
  • COÑO!!!

    Adam Green en Murcia!!!

    y más noticias sobre la vulta de Portishead ... encia=6540

  • @bme:2egibshh:


    Adam Green en Murcia!!!

    y más noticias sobre la vulta de Portishead ... encia=6540

    Portishead llevan juntándose para sacar disco desde hace 4 o 5 años, deben de tener por lo menos 1000 canciones. Yo ya paso de esto, cuando lo saquen, de puta madre, mientras tanto, a otra cosa.

  • Portishead? Hace un par de años se rumoreó sobre un nuevo disco llamado Alien. Nada se supo.

    Sinceramente, yo, que me gustaba el sonido Bristol y todo ese rollo etéreo, prefiero que la Beth se quede en casa fumando pitis. Cuestión de no mancillar un legado que de por sí ya está bien y que sospecho que tendría poco sentido resucitar ahora.

    La pregunta sería: Ha envejecido mal el trip hop? A parte de que cierto rollo pseoduchill y electrónica de yuppie ha querido colarse por ahí… no quiero que Portishead me exponga más claramente esas miserias.

  • @RX456:

    Ignoro si Madam Green lo habrá comentado ya ... anger/3930

    Seguramente se añadirán más fechas dentro de poco. (Adam Green parece vivir ya en España)

    Si no em equivoco mucho creo que hay un error en esta página, dice que saldrá el tercer disco en solitario pero yo creo que es el cuarto, no?

  • @DayIn-DayOut:2ykhv585:

    Portishead? Hace un par de años se rumoreó sobre un nuevo disco llamado Alien. Nada se supo.

    Sinceramente, yo, que me gustaba el sonido Bristol y todo ese rollo etéreo, prefiero que la Beth se quede en casa fumando pitis. Cuestión de no mancillar un legado que de por sí ya está bien y que sospecho que tendría poco sentido resucitar ahora.

    La pregunta sería: Ha envejecido mal el trip hop? A parte de que cierto rollo pseoduchill y electrónica de yuppie ha querido colarse por ahí… no quiero que Portishead me exponga más claramente esas miserias.

    Estoy contigo. El tríjó ha envejecido fatal. Los primeros discos de gente como tricky, attacke massivo y portishead sonaban de la ostia en los 90. Incluso creo que fueron discos necesarios en ese momento, pues rompieron un poco con la tendencia noise post-nirvana imperante en aquel entonces. Portishead tuvieron vida efímera (que el tiempo ha demostrado que fue una buena elección), massive attack han preferido arrastrarse estos últimos años, y de Tricky mejor no hablar. Fuera de esta 'trinidad', el trijó no ha sido más que calcos o deformaciones baratas.

    PD: Portishead tienen dos discos de estudio (dummy, portishead) y uno en directo con temas de los dos anteriores. Será el tercer disco de estudio con temas nuevos, el próximo.

  • Deerhoof:

    02-10 Melbourne, Australia - Northcote SC
    02-14 Brisbane, Australia - The Troubadour
    02-16 Sydney, Australia - Spectrum
    02-17 Wellington, New Zealand - Indigo
    02-18 Auckland, New Zealand - 4:20
    02-22 Shibuya, Japan - Club Quattro *
    02-24 Shinjuku, Japan - Loft #^
    02-25 Osaka, Japan - Fandango #
    02-26 Kyoto, Japan - Metro $
    02-27 Fukuoka, Japan - Decadent Deluxe %
    02-28 Nagasaki Ishaya, Japan - Harmony @
    03-01 Shibuya, Japan - Nest &
    03-27 London, England - Scala
    03-30 Nijmegen, Holland - Doornroosje
    03-31 Kontich, Belgium - Lintfabriek
    04-01 Bissegem, Belgium - De Kreun
    04-02 Berlin, Germany - Magnet Club
    04-03 Stuttgart, Germany - Club Schocken
    04-04 Duedingen, Switzerland - Bad Bonn
    04-05 Paris, France - Instants Chavirés
    04-06 Utrecht, Holland - Rumor Festival
    04-07 Cologne, Germany - Gebaude 9
    04-08 Fernelmont, Belgium - Saint-Martin (Rhâââ Lovely Festival) +
    04-29 Indio, CA - Empire Polo Field (Coachella) ~

    Y Green Ufos dijo en una newsletter suya que este año Deerhoof tocaban en España. Otros que huelen a PS.

