
  • De

    _Portishead, MGMT y Rufus Wainwright acuden a Barcelona

    Llega el Primavera Sound, el primero de los macrofestivales estivales. Apostando por la combinación entre los orígenes de la música más independiente en sus diversas vertientes y por nuevas bandas pelotazo, esta séptima edición presenta un cartel de más de 100 grupos.

    Portishead, Devo, Eric's Trip, Cat Power, Rufus Wainwright o MGMT, son sólo algunos de los más de 100 artistas que este fin de semana pasarán por el Parc del Fòrum de Barcelona. Banda estrella es el trío de Brighton Portishead, que tras 10 años regresa con Third: más halo de misterio y trip hop para los pioneros de este sonido.

    Al grupo de Beth Gibbons y Geoff Barrow se le sumarán inevitables clásicos del punk, del rock o del folk más autónomo. La new wave continúa estridente en los 2000 de la mano de Devo, que repiten. Mission of Burma, Eric's trip o The Felice Brothers. Sin atreverse a dejar de tocar todos los palos, entran en cartel los inigualables Public Enemy y Simian Mobile Disco o admiradas voces femeninas como la de Cat Power y la prometedora Russian Red, una mina recién descubierta.

    Y para descubrimientos recientes una de afro-pop para masas. Aún no conocerás a nadie que haya escuchado el debut de Vampire Weekend y no se haya entusiasmado. Prometen un exquisito directo, al igual que diversión que pueden llegar a destilar The Go Team! o The Cribs.

    Los abonos para el Primavera Sound se pueden adquirir por 140 euros (más gastos de distribución, 150 euros en taquilla) hasta el mismo día del festival. Las entradas de día cuestan 65 euros (70 en taquilla)._

    EDITO: no se han matado nada con el artículo

  • Ayer el PS estaba en la primera plana de , con foto de Portisjez incluida.

  • repe

  • Ayer en PachaTv hicierón un especial Primaverasound con videos de los grupos que tocan este finde…

  • Atencion usuarios de Oink y similares :

    Police Arresting OiNK Users
    A user of the former torrent tracking service was arrested in Cheshire, England, according to TorrentFreak. The unidentified man uploaded a single album's worth of material onto the pirate network, according the pro-torrent website.

    British police raided the home of OiNK's operator, arresting him on charges of criminal copyright infringement in October. It is unclear if criminal proceedings will continue against more users.


    Kurt Cobain's ashes have apparently been stolen.

    According to the News Of The World, the Nirvana frontman's remains – the location of which has previously been kept secret – were taken from the Los Angeles home of his widow Courtney Love.

    The ashes were said to have been kept in a "pink teddy bear-shaped bag along with a lock of his hair" and were taken with some jewellery and clothes.

    Love is quoted by the paper as saying: "I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do."

    Some of the Nirvana frontman's ashes were previously scattered near his home in Washington State and some at a New York Buddhist temple, with his widow retaining the rest.

    She added: "They were all I had left of my husband. I used to take them everywhere with me just so I could feel Kurt was still with me. Now it feels like I have lost him all over again."

    Jodida Courtney…Dentro de poco estaran a la venta en e-bay por una millonada.

  • Fotos del PS'08 en el pichafolk

  • @Moz:3eo64o6f:

    Atencion usuarios de Oink y similares :

    Police Arresting OiNK Users
    A user of the former torrent tracking service was arrested in Cheshire, England, according to TorrentFreak. The unidentified man uploaded a single album's worth of material onto the pirate network, according the pro-torrent website.

    British police raided the home of OiNK's operator, arresting him on charges of criminal copyright infringement in October. It is unclear if criminal proceedings will continue against more users.

    Ya me veo a Trent reznor y Rob Sheridan huyendo de L.A.

  • A los chavales "emos" les corren a hostias en Mexico.
    Punks, Skins,Goths,jevis…. todos a por parto. ... -spre.html

  • El próximo 7 de octubre, Kill Rock Stars editará en Estados Unidos el nuevo trabajo de Deerhoof, que llevará por título Offend Maggie

  • Los grandisimos GIANT SAND vuelven a la carga!

    Giant Sand Comes Out of Hibernation
    Jun 05, 2008

    After four years of laying low, Giant Sand will return this autumn.

