Filtraciones '08
Bird Show - Bird Show [2008/Kranky]
"Ben Vida’s latest is hippie-tastic, a mellow trip replete with drum-circle beats, all-together-now vocals and a free, open vibe.
It’s easy to imagine Vida and his colleagues (including labelmates Robert Lowe of Lichens and Greg Davis) sitting cross-legged in the woods, emitting sonic smoke signals as they stare at the sun—an image encouraged by the cover, which shows Vida’s collection of bells, tambourines, and pan flutes (he plays 25 instruments in total) atop a weathered oriental rug. It’d also be easy to call Bird Show nostalgic, but that would be wrong.
On “Green Vines”, one of the few songs not named for the instruments used, Vida’s Terry Riley-style keyboard laps against the rattling percussion, creating soft waves for the vocals to happily ride. As curlicues of guitar drift away, the whole thing can start to feel almost too good, but don’t fight it: that’s just the track kicking in." paper thin walls
"…“Green Vines” is about the effect that certain places, physical settings, have on the senses.How being in the desert or deep in a woodland area can have an almost drug-like effect on you." ben vida
Karl Blau - Nature's Got Away [K Records, 2008]
Though born, raised and even presently living in the "smallness" of Northwest Washington's Skagit Valley, Karl Blau's sound could be described as a melting pot of the world's last 50 years of cultures, styles and periods.
That said, in "Nature's Got Away"(KB's latest on K), Blau sings less with the world in mind. Instead he invites you, the listener, into his fold – into his village. Then as a tribe member, you are beckoned to sit by the fire and hear accounts of travel, tales of the town, and even partake in the spiritual lore unique to you the autochthonic.
Volcano! - Paperwork
In 2005, Volcano! released their first album Beautiful Seizure, which was a major breakthrough for them garnering them a lot of success and much praise (by the likes of Drowned in Sound). At that point and still now, no bands are comparable to this miracle of music. They introduced themselves with heaps of unsettling noise, raw and ragged guitar, raucous bass, complex rhythms "that change times and volume", and lovely vocals singing surprisingly human (crude and realistic, exquisitely unglorified) lyrics. They produced one of the most breathtaking releases in the current generation with hair-raising songs such as Easy Does It and Red and White Bells. They seamlessly united math, pop, noise, and free-jazz influences into one cohesive, downtrodden album.
Three years later, after a hiatus, their new album is set to be released. In all truthfulness, Paperwork is a natural progression from Beautiful Seizure. But progression means change has occurred, and these changes are certainly noticeable. Collectively, every single member of Volcano! has stepped up his skills, but besides that obvious skill-based change, what else? Well… electronics play a much larger roll structurally rather than simply for atmosphere as was exemplified in Beautiful Seizure. Oftentimes, grainy electronics coincide with convoluted beats providing bombastic punches at the listener--lovely punches, albeit. And they're often dancable--yes, a new element to Volcano!'s repertoire is the sheer danciness of the record, but it fits well considering how lighthearted the atmosphere is this time around. These also reflect upon the lyrics, which are often filled with satire (not angst), for example, Africa Just Wants To Have Fun (which should be on their myspace soon enough) featuring "razor-sharp satire of certain rock stars who purport to save the world with dubious, self-serving rhetoric" (hint hint, Bono from U2), playful sexuality, or the realities of work-life mixed with Spanish linguistics. And with that, Paperwork begs to be played at full volume and alone (so to save yourself the embarrassment of accidentally jumping around the room under others' scrutiny) for its intensity and roaring energy go full force, with each song filled to the brim with volume and density.
This album is wreathed with memorable songs all about, including the rhythmic (with a lovely 10/4 chorus) and melodic Africa Just Wants to Have Fun, Fairy Tale, which is probably Volcano!'s most schizophrenic song ever, 78 Oil Crisis unbounded by freak folk tendencies, Astronomers Ballad possibly being my favorite Volcano! song, which starts out slowly romantic and then transfigures itself into a handsome monster... hold on, two more favorites!, Palimsests, the band's crowning achievement in slow song progression, and then Kitchen Dance which gave me shivers when the melody from the first song on the album was repeated again slowly, and at the end of which a resounding and uplifting crescendo alleviates and then calms itself down again into a puddle of one last lovely melody... kitche-kitche-kitche-kitchen danc(ccccccccccccccccc)e.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for anyone looking for something fun and innovative.
chachos, yo hace cuatro días que me pillé el premium de rapidshare (6 euros por un mes, límite de 5 gigas por día) y soy el tio más feliz del mundo. os lo recomiendo de todo corazón! estamos hablando del coste de un peloti en apolo, por ejemplo
Por lo que cuesta el RDL tienes todos los discos gratis del mundo
donde va a parar…
buenos dias chavales:
me acabo de levantar ahora porque me he quedado sin curro, y me estoy fumando un porrito.
Alguien me podria dar un link bueno para el ``hymns for a dark horse´´ de Bowerbirds
todos los que encuentro da error.gracias
buenos dias chavales:
me acabo de levantar ahora porque me he quedado sin curro, y me estoy fumando un porrito.