  • @DayIn-DayOut:kdttu4lm:

    Sinceramente, yo, que me gustaba el sonido Bristol y todo ese rollo etéreo, prefiero que la Beth se quede en casa fumando pitis. Cuestión de no mancillar un legado que de por sí ya está bien y que sospecho que tendría poco sentido resucitar ahora.

    Beth Orthon tiene una voz que ya muchas quisieran para si. Creo que si se cuidase un poco más la garganta podría perfectamente presentar cualquier obra en Broadway y salir en portadas de periódicos. Ya ha quedado más que claro que la tipa no es sólo PORTISHEAD con su dueto con el TALK TALK Paul Webb. Si bien es cierto que dado lo inconfundible y personal que resulta su voz resulta harto difícil el poder desligarla de su anterior proyecto. De todos modos yo nunca encontré a PORTISHEAD muchos puntos en común con otros grupos de Bristol como sí los podían tener, por razones obvias, Massive Attack y Tricky.

  • @israel:3k8nm1mp:

    Beth Orthon tiene una voz que ya muchas quisieran para si. Creo que si se cuidase un poco más la garganta podría perfectamente presentar cualquier obra en Broadway y salir en portadas de periódicos. Ya ha quedado más que claro que la tipa no es sólo PORTISHEAD con su dueto con el TALK TALK Paul Webb. Si bien es cierto que dado lo inconfundible y personal que resulta su voz resulta harto difícil el poder desligarla de su anterior proyecto. De todos modos yo nunca encontré a PORTISHEAD muchos puntos en común con otros grupos de Bristol como sí los podían tener, por razones obvias, Massive Attack y Tricky.

    Me refería a Beth Gibbons. Supongo que tú también, que fue un lapsus. No digo que la Gibbons esté acabada para la música, digo que Portishead lo está. Su colaboración con Paul Webb me pareció muy buena, y justo en el momento en el que seguidamente empezarían a aparecer en escena toda la peña del neofolk. No sé si llegaría a Broadway (básicamente porque no da el perfil de lo que busca gente que se gasta más de 100 dólares en un espectáculo), pero sí es cierto que tiene talento como para reinventarse con éxito. Remárquese la palabra REINVENTARSE, porque lo necesitaría.

    En cuanto a los puntos en común. Hombre… está claro que Massive Attack y Tricky tienen más puntos en común, que Portishead tenía un sonido más personal. Quizá fue el Mezzanine el disco que les acercó más a ellos, cuando 3D y compañía abandonaron en hip hop de satén y el soul más clásico por esa especie de narcotic soul con mareas electrónicas de diseño. Aún así, a nivel de sonido atmosférico brumoso, de concepción de la interpretación vocal sedosa, de instrumentos y de todo… se nota que son casi del mismo barrio. Y creo que eso se nota, como he comentado, en los Massive Attack post_Blue lines_ y en los inicios de Tricky y su Maxinquaye.

    Bueno…y del trip hop...todos pasaron de los pobres Smith & Mighty, infravalorados en el género.

  • Pues sí, aunque Beth Orton y Beth Gibbons tienen bastantes puntos en común. Las dos, en sus últimas giras, hicieron un único concierto en España, en Barcelona, en la sala Apolo para luego volver y tocar en el FIB 2003 el mismo día. Casualidades que tiene la vida, además de tenerme a mí incluído en las 4 citas. De hecho, Orton no hubiése cantado This One's gonna bruise en el Apolo si no es por mi, que lo sepáis, jeje.