    The Americana act's Provisions is scheduled for a Sept. 2 release from Yep Roc Records. To help with the creation of the album, front man Howe Gelb tapped Isobell Campbell, Neko Case and M. Ward for contributions to the cause. It's the band's first album since 2004's … Is All Over ... the Map.

  • Las discográficas denuncian por primera vez en España a un creador de software p2p EROSKI Consumer - viernes, 6 de junio, 06.59

    Promusicae, la asociación que aglutina a la mayoría de las discográficas españolas, y las multinacionales Universal, Sony-BMG, Warner y EMI han presentado una demanda contra Pablo Soto Bravo en la que le reclaman 13 millones de euros por crear las páginas web Blubster, Piolet y Manolito. Estas páginas proporcionan programas P2P ("punto por punto") para el intercambio de música entre particulares.

    Se trata de la primera denuncia que se presenta en España contra un creador de software. El motivo, según los demandantes, es que Soto desarrolló sus aplicaciones informáticas "con evidente ánimo de lucro" y con "una conducta parasitaria" para obtener provecho de la obra de otros. Las discográficas señalan que, tras un "cálculo conservador", los perjuicios originados se elevarían a la citada cantidad que reclaman, y exigen además la clausura de los tres portales.

    Las tres redes P2P creadas por Soto se engloban en la plataforma ManolitoP2P (MP2P) y están concebidas para el intercambio de música. La media de usuarios conectados simultáneamente a estas páginas ha rondado en los últimos meses las 235.000 personas.

    Pablo Soto se defiende aduciendo que su compañía MP2P Technologies es una empresa "normal", con domicilio legal en Madrid. La firma, que opera desde el año 2000, "genera ingresos como cualquier otra". La única diferencia, dice, es que el software que han desarrollado "permite el movimiento de archivos digitales a través de Internet con una facilidad que no había antes".

    El programador explica que su software es "una herramienta que sirve para intercambiar archivos de música entre particulares de forma sencilla" y a la que se le pueden dar "diferentes usos" de los que, a su juicio, no se puede culpar al creador. Soto lamenta que las discográficas en lugar de abrazar la tecnología, elijan un camino "que les llevará a su propio final".

  • PORTISHEAD estan preparando nuevo disco!

    Exclusive: Portishead Ready To Start On New Album

    It may have taken Portishead over ten years to follow-up their last record with the recent 'Third' but that does not, as Geoff Barrows told Xfm, mean they're going to wait around that long for the next one.Having just finished their recent comeback tour after a decade-long hiatus, Portishead are raring to get going on their next projects.

    "It's time for us now to stop, regroup and make another record", Barrows told Xfm, adding that the band wouldn't be playing any more live dates this year.

    "It certainly won't be another ten years until our next album, I'd be 142 years old!" he continued.

    "As long as it still feels right and we still want to work together and we're all getting out of it want we need to be creatively happy, then yeah, I don't see why we wouldn't keep going now. We need to sit down, we haven't done that properly for nearly a year."

    It's not just Portishead that the band are focussing on thanks to a heap of solo projects also on the go:

    "Beth [Gibbons] has just finished a soundtrack for a film, Adrian [Utley] has got his own projects too and I'm doing a hip hop project called Quakers, which is a load of mates online just chucking stuff at stuff…I really wanted to make a hip hop record before I'm forty!"

    Turning to their next single, 'The Rip', (which as always, Beth Gibbons wrote the lyrics for) Barrows admitted he couldn't really shed much light as to what it's about:

    "From working with Beth so long you can take what she says on so many levels. I see a personal level and a human, worldwide level. When she talks about herself I wonder if she's talking about her frustrations with the whole human race - the inability to communicate properly, human conditioning.

    "'The Rip' was called 'The Mystic' orginally but I suggested 'The Rip' as a name because its one of those things in the sea which can suck you under if there's a strong current."

    Portishead's next single 'The Rip' is out on June 9.

    Their current album 'Third' is out now.

  • Multan a un brasileño por conducir a 880 kilómetros hora

    Intenta recurrir la multa desde el año 2006, alegando que es imposible alcanzar esa velocidad, pero no se lo permiten.

