Filtraciones '08
joder, pelukini. se va a hacer difícil hacerse al cambio de tu nuevo avatar. acostumbradísimos ya a verte con el de spacemen3…
es que joder, me da hasta verguenza ponerme la camiseta de spacemen 3 que tenía y mira que es bien xula, a ver si la gente pierde de vista la asociación de avatar
Joder que cambio más drástico. Pues Pelukini el otro te iba que ni pintado, todo un simbolo en este foro.
Espero que a Jorge no le de por lo mismo. Por cierto ya que estoy saludos a ambos!!
¡dios, el avatar metamórfico me ha dejado loco!
con los hair police parece que está pasando lo que pasó en su día con yellow swans o wolf eyes… parece que bajan humos (decir esto cuando se trata con bestiacas así es delicado) y se concentran más en el tratamiento de su sonido. todavía son difíciles de bailar, eso sí.
lo traigo fresco, señora!
os dejo un par de disqueles canelosos que me traje de los usa. creo que ninguno necesita demasiada presentación.
por un lado, la antologia de los faraquet:
faraquet - anthology 1997-98
Faraquet began as a side project featuring Smart Went Crazy members Devin Ocampo and Jeff Boswell, along with Devin's high school friend Chad Molter (who had recently relocated to DC from Los Angeles).
When SWC fell apart, Faraquet stepped up as a full-time band and started playing more shows, releasing a couple of singles as well as appearing on a split CD with Akarso, a band from Milwaukee. After seeing Faraquet a few times around town, Fugazi invited them to do some shows on a short tour through the south. The band soon after recorded with J. Robbins at Inner Ear Studio and released "The View from This Tower" in November of 2000. After some brief touring later that year the band broke up in 2001.
In 2003 Devin and Chad reunited to form Medications with Chad moving from drums to his native instrument, bass.
In the summer of 2007 the members of Faraquet announced plans to re-issue the songs they had recorded for various singles and split releases onto a compilation CD/LP/MP3. This album, Anthology 1997-98 was released in July 2008. Working on this project rekindled the band's interest in playing songs, so they reunited for a Brazilian tour and plan to perform periodically in the future.
y por el otro, el nuevo proyecto en "solitario" de scott mccloud (la voz de girls against boys):
paramount styles - failure american styles
Back in the '90s, Girls Against Boys were one of those bands that had a perfect career arc of sorts—indie cred galore, a string of brilliant albums on a respected indie label (Touch and Go), a sound that could best be described as punk/industrial/funk/death grooves for the people who made fun of lounge lizards and—wouldn't you know it!—a major-label album that sucked. D'oh!
Girls Against Boys are more on hold than broken up, so among other things, lead growler/master of "fuck you" sass Scott McCloud has decided to take a calmer approach on his debut under the Paramount Styles name. The song titles retain certain distinguishing characteristics such as "AllEyesAreOnYouNowMyPet" and "Drunx, Whores & MZK People," but hearing acoustic guitars, plenty of piano and easygoing riffs, and a gentler air of contemplative observations (especially on the latter song) are definitely new. Thankfully (one hopes), humanity has reached a state at which going that route isn't seen as selling out or going soft, and if people do try that approach with you about this album, laugh at them loudly before hacking into their bank account (if you're into that).
Failure American Style is more of a stylistic patchwork than simply Girls Against Boys go unplugged, in any event—and sometimes to surprising effect. "Hollywood Tales 2" is a ghostly kind of Sonic Youth tribute, "Total Trash" crossed with "Rain on Tin" and classic rock, an approach revisited later with "These Starry Nights." McCloud sometimes aims for the perfectly understandable, and at others for the kind of murky threat with which he made his name, but the generally brisk, sometimes skeletal arrangements take precedence throughout. There's even a mournful instrumental that should soundtrack whatever midlife-crisis movie will be made for the generation of (former) alternakids, wherever they are.
