Filtraciones '08

  • @los:


    Es una versión a baja calidad sacada de una preview en stream en una web.

    ¿Esta frase es en serio?

    Si, la frase es en serio, dos minutos estuve pensando como coño decirlo, si encuentras un modo mejor…

    Con respecto a lo del disco de Saioa, yo también me alegro de ver a alguien con sentido común al mando de un sello, que conste que hay muchos. Y me alegro el doble de que además haya ido bien.

    Ahora sí, dejo una versión buena del de High Places, no sabía que habían fichado por Thrill Jockey, no les ha ido mal el hype pre-debut:

    High Places - High Places (Thrill Jockey, 2008)**


    High Places is Mary Pearson and Rob Barber. Mary and Rob met while Mary was completing a music degree in bassoon performance and Rob was working in visual art, teaching lithography and etching at an art school. Both were performing as solo musicians at the time. Mary relocated to New York from Michigan in late spring 2006, and the two soon after began collaborating under the name High Places. The name refers to a place where one has a better vantage point and can gain broader perspective; it references a love for mountains, rooftops, and of course metaphorical “high places.” The duo has an “exquisite corpse” style of songwriting where they exchange ideas back and forth, challenging one another’s expectations, pushing songs to new places, or more aptly, new heights. They began by releasing a number of singles as well as contributing songs to a few compilations. These early and varied works were collected and released in July of 2008 as 03/07-09/07 in advance of tours with Deerhunter and No Age.

    Since its inception, High Places has created a signature sound out of using bass-heavy, yet crisp beats, lilting vocal melodies, syncopated rhythmic lines performed on folk percussion instruments, guitar duets turned into treated samples, and percussive lines created from the manipulation of household objects. The songwriting is expansive and fluid, all the while managing to be concise. Overall, the compositions are settled and assured. High Places gravitates toward the organic over the electronic, and that natural aesthetic adds warmth and intimacy to the recordings.

    In a live setting, the band creates their layered recordings with Mary singing and simultaneously manipulating her vocals with various delay and reverb pedals, while playing some hand percussion, recorders, and creating and controlling various loops. Rob handles the drums triggering a variety of percussive sounds with his drum pads, as well as playing hand percussion, wooden blocks with contact mics, and singing some ambient vocals. High Places’ self-titled debut was recorded by Rob and Mary in their apartment in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood between January and May of 2008. They employed a wide variety of instruments to make this album ranging from the more traditional: 12 string guitar, banjo, shakers and rattles, bass, bells and Kalimba, to the inventive: plastic bags, mixing bowls, wood blocks and other common household objects. The album has a contemplative and organic lyrical tone emphasized by the themes of goodness manifested in nature, hardship and wonder as necessities to human existence and growth. Additionally, the idea of maturation and development is further accented through the recurring mention of trees and their extending, enveloping branches. Rob created the High Places artwork by using photos taken by both band members. The images are drawn from nature but all have a subtle, mystical, “golden” motif, a fitting frame for the album’s recurring themes. This can best be summed up by the words to “Gold Coin,” a song that was inspired by Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet:

    The ocean is your god-self
    The sun is your god-self
    God as air
    Part of you is man
    Part of you is god-self
    The rest is just stumbling in the mist

  • el archivo que has colgado del disco de High Places sigue teniendo los mismos mp3s, mismo tamaño, misma calidad, pero se oye aceptablemente bien… debe ser "una versión a baja calidad sacada de una preview en stream en una web"

  • y el texto sobre parenthetical girls que aparece en young and insane tiene (salvo algún recorte) misma estructura morfosintáctica, léxica y ortográfica que la reseña que escribí hace un par de años sobre 'safe as houses' para ¿de dónde has sacado eso a estas alturas?

  • sorry, en mi pagina suelo poner textos de otras webs, si quieres te cito o si quieres lo quito… suelo poner de donde saco los textos, se me debe haber pasado.
    de aqui lo saque, como iba a saber...
    un saludo

  • no hace falta ni que me cites ni que lo quites, en serio. te lo he dicho porque me ha sorprendido, pero ni de lejos me sienta mal ni nada. lo que es para quedarse a cuadros es que venga de otra web que no es pop-page. jejeje… por eso a internet se la llama 'la red', supongo. vaya lío...

