Filtraciones '08

  • administrators

    ya ya, es que hoy volvía de la oficina escuchándolo en el ipod. Hay versiones increibles y otras que psss. A mi me gusta mucho el Sunday Bloody Sunday.

  • @djcoco:3ob1gge7:

    ya ya, es que hoy volvía de la oficina escuchándolo en el ipod. Hay versiones increibles y otras que psss. A mi me gusta mucho el Sunday Bloody Sunday.

    el de ricardou quesou? tú dirá hecho, hay tantas…

  • @djcoco:d4qe9sjx:

    ya ya, es que hoy volvía de la oficina escuchándolo en el ipod. Hay versiones increibles y otras que psss. A mi me gusta mucho el Sunday Bloody Sunday.

    la guapa es la de people=shit

  • Lo mejor de este tio es su predileccion por versionar temas de nu-metal: People=shit, Chop Suey de System of a Down, o Last Resort de los impresionantes Papa Roach, y otros himnos de la música basura.

  • acabo de escuchar la versión de enter sandman de este buen señor y no tengo palabras.

  • @casiotone:107p90wo:


    hempror, creo que marniello hablaba de los de las plantas y los animalitos, no de estos.

    Pues no se si lo he soñado, pero creí leer un mal comentario de los Cloud Clut el año pasado en Austin. No se si fue coco pero alguien hablo mal de ellos.

    No, en realidad fué Gabi, aunque visto lo visto Coco también disfrutó de lo lindo.
    Este disco un poco como el otro, tiene (muy) grandes canciones, pero como disco no acaba de estar a la altura, demasiados altibajos, aunque por suerte no llega a las 20 canciones como el anterior. Sí que tiene un buen arranque, pero se desinfla hacia la mitad y sólo al final levanta un poco la cabeza. Una pena.

  • Forward Russia! - Life Processes

  • Para que os hagis una idea de que va el nuevo disco os dejo una versión a 128 kbps de los Cut Copy
    Cut Copy - In Ghost Colors

  • Suishou No Fune - Prayer For Chibi [Holy Mountain 2008] >> Jp, psychedelic rock, experimental


    "Suishou no Fune" is a rock band which has been performing lives on the underground seene in Tokyo. In 1999, Pirako Kurenai(guitar,vocals) and Kageo(guitar,vocals), who share pronounced taste for rock music and decided to form a band. At the beginning of the kick-off, they create a unique"psychedelic" music sound. Songs with the theme of "darkness","light","raw","death","love","hatred", will certainly touch your heartstrings. You can enjoy the sound of Japanese verse and its psychedelic introspections, if you don't understand Japanese.

    He flipado con este disco, bonito, bonito!! floatinnnnnnnnnnnnnnng 

  • parece que este enlace ya suena como en cd:


  • Ahí va uno de pareja friki
    Kid Dakota - A Winner´s Shadow

    El batería de estos está muy, pero que muy mal de la cabeza. Pero en directo es un espectáculo que nadie debería perderse. De los mejores baterías que he visto en ningún concierto.

  • Kid Dakota son Grannnndes!!!!

  • Nueva referencia de los Sinamones…

    EL GUISANTE MÁGICO: Love, Lust And A Bit Of Champagne (2008)

  • Desde Islandia nuevo grupo indie-folktronico de la escudería Morr.

    BORKO: Celebrating Life (2008)

  • Se puede ir pidiendo el nuevo EP de Animal collective, "Water curses"?

  • @Kiototar:wk527bin:

    Nueva referencia de los Sinamones…

    EL GUISANTE MÁGICO: Love, Lust And A Bit Of Champagne (2008)

    yo los vi como teloneros de Jenniferever en la becool (o de irene, no me acuerdo)… para mi fué algo lamentable esa actuación. Era como si estubiera en medio de un ensayo... Fueron mas a dar la nota que a tocar... les va el rollo bengalas... dias mas tarde un colega sabiendo como me habían horrorizado me regalo un cd de ellos (su pongo que se destriburía como maqueta o algo parecido) la verdad es que lo puse una vez para ver si en disco haciían algo mejor... pero no... nunca mas volví a ponerlos. Luego me comentaron que el cantante era hijo de alguien metido en el mundo de la música y que estaban recibiendo empujones para hacerse un hueco... me sorprende que hayan editado un àlbum... quien sabe, quizás hasta se merezcan un segunda oportunidad... pero hoy no será

  • Dejo unos cuantos, dos semanas fuera dan para mucho De todo un poco, si alguno es repetido... se siente

    Black Forest/Black Sea - Portmanteau


    Secret Eye house band Black Forest/Black Sea present a new 10" of exclusive material. The duo is joined by guests Margot Goldberg and Joe Grimm (a.k.a. The Wind Up Bird). This quartet version of BF/BS is the very same lineup that performed at Terrastock 6. Silkscreened metallic silver covers - limited to 500 copies.


