Próximos Conciertos 2008\. ANUNCIOS EN ESTE HILO.

  • @Pelukini:3hb1z4lr:

    19 Mayo en el Museo Reina Sofia (MADRID)

    Kronos Quartet
    Con Con obras de Joe Meek, John Zorn, John Adams, Amon Tobin, Clint Mansell, etc

    Ojo a esto que tiene muy buena pinta, para los madrileños, es que veo que no se suele poner la programación de la casa encendida (que paso con murcof eh?, koan, jeje) está de puta madre y a precio amigo

    ¿Los límites de la composición?

    La semana del 10 al 16 de marzo de 2008, vamos a reunir a cinco grandes figuras de la música contemporánea de nuestro tiempo. La Casa Encendida acogerá en una serie de conciertos y mesas redondas a Terry Riley, Christian Wolff, Alvin Lucier, Alvin Curran y Gordon Mumma y la obra de Cornelius Cardew, ellos conforman el núcleo sustancial vivo de la gran generación -surgida bajo la influencia de John Cage- del primer minimalismo experimental. ... 16,00.html

    Me muero de ganas de ver como adaptan Kronos Quartet "The Night Of The Vampire" de Joe Meek. Alli estare fijo.

    Y el martes en Terry Riley si no se agotan las entradas en 5 minutos, como viene siendo costumbre en la casa encendida.

  • he visto que Rilley toca el martes con Stefano Scodanibbio. No os lo perdais, es todo un espectáculo y un gran compositor.

  • @ambrosiosanchez:12bouqa7:

    4 de abril.
    TEATRO CENTRAL c/Jose de Galvez s/n (Isla de la Cartuja),
    Sevilla - SEVILLA

    se confirman los rumores. ¡del carajo!

  • Killing Joke

    Martes 16 de septiembre de 2008 – Sala Heineken – Madrid
    Jueves 18 de septiembre de 2008 – Sala Apolo – Barcelona

  • Por si hay algún interesado :


  • @bme:3xdmgisi:

    Killing Joke

    Martes 16 de septiembre de 2008 – Sala Heineken – Madrid
    Jueves 18 de septiembre de 2008 – Sala Apolo – Barcelona

    Killing Joke con nuevo disco:



    Finally, after numerous line-up changes through the years, all original Killing Joke members reunite for new album and world tour.

    Drummer, Paul Ferguson, rejoins the line up for the first time since 1987 enabling a whole new generation of fans to see Killing Joke’s legendary original formation. Diehard fans have been waiting for this moment for two decades!

    Bassist, Martin ‘Youth’ Glover also steps back into the live arena after a near 15yr hiatus, having not played live with Killing Joke since 1994’s Pandemonium tour.

    The tour will see Killing Joke take up a two night residency in most venues offering a different set on each evening. On the first night, they will play their first two albums in their entirety, 1980’s self-titled album followed by the album ‘What’s This…For!’. Their second performance in each city will treat fans to 1994’s Pandemonium and the Island Records singles of ’79 to ’80.

    Once described by Ferguson as ‘the sound of the earth vomiting’, Killing Joke is anthemic and grandiose in it’s evocation of nightmare visions. Taking a sarcastic jab at authority and perceived reality to a sonically charged mixture of post punk and metal, Killing Joke’s heavy guitars and pounding tribal drums conjure a primitive atmosphere of doom, gloom and resistance.

    Notorious for their use of inflammatory imagery, a backlash against a world they perceived as ever more materialistic, unjust and conservative, Killing Joke, railed against the establishment and created a unique sound from their very conception.

    Ironically, in the current musical climate with it’s obsession with rehashing eighties sounds, the 80s saw Killing Joke really pushing music forward, incorporating danceable elements with aggressive, grinding guitars and thumping drums. With elements of
    proto-techno rock, their post apocalyptic vision has inspired bands as diverse and influential as Nirvana, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Foo Fighters, Soundgarden and Godflesh. Killing Joke have always been and continue to be more than just a band.

    Godfathers of post-punk, Killing Joke return with their eagerly anticipated new album to coincide with their world tour. Album release date TBC.