Alguien me podria dar un link bueno para el ``hymns for a dark horse´´ de Bowerbirds
todos los que encuentro da error.gracias
parece ser que tienes dos cerebros o personalidades
en tal caso haz como varios miembros de esta casa y escribe en plural
no hace falta que repitas siempre los mensajes 2 veces…
Buen disco el de Bowerbirds, sí señor.
Buen disco el de Bowerbirds, sí señor.
anda, ahi tienes, con una vez era suficiente
muchas gracias tio, es que no controlo esto muy bien aun, entré ayer…y los mensajes los ponia 2 veces por si no salian, o yo que sé.
Kat Flint - Dirty Birds
Scottish songstress and illustrator Kat Flint makes wonky, wordy, warm indie-folk that swings from dark to foot-tapping and back again in the space of four minutes. She likes real sounds rather than electronics, making music out of snipping scissors, suitcases and sellotape. She has earned her stripes playing intimate solo shows across the UK and regularly collaborates with a host of rather excellent unsigned musicians.
**Lynne Hanson - Eleven Months**  @22s0y5j2: > The youngest in a family of eight children, Lynne was exposed to a diverse array of musical eras and styles as she grew up. Older siblings were quick to pawn off babysitting duties to the likes of Neil Young, Johnny Cash and Bruce Springsteen, and Lynne was only too happy to sit and sing along for hours with the stacks of records and tapes.
**Astronautalis - Pomegranate**  @22s0y5j2: > With two full-lengths under his belt, Astronautalis has been busy crafting his careful balance between hip-hop, country, and American indie rock. Hand picking members from The Polyphonic Spree, Midlake, and The Paperchase, he composed this indescribably diverse album under the guidance of Grammy nominated producer and engineer John Congleton (Explosions In The Sky, The Polyphonic Spree, Modest Mouse). Pomegranate plays out like a collection of short stories, each song as varied in style and sound as they are in subject and character. Astronautalis's pop sensibility manages to weave catchy melodic strains that'll haunt you for days.
**Bomb The Bass - Future Chaos**  @22s0y5j2: > UK dance music pioneer Tim Simenon returns as Bomb The Bass this September with Future Chaos. > Simenon, who is often credited with helping to raise the profile of dance music in the UK through his classic "Beat Dis" single, has been relatively quiet since 2001's Tracks, a 12-inch collaboration with Meat Beat Manifesto's Jack Dangers. It hasn't been for lack of inspiration, however. Instead, the producer has been working quietly on things ever since. But after building up a number of tracks for a proposed album, Simenon trashed the results, deciding to strip everything down to a Minimoog synth and little else. "There's so much that goes around producing records; doing things this way and that. But this was us saying, Fuck it, let’s just record some tunes, you know," says Simenon in the press notes accompanying the album.
por otro lado stagger, hay un hilo creado a propósito de peticiones, por si lo desconocías
gracias kanchelskis! voy bombear the bass
estaría bien volver a lo de poner 3 o 4 palabras , una mínima frase a los discos, y más si son discos de artistas no muy conocidos, xk cualquier persona puede ir a un blog y cortar y pegar todo lo que hay
donde esta ese hilo nen?
buenos dias chavales:
me he quedado sin curro, y me estoy fumando un porrito.Yo diría que la cosa va un poco al revés, no?
estaría bien volver a lo de poner 3 o 4 palabras , una mínima frase a los discos, y más si son discos de artistas no muy conocidos, xk cualquier persona puede ir a un blog y cortar y pegar todo lo que hay
yo selecciono los trozos descriptivos de lo que ponen los blogs, te sirve?
donde esta ese hilo nen?
estaría bien volver a lo de poner 3 o 4 palabras , una mínima frase a los discos, y más si son discos de artistas no muy conocidos, xk cualquier persona puede ir a un blog y cortar y pegar todo lo que hay
yo selecciono los trozos descriptivos de lo que ponen los blogs, te sirve?
nose, era refrescar una idea jeje, en su momento se metio caña por hacerlo, ahora veo que la gente es más permisiva, más que nada, para directamente ver si te puede o no gustar el disco, a veces esos chorizos descriptivos dicen menos que 3 palabras bien colocadas.
estaría bien volver a lo de poner 3 o 4 palabras , una mínima frase a los discos, y más si son discos de artistas no muy conocidos, xk cualquier persona puede ir a un blog y cortar y pegar todo lo que hay
yo selecciono los trozos descriptivos de lo que ponen los blogs, te sirve?
nose, era refrescar una idea jeje, en su momento se metio caña por hacerlo, ahora veo que la gente es más permisiva, más que nada, para directamente ver si te puede o no gustar el disco, a veces esos chorizos descriptivos dicen menos que 3 palabras bien colocadas.
La verdad es que se agradecería mucho, yo apenas me bajo cosas que no conozco por eso, a veces lees esos textos y te quedas igual.. siempre pone que son impresionantes, obras maestras y demás…
buf discazo de miedo!
New_Kids_On_The_Block-The_Block_(Deluxe_Edition)-2008-NKOTB remeber, garage, shit -gazer