
  • Para sus múltiples amigüitos: ayer en el evento "Manchester contra el cáncer", New Order hicieron un setlist basado por completo en canciones de Joy Division:
    Completing the once-in-a-lifetime nature of the night, New Order played a set entirely of Joy Division songs. Bass player Peter Hook told the adoring masses that it was, "time to tear the fuckin' house down". Set highlights included 'Transmission', 'Warsaw' and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'._

  • Que los traigan…que los traigan (je je je je)

  • La verdad, cuesta imaginarse "Warsaw" en la voz de Summner.

  • @Breed:2p4se6ci:

    Para sus múltiples amigüitos: ayer en el evento "Manchester contra el cáncer", New Order hicieron un setlist basado por completo en canciones de Joy Division:
    Completing the once-in-a-lifetime nature of the night, New Order played a set entirely of Joy Division songs. Bass player Peter Hook told the adoring masses that it was, "time to tear the fuckin' house down". Set highlights included 'Transmission', 'Warsaw' and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'._

    Ya podrían haberlo hecho aquí también.

    Alguien más se percató de cuando Sumner nos mandó el año pasado a la mierda (fuck you) cuando se percató que al público de bcn no le gustaban las canciones nuevas? Tendrían que haberle llovido hortalizas al puta.

  • _As you can probably work out from the heading the new Mogwai single entitled 'Friend Of The Night' is out on January 30th, taken from the forthcoming album 'Mr Beast' it was recorded in our Castle of Doom studio and is available on CD and lovely 7" vinyl featuring exclusive b-sides which you can buy online from links below or alternatively it's available from all good record stores as of Monday (30th January) if you like the idea of contact with the outside world.

    Tracklists are:
    1. Friend Of The Night
    2. Fresh Crown
    3. 1% Of Monster

    1. Friend Of The Night
    2. Fresh Crown_

    Y han publicado las fechas de su gira europea, donde "curiosamente", no aparece ninguna fecha española. hum…

  • @zimbo:1rjned9r:

    Pues como venga de esta guisa… Miedo me da.


    … Casi que prefiero que venga de abeja Maya

  • lo que cuesta es imaginarse a Sumner sin hacer de Sumner

  • @Gallo:

    Alguien más se percató de cuando Sumner nos mandó el año pasado a la mierda (fuck you) cuando se percató que al público de bcn no le gustaban las canciones nuevas? Tendrían que haberle llovido hortalizas al puta.

    Esto viene de la rueda de prensa que dieron New Order la misma tarde del concierto. Una periodista les preguntó acerca de la tibia recepción que estaba teniendo su último álbum y, en general, las pobres críticas que habían recibido desde su regreso. Sumner se picó con ella y se ensarzaron en una discusión absurda (sin que la pobre chica tuviera ninguna culpa). Al final lo que el tio quiso entender es que en España no habían gustado las canciones de Regret ni Waitin' for the sirens call (lo cual no deja de ser verdad, pero nadie en esa sala le dijo literalmente eso). Total, que ni corto ni perezoso, siete horas después, encima del escenario, soltó esa perla, sin venir a cuento y sin que nadie pudiera entender nada. Otro motivo más para mandarlos a la mierda.


    _Xiu Xiu han anunciado a través de su página web que se encuentran actualmente grabando el que será su nuevo álbum, para el que ya tienen un total de diez temas. Este nuevo trabajo será editado por 5RC en Norteamérica y por Acuarela en Europa.

    Jamie Stewart y Charrale McElroy también reeditarán su álbum A Promise (03) con nuevo diseño y planean además una gira por nuestro país en la próxima primavera. Seguiremos informando._ ... encia=6481

    No estaría nada mal volver a verlos en el Primavera...

  • no estaría mal volver a ver a XIU XIU Por aqui de nuevo, pero digo yo, tantod álbumes y tan seguidos acaban quemando un poco ¿no?

    a mí el de 2005 no me dijo demasiado

  • @poppie:en4qpd6b:

    no estaría mal volver a ver a XIU XIU Por aqui de nuevo, pero digo yo, tantod álbumes y tan seguidos acaban quemando un poco ¿no?

    a mí el de 2005 no me dijo demasiado

    También soy de los q creo q bajaron un poco la guardia.
    No me acabó de motivar el anterior.
    Vale saldrá tb con Acuarela, a ver q tal, entonces.

  • …los hermanos Finn vuelven a la carga "arrejuntando" de nuevo a los Split menos eso dicen ...a mí no acaban de hacer però creo que hay algun@s fans por aquí de ellos

    **"History Never Repeats - except when Split Enz RE-FORM!!!"

    Split Enz, the iconic New Zealand band which broke up 22 years ago, has re-formed and will soon tour Australia.

