
  • @Breed:3ay4lupt:

    Joder qué palazo:


    una putada.

  • @DIANA:1kq0obwp:


    Joder qué palazo:


    dentro de lo malo….no tiene na para lo que podria tener....sino mira como acabo bob marley...

    ¿Y qué tienen que ver?

  • June Carter de las Pointer Sisters se ha muerto.
    El corazón le ha fallado.

    Inicios de la música disco con bastantes elementos soul.

    Algunos hits "He's So Shy" "Slow Hand" "American Music" "Should I Do It" "I'm So Excited" o "Fire" de Bruce Spr.

  • Sparklehorse han vuelto a dar señales de vida a través de su página web oficial. En ella, los norteamericanos anuncian un nuevo trabajo para el mes de septiembre, que sería el primero del grupo en cinco años.

    Para la que será continuación de It´s A Wonderful Life (01), el proyecto liderado por Mark Linous estará arropado por un buen número de colaboradores, entre los que figuran Scott Minor, Dangermouse, Christian Fennesz, Stephen Drozd de The Flaming Lips, el producotor David Fridmann, Sophie Michalitsianos y Johnny Hott.

    En el álbum también se incluirá un tema que formaba parte de las sesiones de grabación de It's A Wonderful Life, pero que finalmente fue desechado para esa entrega. En ese tema, Tom Waits contribuía tocando el piano.

  • @bme:15lmqp9c:

    Sparklehorse han vuelto a dar señales de vida a través de su página web oficial. En ella, los norteamericanos anuncian un nuevo trabajo para el mes de septiembre, que sería el primero del grupo en cinco años.

    Para la que será continuación de It´s A Wonderful Life (01), el proyecto liderado por Mark Linous estará arropado por un buen número de colaboradores, entre los que figuran Scott Minor, Dangermouse, Christian Fennesz, Stephen Drozd de The Flaming Lips, el producotor David Fridmann, Sophie Michalitsianos y Johnny Hott.

    En el álbum también se incluirá un tema que formaba parte de las sesiones de grabación de It's A Wonderful Life, pero que finalmente fue desechado para esa entrega. En ese tema, Tom Waits contribuía tocando el piano.


  • @bme:2cbl7d4k:

    Sparklehorse han vuelto a dar señales de vida a través de su página web oficial. En ella, los norteamericanos anuncian un nuevo trabajo para el mes de septiembre, que sería el primero del grupo en cinco años.
    Para la que será continuación de It´s A Wonderful Life (01), el proyecto liderado por Mark Linous estará arropado por un buen número de colaboradores, entre los que figuran Scott Minor, Dangermouse, Christian Fennesz, Stephen Drozd de The Flaming Lips, el producotor David Fridmann, Sophie Michalitsianos y Johnny Hott.
    En el álbum también se incluirá un tema que formaba parte de las sesiones de grabación de It's A Wonderful Life, pero que finalmente fue desechado para esa entrega. En ese tema, Tom Waits contribuía tocando el piano.

    Hace un par de años por fin conseguí · SPARKLEHORSE – It’s A Wonderful Life 2001 este disco lo tenía desde que salió en mi punto de mira y realmente satisface.
    Esperemos que lo nuevo esté a la altura.

  • _Fastman/Raiderman será el título del nuevo trabajo en solitario de Frank Black, que se pondrá en circulación el próximo 19 de junio. Los temas que formarán parte de él son:

    "Kiss My Ring"
    "Dog Sleep"
    "In the Time of My Ruin"
    "Highway to Lowdown"
    "Sad Man’s Song"
    "Where the Wind Is Going"

  • este me provoca pereza

  • ya, lleva 10 años sin sorprender, pero yo sigo esperando un nuevo Teenager of the Year

  • @nevaeh:7ygmivqc:

    ya, lleva 10 años sin sorprender, pero yo sigo esperando un nuevo Teenager of the Year

    FRANK BLACK – Frank Black 1993 este disco de este hombre en solitario es increíble y me gusta hasta más que el Teenager of the year 994 que tb es muy recomendable.
    El primero todavía tenía la rescaca postPixies pero al mismo tiempo se iba de la olla y daba un discazo que tenía y no tenía nada que ver con Pixies. Podría haberlo sacado sin nunca haber estado en los Pixies.

