Filtraciones '08
Al que la haya gustado el disco de Aidan Baker & Tim Hecker puede que le guste también esta serie de discos sacados por James Ferraro, miembro de The Skaters. Se ha sacado de la manga 6 Cd r que no tienen desperdicio dentro de lo que es drone psicodélico, aunque no es muy ruidoso, lo advierto.
Postremo Mundus Techno-Symposium:
Virtual Erase:
Marble Surf:```
lo de los Kaiser Chiefs debe ser una broma
no se de que coño te sorprendes, si el foro este parece el de la ragazza, que si Bunbury, que si vuestra puta madre, que si me mola Manu Chao. Entre los come lechugas post hardcore-casal de joves-birra calienteauneuro y los chunifibers no se puede ni entrar, han hecho buenos toda esta purria a los pesados droneros estos que cuelgan discos inventados.
Si, es una pena, como lo de tu adorado corazón lleno de napalm vistiendo crocs
1.- In My Head
2.- Sick, Sick, Sick
3.- Gonna Leave You
4.- Misfit Love
5.- Go With The Flow
6.-Make It Wit Chu
7.-3's & 7's
8.-The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets
9.-First it Giveth
10.-Little Sister
12.-Regular John
13.-No One Knows
no controlo mucho a los qota pero ese no es el song for the dead? si es asi tiene o 7 años el disco
1.- In My Head
2.- Sick, Sick, Sick
3.- Gonna Leave You
4.- Misfit Love
5.- Go With The Flow
6.-Make It Wit Chu
7.-3's & 7's
8.-The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets
9.-First it Giveth
10.-Little Sister
12.-Regular John
13.-No One Knowsanda pedazo de imbécil, deja ya de ensuciar, que eres un tonto a las tres
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore - Dolores
One of those genres which struck me as seriously threatened was post-rock, not least because the adventurous spirit of the original post-hardcore experimentalists seems to have degenerated into so much prosaic quiet/loud dynamics and sub-metal chundering. An evolutionary dead-end. But then I realised that one of the records I’d been playing a lot of late, Bohren & Der Club Of Gore’s fantastic “Dolores”, was ostensibly a post-rock record, in the best sense of the term.
Bohren are a German band I’ve read about over the years (they formed in 1992, apparently), but somehow never heard until “Dolores” turned up. They operate somewhere around a point where jazz, ambience and post-rock intercept – which makes them sound rather like The Necks.
I imagine Bohren would probably appeal to Necks fans, but they’re still quite different propositions, judging by “Dolores”. For a start, “Dolores” seems meticulously composed rather than improvised: a series of slow, contemplative pieces driven by saxophone, vibes or piano, anchored by discreetly brushed cymbals, shrouded in a distant atmospheric hum.
The post-rock antecedents to this strike me as being Labradford, especially, with the baroque classical influence replaced with the jazz of Bill Evans, perhaps, and maybe some early Tortoise. But there’s also a strong kinship with Josh Haden’s exceptional Spain circa “The Blue Moods Of Spain” (though Bohren’s work is entirely instrumental), and, as someone here mentioned the other day, Angelo Badalamenti’s “Twin Peaks” work.
And then there’s the doom element, which has seen Bohren recently aligned with the likes of Earth and Sunn 0))). You can hear that in the sloth and resonant chordal thump of things like “Welk” and “Schwarze Biene (Black Maja)”. The latter track is the stand-out, probably, beginning like something from the Aphex Twin’s “Ambient Works Volume Two” before the piano arrives.
But “Dolores” isn’t really a record where individual tracks stand out that much; it’s a completely engrossing whole. Anyone out there know if Bohren’s previous albums are as good as this one?
Un poquito de post rock, más tarde cuando acabe de subirlo un Split de Arboretoum y Pontiak
Gracias Toxinho… se agradece un poco de post-rock de vez en cuando... yo he dejado de filtrar discos porque parece que el genero le aburre bastante a la peña del foro... hasta a los post rockeros.
@Dan: anda pedazo de imbécil, deja ya de ensuciar, que eres un tonto a las tres Tu catálogo de insultos es de lo más sofisticado, hasta me he sentido ofendido." />
Arbouretum/Pontiak - Kale 12" Split
Kale is a special LP-only split release by Arbouretum and their Baltimore friends Pontiak, Thrill Jockey’s new signees making their label debut. The split features new songs from each band as well as a handful of John Cale covers, with Arbouretum offering their rendition of “Buffalo Ballet,” and Pontiak delivering a potent “The Endless Plain of Fortune” and a great new interpretation of “Mr. Wilson”. The album was recorded at Pontiak’s home studio in Warrenton, VA.
Pontiak is three brothers from the Blue Ridge farm country of Virginia. Van, Lain and Jennings Carney did not play music together until the three were older and moved to Baltimore from various points around the country. Their enthusiasm quickly turned to obsession and soon they were building their studio in the barn on their farm and moving back to focus entirely on recording and playing. They quietly released their debut record Valley of Cats distributing it themselves at shows. But it certainly got our attention, as did the undeniable follow up album Sun on Sun. The results, swaggering guitar rock, straddle the line between a power trio and something whose expansive results exceed the trio format. Their broad song structures allow ample room for Van’s amazing vocals and guitar work to stretch and captivate. Julian Cope described them as “straddling a wide sonic rift valley, with references that stretch from the southern latitudes of Spain’s Viaje A800 to the northern majesty of Black Sabbath and Harvey Milk via the Doors.”
