Filtraciones '08

  • @hempror:iuljdt13:


    has escuchado ya el de los seven mile journey?

    ya veo que te he convertido a la secta…

    SI, pero hay que encontrarles el momento. Son capaces de joderte el dia.

    Hoy he empezado con WOMEN y de puta madre. Despues Enablers me han dejado loco. Qué buenos. Cómo os quiero. Qué cojones haria sin vosotros y vuestros consejos/filtraciones?

    Lo siento tengo el dia ñoño

  • Oigan, el cd de King Khan es un recopilatorio? hay varios temas que me suenan de sus dos anteriores

    De todas maneras, cd perfecto para fiestas, verbenas y guateques. Grandèrrimos él y su banda.

  • @eolrin:2m5gnfkw:



    Podría subir alguien a zshare o mediafire el último de Sigur Ros…... lo ponéis tan bien que me gustaría descargarlo.


    Esta es un ripeo bueno, siento que no esté en mediafire o zshare: ... 08-DV8.rar

    Gracias por el intento… lo que pasa es que no me puedo descargar el rapidshare desde el curro y en casa no tengo internet..... a ver si algún alma caritativa accede a este ruego.

    acceder accedo, lo que no se es si llego tarde que es muy posible

  • Joder dos dias si mirar mucho el hilo y entre el de los 90's y las filtraciones mas de 1GB bajado en el curro, suerte que es viernes.

  • Chema, este también creo que te interesa:

    Stefano Pilia - Silence Action Prayers (Die Schachtel, 2008)


    This solo work by the 3/4hadbeeneliminated guitarist Stefano Pilia can aptly be defined “ecstatic”, in the purest sense of the term. Each guitar note seems to emanate from beneath an invisible surface, lingering for a few moments only to drop back down and be replaced by another; different harmonics emerge creating a restless resonance, and tiny clusters of melody appear and disappear before fading in the haze of a gorgeous drone.
    Stefano Pilia was born in Genoa in 1978. He lives and works in Bologna. An electro-acoustic composer and multi-instrumentalist who has realeased various recordings with both Italian and foreign labels , has toured Europe and the USA, collaborating with artists as well as musicians. His work has become progressevly concerned with the research of the sculputural dimensions of sound and it's relations with space both through instrumental executional practices and investigations into the recording and production process. He is one of the founder members of 3/4HadBeenEliminated, a synthethis between improvisation, electro-acoustic composition and avant-rock sensibilties. He generally plays live as solo and with 3/4HadBeenEliminated and frequently collaborates on the sound-tracking (both live and on CD/video) for the productions of Zimmerfrei, Cosmesi, Homemovies and Wuming2.


    The Wire - March 2008 review

    Italian guitarist Stefano Pilia is a lyrical minimalist. That turn of phrase must seem oxymoronic, depending on how austere your minimalism, but Pilia quietly and simply adheres to basic principles about the guitar. His playing evokes oceanic stillness, or tangles driftwood gently bobbing in one place, directionless after the flood. Pilia has already presented us with several solo records, the most recent of which, The Suncrows Fall And Tree, was one of the 2007's more eloquent explorations of drone. This interest is still in evidence on Action Silence Prayers, thought is far from the album's raison d'etre. Instead, the guitar is tenderly plucked, singing out calm, winding melodies and that kind of closely chorded, gently discordant shapes once perfected by Taku Sugimoto, Before he turn disappearance into an art form. On "Sky" Pilia applies a similar diffidence and quiet determination to plaing the piano, before an underwater loop for guitar, piano and a Marina Rosenfeld sample peacefully spools aut of audition, like tape unwinding from a reel-to-reel. "Sea" and "Land" bookend the set with texturological explorations that are more elegant than Pilia's previous drone outings. However , the solo guitar recitals are the most affecting pieces here. Wheter exploring the beating of notes just out of phrase , as on "Question", or skimming the guitar's surface with raindrop chimes, as on "Water", Pilia's playing is poised, higly articulate and emotionally generous.

  • ¡ahí l'has dao!