    A lo dicho, yo no creo que haya pasado el momento de Portishead, porque del segundo al primero hay un salto cualitativo enorme. No tienen nada que ver con el trip hop, a mi entender, aunque se les englobara dentro por ser de Bristol. Portishead no han jugado tanto con la electrónica y ello les hace más atemporales que al resto. El problema del tercer disco es que ellos mismos reconocen no poder superar el segundo y haber intentado grabarlo en varias ocasiones, descartando las canciones al final por no llegar a la altura. Yo creo que volveran a hacer un buen disco, igual que lo hizo Beth Gibbons en solitario (gallina de piel con Show y Funny time of year). En directo, iba acompañada no sólo de Paul Webb de Talk Talk si no también por Adrian Utley de Portishead, luego no estuvieron completamente al margen de este proyecto.

  • Que no se escapen…


    Se publica el 21 de abril, así que está a huevo.

  • 'Monsieur Gainsbourg revisited'

    Universal Music - 2006 / Fr.
    Available in France
    27 April 2006

    Disco de tributo a Serge Gainsbourg de la revista "Les Inrockuptibles". Para elegir los artistas no se han roto mucho los cuernos:

    • Franz Ferdinand and jane Birkin - A song for Sorry Angel
    • Cat Power and Karen Elson - I love you (me either)
    • Jarvis Cocker and Kid Loco - I just came to tell you that I'm going
    • Portishead - Requiem for Anna
    • Fautline, Brian Molko and Francoise Hardy - Requiem for a jerk
    • Michael Stipe - L'hotel
    • Tricky - Au revoir Emmanuelle
    • Marianne Faithfull and Sly & Robbie - Lola R for ever
    • Gonzales, Feist and Dani - Boomerang 2005
    • Marc Almond and Trash Palace - Boy Toy
    • Placebo - The Ballad of Melody Nelson
    • The Rakes - Just a man with a job
    • The Kills - I call it art
    • Carla Bruni - Those little things

  • este disco me da un miedo….....

    Hey, atentos a esta news:

    TOM VERALINE dos discos nuevos: SONGS AND OTHER THINGS (disco vocal) / AROUND (disco instrumental)

    a la venta el 26 de abril en todas las mercerias. Edita Thrill Jockey, distribuido por Green Ufos

  • @korkobado:32hgaaub:

    'Monsieur Gainsbourg * Cat Power and Karen Elson - I love you (me either)

    … Karen Elson és la esposa de Jack White y està esperando su primera criatura...que va a ser seguro el ser más blanco del planeta...

    …más blanco no se puede

  • …ya hay portada para el nuevo single de Adam Green

    …recuerdo que podéis ver su vídeo aquí:–Nat-King-Cole?v=V-wXvQu3u3I&search=adam%20green

  • **Documentary film festival underway


    El Universal
    February 10, 2006**

    _A while back, actors Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna went to see the Mexican documentary "Trópico de cáncer" by director Eugenio Polgovsky.

    The film about a struggling family in San Luis Potosí left a powerful impression on the two young actors, who decided to look for a way to bring more noncommercial documentaries to the public.

    The duo used their production company Canana, to start a project called "Ambulante," meaning "travelling" or "mobile" in English. In collaboration with Cinepolis, "Ambulante" will be bring 19 documentaries to 15 cities across the country.

    Luna and García Bernal said they were interested in more than money when they came up with the idea for the festival.

    "We watch movies too and these are the kind of movies we like to see in theaters," said García Bernal.

    Luna added, "We believe the documentary is a form a cinema that invites us to reflect and debate."

    In this first edition, there will be 12 Mexican works and seven from abroad, including Carlos Sandoval´s and Catherine Tambini´s "Farmingville" and Jonathan Caouette´s "Tarnation."