    Nervous Cop - Nervous Cop


    First Zach from Hella asked Greg from Deerhoof if he wanted to play together. The two drummers instantly decided to form Nervous Cop. But before long their simple plan of furthering each other's tinnitus was spiraling out of control.
    Over the next year and a half of recording, rerecording, remixing and reremixing, Nervous Cop went from sounding like a "Hot For Teacher" tribute gone horribly wrong, to a heavenly, cascading harp concerto featuring The Please's Joanna Newsom, to a dangerously obsessive piece of avant-garde electronics, to a sonic avalanche of truly nightmarish proportions.
    At last ready for release, Nervous Cop has turned out to be either a surrealistic masterpiece of musique concrete (what Zach thinks) or a total disaster (what Greg thinks). Either way, rest assured that you have never anything like this before. Fans of Deerhoof, Hella, Iannis Xenakis, Olatunji, Claude Debussy and Alex Van Halen - you have been warned!


    Starving Weirdos - Summon with Electronic Sorcery [Bottrop-Boy 2008]


    This new disc from Californians Brian Pyle and Merrick McKinlay features four intense fever-dream soundscapes, each of which seems to evoke a profound emptiness and an unresolved sense of menace. Using squawking, displaced guitars, immersive percussion and god knows what else, the group set about conjuring their creepy, clinical atmospheres. The first piece in particular makes for an unnerving opener, with loose guitar reverberation clashing against snake-like cymbal hisses, zigzagging from the left speaker to the right with a hypnotic fervour. The steely drones of the next piece only consolidate the sense of foreboding, while the final two get a little more physical, with clanking drum patterns unleashed in the third, and outright discord spilling out across the flanging electronic hum of the fourth and final recording. Key to the ominous atmosphere to these improvisations is an uncomfortable sense of ambiguity. The harmonies and timbres in use always teeter on the edge of intimidation, or even chaos, but a sense of restraint prevents anything becoming too obvious or overstated. Limited to just 250 copies.


    Pocahaunted & Robedoor - Plays Berkley c40 [Ecstatic Peace! 2008]


    Gown - For the Maples [Three Lobed 2008]


    gown (aka andrew macgregor and otherwise known as one-half of the bark haze with thurston moore) moved from western wassachusetts to nova scotia in mid-2007. before he moved, he wanted to have one big audio blow-out to remember the grand old mass times. with that goal in mind, gown went into the studio with the sunburned hand of the man gang (represented this time out by john moloney, sarah o'shea, ron schneiderman and taylor richardson) to melt some audio consoles. for the maples represents a portion of that recorded output and believe us, it's some massive stuff. sunburned's thick funk presents the perfect background for gown's shredding guitar-play. extremely hot stuff, especially the massive side-long "bending close.

    Gown - Preserved and Shared


    **Avarus - Kirppujen Saari LP [Arbor 2008]


    Long touted as the forefathers of Finnish freeform psychedlic music, Avarus, a collective bearing members from The Anaksimadros, Kemialliset Ystävät, Maniacs Dream, and more, document their first tour of the United States on "Kirppujen Saari". The sounds contained show a departure and growth from typical Avarus recordings. The A side long track begins with a psychrock romper complete with full “band” instrumentation, slowly it deconstructs itself into the abstract electric/acoustic stylings and sonic spattering familiar to their previous work. Slowness builds into full on clatter filled walls of vocals, toy keyboards, horns, strums, and other acoustic junk, creating a unique and massive drone. The opposing side is pure acoustic drones composed of vocals, horns, and tribal beats. Room filling ambiance, corner clatter, and morphing silence also find a way to unobtrusively build themselves into the piece.