  • The fifth Mojave 3 album 'Puzzles Like You' will be released on 19th June (20th in the US), preceded by the single 'Breaking The Ice' on 29th May.

    Eso, que el nuevo de Mojave 3, muy chulo por cierto, hace ya tiempo que esta en la red.

  • Extraido de muzikalia:

    El 2 de mayo se pondrá a la venta Search for Paradise: 2004/05, el disco recopilatorio de THE WEDDING PRESENT, que estará formado por un CD y un DVD. Su contenido es el siguiente:

    "Interstate 5"
    "Bad Thing"
    "I'm Further North Than You"
    "The Girl With The Curious Smile"
    "Nickels And Dimes"
    "I'm Further North Than You” (Klee Remix)
    "Ringway To Seatac"
    "American Tan"
    "Interstate 5" (acoustic)
    "I'm Further North Than You" (acoustic)
    "Ringway To Seatac" (acoustic)

    "Don't Touch That Dial"
    "Interstate 5"
    "I'm Further North Than You"
    "Ringway To Seatac"
    "Perfect Blue" (acoustic)
    "Behind The Scene"

  • @soft:

    Extraido de muzikalia:

    El 2 de mayo se pondrá a la venta Search for Paradise: 2004/05, el disco recopilatorio de THE WEDDING PRESENT, que estará formado por un CD y un DVD. Su contenido es el siguiente:

    "Interstate 5"
    "Bad Thing"
    "I'm Further North Than You"
    "The Girl With The Curious Smile"
    "Nickels And Dimes"
    "I'm Further North Than You” (Klee Remix)
    "Ringway To Seatac"
    "American Tan"
    "Interstate 5" (acoustic)
    "I'm Further North Than You" (acoustic)
    "Ringway To Seatac" (acoustic)

    "Don't Touch That Dial"
    "Interstate 5"
    "I'm Further North Than You"
    "Ringway To Seatac"
    "Perfect Blue" (acoustic)
    "Behind The Scene"

    Pues el 3 de Mayo (aqui en Madrid el 2 es festivo) allí me tienen en la tienda de discos para comprarlo….Claro, si lo han distribuido a tiempo que luego ya se sabe....

  • me estoy planteando crear una plataforma contra la ineficiencia de las distribuidoras…. Su modo de trabajar es de incompetentes.

    A ver cuando tarda este de wedding...

  • …ya se puede ver en el youtube el nuevo víddeo de Beck (Dirijido por Jason Lee)

    Lonesome Tears - Beck

    ...por cierto que Beck SIEMPRE ha permanecido a la Cienciología (Sus padres ya lo eran y lo educaron según sus normativas) Pobrecito,yo no entiendo cómo ha podido escribir tantos hits con el cerebro lavado desde que nació...suerte que Adam Green fué inteligente y no se dejó embaucar por Beck cuando este le intentó convencer para que se uniera a su fé...ironicamente Adam le ha dedicado su último cd ya que él cuando tenía 19 años y pasó el día junto a Beck le sirvió de inspiración para escribir su canción "Novotel" ( click y click y otros músicos del movimiento Anti-folk tampoco estàn contentos con él…Paleface vió cómo se le caía un fajote de billetes del bolsillo de Beck cuando se suponía que actuaba "con los gastos pagados però sin cobrar ...y los Flaming Lips también estàn descontentos con é es que yo vaya en contra de Beck lo que pasa és que l@ss cienciolog@s me sacan de quicio...

    El cerebro de Homer Sipson és demasiado grande para ser cienciologo..