    13 - (JP) Tokyo
    14 - (JP) Tokyo
    16 - (ES) Madrid
    17 - (ES) Barcelona
    19 - (IT) Milan
    20 - (IT) Milan
    22 - (CH) Geneva TBC
    24 - (DE) Berlin
    25 - (DE) Berlin
    26 - (FR) Paris
    27 - (FR) Paris
    29 - (BE) Brussels
    30 - (BE) Brussels
    02 - (UK) London
    03 - (UK) London
    TBC - (US) New York
    TBC - (US) New York

    "At last a ray of sunlight to illuminate these dark days. It is indeed my deepest pleasure to announce the dates of the 29th anniversary of the gathering. As usual we are never content sitting on the laurels of past Glories, a new Killing Joke recording is scheduled this summer!. Both Geordie and myself are thrilled as we hope you are with the line up, such anticipation comes as no surprise considering we have not played together since the Brighton Top Rank in 1982. We always knew this day would come after all it was inevitable. We hope all gatherers will join us in warmly welcoming back to active service our brothers Big Paul and Youth. The mysterious chemistry of the original line up is back, let there be gladness in your hearts." - Jaz


  • Que nadie se enfade pero lo de Killing Joke es la quinta vez que se anuncia en una semana. No cuesta tanto foreros nuevos.

    Unos 20 minutos y me las piro a The Cure.

  • Leonard Cohen. Primeras fechas confirmadas:

    06-Jun-08 Toronto, Canada Sony Centre For The Performing Arts
    Advance booking: see below!
    07-Jun-08 Toronto, Canada Sony Centre For The Performing Arts
    Advance booking: see below!
    14-Jun-08 Dublin, Ireland IMMA
    15-Jun-08 Dublin, Ireland IMMA
    17-Jun-08 Manchester, UK Opera House
    18-Jun-08 Manchester, UK Opera House
    19-Jun-08 Manchester, UK Opera House
    20-Jun-08 Manchester, UK Opera House
    23-Jun-08 Montreal, Canada Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts
    Advance booking: see below!
    24-Jun-08 Montreal, Canada Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts
    Advance booking: see below!
    25-Jun-08 Montreal, Canada Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts
    Advance booking: see below!
    29-Jun-08 Glastonbury, UK Glastonbury Festival
    01-Jul-08 Oslo, Norway Aliset Stadium
    03-Jul-08 Helsingborg, Sweden Open Air
    05-Jul-08 Copenhagen, Denmark Rosenborg Castle
    06-Jul-08 Arhuus, Denmark Raadhus Parken
    08-Jul-08 Montreux, Switzerland Montreux Jazz Festival
    09-Jul-08 Lyon, France Festival
    10-Jul-08 Bruges, Belgium Cactus
    12-Jul-08 Amsterdam, Holland Westerdam
    16-Jul-08 Edinburgh, UK Castle
    17-Jul-08 London, UK The 02 Arena
    19-Jul-08 Lisbon, Portugal Passeio Maritimo
    20-Jul-08 Bennicasim, Spain Festival
    22-Jul-08 Nice, France Jazz Festival
    25-Jul-08 Lorrach, Germany Stimmen De Welt
    27-Jul-08 Lucca, Italy Summer Festival
    29-Jul-08 Athens, Greece Lykabettus Theatre

    Más detalles


    21 May Wed Reykjavik, Iceland Langardshall
    23 May Fri Stockholm, Sweden Hovet
    24 May Sat Karlstad, Sweden Lila Arena
    28 May Wed Oslo, Norway Sentrum
    30 May Fri Ystad, Sweden Oja Castle
    31 May Sat Jelling, Denmark Festival
    1 Jun Sun Berlin, Germany Zitadelle
    3 Jun Tue Leipzig, Germany Arena
    4 Jun Wed Erfurt, Germany Messehalle
    6 Jun Fri Stuttgart, Germany Killesburg
    7 Jun Sat Bonn, Germany Museumplatz
    8 Jun Sun Paris, France Olympia
    10 Jun Tue Frankfurt, Germany Jahrhunderthalle
    11 Jun Wed Munich, Germany Zenith
    12 Jun Thu Milan, Italy Alcatraz
    17 Jun Tue Vienna, Austria stadthalle
    19 Jun Thu Brussels, Belgium Forest National
    20 Jun Fri Rotterdam, Holland Ahoy
    24 Jun Sun London, England Royal Albert Hall

    Otro año sin pasar por España….

