
  • en lo referente a la reedición de los primeros álbumes de Jesus and Mary Chain, a mí me deja un poco ni frío ni caliente… en primer lugar porque los videoclips que incluyen los cds ya los sacaron por ahí el '88 o '89 en vhs y de los nuevos que añaden tampoco son temas de su época buena (de hecho cuando vinieron en el '92 a Zeleste ya iban claramente de capacaida)... y tampoco se han currado caras B (que las hay y buenas) de su época '84-'89... suerte que el soulseek hace maravillas...
    yo después de más de 15 años aun tengo la espina clavada por haberme vendido como un gilipollas una de las primeras ediciones en CD del Psychocandy (comprada en el Lolita de Perpinyà -¿aun existe?-) donde había 14 temas sin el añadido de "some candy talking" (grandisssssima canción por otro lado) por la edición de 15 temas... lo sé, gilipolleces mías...
    si no habeis visto los videoclips estos, son buenisimos... yo creo que marcaron y mucho en todo lo referente a estética after-punk sin querer ser pretensiosos, que fue lo bueno... o eso siempre he creido yo... Jim and William a vuestros pies...
    por cierto, alguien ha comentado por aquí no sé qué de Jim Reid y sus Freeheat... yo solo tengo un EP con 4 o 5 temas bastante malos o mas de lo mismo, vaya... se vuelven a poner en activo quizás?
    coño! pero si han sacado un disco... let me see...

  • …ya se puede ver en el youtube el vídeo de "The Maker Makes" de Rufus Wainwright (con entrevista prèvia y escenas Brokeback Mountain entremédio)

    ...y respecto a la biopic de Janis directora Penelope Spheeris parece ser que finalmente se inclinarà por Nikka Costa para hacer de protagonista...y especula que Janis podría haberse suicidado

    "Did Janis Joplin Kill herself"

    Reports are now saying that tragic rocker Janis Joplin may have killed herself instead of overdosing on heroin.

    The 1960's rocker was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol right up unto her death.

    One of Janis's friends and writer of one of her best song's remember her saying "If thing's don't get better for me I'll just kill myself on heroin"

    These reports come at a time when Biopic about Janis life (The Gospel according to Janis) is set to start filming this year. The director of the movie Penelope Spheeris is set to be casting singer/songwriter Nikka Costa as Janis in the new movie.

    Nikka Costa (born: June 4, 1972)

  • Johnny Cash

    Me acabo de enterar que habrá disco póstumo de Mr. Cash, la quinta parte de la serie "American Recordings":
    LOS ANGELES, CA – MONDAY, May 1, 2006 -- In the months leading up to his passing on September 12, 2003, JOHNNY CASH had been recording new material with producer Rick Rubin. On July 4, 2006, "American V: A Hundred Highways," the all-new Johnny Cash album taken from those sessions, will be released on the American Recordings label through Lost Highway. It will include the last song Cash ever wrote.

    The songs that comprise "American V: A Hundred Highways" are as eclectic an assortment as any on the previous albums in the American series: "Help Me," a poignant plea to God, the hauntingly beautiful ballad "If You Could Read My Mind," "God's Gonna Cut You Down," a traditional spiritual, the touching "Love's Been Good To Me," the heartrending "On The Evening Train," and "Further On (Up the Road)" are among the tracks on the new album. Songwriters for the tracks run the gamut from Hank Williams to Rod McKuen to Bruce Springsteen.

    In addition, two original Cash compositions are featured, "Like the 309" and "I Came to Believe." "Like the 309" is the last song Cash wrote and, like his first recorded single, 1955's "Hey Porter," is a song that incorporates one of his favorite settings, trains: "Everybody take a look/See I'm doin' fine/Then load my box/On the 309." "I Came to Believe" is a song he wrote and originally recorded earlier in his career, and addresses the pain of addiction and connecting to a higher power.

    "I think that 'American V' may be my favorite of all of the albums in the American series," said Rubin. "It's different from the others, it has a much different character. I think that this is as strong an album as Johnny ever made."