    ...y pensar que Beck no és el único...jamàs podré ver a "Parker Lewis" igual...en vez de sus camisas veré su cabeza vacía...

    ... leer articulo original aquí

    Rumors have been around a few years suggesting that alt rocker Beck Hansen had become a member of the Church of Scientology. The real question should be, when was Beck NOT a Scientologist? Has Beck been lying to the media and his fans? Has the media just been hiding it? According to L. Ron Hubbard's dogma, Scientologists believe it is perfectly within the ethical boundaries of their "religion" to lie to non-members. But if Scientology is so great, why have Beck and Geffen Records worked so hard to keep Beck's lifelong involvement with the cult a secret? Why did we continue to read remarks by journalists insisting that Beck was not a Scientologist?

    If you are preparing a piece on Beck, start by getting some background. Read some of the academic literature about cults. "Cults in Our Midst" (1996) by Dr. Margaret Singer is a great place to start. Also see "Combatting Cult Mind Control" (1990) by Steven Hassan and "Recovery From Cults" (1995) by Dr. Michael Langone. Ex-Scientologist Jon Atack's " A Piece of Blue Sky"(1990), Russell Miller's Bare-Faced Messiah (1987), Bent Corydon's "L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman?" (1992) and Paulette Cooper's "The Scandal of Scientology"(1971; revised for the web 1997) are devoted entirely to Scientology and are available for reading free on the Internet. Learn how cults control through brainwashing, hypnotism, coercion, humiliation and fear. Most importantly, learn the difference between a cult and a religion.

    There have been several biographical works written on Beck. None of them have revealed any serious, in-depth research. They are largely based on press interviews of Beck. Because of this, chronological gaps and inconsistencies plague accounts of his life. One striking gap is the lack of references to Scientology, despite the fact that Beck's parents and some of his friends were Scientologists, he attended a Scientology-run school, and he took Scientology courses as a teenager. (In contrast, compare the numerous early interviews in which Beck mentioned his paternal grandfather, who was a Presbyterian minister, and his tendency, in the mid-late nineties, to cite his Jewish heritage-his mother is half Jewish-and how much he valued Jewish culture and traditions.) In 2002, though, interviewer Tim Perlich of raised the subject. Note, in the selection below, that his interview with Beck is monitored.

    When asked if he's aware that his father is a Scientologist, Beck is obviously taken aback and pauses briefly to formulate a response.

    "Um... no comment."

    A split second later, Universal publicist Lani Fumerton, evidently monitoring the conversation on another line, breaks in. "Could we wrap up, please?"

    But it was just getting interesting! For all anyone knows, Beck might be a second-generation Scientologist. There's only one sure way to find out.

    Have you ever taken any Scientology courses yourself?

    "No comment," Beck quickly snaps back, bringing the interview to a halt. - (From an interview by Tim Perlich, Now Magazine Feb. 3-9, 2002.)

    Beck's family and childhood

    Beck's father, David Campbell, and mother, Bibbe Hansen, have been Scientologists for over thirty years. Beck has told interviewers he was born at home on July 8, 1970, and has offered numerous stories of growing up in extreme poverty in a rough neighborhood. However, David Campbell was doing quite well as a session musician in the early 70's. Campbell was featured regularly in the Church of Scientology's Celebrity magazine as a successful session musician and arranger. When Beck was a boy, David was arranging and performing at concerts with Linda Ronstadt, and the family was living in comfortable homes in Hollywood and Laurel Canyon. Bibbe Hansen taught Lamaze classes for Church of Scientology members and apparently practiced as a midwife though no license is on file with the State of California. A weblog maintained by Bibbe's friend, Vaginal Davis, mentioned that Bibbe had delivered Marissa Ribisi (Beck's wife) and her twin brother, Giovanni. Beck was most likely born at home because Scientologists prefer to give birth at home and shun neo-natal screening and conventional medicine. Home births also accommodate the Scientology's "silent birth" rules about not talking to a newborn baby for a period of one week. While Scientology teaches that this reduces the trauma associated with a baby's birth, this is actually another method to destroy family bonds. (See discussions in the texts by Drs. Margaret Singer and Michael Langone and by Steve Hassen sited above. Family bonds are deliberately weakened and destroyed in cults because members are supposed to support the cult above all else. A common cult ideology says that a victim's life and family were horribly dysfunctional until they joined the cult. The cult solves all the victim's problems associated with the family by diminishing the family in every way possible.) Bibbe Hansen also had another son, Channing, about two years after Beck was born.

