Filtraciones '07

  • @poppie:1mq51yrn:

    Lo prometido es deuda:

    re-up de SHANNON WRIGHT (2007) let in the light

    Debo ser retrasado mental pero no sé bajarme esto. En la página dice file available, con el nombre del archivo pero la verdad es que no encuentro ningún botón que diga download o algo por el estilo…

  • @Marniello:2xf0tu46:


    Lo prometido es deuda:

    re-up de SHANNON WRIGHT (2007) let in the light

    Debo ser retrasado mental pero no sé bajarme esto. En la página dice file available, con el nombre del archivo pero la verdad es que no encuentro ningún botón que diga download o algo por el estilo…

    acabo de pobar y el enlace te aparece en pleno medio de la pagina indicado con una flechita roja ue se mueve… no lo puedes fallar...

  • No sé mucho de filtraciones, tengo alguien que me las filtra.. pero creo que tiene que pulsar la flecha roja donde pone

    download link: SW(07)litl.rar


    EDITO: Hempror se me ha adelantado.

  • Jooooooder, es muy pequeño el condenado… Gracias, de todos modos lo estoy haciendo por el emule y ya lo tengo en 20 minutos lo ha bajado.

  • acabo de escuchar lo del amigo Avey Tare con la múmy… ya se que solo es una primera escucha y todo eso... pero me ha parecido tremendo! uffff, que bueno dios, suena mas a Animal Collective que a múm, esto va para los que no les va el rollito islandes...

    Ahora estoy con la friki versión en reverse, pero creo que voy a pasar bastante de la pijada esta...

    EDITO: ya que por aqui todo el mundo hace sus peticiones, nadie tendrá por ahí escondido el nuevo de Colleen no?

  • dos debuts de chicos malos llegados del Reino Unido

    THE JAI-ALAI SAVANT (2007) "Flight of the bass delegate"


    SHITDISCO (2007) "Kingdom of fear"

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:28cmyagi:

    Avey Tare and Kria Brekken - Pullhair Rubeye

    Y el disco del revés, muchos de los temas (o todos están grabados en reverse) así que le han dado la vuelta:

    Uf! es un poco raro todo esto. Tengo que escucharlo con calma. Si alguien saca algo en limpio que avise.

    Con todo el lío del disco hacia atrás o adelante, se ha despertado el debate acerca de cual es la versión correcta, de si es una broma/estrategia, y todo esto a más de 2 meses para que el disco vea la luz.


    Its not really an issue of prefering the songs backwards. Its more of the fact that this is a release we wanted to put out. It has a foreign/other quality and as you said nice warm ambient quality that we like. I wouldnt really say its a noise record. Ive put tons and tons of work into songs noone will ever hear why should it stop me from doing what i want with them. its just because you guys know the songs and can even hear them reversed on your computers that makes you have all these confused thoughts. If you couldnt download bootlegs of the songs and couldnt hear them reversed then you would just say fuck this record sucks..or cool this record rules and youd let it grow on you or you wouldnt. Youd find a place where it works or you wouldnt. Its not hard to flip a reel around and hear it backwards or even decide that it sounds sweet and its not really that bizzare of a record either or that difficult if you can get over the fact that its backwards you dont even need a computer. If you just pass it off as backwards sure ofcourse its not revolutionary or "experimental" youve been able to flip tape for more or less almost 100 years now why would i think its experimental??? Ive heard "i am sitting in a room" okay, i know what experimental music is (hehehe joke).
    Its also clear that the bulk of our fanbase is able to put the thing on their computers and listen to it the other way so its not as if we didnt know that was gonna happen either. we dont think it should be heard that way cause songs are sped up, dont have vocals etc. but we know that wont stop you so do what you like, and in a way that is cool.
    If there wasnt so much hype and so much of an expectation for us to put out this killer "experimental pop record" then alot of you might never even hear about this record. But wed still be into it and would have faith that some people would too.
    we offer this cause we think it is somthing special we made (as equally special as the songs forward) and different from what youve heard and songs that you can get else where. We like the textures and the melodies. And honestly somthing we think our fans can digest. If i thought it was just a "noise record" i wouldnt put it out. If your just passing judgment cause of what youve heard other people say you should atleast check out the record.

    by the way it was the 21st of december when we decided this. I think it was a combination of of being stuck in nyc for christmas and seeing that new david lynch movie, so if youre that bummed you can blame the weather and david lynch.