    La Policía brasileña multó a un hombre por conducir un automóvil a 880 kilómetros por hora y no aceptó el recurso que presentó al alegar que es imposible alcanzar esa velocidad, informaron hoy medios locales.
    El ingeniero Rafael Andrade intenta recurrir desde 2006 la multa de 127 reales (unos 78 dólares al cambio actual) que le impusieron porque un radar captó su coche, un popular Volkswagen Mil con motor 1.0 y 65 caballos, a una velocidad típica de aviones, informó el portal Terra.
    La infracción también le supuso a Andrade una penalización con 5 puntos en su permiso de conducir, por esta falta considerada como grave.
    En Brasil, si se acumulan 20 puntos de penalizaciones por infracciones de tráfico en el período de un año, las autoridades retiran el carné de forma provisional.
    «El problema es que no quieren reconocer que se equivocaron», espetó Andrade con indignación, que no se explica cómo el departamento de tráfico volvió a rechazar esta semana su recurso, basado en documentos que demuestran que su coche no puede alcanzar la velocidad que registró el radar.
    «No sé cómo lo voy a comprobar», lamentó el dueño del vehículo.
    Rafael también relató que está intentando vender el vehículo y tiene que soportar bromas de personas que le preguntan en internet si es muy elevado el consumo del vehículo a los 880 kilómetros hora.

  • En el pichafolk pone esto sobre NIN :

    Trent Reznor Planning NIN Year Zero TV Series

    Looks like the transmedia onslaught surrounding Nine Inch Nails' 2007 LP Year Zero (only the fourth-most-recent NIN release, believe it or not) won't stop with that crazy alternate reality game.

    As noted in a recent New York Times report, Trent Reznor has his eye on creating a cable television series to "tell the entire [Year Zero] story." Quentin Tarantino's producer buddy Lawrence Bender joins Reznor in the endeavor, but that's all we know of it for now. The NIN man was previously rumored to be considering a Year Zero feature film project, but we suppose he's shelved that so as not to spread himself too thin. Or maybe he doesn't want to put all his eggs in one basket? So many adages to choose from!

    While the Times had Trent around, they also took a peek at what the forthcoming Nine Inch Nails "Lights in the Sky" tour with all those rad opening bands may have to offer. Reznor is working with Montreal-based production company Moment Factory on what sounds like a pretty mind-blowing stage setup. Spectacles discussed include "three giant video screens" and "disorienting effects," including some kind of moving video frame that can alter the sound of an instrument as it passes over. Nutty! As Reznor puts it, "What I'm trying to do is use the stage as an interactive instrument. I'm in the world of science fiction now."

    And if you're wondering what said tour and said rad opening acts have to offer musically, look no further than the free five-song Lights in the Sky mp3 tour sampler Mr. Reznor recently posted to the NIN site. In addition to a Nails cut off The Slip and hot joints from Deerhunter, Crystal Castles, A Place to Bury Strangers, and Does It Offend You, Yeah? (including a couple Forkcast favorites), the Lights sampler also packs in artwork and enticing "digital extras." DRM-free too! All for the price of your e-privacy.

    Nine Inch Nails hit the road beginning July 25. [MORE…]

  • entrevista a Morente a en Público: ... te/picasso

  • Cutting Pink With Knives se separan.
    Su ultimo disco fue decepcionante, era algo asi como la version MTV de sus discos anteriores, pero sus dos primeros discos (sobre todo Oh Wow!) eran enormes. Van a hacer unas cuantas fechas de despedida que, como era de esperar, no pasan por España. Una pena.

  • Creo que no se ha posteado esto:

    BATCAT EP (front sleeve, above) :

    Matador will be releasing a new Mogwai EP on September 9 (12″ vinyl and download), with UK/EU release coming a day earlier via Wall Of Sound and PIAS Recordings respectively. The selections will include :

    1 - Batcat
    2 - Stupid Prick Gets Chased By The Police And Loses His Slut Girlfriend
    3 - Devil Rides

    “Batcat” is featured on the forthcoming new album, ‘The Hawk Is Howling’ (LP/CD), front cover shown above) which is due out on September 23. “Devil Rides” features vocals by Roky Erickson. “Batcat” and “Stupid Prick….” were both recorded by Andy Miller at Chem 19 and mixed by Gareth Jones at Castle Of Doom. Devil Rides was recorded by Tony Doogan at Castle of Doom with Roky’s vocal recorded at Wire Recording by Stuart Sullivan and mixed by Gareth Jones at Castle Of Doom.

    La portada y los títulos me dan miedo… :S

  • el batería del canto de loco ha dejado el grupo, se rumorea que lo podría substituir Paulina Rubio.

  • administrators

    comenzará carrera en solitario no? menudo carisma tiene el tio