    Beck has said in interviews that he was sent as a child to spend summers in Kansas with David's parents. He also mentioned in early interviews that his paternal grandparents exerted a religious influence and he attended church where his grandfather was a minister. As the nineties progressed, Beck began to mention to interviewers the fact that Bibbe was half Jewish, and commented a few times that he was raised Jewish. In at least one interview, he stated regretfully that he'd wanted to have a bar mitzvah but his family didn't have the money. He also told one interviewer in 1997 that he'd been sent for Jewish education. It seems that Bibbe was also developing an appreciation for her Jewish heritage; she talked about it in interviews, and put up a list of Jewish links on her website. (The subject came up when Bibbe and Sean were being interviewed by Vaginal Davis in 1999. Sean mentioned that Beck's Jewishness had a particular appeal for some fans: "When Jewish girls find out Beck is Jewish they just go crazy, cuz they feel that they can now bring him home to meet the folks. It's really important to his Jewish girl fans.') However, it is highly unlikely that Beck was raised Jewish. The Campbell's Scientology case supervisors would never have approved of Beck being sent to synagogue for religious education. Is it possible that the emphasis on Beck's Jewish background was an attempt to divert attention from the truth about his upbringing?

    Most published accounts of Beck's early life refer to Bibbe as giving Beck a "bohemian" upbringing. Bibbe was briefly part of Andy Warhol's Factory in New York as a young girl. She was later involved in the LA punk scene in the late 70's. She was also the proprietor of a coffeehouse in LA called Cafe Troy. Other self revealed aspects of Bibbe's life stretch the definition of the term "bohemian." When Beck was about 5 years old, Bibbe, who was about 25, began dating a 15-year-old, Sean Carrillo. (The age of consent in California is 18.) They maintained a relationship and reportedly moved in together in 1980. Conflicting dates have been given for when Bibbe and David divorced; it is most often said to have happened when Beck was 13. The passage of time seems not to have diminished Bibbe's interest in younger men or her unorthodox views about marriage. In an interview conducted by Vaginal Davis in 2001, Bibbe and Sean were accompanied by a young man named Laki. Their comments about him were overtly sexual, and they referred to him as their "concubine."

    Regarding sexual abuse of children in cults:

    If one researches cults to any extent, the occurrence of the sexual abuse of children quickly becomes apparent as a given within cults. Children and adolescents are routinely abused sexually as a means of humiliation and control and as yet another way to destroy family bonds. Scientology teaches that children are "little adults" who don't need much guidance or protection from their parents. This seems to facilitate and remove all taboos from the idea of sexual relationships between adults and adolescents. Sadly, this behavior is common in cults. (See references mentioned above.)

    The budding, second generation Scientologist

    Beck has been reported in various places, by a number of people, to have attended the Apple School of Los Feliz, which was run by Scientologists. Beck's elementary class portrait as "Bek Campbell" appears in an Apple School yearbook. It's not clear what years Beck attended the school, though it ceased operating in 1985. Beck dropped out of school in the ninth grade, after a short time in public school. Many children raised in Scientology, like Juliette Lewis, Leah Remini, and Lisa Marie Presley, drop out of school early. Cult-educated children who are later enrolled in accredited schools often find themselves hopelessly behind their conventionally educated classmates, so dropping out of school is an easy choice. The lack of education among cult-raised children is crucial for future indoctrination and recruitment. A child who has never been introduced to the scientific method or critical thinking techniques is ripe for brainwashing. He will more readily accept stories about being possessed by the spirits of space aliens or about being a descendent of shellfish, or believe that Dianetics can cure illnesses. Children raised in cults are also expected to support themselves at an early age, and Scientology is no exception. As little adults, they are expected to get jobs or work full time for the cult, so a formal education is not considered a necessity.

