Filtraciones '08

  • he estado oyendo el disco de estos heavies de LA, Ancestors. el disco está pepino, por aquí no se ha filtrado, no? rollo Sleep, Sabbath, Kyuss

  • ¡eso es poner los dientes largos, manel! jejeje…

    en la misma onda, dejo aquí el split de otesanek, loss, ORTHODOX y mournful congregation, 'four burials'. el tema de los sevillanos (18minutos) es puro om y se sale.

  • el disco de Pivot no está nada mal. no es un disparate, pero se deja escuchar bien. son como si cualquier émulo de mogwai se propusiese sonar a battles después de haberse escuchado todos los discos de mouse on mars de un tirón. o algo parecido…

  • El myspace de estos nipones suenan muy bien

    Lite "Phantasia"

    Math Rock, Rock Instrumental

  • vamos con el de los Ancestors, pues.

    Ancestors "Neptune with fire" (North Atlantic Sound , 2008)


    Ancestors is a five-piece psychedelic doom metal ensemble from Los Angeles. Ancestors transmogrifies the epic nature of seventies psychedelic and progressive music into a form that also incorporates vintage, doom and drone metal.
    The unique song construction used by Ancestors starts with an improvisational method that takes root from the eclectic zeniths of the members perception, and a vision for a structural framework that provides a sonic architecture of an omnipotent grand presence. Then, adding disparate transitions that show the insatiability of their songwriting, all of these spellbinding algorithms culminate in overwhelming pieces that transcend from motif to motif.
    Justin Maranga, Nick Long and Brandon Pierce began a three-piece project in the summer of 2006, then shortly after added Englishman Chico Foley, who had met Brandon shortly after taking up what was at the time a temporary residence in Los Angeles. The band then finally found its final member, J Christopher Watkins, who majestically met the band’s
    need for an organist. Their debut LP, Neptune With Fire — a conceptual, two track record
    with a title track that tells of a metaphorical character and his cosmic, psychological ordeal through war, celebration, remorse and revelation — is to be released February 2008 on new boutique label North Atlantic Sound (formed by Tony Presedo of Tee Pee Records, and
    Dave Sweetapple of Wabana Records). Artwork for the record was delivered by psychedelic visionary Arik Roper, the artist behind such record covers as Sleep’s Dopesmoker, and the upcoming new Earth LP: The Bee Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull.
    Artwork on the vinyl release will be presented with gatefold packaging. Combining the embrace of the grand storytelling featured in conceptual space and psychedelic rock songwriting, the soul of hard rock and vintage metal, and the transmundane ethic of epic, Ancestors induces
    catastrophic experiences in the listener.

  • Hola!

    No sé si ya se ha colgado esto, pero a mí me ha pillado por sorpresa encontrar lo nuevo de Brian Wilson:

    Brian Wilson - That lucky old sun (2008)

    Grande lo de Karl Hector & The Malcouns, Pelukini.

  • Dejo unos Ep´s por aquí para escuchar

    The Clientele - That Night, A Forest Grew

    Joseph Arthur - Foreign Girls EP

    Praveen & Benoit Pioulard - Songs Spun Simla


    "Songs Spun Simla", the six-song collaboration between Praveen & Benoit Pioulard, was apparently created over the course of two years without much in terms of physical interaction. Basing its name on Praveen’s ancestral point of origin, a village in India, "Song Spun Simla" doesn’t feel like it comes from only one place. It’s incorporation of myriad instruments and noisemakers give it an existentially united feel. The slice-of-life exchanges that precede the accordion played intro, "The Tunnel Is Still There", seem to mix languages, creating this anyone/anyworld/anywhere landscape. I don’t think it’s too dramatic to say that it almost stakes its claim on its own uncharted piece of land.

