
  • nuevos lanzamientos en Sinnamon Records

    30 de Mayo

    13 de junio

  • El de Tom Ze es buenísimo!!!

  • Pekh…gracias por decirlo. En seguida que lo he visto lo he buscado en la mula y ya se está bajando, junto a otro de Zé.
    A mi el Pagode me gusta un montón.

  • _"Xiu Xiu han cancelado el concierto que tenían previsto ofrecer esta noche en Valladolid debido a que Jamie Stewart ha sufrido un pequeño percance esta mañana en Castellón y se ha lesionado una de sus muñecas, lo que le impide tocar hoy.

    De momento se desconoce qué sucederá con las próximas fechas que el dúo norteamericano tenía programadas para presentar su álbum La Foret."

    Muzikalia dixit

    No se si peligra la actuación del domingo en Barcelona? Mister, nos podrías iluminar?

  • @Trinxo:t7dqtrny:

    _"Xiu Xiu han cancelado el concierto que tenían previsto ofrecer esta noche en Valladolid ….
    ..No se si peligra la actuación del domingo en Barcelona? Mister, nos podrías iluminar?
    OSTIAS !

    Mr. dí algo,porfa

    ...esperemos que se recupere _

  • Si alguien puede acercarse a su bolo o ayudar a montar algo.
    Imodium (indierock emo punk hardcore from Italy)

    Last minute help request! we need help for book a gig in spain saturday 10
    of june and sunday 11 of june!!!!
    Help us please!
    (Also little bar are welcome!)
    We are Imodium (indierock emo punk hardcore from Italy). We play since 7
    years in Italy but for our last album "...and so: dodgem songs!" we are beginning to promote our music in all
    Europe. We plaid already in Switzerland,

    Belgium, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia,
    Poland, Czech Republic and now we are booking a new tour for june in France, Spain and Portugal.
    This is our (temporary) schedule, you can help us?

    08.6 Marseille (FR)
    09.6 Saint feliu de codines (SP)
    -10.6 NEED HELP!! <--------
    -11.6 NEED HELP!! <--------
    12.6 Madrid (SP)
    13.6 Leiria (PT)
    14.6 Setubal (PT)
    15.6 Cascais (PT)
    16.6 Alicante (SP)
    17.6 Barcelona (SP)
    Guitar & Sweat from Milano, Italy

  • a mí el de TOM ZE me ha parecido genial


    Sofia Coppola is expecting her first child with boyfriend Thomas Mars. The director of such acclaimed films as The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation is three months along, Coppola's rep confirms to Us. The couple announced their pregnancy at the Cannes Film Festival where Coppola's latest film, Marie Antoinette, premiered last week. Mars is the lead singer of the French band Phoenix, which makes a cameo serenading the French queen in Coppola's film.

    Last month, the pair enjoyed a romantic weekend together in Palm Springs when Mars was in town to play at the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California. Coppola, 35, was seen beaming from the side of the stage as her man's band performed.

    "She seemed so into it. She went everywhere with him. They never left each other's side" an eyewitness told Us at the time. The parents-to-be spent the rest of the weekend poolside at the Parker hotel, strolling hand-in-hand outdoors while enjoying the desert sun.

    Coppola was married for four years to director Spike Jonze. They divorced in 2003 and had no children together


    Actor Johnny Depp has agreed to star opposite his ex-girlfriend supermodel Kate Moss.

    Depp has signed up to star as Michael Hutchence in a film about the INXS frontman’s life and death, Moss is currently in talks to play Hutchence’s doomed girlfriend Paula Yates.

    Moss and Depp were together for three years but split in 1997, however, Depp was keen to reassure producers that he and Moss were now friends.

    An insider told the Daily Express: "Johnny was asked if it would be a deal breaker for him if Kate was cast.

    "He said, 'Not as far as I'm concerned.' He figures there's been enough water under that bridge.

    "Obviously he's (director Nick Egan) hoping there's still enough chemistry between them that will translate to the screen. It has been claimed she never got over him and in the film they'll have to appear deeply in love."

    Whether Ms Moss will actually appear in the film is yet to be decided.

  • @poppie:3ijcf6tm:

    a mí el de TOM ZE me ha parecido genial

    no digais más que me pongo malo de esperar…...brrrrr.

  • Me ha costado decidirme dónde publicar esta noticia. Estaba entre aquí, chistes, o museo kitsch. Me he decantado por news para constatar que no es broma.
    La edición de Eurovisión 2007 se pone a falta de un año interesante. Atención:

    _Morrissey linked with UK Eurovision entry
    Singer asks 'why not me?'

    Morrissey has linked himself with Eurovision after the UK did not win this year's contest on May 20.

    As reported on NME.COM, the 2006 competition was taken by Finland who were represented by monster metallers Lordi. Britain just managed 19th out of 24 countries, with Daz Sampson's 'Teenage Life'.