    After dropping out of school, Beck completed at least 13 Scientology courses between 1986 and 1989 under the name Bek or Beck Campbell. The list below was compiled from back issues of Celebrity magazine. Sometimes the magazine's listing are incomplete, and some older issues are still not available, so this may not be a complete list. The dates are the approximate publication dates of the magazines; the courses would have been taken within a few months before that date. (Note that at a time in his life when Beck said his family was too poor to afford a bar mitzvah, there was enough money available for him to take expensive Scientology courses.) An ex-Scientologist, in a post on the news group alt.religion.scientology on April 7, 2004 has suggested that Beck's family was living at the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles when Beck was a teenager.

    (Essentials of Dianetics 0, 2 & 3 are not listed but Beck would have had to complete them to move up to the next level.)
    ESSENTIALS OF DIANETICS 4, 5, 6, 11/86
    (as Bek Campbell)
    STUDENT HAT, 1/88
    PRO TRs, 10/89 (This is the infamous bull baiting class, that involves intense brainwashing to create the zombie-like disconnected behavior seen often in Scientologists and other cult victims)

    It appears that Beck may have drifted away from Scientology sometime after he took the Pro TRs course in 1989; his name didn't show up on any more published course completion lists, he did not appear on lists of donors for more than a decade, and the rumors that he was a Scientologist did not begin to circulate widely until the late nineties. The reason for this separation is not known. Perhaps as a high school dropout with nothing more than a series of minimum wage jobs, Beck simply could no longer afford to pay the steep fees. For a time Beck seems to have kept his father at a distance. He claimed, in some interviews, to barely have known his father, and professed ignorance of David's activities. Beck may have realized his father's public involvement in Scientology could be detrimental to the budding career of a folk/blues/alt rock singer.

    Beck went to New York with a girlfriend when he was about 18 (the age, as well as the year he went, has varied depending on the interview or article); he stayed, reportedly, about a year or possibly longer. During this time in New York City, Beck was encouraged by club owners to begin writing songs. He also spent time in Italy and Germany with his grandfather, artist Al Hansen, who was not a Scientologist. (Beck's maternal grandmother, Audrey Hansen, died in 1968.) In 1991 Beck returned to Los Angeles where he continued song writing and performing. Soon after his song "Loser" became a hit in 1993, Beck started using his mother's last name, Hansen, rather than his father's name, Campbell, by which he'd been known all his life, though it has widely (but incorrectly) been reported that the change was made when David and Bibbe divorced. Again, this change may have been instituted to blur the connection between Beck and his celebrity Scientologist father.

    In the mid 90's, Beck was in a relationship with Leigh Limon and touring with mostly non-Scientologists. Beck enjoyed a period of intense creativity including the writing and recording of the album Odelay. If Beck was mentioned in Celebrity magazine during this time period, his name was not bold-typed, as references to "on lines" members (such as his father) routinely are.

    Back to the fold...

    As Beck's popularity grew and his monetary worth climbed, there was probably intense pressure from within Scientology on his family and friends to get him back on lines. This may have begun in 1998, when Beck worked with his father on the recording of his album "Mutations."

    When Beck and Leigh suddenly broke up in 2000, the predominant gossip was that Leigh had been unfaithful to Beck (although later a gossip column would blame Scientology for the breakup). It was reported that when Beck showed up to evict Leigh from their house, he was accompanied by his attorney. After a short but highly publicized fling with Winona Ryder, Beck soon began to be spotted in the company of actress Marissa Ribisi, daughter of prominent Scientologists and a Scientologist herself.