    Various Artists - The Garden of Forking Paths [Important 2008]


    Compiled and curated for Important Records by James Blackshaw, The Garden Of Forking Paths draws together some of the guitarist's favourite string instrument soloists, including the koto virtuoso and composer Mori Chieko, Espers cellist Helena Espvall and Dutch lute revivalist Josef Van Wissem. It's not hard to see how all this flows into Blackshaw's own music, his advanced 12-string pieces have always been curiously detached from the main thread of solo acoustic guitar music. While the Takoma school has clearly left its mark on him as a musician, there's always been something about Blackshaw's playing that transcends the usual bluegrass and raga templates. This is further proven on this album by 'The Broken Hourglass', the compiler's own contribution. Typically of Blackshaw, it's a piece of music that sounds far bigger than a mere single guitar could ever reasonably hope to, with florid, unfeasibly intricate fingerpicking hammering out rhythmic and melodic parts simultaneously, bathed in a churchly echo. Next comes Espvall's 'Home Of Shadows And Whirlwinds', a piece of music that has little common ground with anything you'd hear from the cellist's Espers day job, instead exploring overtones and droning disharmony, sounding not unlike a lower register version of Nils Okland's hardanger fiddle. In fact the use of the drone string that runs through much of the piece might be cited as a parallel to the sort of sound you'd hear from a guitar or sitar raga. Next comes Josef Van Wissem's lute solo 'The Mirror Of Eternal Light', which presents the instrument in an entirely modernised context - not in a Sting sort of way, but rather by employing the instrument within the confines of a very contemporary sounding piece of music, played with a level of dexterity and accomplishment comparable to that of Blackshaw himself on his 12-string. The album is bookended by pieces from Mori Chieko, the first, 'Spiral Wave' sounding like several instruments all coming together in some strange Eastern variant of the blues, while 'Tokyo Light' sounds altogether brighter, illuminated by sweetly harmonised, meandering koto melodies. This isn't the sort of compilation that comes along every day, while you would never ordinarily hear such different musical disciplines from such disparate musical cultures coming together in one place, it somehow does all link up, flowing together exquisitely as an album. Major props to James Blackshaw for having the vison to fit it all together, and to Important Records for giving it a home. Highly Recommended.


    Bitcrush - Epilogue In Waves (2008)


    "Epilogue in Waves" is the third album from n5MD main-man Mike Cadoo's ever evolving Bitcrush moniker. The album is the soundtrack to a story which begins with a sense of hope, but whose undercurrents pull you to the end you feared. Epilogue in Waves marks the end of Cadoo's “wading in the ocean” thematic metaphor for lost time that constituted the backbone of his previous album, “In Distance.” As his self described “rock record,” the album eschews some of Cadoo's previous electronic methodologies for a more stripped-down songwriting style which utilizes only guitars, basses and drums. This experiment in the basics has led to a sonically rich release that still contains those warm musical crevices to find solace in. Epilogue in Waves will please fans of previous works by Bitcrush as well as neophytes to Cadoo's brand of emotional and sometimes epic songwriting.


    She and Him - Volume 1 (Merge, 2008)


    She & Him is a story of musical serendipity: Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward, each renowned in their own creative fields, meet and recognize a certain shared nostalgia. The result is destined to be one of the musical highlights of the year.

    Zooey and M. Ward first met to record a version of Richard and Linda Thompson’s “When I Get To The Border” for a movie soundtrack. Immediately struck by one another’s talents and finding an instant rapport, Zooey let slip that she wrote her own songs which she recorded alone at home on her computer. Somewhat shy about anyone hearing these musical morsels she eventually sent the demos to Matt who was instantly impressed. They soon reconvened at his Portland studio to begin work.

    Embracing the warm sound of early analog recordings, Volume One is more than just a showcase for Zooey’s rich and endearing voice; it’s a distinctive and endlessly charming album. The songs themselves give a respectful nod to the likes of Dusty Springfield, Linda Ronstadt and The Zombies while Matt’s production gives them just the right amount of golden era sheen. Whether Zooey’s channeling Ronnie Spector as on “I Was Made For You” or joining Matt in turning The Beatles “I Should Have Known Better” into a seductive hula guitar duet, the results are always captivating.

