Filtraciones '08

  • esto tiene buena pinta

    Nigeria Disco Funk Special -The Sound Of The Underground Lagos Dancefloor 1974 to 1979 [2008]

    y esto supongo que a alguien le habrá dado miedo ponerlo, pero a mi me ha gustado así que lo pongo, pero ojo:
    musical settings
    for common environments
    and domestic situations
    es decir, ambient de mecedora y cañón, como diría pelukini

    Graham Lambkin and Jason Lescalleet - The Breadwinner [2008]


    Graham Lambkin and Jason Lescalleet are both highly respected artists, with small but intensely hardcore followings. Since 2001, they've been gradually moving closer towards realizing a collaborative project, and The Breadwinner is the results of two years of recording, reworking and polishing.

    Lambkin first entered the public consciousness at 19 when he formed his band The Shadow Ring, in Folkestone, a small town in Kent, England. The band was memorable and built an rabidly passionate fan base because of its sui generis approach, blending elements of folk, noise, cracked electronics, and surrealist poetry, while radically changing the overall formula with each release. A decade of increasingly skewed and inspired work culminated in 2003's I'm Some Songs, constructed long distance as Lambkin had relocated to the US in 1998. Over the last few years, Lambkin has primarily worked under his own name, most notably with 2007's brilliant Salmon Run, a precursor to The Breadwinner.

    Lescalleet has gradually and painstakingly built a compelling discography over the past decade. He uses reel-to-reel tape decks to explore the textures of low fidelity analog sounds and the natural phenomena of old tape and obsolete technology. He is one of a growing list of master producer/musicians, whose skill lies as much in reworking, assembling and mastering the material available as in creating it (or helping create it) in the first place. He has worked with such wide-ranging artists as Ron Lessard, Joe Colley and Phill Niblock, and has released a string of superb solo discs in Mattresslessness (Cut), Electronic Music (RRR) and The Pilgrim (Glistening Examples). This is his second release for Erstwhile, after 2001's Forlorn Green (w/Greg Kelley), and his third is already in preparation, a duo with Bhob Rainey, planned for release in early 2009.

    The material for The Breadwinner was recorded at Lambkin's house in upstate NY, over two recording sessions. The duo treated the entire building and its surrounding grounds as a studio, welcoming in outside sounds, which were later kept or eliminated as they felt appropriate. The subtitle on the front cover is "musical settings for common environments and domestic situations", layering numerous submerged fragments to find beauty in everyday life.

    "Jason Lescalleet's influence was palpably present long before the average Joe knew how many L's were in his last name (or could successfully google it). He spun tape loops with nmperign from the get-go, frequently signified the endings of his characteristically foundation-shaking performances by hurling a nearly indestructible, hundred-pound Peavy amp across the stage, and provided the bulk of the "disaster" in legendary drummer Lawrence Cook's "Disaster Unit 2000". But as the smoke cleared and the Peavy met its demise in a white-walled room, it became apparent to an awful lot of people that Lescalleet was making some amazing music; beautifully constructed symphonies of decay born of an intimacy with items and ideas lesser minds might discard: tape machines, lo-bit samplers, the tedium of everyday life. His ability to evoke powerfully complex emotional experiences from such muck made a collaboration with Graham Lambkin practically inevitable.

    Composer Walter Marchetti once made a statement to the effect that he was seeking to reach the "bottom" of music. Some more diligent attention to this task might lead him to the music of Graham Lambkin. Already marking out a glorious bottom with his former band, The Shadow Ring, Lambkin has pursued a music so removed from prescribed aesthetics that one is flooded by the beauty it seems to ruthlessly avoid. He puts the mundane to tape and carves out its horror, its sweetness, and its unsettling ambivalence. Shrouded in a disarming naiveté, the music leaves the listener ill-prepared for its very adult take on being-in-the-world. We are fortunate that humor can be so black, that we may surrender happily and willingly to an experience not many artists are willing or capable of delivering."

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:9cnwu4q2:

    Venga, una de indie pop y otra de … bueno... veremos

    The Little Ones - Terry Tales And Fallen Gates ep [2008]

    Gracias a ti por éste. Cuando se animará esta gente a sacar largo de una vez por todas?

  • @Suarezmanlanz:20juodvo:

    Aquí está la última referencia de Rumraket, "Kondens" de Erik Levander. Un punto medio entre el "Duplex" de Apparat y el "October Language" de Belong.