    The films will be screened at the Cinépolis Diana and Universidad in Mexico City from Feb. 10 to 16. Admission is 25 pesos. For more info consult

  • "Ian Curtis Biopic Cast Casting has been announced for the upcoming Joy Division film, Control. Newcomer Sam Riley will play the brilliant-but-doomed singer Ian Curtis, who committed suicide in 1980 on the eve of the band's first American tour. Samantha Morton, who has previously been nominated for Oscars for her work in Woody Allen's Sweet And Lowdown and Jim Sheridan's In America, will play Curtis' widow, Deborah. (It is her book, Touching From A Distance, on which the screenplay is based.) German actress Alexandra Maria Lara, who just finished filming the new Francis Ford Coppola film Youth By Youth, will play the singer's lover Annik Honore. The film will be the first feature from acclaimed photographer and music video director Anton Corbijn (Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box"). Deborah Curtis and Tony Wilson, Factory Records founder and the subject of 24 Hour Party People, will both be credited as co-producers. According to NME, New Order will rerecord some Joy Division tracks, as well as lay down some new songs, for the soundtrack. The production team hopes to begin shooting in Manchester later this year."

    "Rocker Marilyn Manson will make his feature directorial debut on Phantasmagoria - The Visions of Lewis Carroll, reports Production Weekly. In the film, Manson will play the author of "Alice in Wonderland."

    Manson wrote the script with Anthony Silva and will score the music for the film, which will tie the life of Lewis into his famous poem, "Phantasmagoria". Fashion model Lily Cole will star as Alice, with Angelina Jolie in talks to play the Red Queen.

    Production is scheduled to begin this summer with locations in Europe."

    New Guns and Roses album to come out next month

    LATEST: Legendary rockers GUNS 'N' ROSES will release their first album in 13 years next month (MAR06) when the long awaited CHINESE DEMOCRACY finally hits store shelves.

    The LP has been more than a decade in the making after a series of postponements and production problems.

    The NOVEMBER RAIN hitmakers last released new material in 1993 with their covers album THE SPAGHETTI INCIDENT.

    Frontman AXL ROSE has promised fans a more "complex" record and hinted at festival appearances this summer (06).

    Guitarist SLASH gushes, "I'm really excited. It's been a long time waiting to see what the next step was, but it's coming out in March and sounds great.

    "I'm just waiting for the record to come out, so I'm glad we've finally got to the point that that's happening."

    The new album contains 13 tracks with titles including BETTER, THERE WAS A TIME and THE BLUES. ... 12_02_2006


    By Dave Hopkins And Gary Anderson

    –> POP pervert Gary Glitter has admitted he's going through hell in prison as he awaits trial on charges of molesting girls aged 10 and 11.

    The loathsome paedophile who has been locked in a grim Vietnamese detention centre for nearly three months said: "This place is disgusting. It smells like dead animals."

    But Glitter, 61, who has lost nearly four stone and now looks over 70, couldn't stop shamelessly trying to defend his sick lust for children during his first-ever talk from jail.

    In a 30-minute meeting with a visitor, the disgraced glam rocker whined: "I've done nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with having a relationship with a 12-year-old if it's consensual."

    Glitter, who goes on trial a week tomorrow, told the visitor how he...

    IS LOCKED in a cell 24 hours a day in suffocating 90degF heat.

    IS FORCED to use a hole in the ground as a toilet in the stinking cockroach-infested cell.

    WAS FED meals of DOG and FOX meat.

    FEARS he will be beaten up by the guards who have nicknamed him "man who likes babies".

    IS WRITING a prison diary in the deluded belief that British people will want to read a twisted defence of his child sex obsession.

    WANTS to serve his sentence in Britain if he is convicted but fears he will be attacked by prisoners here.

    Unrecognisable as the once-flamboyant 1970s star, Glitter has become a gaunt and grotesque-looking old man in southern Vietnam's hellhole Phuoc Co prison, a former military camp 50 miles from Saigon.

    The chief warden, who fears his high-profile inmate might use his pop fortune to bribe an officer and escape, has put him in the most secure block in the compound.