Arbouretum hail from Baltimore and are led by Dave Heumann, who also plays with Nathan Bell of Lungfish in Human Bell. They use the basic structure of folk-affected rock songs to paint broad landscapes rich with literary allusions, loner ballads, fuzzy bass and acid drenched guitar solos. Arbouretum released their Thrill Jockey debut, Rites of Uncovering, in January 2007, and since have toured Europe and the States multiple times, including outings with Dead Meadow and Beach House. Human Bell released a debut full length earlier this year on Thrill Jockey before touring the US with Boredoms; Dave Heumann has also played with The Anomoanon, Bonnie “Prince” Billy and Cass McCombs.
Arbouretum and Pontiak will tour together this summer in support of Kale.Pontiak’s Sun on Sun album will get a proper release in September and Arbouretum is currently working on new material for a follow-up album to Rites of Uncovering.
Hempror tu no te preocupes que yo dentro de mis posibilidades iré poniendo alguna cosilla que encuentre por ahí, para no desabastecerte y así no te aburres.
no controlo mucho a los qota pero ese no es el song for the dead? si es asi tiene o 7 años el disco
Es un recopilatorio de los 10 años que llevan, no es exactamente una filtración pero pensé que a alguien le podría interesar..
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore - Dolores
One of those genres which struck me as seriously threatened was post-rock, not least because the adventurous spirit of the original post-hardcore experimentalists seems to have degenerated into so much prosaic quiet/loud dynamics and sub-metal chundering. An evolutionary dead-end. But then I realised that one of the records I’d been playing a lot of late, Bohren & Der Club Of Gore’s fantastic “Dolores”, was ostensibly a post-rock record, in the best sense of the term.
Bohren are a German band I’ve read about over the years (they formed in 1992, apparently), but somehow never heard until “Dolores” turned up. They operate somewhere around a point where jazz, ambience and post-rock intercept – which makes them sound rather like The Necks.
I imagine Bohren would probably appeal to Necks fans, but they’re still quite different propositions, judging by “Dolores”. For a start, “Dolores” seems meticulously composed rather than improvised: a series of slow, contemplative pieces driven by saxophone, vibes or piano, anchored by discreetly brushed cymbals, shrouded in a distant atmospheric hum.
The post-rock antecedents to this strike me as being Labradford, especially, with the baroque classical influence replaced with the jazz of Bill Evans, perhaps, and maybe some early Tortoise. But there’s also a strong kinship with Josh Haden’s exceptional Spain circa “The Blue Moods Of Spain” (though Bohren’s work is entirely instrumental), and, as someone here mentioned the other day, Angelo Badalamenti’s “Twin Peaks” work.
And then there’s the doom element, which has seen Bohren recently aligned with the likes of Earth and Sunn 0))). You can hear that in the sloth and resonant chordal thump of things like “Welk” and “Schwarze Biene (Black Maja)”. The latter track is the stand-out, probably, beginning like something from the Aphex Twin’s “Ambient Works Volume Two” before the piano arrives.
But “Dolores” isn’t really a record where individual tracks stand out that much; it’s a completely engrossing whole. Anyone out there know if Bohren’s previous albums are as good as this one?
Un poquito de post rock, más tarde cuando acabe de subirlo un Split de Arboretoum y Pontiak
Pues me he metido en el myspace de esta gente y parece que le dan más al jazz que al postrock. Un jazz calmado y oscuro. No sé si es que han cambiado de estilo en este último disco. Toxinho, lo has escuchado o en lo de postrock te has guiado por la cita?
toxinho… no te preocupes no lo digo por eso que estoy bastante bien servido ultimamente con musica "insrtumental / post rock / shoegaze"... pero gracias!!!
Gracias por el de Bohren & Der Club Of Gore!! eso si de post rock no tienen nada de nada, jejeje death jazz, doom jazz, dark ambient jazz, o yo k se… pero de post rock nasti de plasti
Mea culpa, las revisiones de los discos son lo que tienen. Te fijas en la primera palabra que te suena y lo sueltas.
Además ultimamente todo el mundo pide que se etiqueten a los grupos que se postean para ver si merece la pena.
DDD jazz. Dark Death Doom Jazz. La verdad es que dan mucho mieeeedo.
Mea culpa, las revisiones de los discos son lo que tienen. Te fijas en la primera palabra que te suena y lo sueltas.
Además ultimamente todo el mundo pide que se etiqueten a los grupos que se postean para ver si merece la pena.estos merecen la pena, bueno por lo menos en sus anteriores discos, a vere…
Se les podrá ver en el Nightmare before christmas, es decir, que son carne de PS09
Se les podrá ver en el Nightmare before christmas, es decir, que son carne de PS09
estos en el auditorio y con una buena iluminación, muy grande podría llegar a ser
"Imagine early Mars Volta, but way more eclectic and diverse, with electronic, hardcore and hip-hop elements and string arrangements. Every song has its own style and feel, but they all share common atmosphere. Unlike many bands that are eclectic just for the sake of it, The Stiletto Formal's music simply works: the album is surprisingly consistent and never feels disjointed. Recommended."
buscarle etiquetas a Bohren & Der Club Of Gore es de lo más absurdo, pero lo de post rock me ha llegado al alma. Ya cuando alguien dice que son jazz ya lo miro con cara rara…Por cierto, alguno habrá aqui que los vio en Apolo.