    BAJANDO, a ver que tal pinta

  • Venga no pongo los dos rombos pero estos dos si que no están recomendados para alérgicos. A ver si sale pronto el LP de Barn Owl en Not Not Fun que su material del año pasado me gusta bastante, sobre todo Bridge to the clouds, bastante más folk que este donde se ponen densos:

    BARN OWL - Smoke Loom Ceremony CS (Blackest Rainbow, 2008)


    Barn Owl have become quite the talk of the psych/drone/folk scene in the last year and for very good reason. The duo have released some great limited edition cd-r's on Digitalis and on their own, and their intense and trance inducing live shows have reeled in many believers, including us! Tapping into ritual drone and spiritual psychedelia this two song cassette recorded at a festival in Echo Park a few months ago is further proof that this is one of the most promising bands roaming the underground at the moment. While there are no shortage of psych drone acts these days, there is something so concrete and real about the sounds Barn Owl conjure up. Kind of like if newer Earth was less spaghetti western and more engaged in exploring LaMonte Young's dreamhouse. There is a patience and subtlety in Barn Owl's music that is way beyond their young years. They use guitars, drums, banjo, harmonium and voice to travel upwards to some magical place filled with dust, dirt and delight. This one is super limited too, so it'll be gone in the blink of an eye.

    ghq — everywhere at once CD (Three Lobed, 2008)


    late in 2007 the core ghq duo of marcia bassett and steve gunn set off to jason meagher's black dirt studios to settle in for some multi-tracked studio action. joined by john truscinski of x.o.4 on drums, the trio laid down a series of layered drones unlike anything else in their catalog. After the disc-opening "Rembrance" sets the proper mood, the group kicks into "Four Trees" and establishes a new standard by which their stretched-out drones will be measured. In a collection of chilling recordings, the hazy and aching "Drop City Blues" shines bright with Gunn stepping forward to provide a set of extremely focused vocals. Everywhere at Once is a new and exciting milemarker along the band's continued ascent.

  • Merzbow - Here (2008) >> noise

    Peter Broderick - Float >> Modern Classic,Ambient,Experimental, Type record

    ando (taylor deupree) - habitat [binemusic - 2008] >> electronica, micro, minimal

    Nuevo Single de Weezer - Pork and Beans

  • @Pelukini:3ccjxljh:


    ando (taylor deupree) - habitat [binemusic - 2008] >> electronica, micro, minimal

    uy gracias pelukas

  • no me ha gustado el de Cut Copy - demasiado hedonista y alegre para mi gusto (el anterior no era así, ¿no?)
    Pete and the Pirates** no es mi rollo, no sé quién me manda escuchar cosas de estas. Por cierto que qué poco me gusta el cartel del Summercase, hay realmente muy poco donde pueda hincar el diente

    andtheworldsmileswithyou: lamento decirte que no me ha convencido el de Dwayne Sodahberk. Cuestión de estilo -los prefiero más rítmicos o/y oscuros-, también lo encuentro un poco disperso. Gracias de todos modos por la recomendación

    menudas guitarras se gasta Sparhawk en Retribution Gospel Choir. Éste sí que me ha gustado

  • Muchas gracias Suarezmanlanz, este es el que me recomendaste ayer, no?
    Ya te diré que me parece.

  • @Pelukini:dk7429by:

    Merzbow - Here (2008) >> noise

    Peter Broderick - Float >> Modern Classic,Ambient,Experimental, Type record

    ando (taylor deupree) - habitat [binemusic - 2008] >> electronica, micro, minimal

    Nuevo Single de Weezer - Pork and Beans

    PASS por Peter Broderick - Float?


  • @gustavo:239hlvv6:

    PASS por Peter Broderick - Float?



  • Do Make Say Think - The Whole Story Of Glory (2008)

    1. The Landlord Is Dead
    2. Reitschule - live recording from Hillside Festival 2007 -
    3. Frederica
    4. The Universe!- live recording from CBC Radio 3 session 2007 -
    5. March Of Worms - New song -
    6. THofR Part Three - New song -
    7. Disco & Haze

    This release is exclusive to Japan only.

    In the first 10 years of career ahead JAPAN TOUR and delivered by a member from his Best Track & LIVE recordings by the Japanese includes two new songs added to a limited-edition release of Emergency!