  • @alienista:3alb4pnz:


    Kiototar creo que este te va a gustar mucho. Lo acabo de ver y ya va directo para aquí. Espero que no le moleste a la discográfica.

    Saioa - Matrioska Heart

    aquí el del sello (moonpalace)
    con bastante retraso, que esto de las vacaciones descoloca a todos, pero me paso para comentar que no me importa que se haya filtrado el disco, de hecho, a estas alturas, que se filtre un disco casi es hasta un privilegio no? quiere decir que al menos hay alguien por ahí interesado en el.

    Han llegado unos cuantos pedidos estos días, asi que me imagino que habrá sido el efecto foro psound - bolachas..... bienvenidos sean

    pues eso, que me hace ilusión el interés, y ver que está gustando el disco, a mi es q me parece una gozada, pero claro, no soy muy objetivo ....

    ale, ahora a ver si van saliendo más conciertos, de momento en agosto tres fechas en la expo, a ver si se mueve el tema para después de verano, los interesados, ya saben ....

    bueno, sobra decir que sería una gozada verla sobre el escenario en el primavera sound .....

    ahí queda eso

    Ese gesto de generosidad Mr Moonpalace!! Y viniendo de un sello tan pequeño como él, tiene aún más mérito…

    Sería tb una gozada para mí verla en el PS... (de hecho, ya la pedí para esta pasada edición)

  • @CarloMarx:3pbb5hf3:

    el archivo que has colgado del disco de High Places sigue teniendo los mismos mp3s, mismo tamaño, misma calidad, pero se oye aceptablemente bien… debe ser "una versión a baja calidad sacada de una preview en stream en una web"

    Pues no.

    Artist: High Places
    Album: High Places
    Label: Thrill Jockey
    Year: 2008
    Genre: Rock
    RIAA Radar Status: SAFE
    Encoder: iTunes v7.7.1
    Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
    Codec:  iTunes
    Avg Bit Rate: 192 kbps
    Posted by: joeee
    Description / Review:
    Track Listing
    [01/10] The Storm      (2:50) 192 kbps 4.04 MB
    [02/10] You In Forty Years     (1:33) 192 kbps 2.25 MB
    [03/10] The Tree With The Lights In It    (2:44) 192 kbps 3.88 MB
    [04/10] Vision's The First...     (3:40) 192 kbps 5.18 MB
    [05/10] Gold Coin      (3:52) 192 kbps 5.44 MB
    [06/10] Papaya Year      (1:42) 192 kbps 2.48 MB
    [07/10] Namer       (4:03) 192 kbps 5.69 MB
    [08/10] Golden       (2:04) 192 kbps 2.98 MB
    [09/10] A Field Guide      (3:58) 192 kbps 5.58 MB
    [10/10] From Stardust To Sentience    (3:34) 192 kbps 5.04 MB
    Total number of files:  10
    Total size of files:  42.61 MB
    Total playing time:  30:00
    Generated:   Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:09:59 PM

  • me parece estupendo, pero el que puse tambien es a 192 kbps, y el rar es del mismo tamaño. solo era eso, tampoco hay que mosquearse

  • Jaja. Si, me voy a mosquear por eso… tu posteas un disco extraido de un stream (en la misma página de mediafire lo dice) y yo lo comento porque hay gente a la que no le van las copias a baja calidad. Ahora pongo una copia buena y dices que es lo mismo y no lo es. Simplemente copio el .nfo y punto.

    Pesarán lo mismo por estar comprimidas a la misma calidad, pero no es lo mismo una copia capturada de un stream que una copia hecha de la versión CD. Y que conste que la otra se escuchaba divinamente.

  • puede ser, siento el malentendido. y gracias por la version que has colgado, que es la que estoy escuchando.
    un saludo

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:1nngnukp:



    Es una versión a baja calidad sacada de una preview en stream en una web.

    ¿Esta frase es en serio?

    Si, la frase es en serio, dos minutos estuve pensando como coño decirlo, si encuentras un modo mejor…

    No, por favor, no se moleste. Simplemente es que nos asombra el grado de tecnificación a que hemos llegado. Seguramente es la mejor manera de decirlo, pero ya nos vemos este vespre soltando la frase y los amigos mirándonos raro.

