Filtraciones '08

  • joder intento buscar un disco con la lupa esta de mierda y me salen moggolon de paginas y no encuentro nada.
    podria decirme alguien como va?

  • @staggerlee:ryrrz7ql:

    joder intento buscar un disco con la lupa esta de mierda y me salen moggolon de paginas y no encuentro nada.
    podria decirme alguien como va? ... php?tid=19

  • me esta gustando mucho el largo de Bomb the bass

    temazo con Mark Lanegan "black river"

  • Creía que había puesto este pero va a ser que no. A mi es un disco que me gusta bastante y por algún sitio que he leído lo referencian a Neil Young y Jason Molina, así que probad a ver si os gusta.

    Bowery Boy Blue - Stalk That Myth

  • @Pelukini:1fyh5nfs:


    El enlace de Pelle Carlberg es del disco del 2007.

    Puede ser, no? Porque las canciones son las mismas.

    si, sorry, este:

    a por él! gracias.

  • Lilypad - Imaginary Softwoods 3x c19 tape [2008/Wagon]


    3x cassette boxset from John Ellliot of Emeralds. Comes in vinyl box and includes a mysterious envelope.
    Lilypad's sound in this cs boxset is less massive-drony, less noisy but seems more arranged (still based on loops) and more dreamy when compared to Emeralds. Same thing is, we have old-skool analog synth sounds on both. Each of 12 tracks are mainly layered with maximum two different synth tunes, which we can say it's minimal in a good way. Most of the tracks has static hazy/fuzzy/dreamy drones that passes through LFO's and a few are floating with one synth bell-ish tune with reverb which also covers all other tracks.

    Raglani - Of Sirens Born [2008/Kranky]


    Credited as playing the sine/square wave generator, analog modular synth, acoustic guitar, voice, melodica, bamboo flute, and electronics, it’s safe to say that Joseph Raglani—who records under his last name—is a one-man drone machine. “Of Sirens Born” is second excellent re-issue from this project to surface this year (the first was a Kvist 12” entitled “Web Of Light”), but it serves as a perfect introduction to Raglani’s world of aural ecstasy.

    Comparisons throughout Kranky’s press release to the purveyors of German kosmische music like Cluster and Tangerine Dream are certainly apt, but Raglani’s music has certain warmth to it that makes it more earthbound and human than interstellar or cybernetic. Nowhere is this more evident than the album’s two standout tracks and centerpieces: “The Promise Of Wood And Water” and “Perilous Straits”.

    Relishing in every bit of its ten-minute length, “The Promise…” quickly builds up with nearly all of the instrumentation listed above to create a gentle yet vaguely cacophononous bed of sound. Instead of letting the track take off and come to a dramatic crescendo, Raglani is thankfully content to let it float and simmer, save for a few modular squeals to make sure the listener doesn’t get too comfortable. “Perilous…” follows a similar formula, but has a more ominous tone, with blasts of feedback and tense guitar picking that take the listener on an entirely new journey altogether.

    Slightly longer than 35 minutes, “Of Sirens Born” doesn’t wear out a bit of its welcome and certainly leaves the listener wanting more. Anyone who’s taken a liking to the dreamy aesthetics of fellow Midwesterners Emeralds, Sam Goldberg, and the like should not even think about missing out on Raglani. His sounds are easily some of the most blissful around.

  • Pop-folk acústico a veces commovedor. Lo he escuchado media vez y pinta muy bien

    Espaldamaceta - s/t

  • Original Silence - The Second Original Silence [2008/Smalltown Superjazz]


    "Picture Ornette Coleman sitting in with the Stooges (the old Stooges, that is) as they tear through "L.A. Blues" and you'd be in the neighborhood of free jazz/noise rock/construction noise hybrid Original Silence" (Pitchfork)

    Original Silence is:
    Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth)
    Terrie Ex (The Ex)
    Jim O`Rourke
    Mats Gustafsson (The Thing)
    Paal Nilssen-Love (The Thing, Atomic)
    Massimo Pupillo (Zu)

    Original Silence was put together by Swedish sax player Mats Gustafsson (known from his work with Sonic Youth, Peter Brotzman, David Grubbs and groups like Diskaholics Anonymous Trio and The Thing among others). Original Silence released their debut album on Smalltown Superjazzz in 2006 to wide critical acclaim. UK`s Guardian wrote a feature where they asked “What happens when you mix the intensity of hardcore punk with the improv spirit of John Coltrane?”. They called it death jazz, and Original Silence the death-jazz supergroup with Mats Gustafsson's insistence that free jazz and pre-punk are "all the same as far as I'm concerned".

    Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, its 100% improvised music and its all about total freedom. And now they are back with their second album, easily titled “The Second Original Silence. The band has its roots in the free jazz/spontaneous music of the 60s and punk rock. The 6 musicians are melting together in a cacophony of rhythm and noise. And where the first album was a noise/drone fest, the new album is more rhythmic, edgier, concise and groovy and closer to the 80s no wave. Like a mix of Albert Ayler, James Chance/Contortions, Black Flag, DNA, Sonic Youth and Pop Group.

    The album was recorded live in concert on September 28th 2006 at Brancaleone, Rome, Italy by Matteo Spinazze` and Alberto Mattaroccia. It was later mixed and mastered by Audun Strype, Mats Gustafsson and Paal Nilssen-Love at Strype Audio, Oslo, Norway.

  • Antes de nada presentarme, ya que soy nuevo

    Estaría enormemente agradecido si alguien puede darme un link (a ser posible que no sea de rapidshare o megaupload) de:


    Muchas gracias y un saludo.

