Filtraciones '08

  • Y el de Ben & Bruno?



    Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs (2008)

    Por cierto, que rico el Earl Grey, es uno de mis tés favoritos

  • El de Weezer no se filtra? Le tengo ganas, tiene números para ser el disco del verano y el nuevo single es grandérrimo.

    Que raro que no se pasen por algún festival.

  • El nuevo de Ben & Bruno:

    Death Cab pero en mp3 a 160 Kbps miento, en VBR

  • @Tambourine:3uiday77:

    El nuevo de Ben & Bruno:

    Death Cab pero en mp3 a 160 Kbps

    Será un transcode guarro, yo me espero a un ripeo de escena.

  • @3k89x64t:

    Será un transcode guarro, yo me espero a un ripeo de escena.

    Tiene toda la pinta, pero odio el formato m4a y así me evito convertirlo.
    Yo me lo estoy oyendo, después de tanto Velveteen tengo curiosidad…

  • escuchado 'nones', definitivamente no age me gustan muchísimo. me encanta que sean simultáneamente básicos y personales (ramones+my bloody valentine). me encanta el toquecillo nostálgico que diferencia al disco de los eps anteriores. y sobre todo, me encanta que suenan a juventud, pero una juventud compleja, sensible y nada estúpida. ¡esto es sonic youth! qué poético me he puesto… es que me emocionan de verdad. ¡grupazo!

  • administrators

    buf, discazo el de Dark Meat. Y en un sello guay guay, jaja.
    Además, me acabo de dar cuenta que los vi en Austin, molan mucho en directo aunque era taaan tarde…

  • Electric President - Sleep Well (Morr - 2008)

    Gran debut. Veremos ahora.

  • Feeder-Silent Cry

    La que se ha liado andtheworldsmileswithyou, como se nota que el disco de DCFC era de los más esperados.

  • no recuerdo haberlo visto, es un poco truñel, pero ahí va

    Joseph Arthur - Crazy Rain - 2008 May 1, 2008

  • Esto igual le interesa a alguien. Lo he escuchado un par de veces y aunque a priori (son poemas de Jacint Verdaguer musicados) eche un poco para atrás, vale bastante la pena.

    Roger Mas - Les cançons tel·lúriques

  • @fond:

    Esto igual le interesa a alguien. Lo he escuchado un par de veces y aunque a priori (son poemas de Jacint Verdaguer musicados) eche un poco para atrás, vale bastante la pena.

    Roger Mas - Les cançons tel·lúriques

    Pues esta mañana mismo estaba mirando si lo encontraba por algún sitio colgado. Se agradece muchísimo.

  • Eric Chenaux - Sloppy Ground (Constellation, 2008) –> Singer-songwriter/Folk/Experimental


    Sloppy Ground is Eric Chenaux's strongest, most accessible and most dynamic work in years. We have long been champions of the man's inimitable talents – as a songwriter, arranger and mind-bending guitarist – and this new album should make these talents clear to the nominally attentive listener. This is a collection of beautifully fried love songs, highly original in compositional approach and instrumental texture, utterly compelling in lyrical content and delivery. As Chenaux says, "the lyrics are more concerned with what love does rather than what it means…the time moving through these tunes is not one of the beginning of love or the end or heartbreak of love (though I love that stuff too) but more often in the middle (the working middle, the in between)".

    Opening with the swirling drone ballad of "Am I Lovely" (and its achingly simple refrain "Asking each other/Since we’re together/Am I lovely?"), the album then breaks into the brilliant frazzled funk of "Love Don’t Change", a staple of Chenaux live shows for many years (and a very different version of which was recorded some time ago with recurring collaborator Michelle McAdorey on vocals). On this take, the unique whammied fuzz of Aimee Dawn Robinson's electrified echo harp punctuates the chord changes while Nick Fraser's phenomenal and fluid drum work relentlessly sparks the syncopation. Chenaux busts out with an exuberant guitar solo over the tune's supple funk, driving home the song's declaration of a lover's simple striving: "We could still be friends/ But we could eat sweet things at night/I want to slow this city down and be with you in still life". It's an awesome and giddy display of guitar chops, but more importantly, wholly motivated by the song's underlying lyrical and (un)sentimental intent.