Estarán de gira por europa en noviembre y parece que tocarán en nuestro país, aunque todavía no hay fechas confirmadas. Alguien se anima a contratarlos?
@1h184lfm:Europe Tour Part 2 will commence in November: Benelux, France, UK, Spain, Italy & Switzerland. Contact cruiseyourself@gmail for booking. We DO play dates arranged through myspace requests. Send suggestions and info on City/venue and we will try to make it happen.
Muy grande el de Faraquet pollita!!
y mira que lo he buscado y no había manera
Muchas gracias!!
People in Planes - Beyond the Horizon
People in Planes’ 2006 debut album, As Far As The Eye Can See finally has a new sibling. It’s PIP’s latest release, Beyond The Horizon which is an impressive high winded rock menagerie. The parasailing slides of keyboardist Ian Russell and the pelting chords, which amass into heavy flusters from guitarist Peter Roberts, create gorgeous torrents as the pummeling rhythms of bassist Kris Blight and drummer John Maloney nail into the whipping cyclones. The lead vocals of Gareth Jones fit the sonic peals as assuredly as Scott Stampf had fit Creed, with natural embers lighting Jones’ deep tones, and embracing melodic rips that move the tracks with a finessed handling. Rendering the services of several producers including Our Lady Peace’s frontman Raine Maida, Eleven (Queens Of The Stone Age), Matt Squire (Panic At The Disco), and Dan Austin (Doves, Massive Attack), PIP’s new CD, Beyond The Horizon takes a small town band from Cardiff, Wales in the UK to the broader region of the world map. The album has the potential of making People in Planes a household name, and taking the band beyond their local horizons and actually making them synonymous with the greater region of modern rock.
Edición limitada de 2 Cd del de Herman DüneHerman Düne - Next Year in Zion -2CD Limited Edition
01. My Home is Nowhere Without You 04:09
02. Try to Think About Me (Don't You Worry A Bit) 04:02
03. When the Sun Rose Up this Morning 05:05
04. When We Were Still Friends 02:38
05. On A Saturday 03:57
06. My Baby is Afraid of Sharks 04:31
07. Lovers Are Waterproof 04:50
08. Next Year in Zion 02:58
09. Someone Knows Better than Me 04:15
10. My Best Kiss 03:45
11. Baby Baby You're My Baby 02:08
12. (Nothing Left But) Poison in the Rain 04:26CD2
01. Blackfoot Jack's Vision Theme 02:23
02. Don't Lie About Me 02:47
03. An Afternoon Dance Party 02:47
04. Blackfoot Jack Main Title 01:29 ```Password: 
EL NUEVO DE AIDS WOLF : CITIES OF GLASS creo que lo han grabado con Weasel Walter
Montreal's AIDS Wolf return to making full-length releases after an EP, the psychotic Lovvers LP, Clash of the Life-Force Warriors, and their split with Athletic Automaton. Anyone familiar with AIDS Wolf's particular brand of noise has an idea of what to expect. For the uninitiated or traumatized, Cities of Glass (a paraphrase on Paul Auster's City of Glass? Who knows?) is more extreme than anything this quartet -- two guitars, drums, and completely flip-to-wig city warbling and screaming from vocalist Claudia Deluxx -- have issued before. A tad more rhythmic than Wolf Eyes, more mental than the Double Leopards, less goodwill-oriented than Sunburned Hand of the Man -- and far less musical -- these ten "songs" are drenched in aggression, hate, nihilism, and not much else
gracias exiliado!
me uno al agradecimiento!!
no sabía que había tanto fan de AIDS WOLF, a ver si esta noche subo un split con Night Wounds que se sale!
yo lo tomaré con mucho gusto, compadre!
hostias, el split ese me llegó el otro día y es bestial, y lo siento por los Aids Wolf, pero los Night Wounds se los comen, vaya temazos.
Está muy chulo tambien un 7" que acaban de sacar con los mutators con version de death in june incluida.
