Filtraciones '07

  • @hempror:34w9vf9e:

    Petición al señor Andtheworldsmileslikeyou.

    El 16 de agosto colgaste el link para el último de Iliketrains "Elegies to lessons learnt"

    Pero ya no va… seguro que lo bajaste... me lo podrías volver a subir pòrfa!

    Me compré el disco del 2006 "Progress Reform" y me gustan mogollón!

    Gracias de antemano amigo!

    Si alguien más lo tiene y lo puede colgar se lo agradecería también!!

    Me parece que no te respondieron (mr. Andtheworld debe andar con la agenda ocupada). Yo me lo he encontrado de casualidad. Aquí va:

  • Le respondieron en la página anterior (bueno, le respondieron en el post siguiente), además mr. andtheworld… sólo está operativo los fines de semana (jueves-sábado normalmente). En cuanto acabe el partido subo el de Glissandro70 que pedían en otro hilo.

    Un saludo

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:2tlw871c:

    Le respondieron en la página anterior (bueno, le respondieron en el post siguiente), además mr. andtheworld… sólo está operativo los fines de semana (jueves-sábado normalmente). En cuanto acabe el partido subo el de Glissandro70 que pedían en otro hilo.

    Un saludo

    Uy si, es cierto. My mistake.

  • Two Gallants - Two Gallants (2007)

    creo k lo había pedido alguien…

    PD: esta de moda poner nombres homónimo a los discos ahora...

  • Pelukini, oficialmente has tomado el relevo de Harry_Powell, la gente se ha quedado sin razones para votarle en próximas votaciones….bueno, el chico da juego en la zona vip cuando se pone del reves, eso es un punto a su favor
    Muchas gracias por el de Two Gallants

  • Dejo por aquí el de Glissandro 70 que pedían en otro hilo:

    Glissandro 70 - Glissandro 70

  • @suitaloon:1f6f6p6h:


    Petición al señor Andtheworldsmileslikeyou.

    El 16 de agosto colgaste el link para el último de Iliketrains "Elegies to lessons learnt"

    Pero ya no va… seguro que lo bajaste... me lo podrías volver a subir pòrfa!

    Me compré el disco del 2006 "Progress Reform" y me gustan mogollón!

    Gracias de antemano amigo!

    Si alguien más lo tiene y lo puede colgar se lo agradecería también!!

    Me parece que no te respondieron (mr. Andtheworld debe andar con la agenda ocupada). Yo me lo he encontrado de casualidad. Aquí va:

    Muxasssssssssss gracias!!!!!!!

  • Tras una escucha así rápida el Band of Horses no defrauda.

    Me suena 1 tema de su concierto del PS "Cigarettes, wedding band"

  • @Pelukini:383jiclf:

    Two Gallants - Two Gallants (2007)

    creo k lo había pedido alguien…

    PD: esta de moda poner nombres homónimo a los discos ahora...

    gracias tronc, asi da gusto

  • Jonquil - Sunny Casinos (Try Harder, 2007)


    "Sunny Casinos: a record title so summery, images of open fields collide instantly with the night-time buzz of the city. However, one minute into Jonquil's glorious debut and any images of serenity and perfection are somewhat shattered.

    That's not to imply that Sunny Casinos lacks beauty. Far from it: the long, sweeping melodies that litter this LP are at times achingly perfect and the laid-back orchestration and bedroom production make for a humbling experience, with a sense of unease at every turn.

    'Rings' sees former Edmund Fitzgerald guitarist Lina picking up vocal duties over the top of Microphones-esque waves of instrumentation and laid-back percussive chugging.

    The 'late night' nature of Jonquil's debut could have it easily sitting on a folk compilation, whilst at the same time soundtracking your comedown from an evening of debauchery (though the occasional deviation into the twisted folk world of Charalambides would perhaps invite mild nightmares).

    Having spent a good year collecting all manner of oblique instruments, project leader Hugo has carefully crafted and pulled together ten varied yet cohesive tracks and, with them, created one of the most intriguing debut albums of the year." Drowned In Sound

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:vppma9we:

    Jonquil - Sunny Casinos (Try Harder, 2007)


    "Sunny Casinos: a record title so summery, images of open fields collide instantly with the night-time buzz of the city. However, one minute into Jonquil's glorious debut and any images of serenity and perfection are somewhat shattered.

    That's not to imply that Sunny Casinos lacks beauty. Far from it: the long, sweeping melodies that litter this LP are at times achingly perfect and the laid-back orchestration and bedroom production make for a humbling experience, with a sense of unease at every turn.

