Filtraciones '08
Si a mi no me molesta lo puse porque a mi hay veces que me da pereza tirar de rapidshare.
El de los japos lo he visto por ahí pero aún no me ha dado por bajarlo. Si alguien lo escucha que comente algo.
Roni size - New forms 2 (2008)
Jay Reatard - See/Saw 7" (Matador records)
Paramount Styles - Failure American Style [Cycle / Konkurrent, 2008]
Proyecto en solitario de Scott McCloud, cantante y guitarrista de los Girls against Boys…
Apparat - Things To Be Frickled - 2CD - 2008
Password: magesy
¿a alguien le ha funcionado este link?
¿a alguien le ha funcionado este link?
Si no te va con ese, prueba con estos
Parte 1
Parte 2```
Dicen por ahí que ya se ha filtrado el The Wave pictures….
Maestros del filtreo.....
A.K.A.C.O.D. - Happiness
Former Morphine saxophonist Dana Colley collaborates with Bourbon Princess’ front woman / bassist Monique Ortiz and Larry Dersch of Binary System on A.K.A.C.O.D’s debut record, Happiness. Creating a darkly psychedelic sound that is sensual, cinematic and otherworldly, Colley & Co pay homage to the “low rock” sound created by his former band while pushing musical boundaries and forging new ground.
Fusing Colley’s unique electric guitar influenced baritone saxophone playing with experimental percussion and an unforgiving voice that compares to such greats as Jim Morrison, Nico and Patti Smith, A.K.A.C.O.D, have been packing rooms and garnering rave reviews in their native Boston for their mesmerizing live shows.
No se que tal estará, pero Morphine me gustaban bastante así que espero que esté bien.
interesante combinación
AFCGT (A-Frames + Climax Golden Twins) - Self Titled CD-R [Fire Breathing Turtle 2008]
Holy shit, this is fucking great! And who would have ever thought that the A Frames and the Climax Golden Twins would make a record together? And who would have imagined that it would be this fucking awesome? It's all superlatives and all expletives in describing the first collaborative production from AFCGT. The A Frames had managed to raise some eyebrows here through their post-punk appropriations of early Wire and early Fall, but the vocals had always been something of a miss for them especially on the last Sub Pop album. But in working with the AQ-endorsed Climax Golden Twins who are a band accustomed to delivering exemplary instrumentals from literally every corner of the avant-rock landscape, the A Frames have the permission to shut the hell up and let the Climax Golden Twins dump the fucking kitchen sink all over A Frames rhythmic swagger. The album opens with a tumultuous blast of glue-huffing noise-rock, sort of like a fistfight between the Butthole Surfers and the Sun City Girls. Soon after, a series of bad-ass Birthday Party / Oxbow swamp rock riffs explode with spindly space-age gamelan leads; elsewhere, the No Wave ghosts of R.L. Crutchfield-era DNA emerge with of jagged chops across the guitar pick-ups, bloodied fingers and all. Fuck, it all sounds fucking great!
recomendable el experimento
mmm, ¿el de dEUS se colgó post-fake definitivamente?
mmm, ¿el de dEUS se colgó post-fake definitivamente?
Si, pero enlace ha caducado. Yo ya no lo tengo en el disco duro.
mmm, ¿el de dEUS se colgó post-fake definitivamente?
Si, pero enlace ha caducado. Yo ya no lo tengo en el disco duro.
ok, es que encontré este otro…
Por si a alguien le apetece oir las demos del discazo de Why?
Why? - Alopecia Demos
Wildbirds & Peacedrums - The Snake
please someone, re-up?
¿Se ha colgado ya el de Jonathan Richman?
Thurston Moore - Sensitive/Lethal (2008) No Fun NFP26
James - Hey Ma
Para Murnau el de Richman. No sé si aun funcionará, es de hace un par de semanas
The BellRays - Hard sweet and sticky ```Algo clásico. 
Mark Kozelek - Nights LP - 12 Songs By Mark Kozelek (2008)
Disco de tomas en directo que acompaña al libro 'Nights Of Passed Over'