    The announcement came ahead of a press conference in Melbourne tomorrow at which group members will reveal details of the upcoming tour.

    Formed in 1972, the band led by brothers Neil and Tim Finn had hits including I Got You and History Never Repeats, before disbanding in 1984.

    Neil Finn and drummer Paul Hester later formed the popular band Crowded House, which itself disbanded in 1996.

    Split Enz has only reunited for a couple of one-off shows over the past 22 years, including a performance at last year's annual Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA) Awards after being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

    It was their first gig together in 12 years.

    Last year, band members also struggled to cope with the death of Hester, who took his own life in Melbourne at the age of 46.

    Split Enz, comprising the Finn brothers, Eddie Rayner and Noel Crombie, plus Englishmen Nigel Griggs and Malcolm Green, have in the past said it would take something remarkable to reunite.

    Asked by Melbourne newspaper The Age last July if a reunion was on the cards, Rayner said: "It would have to be something pretty special".

    While it is known that Split Enz will play arena stages in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, all other information is being kept under wraps.**

  • El grupo de punk The Carpettes en principio no tocará en España en su gira de reunión.
    77 powerpop-mod-punk (los temas nuevos del disco recién editado, no son muy buenas, buscar las antiguas)

    Singles tan interesantes como Small Wonder del 1978 o Johnny Won’t Hurt You del 1980 les avalan. Se separaron en 1983 y volvieron al 2002.
    Por desgracia a no ser les monte/montéis un concierto a España no vendrán.
    Se van a Alemania.

    13.04. + 14.04. North of Germany or NL, BEL
    16.04. + 17.04. South of Germany or Austria
    20.04. East or middle of Germany
    21.04. Germany

    No creo q le interese esto a nadie, pero lo quería comentar.

    La 11ª edición del festival contempopránea a celebrar los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio en Alburquerque (Badajoz), contará con el homenaje al grupo español SURFIN` BICHOS.
    Como años anteriores el festival de la escena indie "Contem pop ránea" rinde tributo a un grupo desaparecido que halla influido en los gustos musicales de las nuevas generaciones.

  • …otros que también sacaràn un cd ...los Aerosmith...però miedo me dan sus referencias

    Aerosmith, whose last studio release was 2004's bluesy, covers-heavy Honkin' on Bobo, will start work on a new album in late spring. "It's going to be just like what the White Stripes are doing, and like a couple of songs on Sheryl Crow's new album," says Steven Tyler. "You'll listen to it and be like, 'I've heard that before' - but you never did." The band hopes to release the new album by year's end.

    …y los Pixies también estàn trabajando en nuevas canciones...


    Here comes your band
    December 19, 2005

    The flack for eMusic checked in the other day and told us something interesting. In 1998, he said, eMusic – then called GoodNoise -- was the first online music store to offer MP3s for sale, and the first two tracks in its catalog were by Frank Black, who has been a favorite of ours since he began fronting those post-punk progenitors, the Pixies. (The two songs were ''All My Ghosts" and ''King and Queen of Siam.") The friendly flack then informed us that today eMusic will add the one millionth track to its catalog, and the song is ''Here Comes Your Man," off the Pixies' new live CD ''Hey." All of this seemed a good excuse to get Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV -- a.k.a. Frank Black -- on the horn.

    Q: How are you?

    A: Well, I was up all night, and I was just at the doctor's office with my son, who's got a cold and an ear infection.

    Q: We call that a Tylenol deficiency in my family.

    A: That's good. (Laughs.)

    Q: So, it's true that your songs were the first offered for sale on the Internet?

    A: Apparently. As it was explained to me, many artists -- bigger fish than myself -- couldn't for contractual reasons do a deal with eMusic, which, I think, had a dorkier name back then.

    Q: You don't strike me as a big Web guy.

    A: I'm not. I do download stuff but only if it's for sale. Not because I have high morals; I just don't know how to find stuff.

    Q: Why'd you pick ''Here Comes Your Man"?

    A: About six months after the ''Here Comes Your Man" video was on MTV, I was driving through El Paso, and I was pulled over by border patrol. It was 3 a.m., and they were very suspicious of my luggage, which included some piñatas I had brought from Boston. They were like, ''Have you been to Mexico, Mr. Thompson?" There were about eight of them standing around my car getting ready to do something when one of them said, ''Haven't I seen you on MTV?" Suddenly, the search was off, and 10 minutes later I was holding a shotgun and wearing night-vision goggles posing for pictures.

