Filtraciones '08

  • Cult of Luna - Eternal Kingdom (2008)

    Portishead - Live @ Coachella 2008
    ```Pwd: redrum

  • El de la Badu está bien, al menos la tipa siempre se arriesga en cada album. Prácticamente no tiene dos iguales.

    Los Cool Kids molan. Concepto musical bastante original y potencial para hacer algo grande.

  • @1fepuw5k:

    "Pelukini" Cult of Luna - Eternal Kingdom (2008)

    Qué buena!! No sabía que sacaban disco.

  • Mucho más fácil que lo de los gatitos, pelukas. Gracias RS

  • ¿te has regalado aquí o va en serio?

  • @Pelukini:2nynus2a:

    si pones la opción Download Via Cogent te sale un acertijo de la cábala que sólo pueden descifrar Madonna y compañía

  • Nadja - Trinity (2008)


    A special Nadja CD also featuring one solo track by both members Aidan Baker & Leah Buckareff
    Released in conjunction with a live performance on April 20th, 2008 in Bremen. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies in full color sleeve

  • los de Nadja cuando van al baño sacan un disco, no?

  • @Zackchill:2zb2rzzf:

    Me gusto bastant su anterior Pleasures and Treasures así que este prometeeeeeee:

    Sic Alps - A Long Way Around To A Shortcut [Animal Disguise 2008]


    A limited edition collection of all the Sic Alps vinyl /analog singles from the last 2 years on one convenient CD.
    26 tracks including the Description Of The Harbor 12", Strawberry Guillotine 7'", Semi Streets 7'', Teenage Alps cassette, The Soft Tour In Rough Form 12", their track Latin from the Hip Hop Shop Sweeper compilation, and one previously unreleased track.

    edito: rollito lofi en la linea de times new viking, que no había comentado nada

    'description if the harbor' fue uno de los cinco mejores discos que escuché en 2007. 'strawberry guillotine' también tumba. ¡gracias!

  • Ni idea de estos, pero la portada me gusta:

    The M's - Real Close Ones (2008)

  • Pop Levi - Never Never Love (06/2008)

  • Architecture In Helsinki - Like It Or Not EP

  • Alguien sabe algo del largo de los Black Kids? Tengo el EP ya un poco rallado y necesito algo más para la vena…

  • Bueno, va siendo hora de que alguien se decida a traer alguna banda finlandesa, no estarían mal en el Tanned Tin…

    Paavoharju - Laulu Laakson Kukista (Fonal, 2008)


    It's hard to pin down precisely what it is that's so alluring about Finland's hugely acclaimed Paavoharju, but the consensus seems to have been that their remarkable debut album "Yha Hamaraa" quite simply managed to marry a myriad disjointed influences and sound sources without ever sounding like it was trying too hard. If you've never heard the music of Paavoharju, prepare yourself for one of life's more considerable and uncontained pleasures. They are a band who take in influence from the "Radio India" style shortwave pop transmissions of the Sublime Frequencies label, freak folk, Europop, modern classical, plunderphonics, choral, devotional, experimental and multicoloured music of almost every description imaginable - and yet they embody a specific sound that's unmistakably their own. Their aforementioned debut "Yha Hamaraa" made such an impact when it first came out that it seemed to unify music critics and the buying public from all ends of the musical spectrum, worshipped by chin-stroking journalists and passers by alike - one of those records that you could play almost anywhere and guarantee people would virtually queue to ask who it was by and where they could buy it. Their long awaited follow-up "Laulu Laakson Kukista" does that remarkable thing and doesn't disappoint. The scope and energy here is once again impossible to contain - opening with drone washes, de-tuned music box tones and vocals degraded by worn down analogue tape, it sounds like a day in the park, a far away ice cream van, an orchestra rehearsing and Fennesz doing a soundcheck all at the same time. From there we go to "Kevätrumpu" - an absolutely genius generic jamboree that sounds like Kylie Minogue playing with a backing band that's half Finnish folk and half Bolywood session band, recorded to a four-track recorder that's been thrown into the sea and discovered 20 years later by some fortunate anthropologist. Heck, there are even some Autechre-style rhythmic distortions towards the end of the track - you just couldn't make it up, and it sounds SO good. Next - "Tuoksu Tarttuu Meihin" takes in some far away solo piano and quietly malfunctioning distortion pedals in a Tim Hecker meets Akira Rabelais sort of fashion, while "Ursulan Uni" sounds like a cross between Isan and Philip Jeck - and is just utterly beautiful. It's virtually impossible to sum up the sheer brilliance and scope of this schizophrenic yet brilliantly coherent album, it shimmers with all the excitement and knowledge of a seemingly endless stream of influence and once again manages to sound unlike anything you'll have ever heard before in your life. And believe us when we say that recommendations really don't come much higher than that. An utterly Essential Purchase.

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:1uma7o3u:

    Bueno, va siendo hora de que alguien se decida a traer alguna banda finlandesa, no estarían mal en el Tanned Tin…

    ISLAJA no han estado ya por aquí?

  • Ni idea poppie, pero lo que quería decir es que bien podrían verse más grupos de esas latitudes por aquí, que siempre nos vamos a UK/USA y por Europa también se hacen cosas interesantes.

    Dejo la edición japonesa del disco de Little Wings del año pasado, con 5 temás extra. Si a alguno le parecía más un EP que un disco (por lo poco que duraba) ya tiene solución

    Little Wings - Soft Pow'r (Japanese Import) (2008)

  • Joan As Police Woman - To Survive (2008)


    Joan As Police Woman is to release her second album nearly two years to the date after her debut Real Life arrived.
    On June the 9th, To Survive will be available through Reveal Records as a CD, download and a LP version which also comes with a bonus CD.
    It contains ten new songs, including forthcoming single To Be Loved (out June 2nd) and the closing track To America - featuring Rufus Wainwright.

  • @Pelukini:1u9pp3bk:

    Joan As Police Woman - To Survive (2008)

    gracias por éste, le tenía ganas

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:1nqyd5uv:

    Bueno, va siendo hora de que alguien se decida a traer alguna banda finlandesa, no estarían mal en el Tanned Tin…

    no te digo yo que no, a mi todo o casi todo lo de fonal me mola, pero si vienen cosillas de esas latitudes, mi&lau sin ir mas lejos son de por alli, al menos mi, o lau, no se cual es cual