    Third track "Rest Your Daylights" is a truly gorgeous twilight lullaby, perhaps the closest thing to a classic ballad on the album, marked by subtle slide-guitar textures winding around the main guitar arpeggios, and a perfectly restrained vocal performance from Chenaux. Side A closes with "Have I Lost My Eyes", the first of three trademark 'funk-marches' on the album, with Chenaux conjuring a Highlands-folk spirit where extended melodic lines form the compositional backbone of the piece, percussion is joined in unison to the melody's rhythmic phrasing, and the guitar behaves like psychedelic bagpipes. This re-channeling of traditional Scottish tropes works to similarly captivating effect on "Boon Harp" and "Old Peculiar", which form the centerpieces of the album's second side. Side B winds down elegantly with "Dreaming Of Stars", featuring one of the record's sweetest and most elaborate melodies, and "Sloppy Ground", the title track and album closer, with its plangent images of winter, city and memory driven by a lover's absence.

    Chenaux has rallied some of Toronto's finest 'out' players for Sloppy Ground, including Nick Fraser on drums, Ryan Driver on amplified melodica and synths, David Prentice on violin, Doug Tielli on 5-string banjo, Martin Arnold on electric tenor banjo, and Aimee Dawn Robinson on electric echo harp. Chenaux's own guitar work has never been more thrillingly deployed in the context of (relatively) conventional songcraft.

    Recorded by Jeff McMurrich at Halla Music in Toronto (with additional tracking by Efrim Menuck at Thee Hotel2Tango in Montreal) and mixed and mastered by Harris Newman at Greymarket in Montreal, Sloppy Ground is available on CD and 180gLP. Both come in our custom cardstock packaging and feature the work of Toronto visual artist Corinne Carlson.

  • qué buena pinta … el anterior, Dull Lights, me encantó


  • Aquí el (los) recopilatorio(s) del PS de este año…. Igual no os sirve de mucho, pero bueno. ... php?t=4134

  • igual meto un benand pero, me la juego

    Einstürzende Neubauten - the Jewels (2008)


    “Jewels” is a concept album with 15 songs some of which were originally available only as monthly download gifts to the supporters of the third phase of the project The band then sought out Blixa Bargeld to help with a new developmental process.

    They invented a card game as a navigation system. Each one was a cryptic reference to elements of the new work since 1980: tools, materials and structures, with reference to verse or chorus, intro and outro, social relations and alliances: Who with whom? Who what and with what speed and attitude? The result was a kind of chance music: the Jewels.

  • je je je … página 109, posteado el viernes por -Toxinho-

    pero se agradece el detalle, eso por supuesto

  • Su anterior disco me encantó y no creo que este me defraude, pero hay que escucharlo antes
    Audrey - The Fierce And The Longing


    Sweden’s Audrey has a new album out called “The Fierce and the longing”, and it is wonderful! Their debut was one of the top albums of my year-end list in 2006 (I think), and this one is definitely a good follow-up album. Dark, dreamy, lush, beautiful pop music. It’s available from most good cd and download shops on the web, so get it now! While you’re there, get their debut too.

  • El Consejo de sabios ha decidido que a la de 5 Ben & brunos, expulsado de la real academia de filtradores! que hay mucho mal ultimamente

  • @Pelukini:2smlmavc:

    El Consejo de sabios ha decidido que a la de 5 Ben & brunos, expulsado de la real academia de filtradores! que hay mucho mal ultimamente

    Tanto benandbunear me pone la cabeza mirando para atras como a la niña del exorcista.
    A que te refieres exactamente con lo de 5 ben and brunos? ultimamente todos ben and bruneais, (imagino no obstante por donde pueden ir los tiros) pero no entiendo nada Pelukini. Mandame un privi por si me enterara de lo tanto ben and brunos.

    Por cierto Toxinho discazo en toda regla de los chicos de Audrey. Estaba deseando pillarlo. (la mayoria de lo procedente de Sweden tiene un valor añadido)