Este disco me está gustando, además tiene buenas referencias. Folk pop con sensibilidad o algo así.
Guy Blackman - Adult Baby
GUY BLACKMAN’s debut solo album ‘Adult Baby’ is the result of almost three years of steadfast toil. Lush strings, dynamic horns perfectly combined with a strong 70’s vibe complement Guy’s emotional songwriting, and a host of special guests queue up to lend a hand!
Working with Melbourne-based American producer Casey Rice at the helm (TORTOISE, LIZ PHAIR, PIKELET), a figurative revolving door at the studio saw 20 supporting musicians play their parts, including a duet with Swedish sensation JENS LEKMAN, and a fragile girl group vocal from ART OF FIGHTING’s Peggy Frew. Also appearing are members of the DIRTY THREE, THE CRAYON FIELDS, PIKELET, EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING, GROUND COMPONENTS, FABULOUS DIAMONDS and many more. Guy is well known in the indie-community as both a member of SLEEPY TOWNSHIP and MINIMUM CHIPS, as well as running his own label Chapter Music. As a solo artist Guy has already found himself sharing the stage supporting international artists such as VASHTI BUNYAN, JOANNA NEWSOM, SMOG (Bill Callahan), JENS LEKMAN, CALVIN JOHNSON and MT EERIE, amongst others.-
hostias, el split ese me llegó el otro día y es bestial, y lo siento por los Aids Wolf, pero los Night Wounds se los comen, vaya temazos.
Está muy chulo tambien un 7" que acaban de sacar con los mutators con version de death in june incluida.
ostia si puedes subir la versión de death in june te lo agradecería mucho… por cierto menuda pilonga el disco de este año de estos...
Buenos días resacosos, cerdas!
TV on the Radio - Dear Science [2008]
nuevo enlace a este disco, que el anterior se lo han pasado por la stone ya:
sorry pelukini, es que lo tengo en vinillo, pero si quieres oirla al menos, la tienen ahora colgada del myspace, es el nothing changes
sorry pelukini, es que lo tengo en vinillo, pero si quieres oirla al menos, la tienen ahora colgada del myspace, es el nothing changes
gracias, esta bien guapa!
bueno, un poco de candela:
Keziah Jones — Nigerian Wood :: 2 CD (2008)
The Gabe Dixon Band - The Gabe Dixon Band
Jackson Browne; Elton John en sus inicios
Detektivbyrån - Wermland
Swedish glockenspiel´n´accordion trio
Lal - Deportation
icy, futuristic rhythms melting into warm basslines and soothing soul melodies, with reverberating atmospherics whirling about the spacious groove
A Night In The Box - Write a Letter
Americana-infused soul and bluegrass with the intensity of hardcore punk aesthetic
Brandon Miles- Kiss The Stars
electronica, nu-urban music (primera vez que leo lo de "nu-urban music")
Starfucker - Starfucker
homemade pop, with handclaps, bleary synths, drum machines, clunky acoustic guitars, and honeyed lo-fi harmonies
Simon Bookish - Everything/Everything
an ensemble dominated by saxophones, brass, piano, harp and Farfisa organ, it features luminaries from both the jazz and experimental classical music scenes
Foot Foot - Trumpet
Ingo Herrmann - Electronic Spacebar
Nu jazz and lounge with downtempo beats (qué se supone que es el "nu-jazz"?)
BAD - Bay Area Dubstep Vol. 02
dubstep, evidentemente
Josh Rouse - The Best of the Rykodisc Years
el de Simon Bookish me llama la atención, a ver qué tal…
el de Simon Bookish me llama la atención, a ver qué tal…
Se ruega comentario. Yo me encargo del de Keziah Jones.
Sé que lo estabais esperando!
Estoy por ponerlo directamente en más grandes que la vida, así sin haberlo escuchado!(ni creo que lo haga, la verdad…)Extremoduro - Ley Innata