Filtraciones '08
un nuevo capítulo en la apasionante saga emeraldista:
Emeralds / Quintana Roo - Split LP [2008/Arbor/MP3/V0 (VBR)]
me ha gustado mucho el tema de Quintana Roo, npi de esta peña
sí, tio, a mí me ha pasado igual. vale más la pena tomárselocon calma, porque toda la escena esta de Nohio tiene muy buena pinta, pero se juntan el pan con las ganas de comer: muchos grupos y muy activos.
Iron And Wine - Lovesong Of The Buzzard
Bloc Party - Intimacy
el de Bloc Party pide password…
Ahí van unas cuantas filtraciones
Bird By Snow - Songbread/Another Ocean (2008)
The most fertile Bird By Snow record (so far) each side of this album has its own name, in order to give the tunes more mind-space to flourish and expand… Side A is “Songbread” and side B is “Another Ocean.” (Full titles: “Songbread for the Starving Children of the Zeitgeist,” and “Try to Imagine an Ocean Reflecting Another Ocean.&rdquo In this record-world we find BBS bathing in new wide-wonder-waters, and harvesting mushrooms in an old growth forest. Many of these songs have been two years in the making, grown and regrown on tours through the generous world. Songs with fresh-washed faces, and crow’s feet in the corners of their eyes.
Este va para postrockeros.The American Dollar - A Memory Stream (2008)
Using drums, keyboards, guitars, and various other percussion instruments, John Emanuele and Rich Cupolo weave richly textured melodies in between cascades of drums, synths, and sparse organ notes, creating a sound that puts them on par with bands like The Album Leaf or Explosions in the Sky. Whether a track contains a lush, ambient-interlude feel or a sweeping explosion of chords, emotion runs high on this disc.
Talkdemonic - Eyes At Half Mast (2008)
Multi-instrumentalist Kevin O'Connor and violist/keyboardist Lisa Molinaro spent two years recording Eyes At Half Mast, which took three months to mix. The disc's 14 tracks were slimmed down from a choice of 22. Eyes At Half Mast was recorded at a house near Lake Oswego, Ore., Skyler Studio in Miracle Lake, Ore. and at O'Connor's Talknumeric studio.
O'Connor launched Talkdemonic as a solo project to specialize in "folktronic hop" in 2002. He's a one-man band of sorts and can play drums, guitar, synthesizers and bass. He also programs all of Talkdemonic's beats. He released Talkdemonic's Mutiny Sunshine debut through Lucky Madison in 2004. He later convinced Molinaro — who had previously toured with fellow Portlanders The Decemberists — to play viola and synthesizer in the band. Talkdemonic's Beat Romantic sophomore album was released via Arena Rock in 2006. They've toured with Explosions In The Sky, The Walkmen, The National and others
Si encuentro alguna otra cosa interesante la pongo, que tengo algo de tiempo libre
¡Caramba! ¿Nuevo disco de Talkdemonic? Me lo bajo nada más llegar a casa. Gràcies.
Tussle - Cream Cuts
Prints - Just Thoughts EP
Prints does manage to find a similar ability to find solid hooks in their synth-laden music just as Prince did, particularly in the 1999 era. These are catchy songs that don't let go easily despite an overall coldness that plagues them. Even on the organic indie pop of "Fire Days," the measured approach has more in common with engineering than creativity. And therein lies the fundamental difference between Prints and Prince (or any other truly great pop songwriter): They think it more than feel it. Where 1999 had deep funk roots that warmed up its cold, processed instrumentation, Just Thoughts lacks a similar heat source.
mil millones de gracias por el disco de Prints, no sabia que fueran a sacar este EP.
han sacado el video del tema Too Much Water de su primer disco
un saludo Toxinho.
gracias por el de Bird By Snow, -Toxinho-. El anterior me encantó. Y su directo en el Tanned Tin, me entusiasmó
Tengo un torrent, que no puedo bajar por culpa de los candados de la oficina, que presume ser el Skeletal Lamping de of Montreal. Alguien sabe si hay algo de verdad en esto? filtró?
Dejo el link para ver si alguien más puede averiguar.
Oneida - Preteen Weaponry ```Password: Y por si alguien tiene curiosidad… **Oasis - The Shock Of The Lightning**
_EDITO para añadir_ **Simian Mobile Disco - Sample And Hold (Attack Decay Sustain Release Remixed)**
@1frfvmg8: > Tras la sensacional acogida el pasado verano de su álbum de debut, el llenapistas ‘Attack Deacy Sustain Release’, Simian Mobile Disco regresan ahora con ‘Sample and Hold’, la versión remezclada del mismo con once cortes de otros tantos temas que merecen estar cualquier compilación de baile que se precie.El mensual británico Q ha sido escueto en su crítica ya que lo ha reseñado con un contundente ‘La música de baile está salvada’. Para salvar las pistas nuestro dúo de héroes han recurrido a la sabiduría los mejores djs y productores de la escena mundial. Auténticos pesopesados como de Shit Robot (DFA), Simon Baker, Joakim, Cosmo Vitelli o Silver Apples han puesto juntas canciones que combinan el minimalismo tecno con la decadencia disco de los ochenta, el oscurantismo del dubstep y los beats electrónicos más bailables. **Monkey - Journey To The West** 
@1frfvmg8: > Fusionando el pasado y el futuro > > Imagínate mezclar Gorillaz y la estética del Circo Nacional Chino, fusionar una historia legendaria con una estética actual, eso es MONKEY, Journey to the west! > > El nuevo espectáculo ha surgido de la mezcla entre Chen Shi-Zheng, director de escena, Damon Albarn (Gorillaz, Blur…) compositor musical polivalente y de Jamie Hewlett (creador de los personajes de Gorillaz) como diseñador de vestuario, personajes y animación. > > Este evento está basado en un libro prohibido por la Revolución Cultural China, que cuenta una historia de más de 400 años de antigüedad sobre las andanzas del Rey Mono.
El de Bloc Party en su linea, osea, una MIERDA con mayúsculas.
Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
el disco nose pero la portada directa al top horror de portadas del 2008
Esto tiene una pinta de rico rico, bailongo
Karl Hector + The Malcouns - Sahara Swing (2008) stonesthrow jazz, funk, rhythm and blues
It would be glib–yet not inaccurate–to dub Sahara Swing an exercise in Fela-Can synthesis, and be done with it. The 19-track disc abounds with Afro-Germanic funk from this Munich-based ensemble led by Karl Hector (Funk Pilots) and Poets of Rhythm/Whitefield Brothers guitarist Jay Whitefield. All of the 10 players assembled here are steeped in the mystical ways of the One, and they invest these sweet Tony Allen-meets-Jaki Liebezeit rhythms with urgency. The vibrant horn section’s studied Africa ’70’s heroic gestures while Whitefield has honed his chattering, wah-ed guitar licks to machete sharpness. Bo Baral’s drums–embellished by Hector and Thomas Myland’s picante percussion–are simultaneously loose-limbed and rigorous, generating a joy tempered by humid paranoia. It’s party music that sets you on edge–and it’s crucial.
bien, pelukini, merci! precisamente estos días he estado escuchando cosas de cheikh lo y fela kuti, esto viene de perlas. aunque a los poets of rythm estos que salen citados por aquí los he escuchado y no me dicen nada..
Tujiko Noriko, Lawrence English & John Chantler - U [Room40, 2008]
voy a por él. ¡Gracias!