    In interviews, Beck has often been contradictory and obfuscatory about his life, but now that he is firmly entrenched in Scientology, his life is even more shrouded in secrecy. He is difficult whenever interviewers ask about his personal life. During the years Beck and Leigh Limon were together, he mentioned her frequently in interviews, and in 1997, Beck expressed his love for Leigh in a very open interview with Rolling Stone magazine. In contrast, only recently has Beck publicly acknowledged his relationship with Marissa Ribisi; a report that they were married on April 4, 2004, was leaked to a gossip column. When she began appearing in public, visibly pregnant, different due dates were mentioned (by Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips and Parade magazine), but they passed with no news of the birth. Not until late August 2004 was it announced (on a radio show in the UK) that Beck and Marissa were the parents of a baby, named Cosimo Henri. No date of birth was given, but he was probably born in May or June '04. (The same radio show also said that Beck and Marissa were wed in June 2003.) It is easy to suspect that Beck refused to acknowledge his relationship with Ribisi for so long because her membership in the COS was well known to the public.

    In another odd twist, a Beck fan on the Internet posted in her "livejournal" that Truck Torrence, Beck's web master, had been instructed by Beck not to reveal when the baby was due or when he was born. Beck closed down the fans' bulletin board on his web site,, without explanation in May 2004. His journal entries ceased over a year ago.

    The marriage of Beck Hansen and Marissa Ribisi joined two families that had been involved in Scientology for years. David Campbell, an OT VI Solo NOTs auditor and one of the COS's most successful celebrities, and his wife, Raven Kane, are very active in the organization. Bibbe Hansen has attained the level of OT V, and her husband, Sean, and son, Channing, have completed some courses, as has Channing's young son, Aubrey. Like her parents, Marissa's brother, Giovanni, and sister, Gina, are long time Scientologists. Marissa herself attained the state of "Clear" in 2001.

    After years of ducking the issue of his participation in Scientology, Beck slowly began making his affiliation public. In early 2003, under his original name, Campbell, Beck was listed in the COS's Impact magazine as a "Sponsor for Total Freedom," signifying that he had made a $5,000 donation. This money goes into the so-called "IAS War Chest," the bulk of which is used to fund litigation, dirty tricks, and Scientology's most vicious and anti-social behavior. In March 2004, Beck played at a "benefit" at the Knitting Factory in LA, which was advertised as a fund raiser for the Los Feliz Mission "which helps fight illiteracy and substance abuse," though it was not announced that the Los Feliz Mission was a Scientology mission and the funds were being raised for its establishment. Beck also performed for fellow Scientologists at a Celebrity Centre event in August '04. As of the July 2004 issue the Celebrity magazine, Beck's name appeared in bold type ----official recognition that he is a member.

    Corin Nemec on Scientology

    I'm just starting out, taking my first courses - beginning with the Purification - and have found that the Tech. is endlessly workable and applicable to all of life's apparent difficulties, obstacles, and cross-roads. It is a Modern day and these times need Modern solutions to Modern problems. Scientology, to me, is it! There's nothing scary or mysterious about it. Grab a book, any book, and discover for yourself the truth that is Universal to us all.


    Corin Nemec
    Actor (The Stand, Stargate SG-1)

    ( )

    ( ... rities.htm)

