis días.
ahora me has hecho sentir mal… yo ya dije que igual alguien lo habia colgado ya... lo siento
a ver si colgais algun disco bueno, vaya truñacos en las ultimas paginas dios
Rickie Lee Jones - Sermon on Exposition Boulevard
Rickie Lee Jones is one of the most remarkable and distinctive voices in American pop music. And though she is primarily known for the jazzy snap and rubber-band vocals of songs like “Easy Money” and “Chuck E’s in Love”, her career has covered its share of left turns. The obvious example, 1997’sGhostyhead, was a trip-hop experiment that showed that Jones’s singular style could work in more than one context. Other records—the all acoustic Naked Songs, the jazz standards on Pop Pop, the pan-generational covers on It’s Like This—have reinforced the fact that Rickie Lee is unpredictable even as she is always herself
**Wooden Wand - James & the Quiet
**Psych-folkster Wooden Wand, a.k.a. James Jackson Toth, has announced the release of James & the Quiet, arriving June 12 via Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace label. The new album, produced by Sonic Youth guitarist Lee Ranaldo, who contributes stringed instrumentation, will feature drum work from Steve Shelley and vocals and co-arrangement from oft-collaborator Jessica Toth. James & the Quiet, also employs previous collaborators like Jarvis Taveniere (Vanishing Voice, Meneguar), DM Seidel (Vanishing Voice), and Jeremy Earl (Woods, Meneguar), and may mark the final material for Toth under the Wooden Wand moniker
a ver si colgais algun disco bueno, vaya truñacos en las ultimas paginas dios
stooge que te parece este discazo, candidato a estar en lo mas alto de las listas a final de año
Ana Belen - Anatomia
véis? algo como eso de arriba