  • @CarloMarx:1sowyvtg:

    puede ser, siento el malentendido. y gracias por la version que has colgado, que es la que estoy escuchando.
    un saludo

    Hasta que te animaste a postear por aqui! Un saludo, camarada blogger (al margen de los malentendidos ).

  • MOGWAI Live at OFF Festival, Poland, 08-08-2008 >> la calidad normal, bastantes temas de lo nuevo…

    01 - Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home
    02 - Precipe
    03 - Friend of the Night
    04 - I Love You, I'm Going to Blow Up Your School
    05 - Hunted by a Freak
    06 - Scotland's Shame
    07 - Jim Morrison
    08 - Mogwai Fear Satan
    09 - Batcat
    10 - Space Expert
    11 - 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong

  • Y tres temas del disco:

    No, si al final me voy a tener que mosquear

  • Death Vessel - Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us (Sub Pop, 2008)


    This collection of music was written and sung by Joel Thibodeau. It is unlike anything you’ve ever heard. People will call it many things. Few will get it right. This is Death Vessel.

    Death Vessel’s debut album Stay Close was released in 2005 to critical acclaim. Since that album’s release Death Vessel has toured with Iron & Wine, Low, Jose Gonzalez, and The Books, among others. Recorded with longtime producer/collaborator Pete Donnelly (The Figgs) at his New Jersey studio, and various locales across the northeast, Nothing Is Precious Enough for Us is Death Vessel’s Sub Pop debut. While in recent years Joel has toured primarily as a solo performer, and the songs are inarguably mesmerizing and relevant in that setting, on record they take on a new life, thanks to his and Donnelly’s inspired, and often unusual, arrangements, and the contributions of numerous friends and players. The album exudes a unique, wide-scope ambition. Its musical reach is fully extended—-deep into the past, grounded in the present and nodding to the future. Owing to the gritty avarice of Joel’s singular spirit, voice and musicality, the songs sound as progressive, experimental and modern as they do antique and old-world. The music is haunting and spiritual, mysterious and kind, ageless and contemporary, soulful and psychedelic. In short, it’s where the requiem meets rock ‘n’ roll.

    “Now I am versed in silence/my throat hurts, not from yelling but from holding back,” Joel sings on “Block My Eye,” the album’s opening track. And that’s ok, because the music speaks for itself. And nothing ever sounded so loud, and so clear.

  • @andtheworldsmileswithyou:j1u2wj02:

    Death Vessel - Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us (Sub Pop, 2008)


    This collection of music was written and sung by Joel Thibodeau. It is unlike anything you’ve ever heard. People will call it many things. Few will get it right. This is Death Vessel.

    Death Vessel’s debut album Stay Close was released in 2005 to critical acclaim. Since that album’s release Death Vessel has toured with Iron & Wine, Low, Jose Gonzalez, and The Books, among others. Recorded with longtime producer/collaborator Pete Donnelly (The Figgs) at his New Jersey studio, and various locales across the northeast, Nothing Is Precious Enough for Us is Death Vessel’s Sub Pop debut. While in recent years Joel has toured primarily as a solo performer, and the songs are inarguably mesmerizing and relevant in that setting, on record they take on a new life, thanks to his and Donnelly’s inspired, and often unusual, arrangements, and the contributions of numerous friends and players. The album exudes a unique, wide-scope ambition. Its musical reach is fully extended—-deep into the past, grounded in the present and nodding to the future. Owing to the gritty avarice of Joel’s singular spirit, voice and musicality, the songs sound as progressive, experimental and modern as they do antique and old-world. The music is haunting and spiritual, mysterious and kind, ageless and contemporary, soulful and psychedelic. In short, it’s where the requiem meets rock ‘n’ roll.

    “Now I am versed in silence/my throat hurts, not from yelling but from holding back,” Joel sings on “Block My Eye,” the album’s opening track. And that’s ok, because the music speaks for itself. And nothing ever sounded so loud, and so clear.

    (Ejem) Benandbruneando(Ejem). Lo puso -Toxinho- 3 páginas atrás… Pasa en las mejores familias, no?

  • jojojo

  • Pues sí, estoy empanao

  • ahora nos dirá que el bitrate no era bueno, jur jur