    The months following the May, 2004 passing of his wife June Carter Cash, were among the most physically and emotionally painful times in Cash's life, but keeping focused on the recording of "American V: A Hundred Highways" proved to be his salvation. Rubin remembers, "Johnny said that recording was his main reason for being alive, and I think it was the only thing that kept him going, the only thing he had to look forward to."

    Cash and Rubin began recording the songs that would find their way onto "American V: A Hundred Highways" in 2002, specifically on the day after they finished "American IV: The Man Comes Around" which was released that November. Johnny feared that "American IV" might be his last release, so Rubin suggested that he immediately begin writing and recording new material. Over the next eight months, songs were cut at Rubin's Los Angeles studio and in Nashville at Johnny's main home and at his fabled cabin located across the road. Due to Cash's frail health, Rubin arranged for an engineer and guitar players to always be on call for the days that Cash felt strong enough to work.

    "He always wanted to work," said Rubin. "Every morning when he'd wake up, he would call the engineer and tell him if he was physically up to working that day. Our main concern was to get a great vocal performance. Johnny would record a song, send it to me and I would build a new track up under it. In the past, at the end of this process, he'd come to L.A. And we'd go through everything together, he would re-record any vocal bits that needed re-recording. But this time, we didn't have that opportunity."

    Last year, Rubin began going through these final recordings. He admitted, "I kind of dreaded doing it, after Johnny passed, going back and listening to was difficult.

    "With all of the albums Johnny and I made together, our goal was for each one to be the best it could possibly be, and that remained the case with 'American V,'" Rick explained. Eventually, Cash's long-time engineer David "Fergie" Ferguson, Heartbreakers Mike Campbell (guitars) and Benmont Tench (keyboards), and Smokey Hormel (guitars), all of whom had worked on previous albums in the American series, along with Matt Sweeney (guitars) and Johnny Polonsky (guitars) went into the studio.

    "We felt Johnny's presence during the whole process through to the end," said Rubin. "It felt like he was directing the proceedings, and I know that the musicians all felt that as well. Almost all of the songs were cut solely to Johnny's original vocal tracks, the musicians all keyed off his voice and were playing to him, supporting the emotion of his performance. More than once, Fergie and I would look at each other and say 'Johnny would love this,' because it was so good and so different from anything we'd done before, we knew he would be excited by what was happening."

    It was decided to wait to release "American V: A Hundred Highways" until the recent Cash hubbub had run its course. What separates this album from the re-packages, compilations, movie soundtracks and everything else that has surfaced since Johnny's passing is, according to Rubin, "These songs are Johnny's final statement. They are the truest reflection of the music that was central to his life at the time. This is the music that Johnny wanted us to hear."_

  • Buena noticia lo de Cash. A ver que tal esta ….

  • Pues para mi es una buena noticia. Vale que es sacar dinero del muerto, pero si es un disco en el que estuvo trabajando, temas nuevos y no una enesima grabacion, supongo que Johnny Cash queria que se editara estuviera vivo o muerto. Si tiene la calida de los anteriores American Recordings seguro que lo disfruto un monton.

  • A mi lo unico que me da miedo es que se haya manoseado su obra. No seria la primera vez que se fuerza la obra de un artista difunto para extraer canciones.

    Cosey will be attending the forthcoming Tate Triennial 2006 Symposium: New British Art.
    There will also be a rare presentation of Cosey's acclaimed 2003 film CONFESSIONS PROJECTED.
    The speakers include Beatrix Ruf, Sturtevant, TJ Demos, Ken Russell, Amelia Jones, Jan Verwoert,
    Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Olivia Plender.
    The symposium takes place at Tate Britain, Milbank. London on Friday 5 May 2006, 10.00–17.30.
    Advance booking is required to attend. There will also be a live webcast of the event.
    Further details, including a full programme and list of participants can be found via these links:
    Tate Triennial Symposium webpage | | Tate Triennial Symposium live WEBCAST link

    As promised the entire Conspiracy International (CTI) back-catalogue is at last available in download form.
    Initially the catalogue will be offered through iTunes and Emusic but access via other download sites will
    also be available very soon.
    This is a vast catalogue covering some 25 years, 32 albums, 10 EPs and literally hundreds of tracks.
    We have no direct control over the availability schedule, however all the CTI back-catalogue will be available
    to download during the coming weeks, including rare and previously deleted albums and tracks.
    One of the first albums to be available is a new Chris & Cosey compilation: Collected Works 1981-2000.
    The 'Collected Works' album features requested, deleted and hard to find C&C tracks from the last 19 years.
    This album is only available in download form and will not be sold in record stores.
    Solo albums by Cosey Fanni Tutti and Chris Carter are also now available to download.

