Filtraciones '07

  • pelukini acabo de ver lo de mars volta, ultimamente estoy muy liado y apenas paso por aqui, sorry!


  • Gracias a chema, Toxinho y Pelukas por la ración semanal. No ha estado mal

    A ver si luego pongo algo: Aarktica siguen missing :S

  • estado mirando con el buscador y creo que estos no se habían colgado aún… es que Matt Valentine y Erika Elder sacan discos bonitos como xurros... cuantos van ya este año andtheworldsmileswithyou?

    MV & EE - Ragas of the Culvert [Heroine Celestial Agriculture 2007]

    MV & EE with the Golden Road - Ringside Seat/Nosebleed Tone [Child of Microtones 2007]

  • Unos seis si no recuerdo mal Gracias por el último que no lo había visto

  • AGRHHHHHHH!! Me estoy volviendo loco buscando el Jukebox de Cat Power!!! Sólo he podido encontrar un tema "Song To Bobby" que es precioso!!!!

  • Bueno, dejo un par de discos que no son espectaculares pero que tampoco están mal, dos bandas jovenes e interesantes:

    Una banda de la factoria de indie-pop sueco rollo Labrador:

    Lacrosse - This New Year Will Be For You And Me [Tapete, 2007]**


    Lacrosse is the national game of Canada. It is also the hometown of serial killer Ed Gein. But above all, Lacrosse is five boys and one girl making fantastic pop music. From a basement in Stockholm, Lacrosse brings you love and happiness in songs so catchy that you can't help singing along!

    With a lot of energy, two intense lead vocalists, incredibly sweet guitar melodies and blazing drum beats, Lacrosse is the musical equivalent of endless summer nights when the world is young and beautiful and everything seems possible. The debut album "This New Year Will Be For You And Me" is out in November, but already Lacrosse can be heard with two songs in Daniel Espinosa's feature film "Outside Love". If you're lucky, you can catch Lacrosse on tour in December in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Luxembourg

    Y una pequeña joyita desde el otro lado del charco:

    Shh… This Is a Library - Shh... This Is a Library (I Had An Accident, 2007)**


    You awake. A nuisance ray of sunlight slides through the blinds that you thought you had closed last night. Cursing yourself for forgetting, you succumb to the traffic slowly filtering into your thought que. Pent up from twelve hours of sleep, there’s a lot of ideas, miscellany, non sequiturs, and various recollections of dreams you may or may not have dreamt floating around in your head. You allow your imagination space as you turn over to rest your eyes just a little bit more. Planning on being awaken just a few minutes later by another piece of sunlight that annoyingly finds itself slipping under your eyelids, you fall asleep once more into a purgatory-like slumber. With expectations of awaking any minute yet still buckling to the perpetual need for rest, you find yourself in a recognizable state of mind. This is a static wonderland, a tirade of unsung melodies and lovelorn memories, a silent sea fraught with reflections of the ocean of stars above. This is Shh…This is a Library.

    “I Noticed None of the Clocks in Your House Are Set” is the moment between waking up and pushing yourself to get out of bed. With an ambient, calm static hovering over the introductory acoustic strum like an air-conditioning duct over your head and the faint sound of chatter behind it all like the street below your window three hours ahead of you, the song begins not only with remarkable beauty but with a signature sound you’ll come to recognize throughout the album. “Is This a Crush?” follows in the latter’s wake and a light drum machine beat and rotating guitar saunter carry the song the rest of the way with only a few slight, et wonderful, interruptions by various playful keyboards and a bass guitar line straight out of American Football. “Sunrise Highway” is first song with vocals and Brent undoubtedly carries the unwavering splendor even further with a voice that dabbles in static at some points, and reaches the peak of pull in others. The song effortlessly leads in into “I Think I Know What This Might Be” like one good dream into another. The song acts as a groggily cute acoustic segue to “ You Smile Like Your Hair Isn’t Messy” which once again employs Brent’s soft spoken vocals and naively lovelorn lyrics into a wonderful, almost sing-songy, acoustic piece blanketed comfortably by a static-y exchange and gentle drum backing. “How Does It Feel (Good)?” is possibly the most intimate song on the album. With the sound of cars driving on a road in the background, Brent toils with a religious theme under a nice guitar back up. It almost feels like the kind of dream that gives you a false kind of hope, something to keep you going, but at the same time restores your faith unconsciously. "BFF" seems to be the most straightforward and the most marketable, but somehow distances itself from the "sleepy" aesthetic maintained by the previous tracks. However, "Raccoon Eyes" is just as delicate as the its predecessors and a suitable end to as beautiful as an album as this. Brent seemingly carelessly strums the guitar at first, but then delves into a post-coital array of twists and turns on the strings that are as gorgeous as Brent's strangely hypnotizing lyrics. Suddenly, an out of place, but wholly stunning, upbeat chorus comes out of the song featuring Brent singing, "I'm a hermit/But my friends call me a zombie/Well do you really want to be dead man your whole life/Or do you want to grow up some day/Do you remember our showers and your makeup/Well I miss your raccoon eyes". The song fades with static and an uncommonly gentle guitar line leading the static into a height of bliss.

