
  • @Suarezmanlanz:3k3mgg2t:

    Pedazo festival que se están montando los del Colectivo Drone este año en Tenerife. Esta edición del CROMA no tiene desperdicio. Ojito:

    The Telescopes, Rechenzentrum, Amp y Markus Popp, tanto como Oval como So (proyecto con Eriko Toyoda) ... ntent.html

    Edito: Coño, esto debería haber ido en Festivales 2006

    The Telescopes?? Son los Telescopes de principios de los '90, que sacaron aquel trallazo de noise furibundo que se llamaba "Taste"?

    Y de ser así: De dónde salen ahora éstos?

  • @gRR!!:30s7iur0:

    The Telescopes?? Son los Telescopes de principios de los '90, que sacaron aquel trallazo de noise furibundo que se llamaba "Taste"?

    Y de ser así: De dónde salen ahora éstos?

    gRR!!, esos son.
    Sacado de su myspace:

    _After an 8 year void The Telescopes returned with a new album - Third Wave - in 2002 on NYC label Double Agent.

    The group then toured the UK and Italy improvising free drone noise pieces. A first glimpse could be heard on the Winter EP recorded for Hungry Audio. All Copies have now sold out.

    At the Audioscope festival in 2004 The Telescopes finished their set by drilling through gtr pickups. The Fourier Transform label have released a recording of the event as a ltd edition, hand numbered, blue vinyl split 10" single twinned with Vibracathedral Orchestra's magical performance at the same festival. All proceeds from the release will go to Shelter.

    Recent re issues on great labels such as Revola, Spaceage, Midsummer Madness and The Committee To Keep Music Evil have made some of their early recordings available to a new generation of ears, and prompted the NME to declare 'the genius of The Telescopes'.

    The Telescopes 4th album is OUT NOW on their own Antenna label. Despite incarceration, deportation, a motorway spin out.. the group are back in the studio mixing up the druidry following a recent UK tour with support from Experimental Audio Research._

  • Heh! Está claro que aquí, quien no se reúne, no mama

    Habrá que estar al tanto... aunque esto me da miedo:


    The group then toured the UK and Italy improvising free drone noise pieces.

    …y esto, pánico:


    …a recent UK tour with support from Experimental Audio Research.

  • @RX456:

    Death from Above 1979 se separan ... encia=7325

    bueno… una pena, pero mira, seguro que sacan proyectos nuevos

  • Bueno, ya lo he puesto por otro sitio, pero supongo que este lugar es más indicado…........

    Parece que VERUCA SALT sacarán un nuevo disco en septiembre…......... a ver si hay suerte y "sale bueno"

    September 2006 is when Sympathy Records is planning to release the next full length album by the band. Produced by Rae DiLeo, the album will feature 13 unheard new songs ("Closer", "Perfect Love") along with a few "older" favorites ("Blissful Queen", "Circular Trend").

    Más info –>

  • Joder con las bandas PS´06… Ahora se separan DEADLY SNAKES: ... s_Break_Up

  • @Breed:9i983ml3:

    Joder con las bandas PS´06… Ahora se separan DEADLY SNAKES: ... s_Break_Up

    ya se juntaran dentro de 20 años "por demanda popular" como está ocurriendo ahora

  • Concierto entero de hace una semana de Wilco. Calidad de sonido excelente y bastantes temas nuevos. Lástima que no se pueda bajar.

  • @Harry_Powell:uejzrqu0:

    Concierto entero de hace una semana de Wilco. Calidad de sonido excelente y bastantes temas nuevos. Lástima que no se pueda bajar.

    Siempre se puede grabar, que programas para eso, haylos…y luego editar....el caso es que yo soy un patoso...pero ahi dejo la solucion

  • @jackster:2g502y69:


    Concierto entero de hace una semana de Wilco. Calidad de sonido excelente y bastantes temas nuevos. Lástima que no se pueda bajar.