    Later in 2006 we will be releasing more exclusive 'download only' tracks, including remixes,
    new material and possibly further archive songs.

    Click this link to EMUSIC.COM for CTI releases available to download now.

    Or use these iTunes links to releases currently available:
    Carter Tutti tracks & albums
    Chris & Cosey tracks & albums
    CTI tracks & albums
    CoseyFanni Tutti tracks & albums
    Chris Carter tracks & albums
    If these links do not work search iTunes for: Carter Tutti or Chris & Cosey or CTI etc.

    We are in the final stages of confirming a Carter Tutti performance in Europe for November.
    Full details will be in the next newsletter and on the Carter Tutti website as soon as we have them.


    En mayo sale a la calle el nuevo disco de Woven Hand, 'Mosaic'. Pascal Humbert, bajo de 16 Horsepower, se incorpora al proyecto, así que ya tenemos dos tercios juntos de nuevo. Es decir, 2/3 de 16 = 10,666… Horsepower.

  • Supongo que este ya lo tienes controlado korkobate innovate, pero no está de más volver a recomendar uno de los discos de 2006.

  • Pues va a ser que no, Mr. Cimbrel. Por internet sólo conseguí bajarme una canción ("Don't Love The Liar"), que te hace cogerle unas ganas al disco tremendas. Como lo recomiendas con énfasis, y como la cosa siga así, cuando vaya a la capital me lo compro.

  • El 20 de mayo es la fecha en la que se pondrá en circulación Let’s Rock Again, un filme de más de una hora de duración rodado durante la gira que Joe Strummer y The Mescaleros realizaron por América y Japón para presentar su segundo trabajo, Global Go-Go. El documental fue rodado en los últimos dieciocho meses antes de la muerte de Strummer, acaecida el 22 de diciembre de 2002.

    El film incluye grabaciones inéditas del backstage, entrevistas personales y revisiones en directo de clásicos de The Clash junto a nuevas canciones de The Mescaleros.

  • Hoy a las 11 de la noche en Silenci se estrena el anuncio del PS…

    lo pone en la sección de noticias

  • me apetece mucho ver el anuncio, pero para nada ese programa…

  • pos yo antes era un fan fatal de este programa… bueno era lo unico que miraba... y hoy si puedo lo veré, tengo ganas de ver lo que cuentan del PS y sí, de ver el anuncio y salir de dudas, escuchar la banda sonora...

  • no se si lo seguiran haciendo, pero tambien hacian un programa de decoración trendie (3er 3ª creo que se llamaba) que era uno de los momentos más jocosos en mi casa de 45 metros cuadrados.

  • creo que ya no lo hacen. Eran casi los mismos del silenci, y en mas de una ocasion los protagonistas eran miembros del equipo tecnico del programa.

  • @poppie:a7buv1io:

    Hoy a las 11 de la noche en Silenci se estrena el anuncio del PS…

    lo pone en la sección de noticias

    Cómo chanan esos nombres del cartel superpuestos sobre la ciudad de barcelona, a lo habitación del pánico, con esos fantásticos títulos de crédito sobre nyc.

    ¡Fincher!, ¡¿para cuándo Zodiac?!

  • espero que también pongan el nombre de MOTÖRHEAD, jeje

  • Pues yo vivo a medio camino de Flaming Lips y Yo La tengo, a la altura de los Surfin'.

  • ¿Alguien tiene información del "Live Forever" del Sputnik de esta noche?¿Es la segunda parte?