  • @jackster:2lidqa9i:


    21 May Wed Reykjavik, Iceland Langardshall
    23 May Fri Stockholm, Sweden Hovet
    24 May Sat Karlstad, Sweden Lila Arena
    28 May Wed Oslo, Norway Sentrum
    30 May Fri Ystad, Sweden Oja Castle
    31 May Sat Jelling, Denmark Festival
    1 Jun Sun Berlin, Germany Zitadelle
    3 Jun Tue Leipzig, Germany Arena
    4 Jun Wed Erfurt, Germany Messehalle
    6 Jun Fri Stuttgart, Germany Killesburg
    7 Jun Sat Bonn, Germany Museumplatz
    8 Jun Sun Paris, France Olympia
    10 Jun Tue Frankfurt, Germany Jahrhunderthalle
    11 Jun Wed Munich, Germany Zenith
    12 Jun Thu Milan, Italy Alcatraz
    17 Jun Tue Vienna, Austria stadthalle
    19 Jun Thu Brussels, Belgium Forest National
    20 Jun Fri Rotterdam, Holland Ahoy
    24 Jun Sun London, England Royal Albert Hall

    Otro año sin pasar por España….

    Pues no será porque no lo hayamos intentado.
    Hay cosas que son difíciles de entender.

  • @Gabi:



    21 May Wed Reykjavik, Iceland Langardshall
    23 May Fri Stockholm, Sweden Hovet
    24 May Sat Karlstad, Sweden Lila Arena
    28 May Wed Oslo, Norway Sentrum
    30 May Fri Ystad, Sweden Oja Castle
    31 May Sat Jelling, Denmark Festival
    1 Jun Sun Berlin, Germany Zitadelle
    3 Jun Tue Leipzig, Germany Arena
    4 Jun Wed Erfurt, Germany Messehalle
    6 Jun Fri Stuttgart, Germany Killesburg
    7 Jun Sat Bonn, Germany Museumplatz
    8 Jun Sun Paris, France Olympia
    10 Jun Tue Frankfurt, Germany Jahrhunderthalle
    11 Jun Wed Munich, Germany Zenith
    12 Jun Thu Milan, Italy Alcatraz
    17 Jun Tue Vienna, Austria stadthalle
    19 Jun Thu Brussels, Belgium Forest National
    20 Jun Fri Rotterdam, Holland Ahoy
    24 Jun Sun London, England Royal Albert Hall

    Otro año sin pasar por España….

    Pues no será porque no lo hayamos intentado.
    Hay cosas que son difíciles de entender.


    vaya mamon entonces

  • mas fechas para Leonard Cohen, los catalanes (y el resto de españoles) estamos de enhorabuena, dos dias en Girona.

    Ledbury The Big Chill (August 3)
    Istanbul Arena (5/6)
    Prague Castle (10)
    Budapest Sziget Festival (12)
    Girona Cap Roig (14/15)
    Vienna Opera House (28/29)

    "Ticket details will be announced shortly. More worldwide dates will continue to be announced in the coming weeks."

    PD: Joder, una pena lo que comentas, Gabi, como dices no tiene mucho sentido, toca en sitios pequeños (repite en el Olympia de Paris). Yo tambien siento mucho que no lo hayais logrado, esta en plena forma.

  • @jackster:26hfufgc:

    mas fechas para Leonard Cohen, los catalanes (y el resto de españoles) estamos de enhorabuena, dos dias en Girona.

    Ledbury The Big Chill (August 3)
    Istanbul Arena (5/6)
    Prague Castle (10)
    Budapest Sziget Festival (12)
    Girona Cap Roig (14/15)
    Vienna Opera House (28/29)

    "Ticket details will be announced shortly. More worldwide dates will continue to be announced in the coming weeks."

    Cap Roig… Es el auditorio del JArdín Botánico ?? Alguien ha estado allí alguna vez?Que tal esta?

  • Cojonudo lo de Cohen. Había estado mirando las fechas de Lyon, Niza y Lisboa y no me iban del todo bien. Ahora a ver cuanto nos cuesta la broma de ir a Girona.

  • pues aun con esas fechas creo que este año me quedo sin ver a leonard cohen

  • es el hotel este de Platja d Aro? joder que bien cerkita cerkita de casa, espero que no sea muy muy caro

  • los que estáis bien informados avisad cuando salgan a la venta las entradas para el Cohen!

  • Veo muy mal mi economia…
    Cohen a CapRoig y Reed a Portaferrada.

    Tendre que ir a buscar un credito...

  • @soft:

    Veo muy mal mi economia…
    Cohen a CapRoig y Reed a Portaferrada.

    Tendre que ir a buscar un credito...

    Pues sí, porque es muy dificil que ninguno de esos dos baje de 50 frodos, acercándose más bien a los 60.

  • pulpo, tu céntrate en informarnos de las fechas de Morente + Lagartija Nick a parte del FIB (si se confirma) y nosotros intentamos conseguir la info de Cap Roig.