    The Japanese limited board where you refrained from JAPAN TOUR which and becomes first with the carrier of contents introduction 10 year was delivered from the member, adds new tune 2 tune to the best track/truck &LIVE sound source due to itself selection of music, urgent release! !

    2008 / April, the long-awaited first visit to Japan ahead of the select members of the best tracks, live recordings of the new songs sound and limited-edition Japanese!

  • @Pelukini:2ax1hran:

    Do Make Say Think - The Whole Story Of Glory (2008)

    1. The Landlord Is Dead
    2. Reitschule - live recording from Hillside Festival 2007 -
    3. Frederica
    4. The Universe!- live recording from CBC Radio 3 session 2007 -
    5. March Of Worms - New song -
    6. THofR Part Three - New song -
    7. Disco & Haze

    This release is exclusive to Japan only.

    In the first 10 years of career ahead JAPAN TOUR and delivered by a member from his Best Track & LIVE recordings by the Japanese includes two new songs added to a limited-edition release of Emergency!

    The Japanese limited board where you refrained from JAPAN TOUR which and becomes first with the carrier of contents introduction 10 year was delivered from the member, adds new tune 2 tune to the best track/truck &LIVE sound source due to itself selection of music, urgent release! !

    2008 / April, the long-awaited first visit to Japan ahead of the select members of the best tracks, live recordings of the new songs sound and limited-edition Japanese!

    oooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh!!!

    Gracias pelukas!!!

  • atención crapulillas

    No Age - Nouns

  • Atmosphere - When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold [2008] >> hip hop

    este no lo se seguro si ya se había puesto…

    envelopes - here comes the wind (2008) swedish/happy/indie pop

    hecq - night falls [hymen - 2008] IDM,glitch,ambient

  • Parad ya, por dios. Que no puedo escuchar todo!

    al de No-age quiero incarle el diente. ñam ñam

  • @Pelukini:3icomute:

    hecq - night falls [hymen - 2008] IDM,glitch,ambient

    vamos a ello… tampoco doy al abasto...

  • Thurston Moore - Sensitive/Lethal (2008)


    After last year's amazing 'Trees Outside The Academy' - his second album of solo songwriting - Thurston Moore takes a major look back into the noise arena with Sensitive/Lethal, an incredible three-part study in raw sound matter, utilising electronics and both electric and acoustic guitars. It's Thurston's unplugged activities that probably prompted the otherwise entirely ironic title 'Sensitive' for the first piece: buried under a maelstrom of extravagant feedback and yelping oscillator modulations a mantra-like open dreadnought chord lays down a foundation of clean, crisp steel string sounds, jangling excitedly like the beginnings of some unholy raga. After twenty-two minutes of this oddly beguiling punishment, the tone changes for 'Lonesome', a magnificent four-minute blast of stereo feedback cycles, sounding not unlike certain interpretations of Steve Reich's swinging mic piece 'Penduluum' - Sonic Youth's own version on Goodbye 20th Century springing most obviously to mind. Finally, 'Lethal' is a markedly less easily digested production, spewing forth analogue noise in all its myriad colours, with pure voltage controlled carnage in one ear and lacerating guitar in the other. There's still plenty of detail spread across the stereo field to make the piece an immersive listen though; after all, this isn't authored by just any old bedroom-bound tape jockey, but rather one of the founding fathers of noise rock and the modern American underground, so frankly it'd be surprising if this wasn't one of the very best noise albums of the year so far. Which it is, by the way.

    toma dos tazas

  • @Pelukini:2t2o0v0q:

    hecq - night falls [hymen - 2008] IDM,glitch,ambient

    que bueno el de Hecq pelukas!

    parece blade runner elevado a la mil

    muchisimo de ambient, poco de glitch

  • @Psychocandy:3nb974af:

    que bueno el de Hecq pelukas!

    parece blade runner elevado a la mil

    muchisimo de ambient, poco de glitch

    si te digo la verdad he puesto las etiquetas pensando en sus anteriores trabajos, voy a ver por donde tira con este nuevo trabajo…

  • perdonad por el offtopic, pero alguien sabe xq han echo la movida esa de los gatos al introducir los caracteres para descargarse un disco en el rapidshare??
    es q me ha salido al descargar el de Thurston Moore