    Q: That's a great story.

    A: The point is that's the song Joe Blow knows me for.

    Q: What's the status of the Pixies? Still enjoying the reunion?

    A: We just got back from Japan. That was the last gig on the books. At one point during the last show, I was teasing Kim [Deal] about something, and she flipped me off. She was just fooling around, but I thought she was serious. It was the first time that'd happened the whole time, and I thought, ''Oh, man, she's mad at me. It's over."

    Q: You recording a new album?

    A: Yeah, but I need to write some good songs. These Pixies have gotten a little uppity. They're like, ''What if it's not as good as the old records?"

    Q: Say, the Pixies were a Boston band, but you live out west. You still feel any attachment to this place?

    A: Sure. It Boston. It's where I was born. It's New England. It's the other place in my life.**


  • Entonces se pasará por allí Alfaro y algo harán, supongo.

  • @Madam:

    …los hermanos Finn vuelven a la carga "arrejuntando" de nuevo a los Split menos eso dicen ...a mí no acaban de hacer però creo que hay algun@s fans por aquí de ellos **"History Never Repeats - except when Split Enz RE-FORM!!!"

    Bien bien. Q VUELVAN. Madam Green me has alegrado el día. Mejores q los Crowded House sin duda.
    Split Ends y Split Enz ya fueron de los más comerciales de Nueza Zelanda de sus coetáneos, pero guardaban ese toque new wave raro a la vez.
    Venga ahora a rezar y q vengan de gira a presentar el disco.

    Claro q Algo tendrá q ver q se muriese el batería de los Crowded House. Vale la formación de finales del 76 en adelante.

    Q pesado soy con los grupos de Oceanía, especialmente de NZ. Perdón**

  • @Breed:rpsne840:

    La 11ª edición del festival contempopránea a celebrar los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio en Alburquerque (Badajoz), contará con el homenaje al grupo español SURFIN` BICHOS.
    Como años anteriores el festival de la escena indie "Contem pop ránea" rinde tributo a un grupo desaparecido que halla influido en los gustos musicales de las nuevas generaciones.

    Ay Dios como me los junten un rato… tendré que ir a ese infierno popero? tragarme a niños mutantes y zorras volantes? todo sea por San Alfaro, pero si tienen pensado tocarse unos temillas como los surfin', que se pasen antes por el PS y lo hagan, carajo!

  • @Maurici:xcep93un:

    Bien bien. Q VUELVAN. Madam Green me has alegrado el día. Mejores q los Crowded House sin duda...

    …me alegra haberte alegrado

    ...preparad@s chic@s porqué en un plisplás tendremos telefonos-móviles CON SMILIES (Temblád aquell@s a l@s que os tengo en mi agenda )

    **Telco seeks to patent 'smileys'

    January 31, 2006 - 5:37PM
    A wireless telephone company in the US is hoping to patent some of the technology used to generate emoticons on mobile phones before they hit the mainstream.

    Emoticons or "smileys" have been widely embraced in popular instant messaging platforms and previous attempts by companies to claim any ownership over them have met with strong public resistance.

    Last year Microsoft was widely criticised after attempts to patent the creation of some custom emoticons.

    Cingular says in its application that it is seeking to patent "a method and system for generating a displayable icon or emoticon form that indicates the mood or emotion of a user of the mobile station".

    The patent is intended to cover the creation of a button onto a mobile phone allowing users to choose an emoticon but many fear it might extend to cover any type of navigation system that displays a selection of emoticons from which users can choose.

    Last year Microsoft was widely criticised for attempting to patent the creation of custom emoticons with the key objection being that international symbols such as emoticons represent a form of online language that should not be subject to ownership.

    In 2001 a company called Despair Inc sparked outrage when it announced it had registered a trademark for the 'frowny' [ : - ( ] emoticon and would sue "anyone and everyone who uses the so-called 'frowny' emoticon, or our trademarked logo, in their written email correspondence. Ever."

    In what turned out to be a publicity stunt, the company said it would file a suit against more than 7 million individual internet users alleging trademark infringement.

    Despair sells "demotivational" merchandise such as calendars, books and mugs from its website and customers can also purchase a frowny symbol there for $0.00.**

  • Pues yo prefería y prefiero a los Crowded House, sobre todo el Together Alone. Los Split Enz me gustaban menos precisamente por ese toque New Wave que comentas, Maurici. Aunque es cuestión de gustos. A mi con Neil finn a la guitarra o al piano, me sobran todos los demás.