    Otra intervención:


    guys (girls and boys men and women), there are alot more interesting things to talk about. The cross and the swastika are probably derived from the same symbol and probably mean somthing close to the same thing. Human beings are quickly destroying the earths whale and fish populations as well as alot of its other natural recources. Its one thing to read into a record that touches you and try and figure it out but to to spend so much time arguing about a record that you claim isnt even worth listening to. I dont get it.

    If you think id spend this much time creating this mass media joke and write all this stuff just to pull a fast one, then you need to re examine your view of me. I would personally classify myself as a complete looser if i did that not to mention it would be a complete waste of my time. There is a version of foetus man with lots of vocals and the right speed its not a puzzle. Youre probably never going to hear it. We also happened to mix down a version with just guitars cause kristin really liked them alone. That is whats on the record and that is what i ment. So if you want to get down to it, yes some creative thought went into the record cause we though foetus man sounded ridiculous backwards with all the voices in it. You might think sasong does too, we dont.

    I dont like radiohead, ill even go as far to say that they are pretty boring. But thats where the discussion ends for me. It doesnt prove that they are a bad band or that any one of their records is bad it just means i dont connect to them. And this is proven by the people that love them and im not gonna go on their fan site and try and argue about it cause that would be silly.
    That to me is whats at the heart of liking a band. Its an emotional (or personal) connection you have to them and ultimately i dont believe any one of you can explain this phenomenon atleast i cant. Its not concepts that make you like them and i dont believe its concepts that make you dislike them either.
    Is playing an acoustic guitar any more original or "not lazy" then simply wanting to put out your record backwards, is using a marshal amplifier???

    i guess this is the last i have to say about this. But i do enjoy some of the talk that has been going on and i hope you can really make an honest choice about how the record (as we intended it) moves you or doesnt and not get too sucked into arguing about it.


    Entra mejor la versión enderezada, aunque me parece que lo del reverse va en serio. En mayo lo sabremos.

  • La guinda pop para el PS:

    Fountains of Wayne - Traffic and Weather


    Reup del de Feist:

    Maximo Park:

  • me encanta el nuevo de FEIST, a la espera de que me deje bajar el de MAXÏMO PARK, aunque no sé yo si he de esperar mucho

  • BENNI HEMM HEMM (2007) kajak

    MICE PARADE (2007) mice parade

    THE ROSEBUDS (2007) night of the furies

  • bufff cuantas cosas pendientes… un poco de seriedad que mi ordenador y mos orejas no dan para tanto... alguien puede ir recomendando?? más que nada por tener algun tipo de prioridad... hay tantas cosas para escuchaaaaar.... GRACIAS por ir colgando los linkls por aquí!!

  • @hansen:2xv00y9r:

    bufff cuantas cosas pendientes… un poco de seriedad que mi ordenador y mos orejas no dan para tanto... alguien puede ir recomendando?? más que nada por tener algun tipo de prioridad... hay tantas cosas para escuchaaaaar.... GRACIAS por ir colgando los linkls por aquí!!

    de los tres que acabo de poner, bájate el de MICE PARADE

  • mil gracias por el de avey tare!

  • @Harry_Powell:3khf2onb:

    Reup del de Feist:

    Mil gracias Harry!! Tengo una debilidad especial por Leslie…

  • Contra todo pronóstico me está gustando el de Maximo Park.

  • @missy:

    Contra todo pronóstico me está gustando el de Maximo Park.

    Ya no tanto…
    Lo más senasato sería escucharlo entero antes de opinar.

  • @missy:


    Contra todo pronóstico me está gustando el de Maximo Park.

    Ya no tanto…
    Lo más senasato sería escucharlo entero antes de opinar.


    lo que sí me ha parecido es muy diferente al primero ¿no?

  • Buenos días…

    Television Personalities: Are We Nearly There Yet? [Overground, 2007]

    Atención a la versión del Mr. Brightside de The Killers que incorpora, estilo 100% TVP

  • @Breed:21jwbz0l:

    Buenos días…

    Television Personalities: Are We Nearly There Yet? [Overground, 2007]


    Los lunes molan. Gracias!

  • el de maximo park ya no funciona.
    alguien tiene un link nuevo?

    va, y como regalo el nuevo de wilco, "sky blue sky":