  • por un lado de puta madre que ya se haya filtrado el disco de original silence
    por el otro, el enlace está petado

  • @Pekh:18gfjr0s:

    Buen disco el de Bowerbirds, sí señor.

    anda, ahi tienes, con una vez era suficiente

    Hombre, algo positivo ha salido de la irrupción de staggerlee. Si que molan estos Bowerbirds. Me hacen acordar a Andrew Bird. Habrá que verlos en directo. Aquí un link con los temas en mp3:

  • Jesu "Why Are We Not Perfect?" EP (Hydrahead, 2008)


    Released in 2008, WHY ARE WE NOT PERFECT? presents three Jesu tracks originally issued on a split EP with the ambient act Eluvium during the previous year. As with the SILVER and LIFELINE EPs, PERFECT finds Jesu mastermind Justin Broadrick pushing his heavy aesthetic still further into more melodic territory, with "Farewell" marked by epic synth washes and the title song carried largely by soft vocals and a lopping drum track. The aforementioned tunes are also featured in previously unissued alternate versions, making the EP essential for Jesu completists. The remaining track, "Blind and Faithless," creates a nearly symphonic sound, rounding out PERFECT, and providing yet another example of Broadrick's impressive indie-rock reinvention.

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:4kjdgtrd:

    Espero no hacer un B&B:

    The Boats - Faulty Toned Radio [2008/Flau]


    Japanese label Flau have lured Andrew Hargreaves and Craig Tattersall away from their traditional home on Moteer for a brand new album of unclassifiable electronic and acoustic song fragments. The jokey song titles almost seem like a distraction, as if The Boats are trying to distance themselves from how honestly sentimental and unwaveringly lovely their music is. Of course, titles like 'Get Folk Outta My Face' really doesn't reflect the tone of the music's achingly beautiful content, and certainly by the time you arrive at the chiming glockenspiel tones and shuffling scratchy beats of 'It's Not A Folk, It's A Knife', the punning stretches some way beyond the absurd, and the veil of humour can't obscure the intricately crafted warmth of these compositions. While genre classifications have never applied to The Boats' melodious electronic discharges, there are certain points of Faulty Toned Radio where you can hear the beats bulking up, and making strides towards the dancefloor (albeit a very quiet dancefloor) on 'Cars, Bikes, Boats, Babes', which combines the plaintive, unassuming electronic hum that underpins so much of the duo's work and imposes a folksy 4/4 micro-house template. It's a gorgeously direct piece of music from a band who've previously made their very own language out of low-key, headphone-friendly electronics. That's not the only example of this either: counterbalancing the bitcrushed piano outings like 'This Is For You To Read' you'll encounter playful acid-influenced basslines on 'Hemihorn' and tuneful, uptempo music on 'As For Substance'. In any case, all these pieces remain staunchly within The Boats' distinctive idiom, but their vocabulary just got that little bit broader. Gorgeous music - Highly recommended.

    En absoluto, Gracias!

  • ¿No se ha filtrado el de Giant Sand? Creo que sale a primeros de septiembre… "Provisions" se llama.

  • Final Fantasy - Spectrum, 14th Century


    Dejo por aquí esta maravilla folk que es una auténtica pasada. Recomiendo encarecidamente su escucha por que para mi está siendo un auténtico descubrimiento y me pone la piel de gallina durante todo el disco. Emocionante de verdad.

    The Music Tapes - Music Tapes For Clouds and Tornadoes


    “This album spotlights Julian Koster’s (Neutral Milk Hotel, Chocolate USA) songcraft and distinctive vocals, his almost religious devotion to the singing saw, and numerous contributions from other musicians in the Elephant 6 orbit. As on previous efforts, recording was done using an array of antique hardware, giving the record a timeless, texturally rich sonic palette.”

  • el otro día por alguna casualidad se colgó un disco en el que el bajo estaba grabado por chris novoselic? igual me lo imaginé yo….

  • Rebecca Martin - The Growing Season



    Anthony da Costa – Typical American Tragedy



    Joanne Robertson - The Lighter



    Chad Vangaalen - Soft Airplane


    guitar, drum beats, loops, samples, found sounds, unorthodox percussion, xylophones, distortion, synthesizers, accordions and more

    The Moondoggies - Don't Be A Stranger



  • Noa Babayof - From a Window to a Wall



  • @-Toxinho-:33yy7gkd:

    Dejo por aquí esta maravilla folk que es una auténtica pasada. Recomiendo encarecidamente su escucha por que para mi está siendo un auténtico descubrimiento y me pone la piel de gallina durante todo el disco. Emocionante de verdad.

    The Music Tapes - Music Tapes For Clouds and Tornadoes


    “This album spotlights Julian Koster’s (Neutral Milk Hotel, Chocolate USA) songcraft and distinctive vocals, his almost religious devotion to the singing saw, and numerous contributions from other musicians in the Elephant 6 orbit. As on previous efforts, recording was done using an array of antique hardware, giving the record a timeless, texturally rich sonic palette.”

    Toxi-man, el link no me va. No habrá algún error?

  • @suitaloon:mj9m6fr1:


    Dejo por aquí esta maravilla folk que es una auténtica pasada. Recomiendo encarecidamente su escucha por que para mi está siendo un auténtico descubrimiento y me pone la piel de gallina durante todo el disco. Emocionante de verdad.

    The Music Tapes - Music Tapes For Clouds and Tornadoes


    “This album spotlights Julian Koster’s (Neutral Milk Hotel, Chocolate USA) songcraft and distinctive vocals, his almost religious devotion to the singing saw, and numerous contributions from other musicians in the Elephant 6 orbit. As on previous efforts, recording was done using an array of antique hardware, giving the record a timeless, texturally rich sonic palette.”

    Toxi-man, el link no me va. No habrá algún error?

    esta bastante bastante bien