    Rarely do I come across albums so uniquely flavored and involuntarily conceptualized, but Shh...This is a Library has stolen my heart. This album is so unorthodoxly airy, yet submerged in the realm of restlessness, that you don't know what to do once it ends. Replay it? Sit calmly for a bit? I've met with those questions many times over the past month and I've never met with a decision I regretted. This album is on a level I once thought only American Football could take me. It has been surpassed.

    Espero que os gusten

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:wxarlh31:


    Espero que os gusten

    El de Lacrosse lo escuché la semana pasada y me gustó, así que me bajo el Shh… This Is a Library.

    Muchas gracias.

  • CLOUDLAND CANYON/LICHENS - Exterminating Angel >drone/kranky/
    Label: Holy Mountain US


    A collaboration not just between two American cities, but also between two nations (Germany and the U.S.), Cloudland Canyon and Lichens represent a kind of ambient super group. Chicago’s Lichens (Robert Lowe) works with the venerable TV on the Radio, and Cloudland Canyon is another name of the trans-Atlantic duo of Simon Wojan and Kip Ulhorn. Consisting of one long 30-minute track, ‘Exterminating Angel’ uses synths, samples, and a number of other found and carefully placed sound fragments to create a deep-space science fiction haze. At times the album sounds like a static-laden lost transmission from a lunar probe, but live, organic bells reel things back to a terrestrial plane, lest the listener float away for good.

  • Acid Eater - Virulent Fuzz Punk A.C.I.D.

  • Este disco lo tengo desde marzo o así, no es una filtración por lo tanto, pero sí un muy recomendable disco de folktrónica-indietrónica PostalServiciana. Para mi uno de los mejores del año sin lugar a dudas.

    GET CAPE WEAR CAPE FLY: The Chroniques Of A Bohemian Teenager (2007)

  • Los innombrables llamados Radiohead ya tienen filtrado el segundo disco de In Rainbows

    Radiohead - In Rainbows CD2

  • @-Toxinho-:1z8hehh0:

    Los innombrables llamados Radiohead ya tienen filtrado el segundo disco de In Rainbows

    Radiohead - In Rainbows CD2

    Este que es? es uno que viene con la caja completa??

  • @hempror:f0qbm3ra:


    Los innombrables llamados Radiohead ya tienen filtrado el segundo disco de In Rainbows

    Radiohead - In Rainbows CD2

    Este que es? es uno que viene con la caja completa??

    Si, la misma que me han anunciado hoy que ya me habian enviado

  • @jackster:2cavt6rg:



    Los innombrables llamados Radiohead ya tienen filtrado el segundo disco de In Rainbows

    Radiohead - In Rainbows CD2

    Este que es? es uno que viene con la caja completa??

    Si, la misma que me han anunciado hoy que ya me habian enviado

    Ouhhhhh que bien!! entonces a mi novia también deben haber mandado un mensajito avisando que ya sale!!!

  • esto puede interesar a alguien… ... -tour.html

  • @chema:

    esto puede interesar a alguien… ... -tour.html

    si, gracias, xk lo pedí, pero nunca llegó…

  • NO sé si alguien lo ha subido pero bueno, aquí os pongo el nuevo de Goldfrapp que sale en dos meses, según al nota de prensa y la página web a finales de febrero. Todavía no lo he escuchado así que a ver como está.

    Ya me diréis.

  • muchachapeluda jajajaja que bueno nickname. Aguardo con ansias que te pongas un avatar.

    Y sí lo de Goldfrapp ya habia sido colgado en el Filtraciones'08, pero no pasa nada

  • Con retraso, el recopilatorio de lo filtrado en noviembre (y más):

    01 BONNIE ‘PRINCE’ BILLY I came to hear the music
    02 STARS LIKE FLEAS I was only dancing
    03 WILDBIRDS & PEACEDRUMS I can’t tell in his eyes
    04 OLA PODRIDA Photo booth
    05 SILJE NES Recurring dream
    06 GUTHER No need to mention
    07 POPULOUS Breathes the best
    08 WINDMILL Boarding lounges
    09 ATLAS SOUND Ativan
    10 SILJE NES Searching, white
    12 ENON Conjugate the verbs
    13 THE INTELLIGENCE Secret signals
    14 DIRTY PROJECTORS What i see
    15 WHY? + XIU XIU Yoyo bye bye
    16 BENNI HEMM HEMM Beginning end
    17 CONTRIVA Before
    18 ENON Get the letter out
    19 WILCO Impossible germany (live)

  • Ben Weaver - Paper Sky [Glitterhouse 2007.] >> Folk / alt-country

    7 Hertz - Tender, Almost Vulgar >> Jazz / Folk / Clásica