Filtraciones '07
¡mil gracias!
su Shut Up I'm Dreaming se coló en mi lista de favoritos de 2006
Aquí un enlace con el disco enterito, sin despieces:
Lástima del límite de 100Mb de mediafire
Y otro, este hombre haría mejor montando una churrería:
Machinefabriek - Kruimeldief
(Este es el enlace correcto con los 2 cds del disco de remezclas):
1. Machinefabriek 'Stofstuk'
remixed by:
2. Freiband (Frans de Waard)
3. Peter Broderick
4. Jgrzinich
5. Kim Cascone
6. Greg Haines
7. Xela
8. Mark Templeton
9. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
10. Mitchell Akiyama
11. Aaron Martin
12. Strangelet
13. Alva Noto (Carsten Nicolai)
14. Luigi ArchettiDISC 2
1. Lesser
2. Jeroen Vandesande
3. Tim Coster
4. Pita (Peter Rehberg)
5. Svarte Greiner
6. The No
7. Adam Pacione
8. Henrik Rylander
9. Chris Herbert
10. Julien Neto
11. Lukas Simonis
12. Gert-Jan Prins
13. Steinbrüchel
Y otro, este hombre haría mejor montando una churrería:
Machinefabriek - Kruimeldief Extras
si si, este tio no para, y la verdad que casí todo lo que produce tiene un nivel medio-alto, crack!
Film School - Hideout (2007) ```–-- Y estos que ya están de nuevo por aquí, que flipaos que son: **Acid Mothers Temple And The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Nam Myo Ho Ren He Kyo (2007)**
**Prints - Prints (Temporary Residence, 2007)**  @vp7wpjht: > When notoriously prolific multi-instrumentalist Kenseth Thibideau (Sleeping People, Howard Hello, Pinback) invited Sacramento native Zac Nelson (Who's Your Favorite Son God) to collaborate on a new endeavor, the two could not possibly have expected the results to be this arresting. Merging the eclectic instrumentation of Talking Heads with the ethereal vocals of Peter Gabriel, the two mingle the precision of Brian Eno and the jubilance of Brian Wilson. It is perversely appropriate, then, that they christened it Prints.
Sunset Rubdown - Random Spirit Lover
hxxp:// (album)
Os veo en forma esta mañana
esto es nuevo? hoy he bajado a barcelona y he curisoeado entr los flyers y he mirado uno de sinnamon record y hacían referencía al disco editado de Sunset Rubdown por eso me estraña que sea algo nuevo, pero bueno bien venido sea!! Gracias
Y tan nuevo, lo edita Jagjaguwar el 9 de Octubre.
ok thanxs… pero entro en la pagina y sólo me da la opicón de subir yo archivos... hasta me he creado una cuenta y nada... lo seguiré probando mas tarde
El nuevo de The Go! Team
el link ya no funciona. alguien es tan amable de poner otro?
Y tan nuevo, lo edita Jagjaguwar el 9 de Octubre.
yo he llegado ya a la flipada máxima leyendo en vuestras crónicas del fib que animal collective no sólo pasan ya del Feels sino también ¡del Strawberry Jam, que no sale hasta el septiembre próximo!
Si es que esos son unos raros A mi no me importaría verlos pasando del disco y todo...
Respecto a lo de Go! Team si alguno se lo bajó y puede subirlo estaría bien, yo he leido por ahí una nota de la gente de su sello en algún foro exigiendo la retirada de los enlaces y amenazando con represalias, venga valientes
Todos los enlaces a su disco han dejado de funcionar... si es que...
Y por cierto... yo no se porque nunca me acuerdo de votarte josexiu, con el gusto cojonudo que tienes [mode pelota off]
Y tan nuevo, lo edita Jagjaguwar el 9 de Octubre.
yo he llegado ya a la flipada máxima leyendo en vuestras crónicas del fib que animal collective no sólo pasan ya del Feels sino también ¡del Strawberry Jam, que no sale hasta el septiembre próximo!
Hombre, ten en cuenta que en la gira del Feels tocaban medio Strawberry Jam (se dejaban #1, Unsolved Mysteries, Derek y Winter Wonderland creo)
A ver cuando sacan ya el siguiente….
The Go! Team
Me han pasado este, a ver lo que dura. Aquí dejo la nota que publicaban en otro foro:
Web Sheriff
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080 www.websheriff.comWITHOUT PREJUDICE
Hi AtEase Forum Members,
On behalf of Memphis Industries and The Go! Team, we would kindly ask you NOT to post unreleased Go! Team tracks / links on this thread. Regrettably, should you do so DMCA notifications shall be issued and take-down action shall follow, coupled with - potentially - the termination of your membership of this prestigious forum : naturally, however, we hope that this shall not prove to be necessary.
As you may be aware, traffic on this (unreleased) album is being monitored and removed … .. and not just by Web Sheriff, but also by music industry associations / attorneys so, if you have to indulge in this activity (which the artist would rather you didn’t), then please do it off-line / do not ‘broadcast’ it via blogs or forums ; otherwise your details will be harvested and you may be hearing from the attorneys.
On behalf of the artist’s label, we do appreciate that - of course - you are fans of / are promoting The Go! Team but, by the same token, you must also appreciate that, by posting a pirate copy of the album or tracks from the album pre-release (or linking to pirate copies), you are potentially causing considerable inconvenience and we are sure that you would not want to be personally responsible (or liable) for all of the resulting damage and disruption.
Thank you for respecting the artist’s and label’s wishes and, if you want good quality, non-pirated preview tracks, a selection will be made freely available to fans off the artist’s official web-site in the near future (check-out hxxp:// for full details soon), which you'll be free to circulate and / or post.