  • @1gn02jyx:

    Veteranos de la escena nacional, Camping ha editado sus dos anteriores referencias con el apoyo unánime de la prensa especializada, que los ha visto siempre como una rara avis en nuestro país y por ello únicos y especiales. Si en un principio el post rock era la etiqueta más acertada para sus albumes "Dancing Days" y "Photo Finish" y los emparentaba con bandas como Manta Ray o Mogwai, en esta tercera entrega para PuPilo Records la banda de Granollers ha decidido explorar nuevas formas dentro de su rock vanguardista.

    La producción de Santi García también ha influido lo suyo y las nuevas canciones que componen "Politics of Love", el nuevo álbum de Camping, han ganado en músculo, forma y contundencia, acercándose ahora tal vez hacia un post todo que demuestra la capacidad regenerativa de Camping. Ante tal avalancha compositiva y en función del concepto del siguiente álbum, Camping propone otros 5 temas para "Politics of Hate"que supone el contrapunto melódico a las arrebatadas canciones de "Politics of Love".

    "Middle class" girl abre el EP con una bonita melodía coral y un piano que te hará llorar de melancolía, evocando el regreso de esta gran banda. "Fidel Patrick Martínez Bailyss" avanza la transformación mutante de Camping, "Politics of Hate (Inside a washing machine)" supone uno de sus atractivos experimentales, un sampler de lavadora que da forma a un tema agonizante y claustrofóbico pero con un sentido del ritmo cercano a la electrónica de vanguardia, "Gospel or me" ahonda en la búsqueda de un nuevo lenguaje rítmico, baterías de ritmo tribal con arreglos electrónicos, mientras que "Tribecca" cierra el EP dejando entrever el nuevo sendero (más duro, más difícil) que ha tomado Camping para "Politics of Love" su esperado y rotundo regreso en larga duración.

    No sé si se ha hablado de este disco por aquí… Si ha alguien le interesa lo ripeo y lo subo.

  • @1w85kx50:

    Veteranos de la escena nacional, Camping ha editado sus dos anteriores referencias con el apoyo unánime de la prensa especializada, que los ha visto siempre como una rara avis en nuestro país y por ello únicos y especiales. Si en un principio el post rock era la etiqueta más acertada para sus albumes "Dancing Days" y "Photo Finish" y los emparentaba con bandas como Manta Ray o Mogwai, en esta tercera entrega para PuPilo Records la banda de Granollers ha decidido explorar nuevas formas dentro de su rock vanguardista.

    La producción de Santi García también ha influido lo suyo y las nuevas canciones que componen "Politics of Love", el nuevo álbum de Camping, han ganado en músculo, forma y contundencia, acercándose ahora tal vez hacia un post todo que demuestra la capacidad regenerativa de Camping. Ante tal avalancha compositiva y en función del concepto del siguiente álbum, Camping propone otros 5 temas para "Politics of Hate"que supone el contrapunto melódico a las arrebatadas canciones de "Politics of Love".

    "Middle class" girl abre el EP con una bonita melodía coral y un piano que te hará llorar de melancolía, evocando el regreso de esta gran banda. "Fidel Patrick Martínez Bailyss" avanza la transformación mutante de Camping, "Politics of Hate (Inside a washing machine)" supone uno de sus atractivos experimentales, un sampler de lavadora que da forma a un tema agonizante y claustrofóbico pero con un sentido del ritmo cercano a la electrónica de vanguardia, "Gospel or me" ahonda en la búsqueda de un nuevo lenguaje rítmico, baterías de ritmo tribal con arreglos electrónicos, mientras que "Tribecca" cierra el EP dejando entrever el nuevo sendero (más duro, más difícil) que ha tomado Camping para "Politics of Love" su esperado y rotundo regreso en larga duración.

    No sé si se ha hablado de este disco por aquí… Si ha alguien le interesa lo ripeo y lo subo. Aunque no creo que pueda tapar el hueco que han dejado Manta Ray, me parece un disco digno.

  • @ex-cowboy:1qdw2sgz:

    No sé si se ha hablado de este disco por aquí… Si ha alguien le interesa lo ripeo y lo subo. Aunque no creo que pueda tapar el hueco que han dejado Manta Ray, me parece un disco digno.

    si que lo puedes subir… me intersa...

    por cierto me encanta tu nick...