    However now Morrissey has questioned why he was not considered for the UK's entry.

    "I was horrified but not surprised to see the UK fail again in the Eurovision Song Contest," the former Smith cheekily noted, "and there is one question I keep an asking: 'why didn't they ask me?'. That question keeps going round my head."

    Morrissey's not entirely serious suggestion of himself for Eurovision came as the singer - who has worked with Sandy Shaw, Britain's first contest winner in 1967 - played his second night at The London Palladium. (…)

    Entre pseudoLordis y gayracer, eurovisión dará mucho de sí el año que viene. Tiempo al tiempo.

  • Parece ser que Arthur Lee finalmente como se veía a venir deja los escenarios y no sigue con el disco que tenía empezado.
    La leucemia que padece ya no se lo permite.

    No es la mejor página que habla de ello pero si la más simple de seguir y más fácil de de entender. Un buen resumen de los hechos.

  • sin lugar a dudas, una gran lastima lo de Arthur Lee. Espero que se recupere.

  • Pj Harvey estuvo en el Hay Festival el pasado viernes. Aquí tienen algunas cancioncillas: ... veyset.mp3

  • Manifestación en Suecia contra el cierre de una web

    LA VANGUARDIA - 04/06/2006

    Cientos de personas enarbolando banderas piratas se manifestaron ayer en Estocolmo para protestar por el cierre policial de una popular web de archivos compartidos que tenía millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, The Pirate Bay. Sin embargo, la web reapareció más tarde, acogida por otros sitios de internet, y la web de la Policía sueca fue objeto del ataque de un hacker. - Ap

  • Mi padre dice que por la tele han dicho que BILLY PRESTON ha muerto. Lo han comentadao en las noticias como algo de última hora. No encuentro ninguna referencia en Internet.

    ¿Se sabe algo?

    Recordemos que tocó con los Beatles,entre muchos otros en el Let it be

    Tema más recomendado –- Billy Preston - Volcano

  • Desgraciadamente, ha muerto con 59 años. ... ston+Billy


    Singer/keyboard virtuoso who scored hits with "Outa-Space", "Will It Go Round in Circles" and "Nothing from Nothing", he recorded with the Beatles on "Let It Be" and other albums and played Sergeant Pepper in the movie "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

    PD. interesante página mortuoria, por cierto.

  • @Maurici:2o8tolfn:

    Mi padre dice que por la tele han dicho que BILLY PRESTON ha muerto. Lo han dicho en las noticias como algo de última hora. No encuentro ninguna referencia en Internet.

    ¿Se sabe algo?

    Recordemos que tocó con los Beatles,entre muchos otros en el Let it be

    Tema más recomendado –- Billy Preston - Volcano

    Pues si, Maurici: ... 61955.html ... 917779.htm

    Una lastima

  • Este disco es una joya:

  • @Maurici:3r51iner:

    Mi padre dice que por la tele han dicho que BILLY PRESTON ha muerto. Lo han dicho en las noticias como algo de última hora. No encuentro ninguna referencia en Internet.

    ¿Se sabe algo?

    Recordemos que tocó con los Beatles,entre muchos otros en el Let it be

    Tema más recomendado –- Billy Preston - Volcano

    …en el google hay bastantes enlaces

    ..una pena...

    ...ahora me dà corte poner la "notícia -chorra" de turno

    Eric Avery(ex-Jane's Addiction) has taken up offer to become the new bassist for The Smashing Pumpkins.
    While it was strongly rumored that the band's original line-up would be making a full fledged return, Avery could not be a better pick to add to the roster. Considering the Jane's/Pumpkins connections through the years and the fact that both early incarnations of the band sounded similar, it should be quite interesting to see what comes out of this.

    Read for yourself this excerpt from an email reply Eric was nice enough to send my way:

    i am slowly closing in on a finish line with a few songs. should
    be done in a couple of weeks. i will absolutely keep you abreast of
    anything i do. ive been distracted by a real job. i noticed they were
    in your list of bands at your myspace site. it looks like i will be
    working with the smashing pumpkins.

    Nice! Finally some new songs from Eric on the horizon, plus a huge gig joining one of the most popular bands of the past 15 years for their triumphant comeback. The Smashing Pumpkins.
    I'll be sure to post when I get more info to share on either of these fronts.
    Update: to clarify, the guys have been playing together for a couple months now, on the downlow, feeling things out and seeing how they worked together. All parties were into it and just recently made things official.

    Copy & Paste de

  • Es posible que viera a Preston en la gira de Clapton de 2000??? Creo que iba con el. El año pasado cancelo las actuaciones en el Black Music Festival. Creo que ya se encontraba bastante enfermo. Que descanse en paz.