Filtraciones '08
buscarle etiquetas a Bohren & Der Club Of Gore es de lo más absurdo, pero lo de post rock me ha llegado al alma. Ya cuando alguien dice que son jazz ya lo miro con cara rara…Por cierto, alguno habrá aqui que los vio en Apolo.
diría que fueron por los caprichos de apolo y a presentar el disco Black Earth creo? nose, lo que si me acuerdo es que me jodio mucho no poder haber ido y los tengo pendientes
yo igual les veo en breve, queréis que le de algún recadito o algo?
Si, en un capricho. Luz apagada y solo un haz sobre el micro. Que romántico.
herr Trinx: si, pillame una camiseta que la que les compré en Barna me va estrecha…creo que se ha encogido de lavarla.
Y, claro está, que se vuelvan, pero en una sala y solo para público tarado, no en festivales ni cosas de esas.
Si, en un capricho. Luz apagada y solo un haz sobre el micro. Que romántico.
herr Trinx: si, pillame una camiseta que la que les compré en Barna me va estrecha…creo que se ha encogido de lavarla.
Y, claro está, que se vuelvan, pero en una sala y solo para público tarado, no en festivales ni cosas de fue bien Throbbing Gristle en el PS?, nose, yo me los veo a los Bohren & der Club of Gore en un festival tipo Tanned tin o PC-PS (auditorio)…
quita quita….hazme caso.
Les debo una escucha (o dos) en condiciones a esta gente, hace tiempo que me pasaron el "Midnight radio" y la verdad es que no le he hecho mucho caso, me lo puse sólo una vez y en condiciones subóptimas y no me entró mucho. Eso sí, tienen toda la pinta de ser una de esas cosas que en directo ganan lo suyo. Estoy con el tokiota: que se vengan a alguna sala para público tarado.
Porn/Merzbow split - And The Devil Makes Three [Truth Cult, 2008]
12 tracks, 48 minutes. First release from new Southern imprint Truth Cult, a split album between Porn and Merzbow which blends seamlessly to create a beast of no equal.
TRUTH CULT is a brand new imprint lovingly curated by Southern Records. We aim to illuminate some novices worthy of discovery, unearth archive recordings that criminally have been left fallow and to arrange some beautiful collaborations and unique projects for your consideration. Art and packaging will be paramount to the label, as we strive to reinforce the tangible relationship between music and artefact. The cult of truth is the celebration of revelation and recognition. The only common thread will be the uncommonness of our miscellany. The only criteria will be the desire to see what otherwise might remain obscured.
Truth Cult's first release is a split album between PORN (formerly known as Men Of Porn) and Merzbow. PORN is the demented child of one Tim Moss. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, Moss fronted the cult band Ritual Device, forging links with the West Coast with the patronage of Frank Kozik's Man's Ruin Records. Eventually Moss moved out to the Bay Area where Men Of Porn was born. In the stellar company of Melvins' stalwart Dale Crover (on drums) and omnipresent uber-producer Billy Anderson (on bass), this is a 'Power Trio' in the truest sense of the phrase. Since 1999, they have released three albums and toured the world as the de facto Melvins' support band, thanks to Tim Moss's day job as the band's tour manager. For their newest album, and the nascent release on Southern's brand new imprint Truth Cult, the intrepid low-end experimenters enlist the help of Japanese noise demigod Masami Akita (aka MERZBOW). Collaborating across the album's twelve tracks, the fearless Masami layers scree and grafts gristle onto their already dense muscular creations - this is a marriage made in Blake's Heaven & Hell; their two uniquely singular approaches blending seamlessly to create a portentous hybrid beast of no equal.
lawrence english - studies for stradbroke [windsmeasurerecordings, 2008]
aviso: el de lawrence english es rollo field recordings!
merci igualmente zacks!
Cierto, el Kiri No Oto, de este año también, estaba mejor.
Rise Against - Appeal to Reason
Arthur Russell - Love Is Overtaking Me
The late Arthur Russell is known as many things, but a pop/folk/country songwriter is rarely one of them. It's exactly that side of Russell that Audika Records (with help from Grizzly Bear's Chris Taylor) has unearthed for a compilation called "Love Is Overtaking Me" that the label will release on October 28 in the U.S.