    'Rings' sees former Edmund Fitzgerald guitarist Lina picking up vocal duties over the top of Microphones-esque waves of instrumentation and laid-back percussive chugging.

    The 'late night' nature of Jonquil's debut could have it easily sitting on a folk compilation, whilst at the same time soundtracking your comedown from an evening of debauchery (though the occasional deviation into the twisted folk world of Charalambides would perhaps invite mild nightmares).

    Having spent a good year collecting all manner of oblique instruments, project leader Hugo has carefully crafted and pulled together ten varied yet cohesive tracks and, with them, created one of the most intriguing debut albums of the year." Drowned In Sound

    ¿este es el que ya se colg´´o o es otro?

  • Si que se había colgado, me he columpiado

    Dejo estos también:
    Mirah - Share This Place**


    Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn is one of the few singer-songwriters who manage to grow both musically and lyrically from album to album. Her first solo effort, You Think Its Like This But Its Really Like This, was composed of promising but overly twee folk songs that focused on the minutiae of relationships. Mirah’s stand-out second album, Advisory Committee, was reminiscent of a fantasy bildungsroman, with Mirah cast as the indomitable, charmingly naive heroine who learned to navigate the rocky, expansive and enticing terrain of Elvrum’s production in songs like “Mt. Saint Helens” and “Cold, Cold Water.” (It's no wonder that Mirah’s music was beloved by deep-feeling teen girls of the indie persuasion.) Mirah traded in that youthful vigor for maturity on her third album, C’mon Miracle. It provided a less idealistic take on the themes of Advisory Committee, as evidenced in the shift from the activist self-aggrandizement of “Monument” to the specific grievances of “Israel” and the quiet entreaty of “Nobody Has to Stay.” C’mon Miracle’s more considered demeanor precluded the sense of epic tension between woman and her environment, making it an album to be enjoyed rather than experienced.

    Mirah’s new album on K records, Share This Place: Stories and Observations (with Spectratone International backing her up), is more coherent and intellectually stimulating than any of her previous solo efforts. Commissioned by the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art and the Seattle International Children's Festival, each song has an accompanying short film by stop-motion animator Britta Johnson. The arrangements use more instruments and a broader range of influences, from the expected klezmer and indie rock to European and Mediterranean folk. The majority of the songs are inspired by the writings of Jean Henri Fabre, the 19th century entomologist. Fabre wrote children’s stories about insects, and Mirah has mined his work describing insect development and intraspecies relations for vignettes that speak to human behavior.

    The lyrics on Share This Place are dense with difficult scientific terminology, but Mirah manages to fit three- and four-syllable words into her songs without forcing the rhythm. In the vast majority of tracks, Mirah takes on the voice of a specific species of insect and guides us through its world. The whirling (dare I say buzzing) musical arrangements of “Supper,” “My Prize,” and Credo Cigalia” mirror the narrative action of Mirah’s lyrics admirably. “Community” analyzes human behavior from a colonial insect’s point of view in a way that is clever without being too cute, and precisely plucked strings nicely compliment the speakers' uniformity of mind. With few exceptions, the songs sound like excerpts from a musical charade staged for 19th century gentry at great expense, the kind of entertainment meant to be discussed repeatedly over the course of a long stay at some manor in the country.

    I happened to see Mirah play live just after the release of C’mon Miracle. The small basement was packed with college students, most of them underclassmen. Mirah took to the small stage and began leading what felt like a revival. Though at least half the crowd either listened quietly or continued conversations, a core group of about 20 girls, most of them barely legal, gathered the front of the stage. Mirah’s breathy Lolita voice held the rapt attention of her young female admirers, who swayed and sang along to the music, eyes closed, faces contorted with emotion. Their favorites by far came from Advisory Committee. The later songs elicited much less face scrunching and fewer sympathetic wails.

    The same may well be said about Share This Place. While its arrangements set a new standard for Mirah the musician, its anachronism and intricacy inspires too much discussion, too little devotion.

    By Malini Sridharan

    Meneguar - Strangers In Our House (2007)**


    Hot on the heels of the critically acclaimed debut, "I Was Born At Night", Meneguar are taking their sound to the next level, incorporating more solid song structures and intricate melodies. "The band's sound pits rabid guitars playing off each other with the intensity of a knife fight, always-effective group singing, swaying bass lines, and drums that roll more often than a soccer mom in a Chevy Tahoe…it would fit perfectly at some hipster deejay night, a road trip, a barbecue - it would even make a great soundtrack to wash your car to...This is movie-montage music" -

  • no se si ya rulaba por aqui…

  • @galleta:k89ei1gl:

    ¿los otros temitas de mister Edwyn Collin?


    al fin se me han bajado del slsk!

    Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)


    El ex cantante y autor intelectual de Orange Juice regresa, despues de dos hemorragias cerebrales que casi llegan a costarle su invaluable vida.

    El 17 de Septiembre es la fecha pactada para que ‘Home Again’ - su primer disco en cinco años - vea la luz, precedido por un single titulado ‘You’ll Never Know’ la semana anterior. Parte de su rehabilitación fué el proceso creativo de este disco…

    ‘One Is A Lonely Number’
    ‘Home Again’
    ‘You’ll Never Know’
    ‘7th Son’
    ‘In Your Heart’
    ‘Superstar Talking Blues’
    ‘Liberteenage Rag’
    ‘A Heavy Sigh’
    ‘Written In Stone’
    ‘One Track Mind’

  • @Pelukini:1l6zae31:

    Two Gallants - Two Gallants (2007)

    creo k lo había pedido alguien…

    PD: esta de moda poner nombres homónimo a los discos ahora...

    Muchas Gracias Pelukini, no se si más gente pero yo lo había pedido…

  • Joder, Two Gallants, Edwin Collins, Mirah…si es que llevais unos dias que es imposible seguiros el ritmo!

  • @w9xgcfq8:

    al fin se me han bajado del slsk!

    mil gracias pelukini

  • Este ya me tardaba:

    Skallander - Skallander (Type, 2007)


    New Zealanders Bevan Smith (of Signer fame) and jazz guitarist Matthew Mitchell have been quietly causing a merry old stir in their homeland, but thanks to Type Records the rest of the world can enjoy the duo's considerable charms. Anyone who heard the recent "Future Life" Remixes 7" will have an inkling of what to expect from Skallander, although this full-length offering demonstrates the musicians' awareness of more traditional forms. Skallander occupies an alternative universe to the sort of singer-songwriter material that you're likely to encounter elsewhere, fusing electronic trickery and post-production with the more conventional genre staples of acoustic guitar picking and softly spun vocals. After the introductory strums and horn blasts of 'Haala' the Nick Drake styled open tunings of 'Forgiven'. Skallander steer well clear of going through the singer-songwriter motions however, often opting for moments of jazz-tinged psychedelia. 'Flesh Born Constellation' is built around a framework of layered vocal harmonies and cavernous pits of low volume guitar distortion, and 'Surviving In 45 Below' takes the form of an ominous, overdriven raga. Quite apart from all that, Skallander's greatest asset is their knack with a good old-fashioned tune: from the haunting reverberations of 'Misery' to the Beatles-influenced melodies of 'Time Is Only A Revolution' Skallander diverts the listener from Type's customary leanings towards musical experimentation, and much in the same spirit as Mountaineer, the duo provide respite from the more vehemently abstract concoctions spouted by much of the label's roster. What with the chiming acoustic guitars and tightly knit harmonised vocals you'd be forgiven for declaring Mitchell and Smith an Antipodean Kings Of Convenience, and that could well be what Type have stumbled upon in these two. Lovely stuff - Essential Purchase.

  • @1zv5bri3:

    Pelukini, oficialmente has tomado el relevo de Harry_Powell, la gente se ha quedado sin razones para votarle en próximas votaciones….bueno, el chico da juego en la zona vip cuando se pone del reves, eso es un punto a su favor

    Lo cierto es que con los exámenes ando bastante desconectado (aquí me véis, sábado noche y justo acabo de volver de la biblioteca), Pelukini es un buen esbirro, pero recordad que Filtraciones es una marca registrada por el firmante.

    En el próximo VIP te intentaré sonsacar que profesión deshonesta (trata de blancas, tráfico de estupefacientes, agente futbolístico…) es la que te permite dar la vuelta al mundo festival en festival.

    P.D.: Tanta novedad es abrumadora... No sé ni por donde empezar. De las últimos días solo he podido escuchar el de la PJ Harvey y el de Kanye West, los dos muy guapos.

  • No se si ya estaba publicado, pero lo dejo por si acaso.

    Midlake - Oak And Julian EP

    "On September 4th Midlake will release a digital EP called Oak and Julian, a small collection of rarities and b-sides from the last few years. The EP does include the older track, “Mornings Will Be Kind,” off of the Balloon Maker 7″. The song, which my brother-in-law (and Midlake superfan) always refers to as “Follow You Around” because of the repeated refrain, is a throwback to their Bella Union debut, the lo-fi, Grandaddy-esque Bamnan & Silvercork."