Filtraciones '08
Wolfgang Voigt - Gas [cd, Raster Noton, 2008] una hora de material inédito que no había salido aún a la luz… o eso dicen.
Post-punk modernito resultón
Elle Milano - Acres Of Dead Space Cadets
Disco debut deste grupo procedente de Brighton, UK. Exponen 10 temas de muy buena manufactura con la garantía del rock independiente británico, con temas punks, baladas alternativas, garage rock a lo The Hives, el new wave de Franz Ferdinand, con similitudes sonicales a Larrikin Love o Mistery Jets.
Bueno, Mystery Jets…al menos lo colgado en su myspace, suena bastante mejor que Mystery Jets
Inquiet- Inq Beyong
Atención a este disco por que por lo que estoy escuchando está brutal y engancha muchisimo.
You can find more information about inquiet at also at
****thanks for writing :)
El sello Aloud Music ha puesto para descargar de foma gratuita y legal todo su catálogo.
También ha habilitado la posibilidad de realizar donaciones.
El sello Aloud Music ha puesto para descargar de foma gratuita y legal todo su catálogo.
También ha habilitado la posibilidad de realizar donaciones.A mi la mayor parte del sello Aloud no me gusta nada
El ep de Mogwai:
qué bonico el disco este de High Places que puso andtheworld unos días atrás. lástima que la voz sea un poco sosilla..
de todas maneras, he estado buscando info sobre el grupo y he encontrado un disco que han sacado ahora que recopila material desperdigado de justo antes del LP que recién han sacado con Thrill Jockey.
lo pongo para quien lo quiera (perdón si ya lo pusisteis en su día):High Places 03/07-09/07
Hace algunos días que no dejo nada por aquí así que vamos con algunas csillas interesantes
Total Bummer - Total Bummer (Ep) ``` @wwrfnoz0: > Total Bummer is Brooklyn Cannon. Originally from Victoria, B.C. but now residing in Montreal, Quebec, Cannon has been active within the Canadian independent music scene for the better part of a decade. She has been a member of Victoria bands God Shaped Vacuum - whose other members included Dan Boeckner of Wolf Parade and Handsome Furs, as well as Carey Mercer of Frog Eyes and Swan Lake-, and Atlas Strategic - again with Boeckner -, who released two albums: Rapture, Ye Minions! (2000 - Global Symphonic) and the independently released That’s Familiar (2002). After leaving Atlas Strategic in 2002, she would take a break from music and attend fashion school. In 2006 Cannon joined the last incarnation of the influential Victoria band Daddy’s Hands, fronted by the late Dave Wenger. After Wenger’s untimely passing and the dissolution of Daddy’s Hands, Cannon began writing songs under the moniker of Total Bummer. Total Bummer is representative of the coalesced experiences of it’s only member and invokes the silence of a Montreal winter: powerful, deafening in it’s execution, and seemingly on the verge of collapse from the weight of modernity. Speaking through a singular voice, and resembling very little of her past musical output, Cannon’s Total Bummer is representative of a clear and divisive step into an unknown future that still amends it’s past in recollection. –---------------- **Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson - Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson**
 @wwrfnoz0: > Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson is one man, but his debut album is so full of voices and sounds it suggests the work of a community. Sometimes this fullness is just an illusion of multitracking and overdubbing, but often it’s a document of something truly shared, thanks to contributions from TV on the Radio’s Kyp Malone and various members of Grizzly Bear (the record was produced by GB’s Chris Taylor). Nonetheless, it’s still a solo album, which helps drive home the message these ragged singalongs seem to be suggesting– that these people (and perhaps we too, by extension) are, in fact, lonely together. Much like Conor Oberst, Robinson may be surrounded by friends and their democratic noises, but his burdens are all his own. –--------- **Sumner Mckane - What A Great Place To Be**
 @wwrfnoz0: > Many of today’s breed of post-rock bands are basically the equivalent of punk-rock bands; they do not rely on virtuosity or technique, and their song structures tend to be predicable and owe more to energy and emotion rather than melodic, harmonic, or rhythmic complexity. Because of this, Sumner McKane stands out from the crowd. He is a brilliant songwriter and a technically proficient musician, yet his playing resonates with soul and passion. He has a style that is unmistakably his own. His influences, which are varied, shine through, but at no point does this fact sacrifice his originality. In a genre in which many critics often give far too much credit to sterile and bland music claiming to be avant-garde, Sumner McKane is an absolute breath of fresh air. Estos dos últimos suenan muy prometedores después de una primera escucha, así que dadles una oportunidad
Ray Bonneville - Goin' By Feel
Ray Bonneville's unique musical artistry is a blend of funky visceral grooves framing rich story-songs, anchored by his smoldering blues-drenched guitar and harmonica talents. Acclaimed in Canada (he's won a Juno Award, the Canadian Grammy) his dual-citizenship has enabled him to count too many places as home over the years, having lived in Montreal, Boston, Alaska, New Orleans, Colorado, Seattle, Austin and, most recently rural Arkansas. It's undoubtedly informed Bonneville's unique musical cocktail -a smooth melding of swamp, blues, country and folk. The infectiously groove-laden Goin' By Feel finds Ray stretching into new territory with gritty production and raw instrumentation in a sonic masterwork featuring the finest writing of his career.