    Siempre se puede grabar, que programas para eso, haylos…y luego editar....el caso es que yo soy un patoso...pero ahi dejo la solucion

    alguno que no sea patoso… estoy escuchando el concierto y lo quiero en cd... que bonito...

    Gracias Harry

    Lo de deadly snakes para mi es un putadon... me los dejé perder por algo que hacían en el auditorio (cre que para hacer cola) pensando que volverían...

  • @hansen:1kua97fn:

    Lo de deadly snakes para mi es un putadon… me los dejé perder por algo que hacían en el auditorio (cre que para hacer cola) pensando que volverían...

    Hansen, no te tortures: Deadly Snakes tocaron a las 19.30h, a la misma hora que Shellac -seguramente estarías allí, por tanto-. Aunque joda la separación, no queda lugar posible para el arrepentimiento en este caso…

  • @Breed:hbizfvp3:


    Lo de deadly snakes para mi es un putadon… me los dejé perder por algo que hacían en el auditorio (cre que para hacer cola) pensando que volverían...

    Hansen, no te tortures: Deadly Snakes tocaron a las 19.30h, a la misma hora que Shellac -seguramente estarías allí, por tanto-. Aunque joda la separación, no queda lugar posible para el arrepentimiento en este caso…

    Gracias… no recordaba con que se solapaba pero estaba seguro que yo estaba en el auditori... no sabía que ir a ver y no se... me dejé llebar por los comentarias las grandes expectativas que se habían puesto... y no me arrepiento haber elegido de shellac pero no se... ahora sabiendo que se separan los otros... como que da rabia... es lo que tiene tener que elegir una cosa u otra. Pero nada... luego lees comentarios como el de RX456 Seed y me da un poco de rabia

  • Ya….... pero es que el de Shellac, también fue I-RRE-PE-TI-BLE............. yo que tú no me arrepentiría (por mucho que joda lo de Deadly Snakes)...... no los viste por una razón de peso.... de muuuuuucho peso

  • Pues sí, el de shellac fue irrepeible, pero yo no me arepiento para nada de ver a los deadly…el concierto no mató(me encontraba fatal y lo vi tumbado en la hierba), pero hacia el final los tios se soltaron y uno acabó encima de la especie de piano que llevaban.No se como se llama.Uno que es paleto de la muerte. Aun así, nada de ralladas.Seguro que el de shellac fue mucho mejor.

  • Esto tiene una pinta tremenda: disco de "remezclas" (o más bien reinterpretaciones) de Stars.

    Su último trabajo, Set Yourself On Fire´ (2004)_ verá de nuevo la luz este otoño bajo el título _Do You Trust Your Friends?´ con recreaciones a cargo de bandas como Broken Social Scene, Metric, The Dears, The Elected o Junior Boys, entre otros. ... stars.html

    Y más de remixes interesantes, en este caso sobre (los eternamente deseados por aquí) Architecture In Helsinki: ... ixed#37807

    Architecture in Helsinki Tour, Get Remixed

    In case we die, we'd better have a bunch of artists lined up to remix us and keep the legend going. Architecture in Helsinki will release a tour-only remix album, We Died: They Remixed, featuring reworked versions of tracks from their 2005 album In Case We Die by Hot Chip, Mocky, Safety Scissors, Squeak E Clean, DJ Medhi, Dat Politics, Isan, and more.

    And a tour-only album means a tour, duh. AIH will hit the road with the Blow and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah in September. Dates below.

    The band has already started to work on its third full length. The title is in the works, but it is slated for a 2007 release. Both tracks from the new record and a bunch of covers will be played on the road.

    Pues nada, si hay álbum que presentar en 2007, ya sabemos dónde les queremos…

  • Andad y chupáos esta, descreídos: un 8,4 en el Pitchfork para los de Barcelona. Y es que quién dijo malos???????? No tenéis ni papa de pop (er).