  • hace no muchos años alguien me hizo una copia en cassette de su gastadísimo vinilo del pacific ocean blues de dennis wilson: deshicé la cinta de tanto quemarlo y eso que no soy muy de los beach boys.

    el caso es que por fin se ha editado en cd (y re-editado en vinilo) con un montón de extras y una presentación bien chula. al que le interese probar:

    (si estoy invocando a ben & bruno lo siento pero al buscar no me ha encontrado nada)


    sightings - through the panama

    -While Sightings' 2007 album got a fair amount of attention due to its producer — longtime Load Records freak/ally Andrew W.K. — Through the Panama is hardly I Get Wet, which doubtless pleases all parties involved. From the start, with "A Rest"'s aggressive throb of screeching, stuttering feedback rising and falling like a queasy loop from a My Bloody Valentine show in hell while singer Mark Morgan delivers the lyrics in a calm, singsong style that cuts clearly through the chaos, Through the Panama makes a hell of a mark. It's Sightings' best release for Load yet, absolutely snarling as much as instantly catchy, and as such fits in with such other releases on the label (like recent White Mice) rather than somehow sticking out. Some songs, like "Cloven Hoof," sit fully in the still-whatever-you-want-it-to-be noise genre — roiling bass growls, dank guitar stabs, percussion loops and clicks, an embrace of compelling atmosphere without needing a hummable melody to be memorable. Morgan's speak-singing adds the hook more often than not, but even then is not out to make it easy, his muffled yelps on "Certificate of No Effect" and drawn-out slurred sighs on "Degraded Hours" hardly being easy listening. Yet perhaps the most inspired moment lies in both the choice and method of performing the one cover version on the disc — "The Electrician," Scott Walker's majestic, terrifying portrayal of fascist torturers in Chile, which first surfaced during the Walker Brothers reunion era. Adapting the unnerving electronic/rock/orchestral arrangement with ease — the way the guitar and bass almost seem to hover in the air at the start catches the breath, while the stuttering breakdown toward the end sounds like a dying machine, or worse — the band's only slight misstep is that Morgan's voice can't quite capture Walker's admittedly nearly unique power and grace. It's a small complaint, though, about such an inspired attempt. -

  • es del 2008 pero como están al caer lo he metido aquí.

  • ahora sí que eres un forero de pro.
    gracias man!

    por cierto sightings tocan en euskadi también o no?

  • @manel:1riclvad:

    ahora sí que eres un forero de pro.
    gracias man!

    por cierto sightings tocan en euskadi también o no?

    sí, tocan el 30 de junio lunes en Bilbo:
    SIGHTINGS (New York) (retorcido noise-rock con tintes psicodelicos)

    ETEN VS. URA (Bizkaia) (impro conjunta de ambas bandas)

    FERNALIA (Azkoitia) (rock´n roll industrial)

    MUBLES (Bilbao) (musica de la ria)

    KARPENTERS (Bilbao) (rock 2.0)

    LARRASKITUN ZETANGAUZ (larraskitu) (ambient experimental)

    Ura es un proyecto de Jon y el batería de Billy Bao. A ver qué coño hacen

  • Llevo un año en que casi casi no he tocado grupos noveles y he tirado más bien de oldies, pero hoy me ha dado por bajarme cosas

    Aunque a decir verdad tampoco me han triunfado mucho... por lo poco que escuchado, poco veo de los Zombies en el de Women a ver qué tal los D+

    Y por cierto, a ver si cazáis el LP de Pas/Cal, tiene buena pinta

  • escuchando el de Sightings me he ido a Load y me he acordado de The White Mice, el grupo ideal para deshacerte de visitas incómodas.

    The White Mice "BLasssTPhlEgMEICE" (Load, 2008)

  • Earlimart - Hymn And Her

    Y este va de un poco de folk
    The Burning Hell - Happy Birthday

  • No recuerdo que nadie lo haya subido así que aquí lo dejo:

    Iron & Wine – Lovesong of the Buzzard [2008]

  • necesito el link de Fleet Foxes , lo escuché ayer por primera vez al acabar el concierto de A hawk and a hacksaw y me gusto bastante, el link que hay lo han borrado del mapa.


  • Sun Giant EP

    Ragged Wood

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:37ihcbxk:

    Sun Giant EP

    Ragged Wood

    Que crack.bajando, muchas gracias.

  • @ForSilence:13mvhqmr:

    necesito el link de Fleet Foxes , lo escuché ayer por primera vez al acabar el concierto de A hawk and a hacksaw y me gusto bastante, el link que hay lo han borrado del mapa.


    aqui tienes:

    edit: no había visto que ya te lo habían puesto… :s