    Glitter sweats it out in a cell in a two-storey concrete block with 18-inch thick walls, bars on the windows and razor wire on the roof. A CCTV camera, usually trained on the perimeter wall patrolled by armed guards, has been swivelled round to permanently scan his rat-infested block. Dogs roam the compound to catch the rats. Prisoners then eat the dogs.

    Glitter was allowed out of his filthy cell to meet the visitor but when he stepped off a concrete platform that surrounds the block the head guard snarled at him in Vietnamese and he cowered back, looking terrified.

    The notorious paedophile, who fled Britain after serving a two-month sentence in 1999 for having child porn, told the visitor: "It's horrible here.

    "Life was hard when they put me here. I couldn't believe the things they made me eat - dog and fox and God knows what some of the other things were. I got dysentery and lost weight very quickly. I think I've lost at least three or four stones."

    And he revealed he lives in fear of attacks from other inmates, disgusted that he crossed the globe to abuse Vietnamese kids.

    He said: "I have to watch my back because I've had threats. I know people are out to get me. It's not just the prisoners either. I know some of the guards would try it if they thought they would get away with it. The head guard hates me as well.

    "I'm locked up in this hut 24 hours a day but I wouldn't go out even if I could."

    As a remand prisoner, Glitter stays in his padlocked cell all day, escaping the jail's punishing work regime.

    Other prisoners toil, wearing regulation thin black and white striped uniform, to build a new prison block.

    Glitter said: "It's horrible here but there's far worse. Can you imagine me pushing a wheelbarrow round full of bricks out there. "It would kill me. If I'm convicted they will put me with those guys. But even if they did try to make me work, I would pay someone else to do it for me, don't worry there's always a way round these things."

    He is only allowed out of the cell for occasional visits to the prison shop, but he sends his cellmate, a 40-yearold Vietnamese who speaks some English.

    Glitter boasted how he was using the fortune built up from his music career to buy luxuries in jail.

    He said: "Since my money came through I'm getting more used to life in here.

    "My cellmate helps me. He cooks for me and I can get better Western food now so I'm eating better. "He cleans the cell, mucks out the toilet and carries bags for me. The place is still disgusting, it smells like dead animals, I know, but it's impossible to keep your cell or yourself clean.

    "I also get him to go to the shop because I'm worried to go by myself."

    The sickening pervert also believes his money will get him off the child-molesting charges, which carry a maximum seven year sentence. He said: "Money goes a long way here. People earn so little, a grand is all it takes to get what you want. The money I'm giving my lawyer is massive here. He's going to get me off. But if I am convicted I would like to go back to Britain to serve my sentence, although I know I might be attacked there. There's no way I'm staying in this hole."

    Glitter claimed that sex tourist perverts routinely used bribes to escape jail. He said: "It was only because I'm so famous I wasn't able to. I should have been able to hand over a few quid and nothing more would have been said about it."

    Glitter ranted on at the visitor about his "enemies" and the "Judases" he blames for putting him in jail.

    He steadfastly refuses to admit he is there because of his own revolting child sex addiction.

    And he tried to use the example of the Netherlands - where adults are not usually prosecuted for having sex with children aged 12-16 if they consent - to justify his actions.

    He said: "None of this would ever have happened if it wasn't for all the Judases out to get me." When asked what his defence in court will be, he said: "I gave those girls books and helped them with their English and that's what I'll be telling the judge."

    When the paranoid star isn't brooding over his situation, he plays cards with his cellmate or listens to a radio with fading batteries.

    Glitter, who claims to have found God and become a Catholic, said: "I pray quite a bit too."

    He has also given impromptu "concerts" of his hits including "I'm the Leader of the Gang (I am)" and "I Love You Love Me Love".

    A far cry from Top of the Pops, the shamed rocker is reduced to performing for five other inmates in his block, plus the cockroaches and rats._ ... _page.html

  • @korkobado:230sc4bg:

    'Monsieur Gainsbourg revisited'

    Creo que supondrá augurar aburrimiento.