    • Kirstie Alley, actress
    • Anne Archer, actress (her son, Tom Davis, runs the Los Angeles "Celebrity Centre")
    • James Barbour, Broadway actor
    • Lynsey Bartilson, actress
    • Catherine Bell, actress
    • Mary Bono, congresswoman
    • Sonny Bono, artist and congressman (claimed Catholicism on campaign biographies)
    • Sami Boukai, country music singer
    • Rufus Buck, folk singer
    • David Campbell, musician
    • Nancy Cartwright, voiceover artist, most famous as the voice of Bart Simpson <<<<
    • Sharon Case, actress
    • Kate Ceberano, actress and musician
    • Erika Christensen, actress
    • Chick Corea, musician <<<
    • Tom Cruise, actor (formerly Catholic, according to Parade)
    • Sky Dayton, founder and Chairman of the Board of EarthLink
    • Jason Dohring, actor
    • Jenna Elfman, actress, formerly Catholic, and her husband Bodhi, actor
    • David S. Freeman, writer, video game developer, and screenwriting teacher
    • Brent Graber, voice of 'Otis' in movie 'Milo and Otis'
    • Zachary Goertz, actor
    • Paul Haggis, director
    • Beck Hansen, musician
    • Isaac Hayes, musician, actor, and formerly voiceover artist ("Chef (South Park character)") <<<
    • Katie Holmes, actress, introduced to Scientology by fiance Tom Cruise
    • Nicky Hopkins, musician
    • Mark Isham, musician
    • Terry Jastrow, TV producer and director (married to Anne Archer)
    • Mike Joubert, Bronson Pinchot's voice coach
    • Cyprien Katsaris, musician
    • Chaka Khan, singer
    • Jarod Knoten, director
    • Jason Lee, actor and professional skateboarder
    • Paul Leland, magician
    • Geoffrey Lewis, actor
    • Johnny Lewis, actor
    • Juliette Lewis, actress
    • Peggy Lipton, actress
    • Christopher Masterson, actor
    • Danny Masterson, actor
    • Lisa McPherson, died at Fort Harrison Hotel
    • Peter Medak, director
    • Jim Meskimen, actor and improviser
    • Sofia Milos, actress (CSI: Miami)
    • Elisabeth Moss, actress
    • Floyd Mutrux, writer, director and producer
    • Haywood Nelson, actor
    • Corin Nemec, actor <<<
    • Marisol Nichols, actress
    • Judy Norton, actress and musician
    • Brandy Norwood, actress and singer
    • Eduardo Palomo, actor, and his wife Carina, actress and musician
    • Don Pearson, 'Management by Statistics' consultant
    • Michael Pena, actor
    • Bernadette Peters, actress and singer (source: Bergen Record 3/10/1985, may be an ex-member)
    • Jeff Pomerantz, actor and founder of Hollywood Says No to Drugs
    • Lisa Marie Presley, singer and daughter of Elvis
    • Priscilla Presley, actress and wife of Elvis
    • Kelly Preston, actress and John Travolta's wife
    • Leah Remini, actress
    • Giovanni Ribisi, actor
    • Marissa Ribisi, actress, wife of Beck Hansen, sister of Giovanni Ribisi.
    • Carina Ricco, singer, actress and composer
    • Michael D. Roberts, actor
    • Mimi Rogers, actress -- believed to not be active in the church anymore, but still holds the beliefs
    • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Congresswoman
    • Gloria Rusch-Novello, singer, writer and actress
    • Pablo Santos, actor
    • Meghan Schlinder, swimsuit model
    • Kristin Schwing, actress
    • Jeffrey Scott, writer for TV cartoons
    • Billy Sheehan, rock bassist
    • David Singer, chiropractor, 'Management by Statistics' consultant
    • Reed Slatkin, criminal ponzi scheme perpetrator
    • Michelle Stafford, actress
    • Ethan Suplee, actor
    • Patrick Swayze, actor
    • Greta Van Susteren, host of On the Record with Greta Van Susteren on FNC
    • John Travolta, actor
    • Josh Wiener, actor
    • Edgar Winter, musician
    • David Wittig, CEO
    • Bryan Zwan, founder of Digital Lightwave, inventor of fiber-optic testing equipment