The compilation collects 21 unreleased demos and home recordings from across the composer's career, including collaborations with producer John Hammond (Billie Holiday, Bob Dylan), Jerry Harrison (Talking Heads, the Modern Lovers), Rhys Chatham, and others. It includes music recorded between the early 1970s and 1991, and features such Russell projects as the Flying Hearts, the Sailboats, Turbo Sporty, and Bright & Early. Grizzly Bear's Taylor helped mix, edit, and restore the album, while the song selection was made by Russell's partner Tom Lee, Audika's Steve Knutson, and the Modern Lovers' Ernie Brooks.
This is Audika's fifth Russell retrospective, following "Calling Out Of Context", "World Of Echo", "First Thought Best Thought" and "Springfield".
In addition to Audika's U.S. release, Rough Trade will put out "Love Is Overtaking Me" in the UK on October 27.
Several songs featured on Love Is Overtaking Me also appear in director Matt Wolf's previously reported documentary on Russell's life, "Wild Combination: A Portrait Of Arthur Russell". The movie features commentary from Russell's parents, Philip Glass, Allen Ginsberg, Ernie Brooks, Tom Lee, Steve Knutson, and Jens Lekman, among others. Plexifilm will release "Wild Combination" on DVD in November, and the movie screens in theaters throughout Europe and North America this fall
Grupo con un regusto muy pronunciado a Jesus And Mary Chain, pero que suenan bastante bien.
Crystal Stilts - Alight Of Night
Espero no repetir:
HTRK - Marry Me Tonight
Suenan a shoegaze, a Suicide, los Ike Yard mas oscuros y menos electronicos,...
Produce (y colabora como guitarrista) Rowland S Howard de Birthday Party
Acabo de ver esto y pensé que a alguien le podría interesar
Lou Reed - Berlin, Live At St. Anns Warehouse
@14kgp4b3: > Berlin: Live At St. Anns Warehouse is a concert film and live album by Lou Reed released in October, 2008\. The concert film was directed by Julian Schnabel, live at St. Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn, NY during five nights in December 2006\. Background shots of the characters Jim and Caroline were done by Lola Schnabel. > > The Berlin tour was the first time Lou Reed had played the full album live in over 30 years, after the original album was a critical and commercial flop. Individual songs had been played, but not the whole thing.[1] > > The concert film and album both feature three additional songs, Candy Says, Rock Minuet and Sweet Jane, not from the original Berlin. 
Muchísimas gracias. Me quede sin verlo.
Haley Bonar - Big Star (2008)
"I could listen to Haley Bonar sing anything. It helps that her songs are usually well-crafted, and that the production is meticulous, but for me, it's all about the voice. It's light without being weak, airy without being empty. There are years in there, experiences you don't, and never will, know about."
"She has the emotion of Cat Power, the charm and wit of Feist, and the indie-cred of Kimya Dawson (toured and sung with Andrew Bird)."
este solo hace como dos meses que lo tengo.
maailma - noitalauluja (tjärnen lp 2008)
Debut record for this free folk trio collaboration between Laura Naukkarinen from Lau Nau and Kristian & Matti from Vinter, featuring out-of-tune meandering, slow paced walking-tunes, and folk songs of a tradition invented on the spot, with delicate female vocals over plucked, bent, bowed and hammered strings: from the fragile lyricism of "Saa puu" or "Pimeyden viimeinen säde," over the insect battle grounds and lonely wanderlust of "Pitkä matka," to the eerie, desolate wastelands of "Ishavets sång," where lonely, ghost-like voices drift over the frozen bass strings of the dampened piano, sounding "…as if already drifting under the ice," as someone said of the poet Heym. Vinyl edition of 133 copies, with paste-on art on recycled paper, hand-drawn labels and an insert.
Haley Bonar - Big Star (2008)
"I could listen to Haley Bonar sing anything. It helps that her songs are usually well-crafted, and that the production is meticulous, but for me, it's all about the voice. It's light without being weak, airy without being empty. There are years in there, experiences you don't, and never will, know about."
"She has the emotion of Cat Power, the charm and wit of Feist, and the indie-cred of Kimya Dawson (toured and sung with Andrew Bird)."
Collons, lo de Kaiser Chiefs es malo de cojones. Ya sé que no tenía que esperar nada pero mare meua…