Pantaleimon - Heart of the Sun
A remix album by Pantaleimon, aka Andria Degens. Here's her own words on how this album came about:
"The whole thing started when Clodagh Simonds (Fovea Hex) asked if she could remix 'Under The Water.' Of course, I said yes. When she came back with such remarkable music, and casually mentioned, 'Oh, why don't you ask a couple of other pals to do remixes?', it gave me the idea for this album."
"It is not simply a remix album, but a collaborative project. I chose friends I admired as artists and who inhabit creative spaces that are connected in some way and on some level to me and to each other. I gave away my 'babies' to go out to play with the likes of Andrew W.K., Stephen O'Malley, Lilium, Carter Tutti, Colin Potter, Andrew Liles, The Bricoleur, Plinth, Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo (Larsen), and, of course, Fovea Hex. Even though I had an inkling that the mixes would fit together as one coherent whole, I had no idea just how much they would complement one another.
"There are also some previously unreleased tracks including a cover of Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's 'Even If Love,' which didn't quite make it on Mercy Oceans for aural reasons. However, this cover version has been gently manipulated and star-mangled by Susan Stenger (Band of Susans).
"Another of the unreleased tracks is our first collaboration with the group Strings of Consciousness. They wished to remix one of the songs from Mercy Oceans. I had no more songs left from the album so we created a new song just for this record. I am very happy to have them join us for the ride…"
**James Jackson Toth - Waiting in Vain**  @gv5779t8: > For his solo debut, Tennessee-based James Jackson Toth has conjured a mysterious, alluring world; Toth's scenarios are intriguingly tawdry and his sounds tantalizing, with layered, almost-dreamlike harmonies; touches of blues, country and soul and the occasional flash of punk swagger. He assumes the role of storyteller, maybe even confessor, spinning inter-linked tales of hope and misfortune, romantic trials and spiritual yearning.
Domingo aburrido? pues venga que en 15 minutillos teneis el nuevo disco The New Year subido!
eso de mogwai es el disco nuevo?
eso de mogwai es el disco nuevo?
no es el ep, con el single y 2 temas inéditos (creo que uno va al disco nuevo) que la verdad son bastante malos
The New Year - The New Year (2008) (por cierto talibanes de los kps y bitrates, la calidad es normalilla pero se puede escuchar perfectamente, es lo que hay de momento…)
Melancolía, intensidad, piel de gallina, épica y sonrisa de oreja a oreja, este es el nuevo disco de The New Year, no os dejeis engañar, a la primera escucha parece que flojea un poco, pero el disco está lleno de matices, poco a poco... y te vas metiendo... si llegará o no a la altura de los primeros 2 discos mmm, lo tienen difícil... alejandose un poco de sus primeros discos y de la sombra de bedhead... pero discazo seguro!
01 Folios
02 The Company I Can Get
03 X Off Days
04 The Door Opens
05 MMV
06 Seven Days and Seven Nights
07 Wages of Sleep
08 Body and Soul
09 My Neighborhood
10 The Idea of You
The New Year - The New Year (2008)
Me está gustando mucho. ¿Alguien puede subir los dos anteriores? Los links del hilo del Tanned Tin están caídos… Gracias!
Grande Pelukas!!!
The New Year - The New Year (2008) (por cierto talibanes de los kps y bitrates, la calidad es normalilla pero se puede escuchar perfectamente, es lo que hay de momento…)
Melancolía, intensidad, piel de gallina, épica y sonrisa de oreja a oreja, este es el nuevo disco de The New Year, no os dejeis engañar, a la primera escucha parece que flojea un poco, pero el disco está lleno de matices, poco a poco... y te vas metiendo... si llegará o no a la altura de los primeros 2 discos mmm, lo tienen difícil... alejandose un poco de sus primeros discos y de la sombra de bedhead... pero discazo seguro!
01 Folios
02 The Company I Can Get
03 X Off Days
04 The Door Opens
05 MMV
06 Seven Days and Seven Nights
07 Wages of Sleep
08 Body and Soul
09 My Neighborhood
10 The Idea of You
No quiero parecer gay..pero creo que te quiero.
hace tiempo que era consciente de la existencia de un grupo llamado "The New Year" puesto que el nombre siempre me recordaba la canción homónima de mis idolatrados Death Cab For Cutie, y hoy, al ver que se había filtrado su tercer álbum y que lo dejabais muy bien he decidido darle una escucha y JO-DER, qué bueno es! Y eso que el single no me ha convencido y sigue sin hacerlo, pero canciones como la que abre el disco "Folios" ya dejan entrever que algo grande se esconde ahí dentro. A ver cómo evoluciona, pero estoy muy emocionado con esta gente!
Y ahora mi petición: alguien puede subir los dos discos anteriores de The New Year (Newness ends y The end is near)? Me gustaría escuchármelos antes de ponerme con Bedhead. Ah! Y como les veis para que caigan en el PC? Si, no?