    Former members

    • J. J. Abrams, Writer
    • Adi Da Samraj (a.k.a. Franklin Jones, Da Free John), religious guru (renounced Scientology after ca. one year)
    • John Brodie, football player
    • William S. Burroughs, author, Beat Generation icon (later denounced it)
    • Leonard Cohen, singer, songwriter (at New York Org in late 60s) <<<<<<<<<<
    • Werner Erhard, founder of EST
    • Emilio Estevez, actor (renounced and won't discuss it)
    • Soleil Moon Frye, actress
    • Philip Gale, MIT student and primary developer of EarthLink's innovative ISP software; committed suicide on Hubbard's birthday
    • Gloria Gaynor, singer (later renounced) <<<<<
    • Charles Manson, serial killer (professed Scientology in 1961, but critics claim he only read books in prison in the early 1960s) <<<<
    • Ricky Martin, singer (says he dabbled in it)
    • Van Morrison, singer, songwriter (renounced Scientology in the 1980s)
    • Lou Rawls, singer (renounced Scientology)
    • Melanie Safka, singer, songwriter (renounced Scientology)
    • Barbara Schwarz, former Scientologist claiming Hubbard parentage
    • Jerry Seinfeld, comedian
    • Oliver Stone, director (said involvement was finished after 4 months)
    • Sharon Stone, actress (reportedly now a convert to Buddhism)

  • Bueno, despues de esto he decidido pertenecer a esta secta. encima estan el Ribisi y la Stone…como parezco adolescente tal vez me violen!

  • @XAVIXAVI:hrz0j4oa:

    Bueno, despues de esto he decidido pertenecer a esta secta. encima estan el Ribisi y la Stone…como parezco adolescente tal vez me violen!

    …pués cómo te quedes embarazado no vas a poder ponerte ningún tipo de anestésia ni nada y no vas a poder gritar durante el parto…y una vez nazca la criatura no le vas a poder hablar durante las primeras semanas de su vida ni vas a poder acariciarle ni nada...según l@s cienciolog@s a l@s neonatos se les deve aislar para que se purifuquen

    ...creo que cada vez más les ódio

  • @Madam:


    Bueno, despues de esto he decidido pertenecer a esta secta. encima estan el Ribisi y la Stone…como parezco adolescente tal vez me violen!

    …pués cómo te quedes embarazado no vas a poder ponerte ningún tipo de anestésia ni nada y no vas a poder gritar durante el parto…y una vez nazca la criatura no le vas a poder hablar durante las primeras semanas de su vida ni vas a poder acariciarle ni nada...según l@s cienciolog@s a l@s neonatos se les deve aislar para que se purifuquen
    ...creo que cada vez más les ódio

    Un día en la biblioteca se me dio por leer cosas de la cienciologia y aguanté poco pq me estaba molestando. Harrison Ford no sé si sale a la lista, ahora mismo no lo veo, pero creo q tb estaba metido en el tema.

  • @Maurici:3fgjep72:

    :arrow: Un día en la biblioteca se me dio por leer cosas de la cienciologia y aguanté poco pq me estaba molestando. Harrison Ford no sé si sale a la lista, ahora mismo no lo veo, pero creo q tb estaba metido en el tema.

    …aunque a veces las religiones són necesàrias siempre llevan más problemas que ventajas a los "fieles" y viceversa para l@s creadores... TODAS las religiones són UNA SECTA!!

  • @Madam:


    :arrow: Un día en la biblioteca se me dio por leer cosas de la cienciologia y aguanté poco pq me estaba molestando. Harrison Ford no sé si sale a la lista, ahora mismo no lo veo, pero creo q tb estaba metido en el tema.

    …aunque a veces las religiones són necesàrias siempre llevan más problemas que ventajas a los "fieles" y viceversa para l@s creadores... TODAS las religiones són UNA SECTA!!

    Totalmente de acuerdo y juntamente con los desastres naturales, la guerras no religiosas y la destrucción del medio ambiente es una de los grandes males de la Tierra.

    Perdón si hay gente religiosa leyendo el foro, no pretendo ofender ya que es sólo una opinión.