    I'm From Barcelona
    Let Me Introduce My Friends
    [Dolores; 2006]
    Rating: 8.4

    Two months ago, nearly 100 acts played the sixth annual Primavera Sound festival, in Barcelona. Among them were Animal Collective, Deerhoof, Lou Reed, Sleater-Kinney, Television Personalities, Yo La Tengo, and a 29-member pop collective that claim to call the Catalan city its home. Of course, Barcelona has had its share of visitors– from the Romans, Moors, Franks and 1992 Olympians to new Raven-Symone jawn The Cheetah Girls 2: When in Spain-- but this time, it really is just a clever name: I'm From Barcelona hail from Jönköping, Sweden. Principal songwriter Emanuel Lundgren is a redhead. "This one is for you, and for you only," he told the crowd at the fest, who were soon chanting like Barça faithful at the Camp Nuo.

    Lundgren's cajoling conveys an intimacy that has always been essential to indie pop. In the mid-1990s, casually recorded tapes and seven-inch singles made listening to Tullycraft or the Softies feel like a private conversation, while the music's girly prettiness deterred the "Stairway to Heaven"-weaned. On early 2006 EP Don't Give Up on Your Dreams, Buddy! and now with debut full-length Let Me Introduce My Friends, I'm From Barcelona prefer to imagine grand indie pop symphonies, replacing the tape hiss and squeaky guitars of previous decades with multi-part harmonies, strings, horns, banjo, accordion, and kazoos-- while still scaring off anybody who gets carsick from precious songs about chicken pox and tree houses. Rather than superficial gestures of authenticity, I'm From Barcelona's cola-commercial chorale extends an invitation: One of these voices could be yours.

    The voice at the center of these vivid arrangements is Lundgren's, a matter-of-fact salutation just on the square side from Beck's hipster deadpan. With the slightest trace of a Swedish accent, it's an everydude delivery well suited for light-hearted songs about everydude stuff like tape recorders, sleeping too late, and uh stamp-collecting; the lyrics are simple, but nearly always manage to find something transcendent in the mundane. Midtempo "Chicken Pox" applies the lesson of childhood illness to love: "Can't have it once you've had it," while "Rec & Play" makes its eponymous buttons the center of a multi-voice metaphor about capturing the moment. "This will be my favorite song," Lundgren beams. Fellow Swede and recent Sub Pop signee Loney, Dear lends his falsetto to "This Boy", battling Boy Least Likely To-like against maturity: "There's always gonna be this little boy inside of me/ And there's always gonna be this little girl inside of me."

    The group's size makes the white-robed hordes of Polyphonic Spree an obvious comparison, but I'm From Barcelona's taut songwriting renders their numbers largely incidental-- these songs were meant to be shared by many voices. The multifarious instrumentation comes off as necessary, not schizophrenic, something like what you might expect from Beulah if they were Swedes. And at less than 38 minutes, Let Me Introduce Your Friends is too short for the lavishness to wear thin. In fact, I'm From Barcelona are at their best in their long farewells, from the end of modestly utopian "Treehouse"-- which impossibly bends and branches off in new directions as the choir basically just repeats, "I will build a treehouse"-- to the apparently Swedish-language hidden track. "We never wanna say goodbye," I'm From Barcelona cheer on the penultimate song, "Barcelona Loves You".

    Anyway, why Barcelona? Why not Barcelona, the la-la chorus, familiar vocal abundance, and slight ska feel all seem to ask on "We're From Barcelona", far and away the album's best song. I'm From Barcelona explain, in their slightly skewed way: "I'm gonna sing this song with all of my friends/ And we're all from Barcelona/ Love is a feeling that we don't understand/ But we're gonna give it to ya." Like "Treehouse", it's about a "perfect place," but the choice of place itself may as well be arbitrary-- just, Barcelona, man, all right? Pop music, particularly the indie variety, has always been about belonging, yet there is always so much conflict over who belongs where. I'm From Barcelona are the band that wrote the song that could make Israel and Hezbollah get along-- don't these folks realize we're all from Barcelona? We bring them love! Next up, global warming.

    -Marc Hogan, August 09, 2006

  • Desde cuando pitchfork es de fíar?