Filtraciones '08

  • @greychaos:3feetzs3:


    el anterior tenía perlas como "Mentiras" y "Botines" que tenían mucha gracia

    Además estaba enteramente producido por Hozone (si no recuerdo mal) y se notaba esa conexión productor-mc del "Tu Madre Es Una Foca". Era un bonito homenaje al background musical del Tote.

    Todas menos dos: "Bum! Yo soy el Toterreno" producida por Neo (que tiene un par de maquetas muy chulas, una junto a Peter Notrh y otra él solo produciendo y rapeando) y "Progres" producidad por Nerko, el productor de El gremio. ¿os he hablado del single de El Gremio en Galleta? (no hace falta que ponga emoticón)

  • El Gremio? Galleta?

    esto es para merendar???

  • The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Mutations (ep) [2008]


    Following the release of their doom-ish jamm under the “Mt Fuji Doomjazz Corporation” moniker , The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (as usual featuring and led by Mr Bong-Ra) come back with both a sequel to their debut album on Planet Mu and their forthcoming second one to come in 2009 on Ad Noiseam with an extended, 8 track EP showcasing the huge step forward taken bay this full fledged band and their delicate, melancholic and deep blend of post-rocky, post-jazzy, post-doom material. The “Mutation EP” will be released at the very end of 2008.

  • @greychaos:3fzeo57u:

    Petado ya . ¿Alguien sabe de otro link o sería tan amable de resubirlo?

  • prueba esto:

  • @huljhyjp:

    Petado ya Sad. ¿Alguien sabe de otro link o sería tan amable de resubirlo?

    soy nuevo aquí, pero os llevo leyendo un tiempo. gracias a todos por muchos de los discos que he conseguido aquí. espero aportar musicón yo tb.

    un saludo

    aquí lo del TOTE:

  • pues si llevas tanto tiempo leyendo, sabrás que ponemos los links con la opción de CODE para que no nos los peten a instante

  • @380yr1gh:

    pues si llevas tanto tiempo leyendo, sabrás que ponemos los links con la opción de CODE para que no nos los peten a instante

    pues es evidente que no, no lo sabía.

    pero ya está arreglado de hecho, voy practicando ya con los botoncitos

  • vale, pues ok, entonces

  • Calm - Silver Moon (2008)


    Silver Moon, seem to travel through the lands, constantly changing genres as well as a feel for location. I'm thinking smooth jazz mixed with a Brazilian vibe mixed with Tortoise mixed with Dead Can Dance and a hint of Fela Cuti (maybe with a little bit of Helios too). Everyone should check this out. Unfortunately, this is only a giant mp3, which I think is what Calm intended. Either way, if you have an hour and need background music that will leave you perplexed, give this a taste.

  • Lilypad - Capacitor c20 [Wagon 2008]


    Mark McGuire - An Old Hag's Cackle pt. II c30 [cylindrical habitat modules 2008]

  • joder, las añoradas cintas…

  • el de lilypad es bed and breakfast zack que lo puse ayer

  • parece ser que "El manifiesto desastre" podría caer en las redes ya hoy…

  • @poppie:3nc06qqc:

    parece ser que "El manifiesto desastre" podría caer en las redes ya hoy…

    Pero hoy cuando amigo? Le tengo unas ganas…

  • ah, no sé, pero ese se rumorea por el inframundo…

  • supongo que se habrá filtrado ya pero si no aquí dejo un tema, Dry Martini

  • Adolf Plays The Jazz - Stealth Ep 2008.


    adolf plays the jazz is a non-political athens post-rock band…stands against the promotion system which serves plastic art and fake idols...our stuff is free, which means that no-one has the right to earn money from it...our belief is to spread our music with the only and honest way , hand to hand and word of mouth.

  • Una de folk rarito o semifolk con algo pop.

    Misophone - Be Glad You are Only Human


    The duo of S. Herbert and M.A Welsh creates thoughtful, subtle folk-pop that seems almost impossibly perfect.
    Irrational fear; is it truly irrational or does it have roots deep within our psyche? If my mother sees anyone under five feet tall huge drops of sweat start to fall from her elegant brow. When she was six she went to the circus and one of Snow White's dwarfs came out of the confines of fantasy and infiltrated the audience. Bashful chose my mother's knee to sit upon. Unfortunately he had, just days before, turned 65 and spontaneously lost control of his sphincter. Mater and her sailor's smock can bear testament to this fact. Ever since I have been petrified of the carousel music but through confrontation therapy I am addressing this, and this is where Misophone's "Be Glad You Are Only Human" is helping. It is riddled with the honky-tonk pianos and pipe organs that inspire those rigid, leaping horses to spin around endlessly. "I Sleep like the Dead' is a mock gothic track that is both haunting and beautiful. As the cover suggests, this album will take you up into realms that you never knew expected. "Goodbye" will draw you into their weightless universe where filigree melodies hang above innovative and complex instrumentation. There is nothing like this album on the musical landscape and it is a crying shame that our lives can't always be accompanied by such music.

  • Gospel folk con producción de Sufjan Stevens. Que no os eche para atrás lo que voy a poner después por que el disco está bien.

    The Welcome Wagon - Welcome to the Welcome Wagon


    The debut album by The Welcome Wagon unveils a ramshackle sing-a-long enterprise of a Presbyterian pastor (the Rev. Vito Aiuto) and his wife (Monique) wrestling out the influences of folk music, religion, popular culture, and church tradition in a collection of songs that is as soulful as it is good-humored. This gorgeous brew is reflected in the group’s repertoire, which unflinchingly consolidates a vast history of “sacred” song traditions: from Old Testament psalms, to Presbyterian Psalters of the 17th century, to iconoclastic pop innovators of the 1960s (The Velvet Underground), to charismatic Catholics of the 1970s (Lenny Smith), and into the melancholy lovelorn pop of the 1980s (The Smiths). There are even a few originals. Armed with a particleboard parlor guitar and a plastic glockenspiel, pastor and wife stumble their way through an arresting catalog of hymns—hallowed and unholy—with the simple desire to know their Maker—and to know each other—more intimately. The result—due, in part, to producer/arranger Sufjan Stevens—is an awe-inspiring collection of hymns, pop covers, and originals that render soulful stunts from quiet skirmishes of home recordings. Gathering together a camaraderie of musical helpers (among them members of Vito’s church: a gospel choir, lap steel guitar, upright bass, and a brass ensemble), Sufjan enlivens The Welcome Wagon’s quaint haberdashery of songs with epic flourishes, drawing out allusions to honky-tonk, Broadway theater, and funk with the curatorial eye of an over-excited musicologist. The final product results in a stunning cross section of rehearsals and home recordings serendipitously captured in living rooms, churches, and home studios across Brooklyn and Queens over the course of some eight-odd years