  • @Mayfield:7mh09dix:


    No sé si ya se ha colgado esto, pero a mí me ha pillado por sorpresa encontrar lo nuevo de Brian Wilson:

    Brian Wilson - That lucky old sun (2008)

    Grande lo de Karl Hector & The Malcouns, Pelukini.


    grande el avatar

  • These Arms Are Snakes - Tail Swallower and Dove

  • @-Toxinho-:4stalwcz:

    Praveen & Benoit Pioulard - Songs Spun Simla

    mierda mierda, te lo habías bajado, es que lo han petao en todos los blogs que he visto!


    A falta de un ripeo mejor que llegará pronto. En breve lo nuevo de Lambchop…

  • que horror de portada, parecen las sudaderas que venden con osos y halcones de Recuerdo de los Picos de Europa, cuando vas a los Lagos de Covadonga

  • @Pelukini:dwwno13o:

    mierda mierda, te lo habías bajado, es que lo han petao en todos los blogs que he visto!

    Si, está bajado. Pero te he mandado un enlace por privado a través del Last, para que no lo peten. Si alguno más lo quiere que me avise, que se lo envío.
    A otra cosa, como os atreveis ni tan siquiera a insinuar que la portada de Mogwai es fea

  • Pues sí, es horrible a más no poder.

    Lo nuevo de Lambchop:

    Lambchop - OH (Ohio) (Merge, 2008)


    On October 7, Merge Records will release OH (ohio), the new album by Lambchop, a group the All Music Guide has called "arguably the most consistently brilliant and unique American group to emerge [in the past two decades]."

    OH (ohio) was recorded in Lambchop's hometown of Nashville and produced by part-time 'chopper Mark Nevers at his Beech House studio. It features 11 new songs all written by Kurt Wagner, many with evocative titles - the stately soul folk of "Slipped Dissolved and Loosed," the galloping rhythms and chiming guitar-piano interplay of "National Talk Like a Pirate Day," and the shapeshifting, nearly funky "Popeye" - that have become a Lambchop hallmark.

    Change is a subtle thing in Lambchop's world. As his catalogue suggests, Wagner is a great believer in the natural pace of life. But he does concede that, for a group whose ranks once swelled to more than 20, "The last few years have been about a distillation of the collective into a core band: Tony Crow (piano), William Tyler (guitar), Matt Swanson (bass), Alex McManus (guitar) and now Ryan Norris (keyboards, guitar) and Scott Martin (drums). This is their sound, and it's Lambchop's sound. But," Wagner continues, "Lambchop more and more has become a vehicle for my songs and myself as an artist. I've fought against that interpretation for twenty years, but now I've just given up trying to fight it anymore."

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:2pljqn9c:

    Pues sí, es horrible a más no poder.

    Lo nuevo de Lambchop:

    Y otra carátula espantosa!

  • @joel_fleischman:3jjxx641:

    que horror de portada, parecen las sudaderas que venden con osos y halcones de Recuerdo de los Picos de Europa, cuando vas a los Lagos de Covadonga

    a mi no me parece tan fea

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:1xivoy6l:

    si se ve que esta de moda en el postrock!

  • ostia, esta última si que es igual que las sudaderas mentadas, que horror

  • John Elliott (emeralds) & Spyked John - Strangled Pairs Vol.9 Outer Space [American Tapes, 2008]

    Pram - Prisoner Of The Seven Pines (2008 EP)

    1. Pram - beluga (lp version)
    2. Psapp - hums around us (vital sandpit remix)
    3. Godsy - the silk road / the city surveyor (aguirre wrath of godsy remix)
    4. Grandmaster gareth - beluga (the beleaguered beluga remix)
    5. Modified toy orchestra - salva (throwing the toys into the pram remix)

    Wolf Eyes - Garbage Plate [2008]

    Wolf Eyes - Nuisance [2008]

    los 2 password: akuma no uta

    y recomiendo a la gente que le guste el "noise" se deja escuchar perfectamente


    ASTRO - The Echo From The Purple Dawn y Live At Muriyouku Muzen Temple 2008

  • @Harry_Powell:2mg7vtuw:

    Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