Whilst writing, we’d add that The Go! Team are not at all against free music BUT, at the end of the day, it should be (and is) the artist’s decision as to whether or not they effectively allow the unauthorised distribution of their album on-line before its release - as it’s THEIR MUSIC !! Thank you, again, for respecting their wishes.
As you will appreciate, this e-mail - containing, as it does, a position that is potentially prejudicial to our clients’ open / formal position - is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients’ accumulated, worldwide rights remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality.
With Thanks & Regards,
yo no se porque nunca me acuerdo de votarte josexiu, con el gusto cojonudo que tienes [mode pelota off]
no te preocupes por eso ¡Y muchas gracias de todas maneras!
soy joven en el foro y en alguna que otra votación ni puedo ser elegido
The Go! Team
Me han pasado este, a ver lo que dura. Aquí dejo la nota que publicaban en otro foro:
Web Sheriff
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080 www.websheriff.comWITHOUT PREJUDICE
Hi AtEase Forum Members,
On behalf of Memphis Industries and The Go! Team, we would kindly ask you NOT to post unreleased Go! Team tracks / links on this thread. Regrettably, should you do so DMCA notifications shall be issued and take-down action shall follow, coupled with - potentially - the termination of your membership of this prestigious forum : naturally, however, we hope that this shall not prove to be necessary.
As you may be aware, traffic on this (unreleased) album is being monitored and removed … .. and not just by Web Sheriff, but also by music industry associations / attorneys so, if you have to indulge in this activity (which the artist would rather you didn’t), then please do it off-line / do not ‘broadcast’ it via blogs or forums ; otherwise your details will be harvested and you may be hearing from the attorneys.
On behalf of the artist’s label, we do appreciate that - of course - you are fans of / are promoting The Go! Team but, by the same token, you must also appreciate that, by posting a pirate copy of the album or tracks from the album pre-release (or linking to pirate copies), you are potentially causing considerable inconvenience and we are sure that you would not want to be personally responsible (or liable) for all of the resulting damage and disruption.
Thank you for respecting the artist’s and label’s wishes and, if you want good quality, non-pirated preview tracks, a selection will be made freely available to fans off the artist’s official web-site in the near future (check-out hxxp:// for full details soon), which you'll be free to circulate and / or post.
Whilst writing, we’d add that The Go! Team are not at all against free music BUT, at the end of the day, it should be (and is) the artist’s decision as to whether or not they effectively allow the unauthorised distribution of their album on-line before its release - as it’s THEIR MUSIC !! Thank you, again, for respecting their wishes.
As you will appreciate, this e-mail - containing, as it does, a position that is potentially prejudicial to our clients’ open / formal position - is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients’ accumulated, worldwide rights remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality.
With Thanks & Regards,
Gracias! Le tengo muchas ganas.
Dejo por aquí lo que será lo nuevo de Kranky el próximo septiembre:
**Cloudland Canyon - Silver Tongued Sisyphus (2007)
LIMITED edition vinyl (CD to be released on KRANKY) of 96 copies only with golden-color silkscreened cover + a a3 golden-color on black silkscreend poster (lim to 60 copies)! Features 2 psychedelic jams by experimentalist duo, Kip Uhlhorn (guitarist of PANTHERS/RED SCARE) and Simon Wojan. Soundscapes using structures and parts of Ambient, Drone, Electronica and Kraut-Rock, with influences ranging from minimal composers like Steve Reich, over bands like FAUST to BLACK DICE!
first on meudiademorte records...
To be released on CD by Kranky in September...
content: The first Cloudland Canyon release for kranky was recorded in Brooklyn, Germany and Memphis. It follows on the heels of the well received "Requiems Der Natur 2002-2004" album released on the Tee Pee label.
Silver Tongued Sisyphus is a secular call to prayer with humming, looping and loping ambient passages interspersed with bursting rhythmic energy and agitated guitar lines. Recent live shows have sounded like an unauthorized soundtrack to netherworld versions of The Swimmer or The Scorceror.
Pulling influences from the foggy ether of generations past, Cloudland Canyon has staked their claim to the shadows of cult musical culture of the late 1960's and early 1970's German underground scene.
context: Kip Uhlhorn and Simon Wojan began collaborating under the moniker Cloudland Canyon in 2000. Both have toiled in various music scenes (hardcore, psych and punk) since the last century. Recent collaborations with kranky artiste Lichens and others have taken the duo into transcendental musical territories. Cloudland Canyon has toured throughout the United States and Europe. The group is in the final stages of mixing a new full length release to be made available early in 2008 on kranky.
Paper - As As**@yu1ulb2u:
Aaron and Adrienne Snow have been making music together for many years usually within the wonderful band Landing, but now as they bring their first human child into the world we here at States Rights are bursting with pride to bring you their first music child as the band Paper.
As As is simply gorgeous, the most rhythmic based music from the Snows it finds them exploring areas inspired by Kraut, drone, shoegaze, and more. It is soft, beautiful, and at at times ambient but also driving, strong, and the kind of record you can listen to over and over again.
Hanne Hukkelberg–Rykestrasse 1968 (2007)
Hanne Hukkelberg–Rykestrasse 1968 (2007)
Humm, creo que es el Rykestrasse 68, que lleva editado desde Noviembre del 2006 por Noruega (y mula). Sabía que a mediados de 2007, hacia Abril o así (o más tarde?) lo editaban por europa, y supongo que será éste. Lo que no sé es si tendrá alguna diferencia la edición. De todas formas, buen trabajo a los de siempre, que uno normalmente se limita a descargar sin agradecer ni nada.
Alguien podría volver a subir el disco de Sunset Rubdown, muchas gracias
Alguien podría volver a subir el disco de Sunset Rubdown, muchas gracias
aquí lo tienes:```